Stupid For You || Geoff Wigin...

By parx_bois23

11.5K 257 75

Book 1!! Chloe, just your average 20 year old from New York, moves to California with her best friend Jenna... More

Nose bleeds
Over it
Quick Moves
I love you's
Lisa's Day
Harvest Fest...
Miss kiss
Ring II
Tight hugs
Bands and Drugs


185 2 2
By parx_bois23

I tried catching up to Otto but he reached the door before me. "Little fucking cheater". I laughed

"I'll still buy you ice cream". Otto said opening the door for me

I looked at the clock to see it was 5:15 I grabbed a cold water from the fridge.

"You can use the downstairs shower if you want you know where the towels are". I said

Otto walked off towards the living room grabbing some clothes and went to the back bathroom.

I walked upstairs to see Awsten looking through my binder of pictures. "Hello Little snoop" I Said

"Are you not telling us something?" He asked

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You're not dying right, or not anymore?" He said

"I was never dying in the first place". I said.

"Chloe why were you in the hospital so much as a kid?" He said showing me the pictures.

"Oh, this day". I mumbled

"I think I was 7 or 8 and I was in the store and I got bored because my mom would be talking to people. And I saw the coffee dispenser I took two coffee beans and stuck them up my nose, that's it". I said

"You fucking idiot". He laughed

"Yeah I was an idiot, but I'm fine". I laughed

"Sorry about Ciara I didn't think she'd come over". He laughed.

"It's fine, I'm going to shower then Otto and I are going out." I Said


"Just to talk and get ice cream." I Said

"Okay I'll leave you be." He smiled

"Can you out my pictures back in there spots". I asked


"Thank you." I said patting his back.


"Calm your tits I can't find a hat". I yelled at Otto

"Come here." He said grabbing my hand

Otto parted my hair and placed a dark red beanie on my head. "Pretty girl". He smiled

"Thank you" I smiled

I looked in my mirror and pulled my pants up I wore one of Jack's sweatshirt that he gave me if I missed him so much. "Come here." I Said
Otto came over and took my phone "look I'm going to 'be social'". He said opening my Snapchat.

"Oh boy, it's better if you don't buddy". I laughed taking my phone back.

I took some pictures of us as Otto became annoyed with the filters I was using. We walked down stairs and grabbed the car keys. "Okay we'll be out don't burn my house down". I said

I unlocked the doors and plugged my phone into the aux cord. I set my music on shuffle as 'Girls/Girls/Boys' came on. I pulled out my driveway and headed down the street.
"Is this a smart car?" Otto asked

"Yeah I can skip songs with my wheel and my car talks to me, I want a Tesla One day". I laughed

"Know any good ice cream shops?"

"Yeah there's one like a mile or two on my right". Otto said

"We could have fucking walked Otto". I giggled.


"Holy fuck Chloe, do you need that many gummy bears?" He laughed.

"Hey fuck you, you don't see me eating their 2nd float." I giggled.

"I like ice cream". He laughed

"I love your laugh". I said

"Whenever Grace laughs her nose crinkles up and it's the cutest thing ever". He smiled.

"Wish I had a relationship as strong as yours". I said rolling my eyes

"You and Jack are doing good, I can tell, being with Grace it's been hard but we worked through it". He smiled

I looked at my lock screen of jack and I sharing a kiss in front of a mirror. "He makes me forget all the bad things, I miss him... so much". I smiled

"Is he going to be at the house when they get back?" He asked

"I dint know honestly, I think he wants to go to Baltimore but I hate flying, hurts my head. I'm pretty sure the guys are coming to California". I laughed

"Are you ready to leave?" I asked fixing my hair.

"Yeah lets go". He said grabbing his wallet.


"Thank you for taking me out even though I drove, you're a really good friend and I love you". I smiled

"Oh I love you too C.  We got to do this again sometime". He smiled

I grabbed my keys from ignition and locked the doors. Otto opened the door for me and let me walk in first. "Thanks bud"

"There She is." A voice said

I turned the light on in the living room to see a man with bright green eyes and short black hair and a scrub beard.

"Jesus Christ you came."  I Said.

"Who is this?"  Otto said pulling me back behind him.

"It's okay Otto". I said

"Hi, I'm the dad you must be the friend". He said

"What the fuck do you want?"  I said

"I have this for you." He said handing me a box.

I read the box as it said 'Christopher Jones, 9-27-17'.

"Thanks." I mumbled

"I was told you didn't have a good relationship but he loved you Chloe, and I was the one that didn't want you two together and get caught up with each other."

