Life After Tragedy: A Dricki...

By _Sabriniii

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Life After Tragedy: A Dricki Sequel
Chapter 1- Rehearsal
Chapter 3- CoastEnd
Chapter 4- Clue
Chapter 5- Lost and Found (Part 1)
Chapter 6- Lost and Found (Part 2)
Chapter 7- One Thing After Another
Chapter 8- The Trial
Chapter 9- The Favor
Chapter 10- The Results
Chapter 11- ALMOST Paradise...
Chapter 12- Daddy Daddy
Chapter 13- Story Tellers
Chapter 14- A Little Too Late
Chapter 15- Celebrate Good Times and Remember The Bad
Chapter 16-Like The Very First Time
Chapter 17- Please, I'm Begging You
Chapter 18-No Lie
Chapter 19-Unexpected and Unforgettable (Part 1)
Chapter 20-Unexpected and Unforgettable (Part 2)
Chapter 21- Flashback
Notification To Readers!
Chapter 22- Remember Me?
Chapter 23-Makes You Stronger
Chapter 24-Visitors
Chapter 25- Bad Karma
Chapter 26- A Very Special Day(Part 1)
Chapter 27- A Very Special Day (Part 2)
Chapter 28- Playing Match-Maker
Chapter 29- Heart Beats
New Book!

Chapter 2- What's Best

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By _Sabriniii

10:45 at Olivia's high school...

O-(infront of the class) .....And that is the history of Christian Louboutins.

Mr. Parks- Thankyou Olivia for that very unique presentation on why the bottoms are red.

O-(going to her seat) Your welcome.

Lunch Period...

Riley-(taking a bite out of her sandwhich) Liv, why aren't you eating?

O-Are you kidding me? I refuse to eat the crap this school gives us. (shoving her tray away from her)

R-Yea well you nedd to eat. Your losing weight like Chris Brown lost fans in 2009

O-First of all, we weren't alive in 2009 (remember this is 14 years in the future). And second of all, leave my boo alone, I love Chris Breezy. (starts staring off into the caffeteria)

R-Yea, and that ain't the only thing you love...

Kendra- Girl, I know you is not looking at Cam'ron Sage

R-I don't blame her that nigga fine (takes another bite of her sandwhich)

K-Yea, and he's a senior! 

O-Age, is but a number.

K-Shutup! In one more year that would be considered statuatory rape!

O-Why do you know this?

K-My dad's a cop

R-No he's not!

K-Ok so he's a Macy's security gaurd but he wanted to be a cop! (lol)

R-Dios Mio... (My God in spanish for those of you who didn't already know)

O-But there's no harm in just...talking to him.

K-I've known you since Pre-K, don't give me that we're just talking bull shit. 

R-Yea she got a point there.... 

O-What do you mean?!

Riley and Kendra- You fall in love easy!

O-Shhhh! Be quiet! .... Shit! He's coming over here... Jus chill!

K-You jus chill, I been chillin

R-Mmmhhmm. Like a villain

Cam'ron- Hey can I sit here?

O-Yea sure

C-I'm Cam'ron

O-I know.. Uh I mean I'm Olivia (awkward giggle)

C-Olivia... That's a cute name

O-(blushing) Thanks.. But you can just call me Liv. And my mom, she calls me Joy, cuz like I'm special and--Oh my god, I'm sorry. You probably didn't need to know any of that.

C-Actually I don't care. You can talk to me whenever. Matter of fact, gimme your phone.

O-(gives him her iPhone 7S) 

C-(puts the number in and gives the phone back) So text me...Soon (bites his lip)

O-'K , I will. (smiles like an idiot)

Cam'ron walks back to his table and gives his boys dap...

K-Oh. My. God. That did not just happen!

R-Mami, you better text him! .. Or I will.

K-Word. He is cute tho..Even tho this is still WRONG.

Next period is about to start and Cam'ron sees Liv in the hallway before class...


O-Oh, hi.

C-I fucking hate my next class

O-Yea me too. I've got P.E.

C-What? P.E. is easy, I have Global Studies.

O-Well, Global is my favorite subject.

C-I guess oppisites attract

O-(blushes) And who says I was attracted to you?

C-No one, but I'm attracted to you so I just thought that you'd return the favor.

O-(laughs) Your funny

The late bell rings...

C-Funny enough to skip class with?


C-Just for the afternoon. Just you and me.

O-Just you and me?

C-Yea, I'll take care of you (laughs)

O-(looks around to make sure no one sees them together) Fine. But never again. I have a perfect attendance record.

C-Yea yea yea

O-(playfully hits him and laughs) Shutup.

So time goes by and while in Cam'rons car they decided to go to the park...

O-(runs to the swings) Push me!

C-I would be honored. (starts to push the swing...PAUSE lol)

O-I have never done this before

C-Been on a swing??

O-No..Skipped school

C-Oh. Well it's not like you can't make it up tommorow


C-And you never answered my question?


C-Are you "attracted" to me?

O-I don't know. I just met you... And I definately have feelings for you. But I have to decide what those feelings are

C-Why? We're young. You don't have to think about it.

Keep in mind that by now Olivia is turned around on the swing so she can see Cam'ron...

C-(gets closer to her) Just do it. (kisses her)

So they're basically makin out in the park when all of a sudden...

???- Olivia?!

O-Huh? (looks up) Mom??

Nicki- Olivia Danae what are you doing here?!! It's only 1:00 you are supposed to be in school!

O-Why aren't you at work?

N-We're doing a children's line photoshoot at the park! And this isn't about me! And who is he?

O-Mommy, this is Cam'ron. He's a good friend of mine. (bites her lip) A very good friend...

Cam'ron- Um, I guess I should be going now.. Bye Olivia(gets in his car and leaves)

N-Get up! We're going home!! 

At home...

 N-I can't believe this!! I am so disappointed with you Olivia!! That boy looked 10 years older than you!

O-Just 3..


O-I said just three. He's just three years older than me. And he like me, and I like him and.. and mom just be happy for me! This is my first year at this school and not only do I have good friends but I have a boyfriend but he probably won't ever talk to me again because my psycho mother caught us skipping school!

N-I'm not a psycho I love you! And I only want what's best for you! 

O-So it's best for me to be something I'm not?

N-What are you talking about?

O-Mom you spend so much time at work and trying to get me all these "career oppurtunities" but it's not for me... Mom, I hate acting and I'm a TERRIBLE singer... I want to be a model

N-Baby why didn't you say something?

O-I've been trying to tell you for years but you never listen to me!! You're always to busy at work and when you're not working your on the computer all day! I'm your daughter! How could anything be more important than me?!

N-Liv, I...I...

O-Just leave me alone (runs to her room)


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