The Special Friends- Year 1 (...

Lena_G_Scamander द्वारा

1.5K 53 4

Two best friends. But not like the normal ones. You see, one's a time lady, Doctor Who's daughter, in fact... अधिक

Chapter 1: Kasey Who
Chapter 2- Earth...and a bit more.....
Introduction (a bit late but whatever)
Chapter 3: Lily Potter
Chapter 4: The Zoo
Chapter 5- The Secret
Author's Note
Chapter 6- The Letter
Author's Note
Chapter 7- Shopping for Hogwarts
Chapter 8- Heading to Diagon Alley
Chapter 9- A Dream Come True
Chapter 10: Diagon Alley
100 reads!
Chapter 11: Platform 9 and 3/4
Chapter 12- The Train Station
Chapter 13: On the Train
Chapter 14: Hogwarts at Last
Author's Note
Chapter 15- The Sorting
Credit where credit's due
Chapter 16- Friday of the First Week- Part 1
Chapter 17- Friday of the First Week- Part 2
Chapter 18: The Time Lessons
Chapter 19: Flying Lessons
Chapter 20- Letters and Three- Headed Dogs
Chapter 21- Quidditch Training
Chapter 22- First Quidditch Game
Chapter 23- Suspicions about Snape and Advanced Potions
Chapter 24- Christmas
Chapter 26- Nicholas Flamel and Quirrell
Chapter 27- Exams and Norbert Again
Chapter 28- Going After Quirrell, the Obstacles and the Final Confrontation
Chapter 29- Explanations and the House Cup
Chapter 30- Going Home
1k reads!

Chapter 25- The Mirror of Erised and Norbert

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Lena_G_Scamander द्वारा

Lily's POV
In the Christmas holidays, we were determined to find out who Nicholas Flamel was and how he was associated with the package that the dog was guarding.

We had looked everywhere in the library for something, anything on Nicholas Flamel, but we had found nothing!
Well, we had looked everywhere except for the Restricted Section.

And that's when we decided to go on a nighttime trip.

We weren't all going to go at first, just Harry and I, but the others wanted to go as well, so we just gave up.

Harry, Ron and Tom went under the Invisibility Cloak, whilst Hermione, Kasey and I all put the seemingly very adjustable necklace around all three of us. We found that the necklace could adjust up to 10 metres or even more, so we made the necklace fit around all of us and to give us our own space as well.

So we all snuck out of the Gryffindor common room, trying to keep quiet, and went to the library and into the Restricted Section. When we got there, Harry instantly pulled off the Cloak, and I pressed the button on my necklace so that we were all visible.

Then we all quickly searched the shelves for anything about Nicholas Flamel.

I found lots of old books that were all clearly about Dark Magic, and understood why these books were in the Restricted Section.
One book screamed when we tried to open it, and we quickly shoved it away, trying not to let anyone hear.

But someone did, namely, Filch.

We heard him speed walking toward the library, muttering loudly about students out of bed.

So I put the necklace around Hermione, Kasey and I and we turned invisible, whilst Harry just draped the Cloak around him and the boys.

That was why when Filch went into the Restricted Section, he saw nothing, and stopped dead.
'I know yer here!' He said in his special gravelly voice. 'Show yerselves!'

When we didn't show ourselves, he shook his head angrily and started to search the library.

I sighed in relief, and started to walk out of the library when he suddenly turned toward us.
'I can hear ye!' He said, grinning fiercely, and started to make out in our direction.

And that's when we ran. Where we ran, I don't know, but we just had to escape Filch.

Finally we found ourselves in a small room, with only a mirror inside it.

Kasey gasped.
'I think I know what this is,' she said, and Tom nodded.
'Don't go near it,' he added, 'whatever you do. It takes your wildest dreams and makes you believe that they're real.'

Harry frowned, and stepped in front of it. Instantly his expression turned to one of pleasure and delight, and Kasey sighed.

'Harry,' she said, 'this isn't real. Your parents are dead Harry, they can't come back. And I'm sorry.'
Harry seemed to snap out of his dream and turned to Kasey.

'How did you know that I saw my parents?'
Kasey gulped.
'Um...just a lucky guess.'

I frowned at her. If the mirror showed your deepest dreams, how'd Kasey know Harry's?

Either Harry or I were going to say something, until someone interrupted us, clapping softly.

'Well done, Miss Who and Mr Who,' Dumbledore said. 'Indeed, that mirror shows not the future, as some people dearly wish to believe, but your very deepest desire of our heart. Some people are even driven mad by the mirror, so Mr Potter, it would be wise to take Miss Who and Mr Who's advice to heart.'

Harry stepped away from the mirror more than he already had, looking frightened.

'Um, Professor,' said Hermione. 'When did you come in?'
Dumbledore's eyes twinkled.

'Why, ever since you came in, Miss Granger,' he said. 'This mirror is going to be moved to a new home tomorrow, and so I was merely examining it. But you six have a far different reason for being here, I should imagine.'

Hermione blushed.

'If you don't mind Professor,' I said, 'what do you see in the mirror?'

Dumbledore turned to me, and I blushed, regretting ever asking the question. It was quite personal, after all.

'I picture myself with a nice new pair of socks,' he said. 'Every Christmas the teachers always insist upon sending me books. Well, goodnight children.'

He walked out, leaving us all stunned by his response.

'Socks?' Said Harry, sounding like Snape had actually smiled at him.
'Ok then,' I said, suspecting that Dumbledore was lying but not wanting to say it.
'I think he may have been lying,' said Ron, who apparently, unlike me, wasn't afraid to say it.
'Only a bit,' argued Kasey, and I nodded, smiling.
'Yeah, only a bit.'
The next day, we walked down to Hagrid's.

Harry knocked on the door.

'Who is it?' Came a loud voice from inside.
'It's us, Hagrid,' I said, and I heard the door click open.
'Oh, 'ello.'

He seemed a bit distracted as he let us in, and I couldn't help but frown at the fire, as it was boiling hot outside.
Ron seemed to have noticed this too.

'Hagrid, why's the fire on?' He said.  'Even you must have noticed how hot it is outside.'
Hagrid bit his lip and looked at us.

'I have somethink I need to tell ye,' he said.  'This egg, it's going to hatch into a dragon!'
I gasped.
'Hagrid, you do know that this is illegal, right?' I asked him, and he shrugged, not seeming to care.

Hermione looked annoyed, but for a different reason.

'Hagrid, you live in a wooden house,' she pointed out logically, but Hagrid didn't seem to care. He was looking at the egg on the fire and smiling at it, not aware of our presence at all.

'Um...hello Hagrid?' Said Kasey, waving her hand in front of his face, and he didn't even flinch.

So that was when we quickly slipped out of the hut and went back up to the castle.

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