Life After Tragedy: A Dricki...

By _Sabriniii

219K 3.4K 732


Life After Tragedy: A Dricki Sequel
Chapter 2- What's Best
Chapter 3- CoastEnd
Chapter 4- Clue
Chapter 5- Lost and Found (Part 1)
Chapter 6- Lost and Found (Part 2)
Chapter 7- One Thing After Another
Chapter 8- The Trial
Chapter 9- The Favor
Chapter 10- The Results
Chapter 11- ALMOST Paradise...
Chapter 12- Daddy Daddy
Chapter 13- Story Tellers
Chapter 14- A Little Too Late
Chapter 15- Celebrate Good Times and Remember The Bad
Chapter 16-Like The Very First Time
Chapter 17- Please, I'm Begging You
Chapter 18-No Lie
Chapter 19-Unexpected and Unforgettable (Part 1)
Chapter 20-Unexpected and Unforgettable (Part 2)
Chapter 21- Flashback
Notification To Readers!
Chapter 22- Remember Me?
Chapter 23-Makes You Stronger
Chapter 24-Visitors
Chapter 25- Bad Karma
Chapter 26- A Very Special Day(Part 1)
Chapter 27- A Very Special Day (Part 2)
Chapter 28- Playing Match-Maker
Chapter 29- Heart Beats
New Book!

Chapter 1- Rehearsal

8.8K 122 10
By _Sabriniii

In Nicki's office with her assistant Kimberly...

K-Mrs. Graham(yes, they got married!), here are the projects you asked for. The runway spot left you a message to get back to them for pricing and here's your trenta iced coffe with 4 shots and 6 pumps of white mocha.

N-(stops what she's doing and smiles) Kim, what would I do without you?

K-(smiles and leaves the room)

N-Ok, it's time to get home. (gets on her coat and gets to her car and when she starts driving she calls Drake on bluetooth of course lol)

D-Hey babe

N-Hi baby, I'm on my way

D-Alright well dinner will be ready when you get here.

N-Ok. Where's Liv?

D-She said she was at drama monologue rehearsal

N-Still? Aww, my baby works so hard.

D-Uh.. Yep 

N-K bye. Love you

D-Love you too

They hang up and Drake calls Olivia...



O-Oh, hi dad.

D-Liv, I thought we had an aggrement. I let you go to your photoshoots but you have to keep your promise too. You were supposed to be home two hours ago!

O-Alright dad just calm down. We just finished up.

D-Well, I hope you find a way to beat your mother home

O-Cover for me?


O-Daddy please.

D-(sighs) Fine, but don't let this happen again. You want trust and freedom, you earn it.

O-Ok. I promise. Bye dad. Love you

D-Ok, you too. And be safe.

Just as Drake hangs up the phone Nicki pulls into the driveway and she's opening the front door...

N-Honey I'm home.

D-Baby! (kisses her) Come here (brings her into the dinning room)

N-(sees the dinner Drake had set up earlier with candles and roses) Awwwww. Drake this is so cute! (takes a seat facing Drake)

D-I know you been busy and really stressed lately so.

N-Thankyou, I needed that.... Where's Liv??

D-She's uh, at Riley's house. They're ummm working on some project so she'll be home late.

N-Oh, ok.

The rest of the night went well for Dricki and the next morning in the kitchen...

N-Babe do want scrambled eggs or an omlet?

Olivia-(coming downstairs from her room) Scrambled please. (Hugs Nicki then sits at the table)

N-My little joy, when did you get home?

O-(lying) at around 8 momma :) But you and daddy were in your room so I just went to bed.

N-Oh ok baby. I was so worried.

O-Why? I just went to Kendra's house.

N-But Drake told me you went to Riley's house

O-Oh yea, that's what I meant! Riley's house...

N-(sets down her plate infront of her) well finish this and get ready for school ok


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