"I don't care what he thought, he's gone, and I didn't say good bye". I said holding the box tighter.

"Your mother is doing good."

"Don't talk about my mother like you've been there her whole life, you took Christopher and left us in the dust, you're a bad father". I said handing Otto the box
"You didn't care to call, you didn't care to check on us or say you loved us, I've never heard you say I love you before."  I Said wiping a tear away


"Obviously not if you never showed appreciation for me". I said

He turned his hand into a fist and cracked his knuckles.

"Y- you never wished me a happy birthday, o-or showed up to my graduation, nothing sweet, you didn't fucking care f-." I Said

I felt a sting on my face as I brought my had to my face. I saw a drop of blood fall to my feet as realized he had just hit me.

"Hey man what the fuck is wrong with you?" Otto screamed pushing Ben

"Say I don't care about you and I'll kick you fucking face in!"  He yelled

I stayed silent and stood there with tears streaming down my face.

"Let go of me!"  Ben yelled at Otto.

"Keep on holding him Otto". I mumbled.

I ran into the dining area and grabbed and the pistol from underneath the table and rubber bullets.

"What the fuck is happening that woke me up from a nap". Awsten yelled
"Oh shit". Awsten said running towards me.

"Okay". I said as I pulled the gun back. "Let him go".

"Shit Chloe, I didn't mean to hit you."  He said

"Oh, but you did, and it hurts" I cried

I took off Jack's sweatshirt as I was left in my sports bra.

"I never wanted you in my fucking house, but I did it for mom."  I Said grabbing an empty glass wine bottle.

"Your not going to actually kill me are you?"  He laughed

"No can't do that in front of my friends"

"Well Ben I hope I never see you again and that you never remember me, shouldn't be to hard."  I smiled as I put the gun to his head

"You won't". He said closing his eyes.

"No I can't there just rubber, good night father."  I Said smashing the bottle over his head. He fell towards me  I moved out the way as he continued to fall.

"That was hot."  Awsten said
"Shit meant to keep that to myself". He said running his fingers through his hair.

"Well, does someone want to call the police for me and make sure he stays like that... oh shit I made him bleed" I mumbled

I grabbed a bottle of wine from my cabinet and got the corkscrew out with a knife I took a swig straight from the bottle and smiled with delight.

"Are you Okay? Let me see your face". Otto said

"I'm fine Otto, only stung for a while, but my favorite wine bottle isn't."  I laughed

"You're a crazy fucking Bitch". Otto said pulling me into a hug.

"I'm going to drink most of this down, get high and call Jack, care to join?, no didn't think so". I giggled.

I set my bottle down and took the bullets out. I put the gun back underneath the table and the bullets back in the package.


"Thank you". I smiled at the officer as I closed the door.

"Do you want us to hang out with you for a while?"  Awsten asked.

"Sure, I don't care". I laughed

We all went upstairs to my room as I turned my lights on. Brought my record player out and opened my bottom drawer which had all my vinyls. "Awe you have our album?"  Awsten said picking up the yellow and blue folder.

"Holy shit you have the limited edition one?"  He said

"The pink is limited?, sweet". I laughed.

"Well I don't want to hear my voice right now so pick a different one" Awsten said

"Do you like Halsey?"  I asked pulling out the the album 'hopeless fountain kingdom'

"Whatever will make you happy."  Otto smiled.

I stood up and placed the record on the plate and set the shell on top as music started to play.

I went under my bed and grabbed the tin and the green lighter.
"Okay start a conversation with me, how was the U.K?"  I Said letting out a puff of smoke"

"It was fun, sold out saw some new things, Germany was bigger then I thought". Awsten said

"Fun fact, Germany is as big as Texas." I smiled

"Have you been?"  Otto asked

"Yeah, my mom took Justin and I, she was born there in Hanover.  I said

"Dude that's fucking cool." Awsten said

"I'm fluent... sorta, took classes in high school and my mom taught me, so if I wanted to I could call you out."  I laughed.

"Still cool". Otto laughed

I Killed the bud and and opened my windows. I turned my ceiling fan on and put my can underneath my bed. I went to my bathroom and took some mouthwash to get the taste of weed out of my mouth.

"Jack is calling". Awsten said

I spat the mouthwash in the sink and ran over to Awsten I turned the music down and answered the call

"Hi princess, I don't wake you did i?"  He asked

"No no you're fine, how's it going?" I asked

"Good, we had an interview after the show and I brought you up and it made me miss you."  He said

"We're Almost there baby, slowly but surely, it's been a rough night for me".

"What happened?"  He said

"He hit me, Jack." I Said as a tear fell down my face

"Hold on Chloe."  He said as the call ended

Jack face timed me as I propped my phone on a stack of books I had

"Let me see". Jack said

I moved my hair as I showed Jack my beat red face and dried up blood.

"Who The fuck hit you."  He said.

I stayed silent as more tears ran down my face.

"My father". I mumbled

"If I was in California right fucking now I'd fucking punch his face till he's broken."  Jack said

"Well I'm pressing charges and filling a restraining order."  I Said

"I love you so much Chloe Jones, you don't deserve this fucking shit". He said.

"I'll see you in California right?"  I smiled

"I have a California flat Babygirl." He laughed

"I'm mad at myself because I knew that."  I giggled

"I love you."  I Said

"I love you to Chloe"

"I'm gonna let you go, I'm glad you called, I'm thinking of you constantly, I want you home."  I smiled

"9 days, I love you."  He said

"I love you too, night." I smiled

I hung the call up and smiled. He makes me so happy every with a short call like that.

"Look at her, she's happy." Awsten laugh

"Okay I'm both drunk and high, who wants to take care of me?" I giggled

"I got her, I take care of drunk Geoff all the time" Awsten said

"What time is it?"


"No it's not, we got Ice cream 5 hours ago?" I laughed

"You have a good one Awsten, I'm going to check on Geoff. Night pretty lady." Otto said kissing my cheek that was struck.

Otto closed the door as I sat across from Awsten. "You know Otto's hot, If I never dated Geoff and jack and Grace was out of the picture I'd be all over him." I laughed

"Who wouldn't." He laughed

"Why don't you drink?" I asked

He got up and sat on the chest in front of my bed. "I'm not into it really, I have no tattoos or piercings." He laughed

"I have a tattoo on my neck and I had a lip piercing." I Said

"You should sing for me." Awsten laughed.

"Okay stand up". I said

He stood up as I looked at the piano that was laying down. "Never mind I don't feel like setting this up." I giggled

I took my phone and started a live stream on insagram. I ran to my closet and put on a 1975 shirt I got from hot topic.

"Do you have your acoustic guitar?" I asked Awsten

"Yeah, I'll have to tune it." He said

"You're the best" I yelled

"Ignore my face I rather not talk about it till the morning". I smiled

I looked at the chat and scrolled through Awsten phone. As a text from Geoff popped up

'Dude help me would you!?' It Said

I looked through there old text messages mostly about me.

Awsten- dude she has a boyfriend, get that through your head

Geoff- I know but Awsten you don't fucking understand how much I love her. something is telling me to hold on to her.

Awsten- are you and Jenna still going out tomorrow?

Geoff- Yeah she gonna get me a date... hopefully

Awsten- don't fuck it up then Chloe is drunk I gotta take care of her. I see you tomorrow.

"Okay, it's all good C." He said

"You and Geoff have some interesting conversation."

I took the guitar and strummed a few cords. "Okay lets hope I remember how to play this, this is 'Today I Saw The Whole World' by PTV" I smiled

"Baby, pour over tell me are we concrete... But beware Beware beware and take it slow... Oh can you feel it, oh can you see it? It's never enough".

My hand began to pick up its pace as I took a deep breath

"OH, can you feel it? You're FEEDING ON MY RESTLESS SOUL". I smiled with joy because I loved to sing that verse.

"I probably fucked up somewhere" I Said grabbing my wine bottle.

I look at Awsten Who was In awe.

"Damn best friend" Awsten said wrapping his arms around me

"Thanks baby blue". I laughed

I looked at the chat seeing people freak out or saying the band needed to see it other people were spamming. "VIC" "HOLY FUCK VIC IS ON HERE"

"Vic is in my chat?" I giggled

I stared at the chat.

@.piercethevic Sick cover 🤘🏼the guys and I loved it about to get on a plane to California Jack told me you liked the band he'll send me your number when I land, we'd love to meet you!

I was left speechless but smiled and nodded my head "yeah th-that sounds awesome". I smiled

"Jack said he loves you" Awsten said handing me his phone.

'I love you too~C🖤' I sent on his phone

"Well, this has been a shit night, a good night, and the best night of my life. I'm going to finish this bottle shower and sleep, I love you guys, I'll never get tired of saying it, good night". I smiled

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