United [A Superhero AU] - Boo...

By AngelWingInspiration

125K 6.9K 9.8K

[Sequel to Different] Three months ago, a battle that would determine the fate of San Francisco was fought in... More

Chapter One - Reunion
Chapter Two - Lonely Night
Chapter Three - Peace
Chapter Four - Heroes and Tension
Chapter Five - The Boss' Anger
Chapter Six - Old Wounds
Chapter Seven - Night Terror
Chapter Eight - The Last Straw
Chapter Nine - A Safe Haven Filled With Secrets
Chapter Ten - Letting Fear Win
Chapter Eleven - Conflict and Regrets
Chapter Twelve - Avoid Your Problems with Movies
Chapter Thirteen - Cry
Chapter Fourteen - It's Over
Chapter Fifteen - Out in the Open
Chapter Sixteen - Of Heroes and Villains
Chapter Seventeen - Building Trust
Chapter Eighteen - Nightmare: Revised
Chapter Nineteen - The Will
Chapter Twenty - Morning Talks
Chapter Twenty-One - Matthias
Chapter Twenty-Two - The Last Days
Chapter Twenty-Three - Movies and Trauma
Chapter Twenty-Four - The Boss' Fate
Chapter Twenty-Five - The New Leader
Chapter Twenty-Six - Meeting the Rebels
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Phil
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Fight
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Aftermath
Chapter Thirty - Important Connections
Chapter Thirty-One - Issues
Chapter Thirty-Two - Unfortunate Discoveries
Chapter Thirty-Three - Rebel and Villain
Chapter Thirty-Four - Helpful Talks and Painful Resurgences
Chapter Thirty-Five - Phone Call
Chapter Thirty-Six - International Arrivals
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Plan of Attack
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Never Free
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Confrontation
Chapter Forty - Brothers
Chapter Forty-One - Unexpected Halt in Plans
Chapter Forty-Two - Bonding Moments
Chapter Forty-Three - Jokes and Aggression
Chapter Forty-Four - Reconciliation
Chapter Forty-Five - Return of the Anti-Heroes
Chapter Forty-Six - Guilt
Chapter Forty-Seven - Morning Talks and Friendly Company
Chapter Forty-Eight - Plans and Schemes
Chapter Forty-Nine - The Best Way to Break Up the Gloom
Chapter Fifty - Small Victories and Big Defeats
Chapter Fifty-One - Stitches
Chapter Fifty-Two - Thinking Out Loud
Chapter Fifty-Three - Interrogation
Chapter Fifty-Four - Breaking Free
Chapter Fifty-Five - The Mask
Chapter Fifty-Six - Rehabilitation
Chapter Fifty-Seven - Heroes, Villains, and Rebels
Chapter Fifty-Eight - Return
Chapter Fifty-Nine - Anti
Chapter Sixty - Special Therapy
Chapter Sixty-One - The End of an Era
Chapter Sixty-Two - Post-Surgery and Packing Up
Chapter Sixty-Three - Victory
Author's Note

Chapter Sixty-Four - What To Do When the Fighting Ends

1.4K 97 169
By AngelWingInspiration

The happy mayhem that ensues after the freeing of San Francisco is a blur to Jack. Matthias is elected as the head of the new Curatrix by a unanimous vote from the heroes, and the same day they reclaim their building, which had been abandoned after the battle. When Hudson goes to the airport to catch his flight home to Manitoba, the heroes, rebels, and Jack are there to hug him goodbye. Jack pulls Lili aside and gives her Cry and Matthew's address, which earns him a bear hug from the Norwegian. Wade, the leader of the antiheroes, has a private meeting with Matthias to congratulate him on their victory and to let him know that as a unit, the antiheroes are moving out of San Francisco to restart. The heroes won't have to worry about them anymore.

Mark and Jack get barely any time alone. Between reestablishing all that was ruined, moving out of the hero base and into Mark's house, and helping Matthias fix the Curatrix building, their conversations are limited to the here and now of their responsibilities. When things start to slow down after about a week of chaos, Mark finally finds the opportunity to grab Jack's hand and drag him to the nearby park with Chica in tow. The two walk hand in hand, a kind of calmness settling over them that hasn't been there for what feels like ages.

"I needed this," Jack comments, taking a deep inhale of the fresh air. Chica bounces along beside Mark and the Irishman grins. "It seems that Chica did too."

Mark smiles and leads Jack towards a bench, where they sit and gaze out over the park. The hero ties the end of Chica's leash to the seat and Jack watches him curiously.

"I made you a promise a week ago, my little prince," Mark says, finishing his knot and moving to kneel in front of Jack. He grins at the flabbergasted expression on the Irishman's face. "Do you remember the first time we ever had a discussion, right after I had gotten out of the hospital all those ages and ages ago? You had been sitting on this very bench, and you told me to walk with you, and I did even though I was pretty sure you wanted me dead?"

Jack laughs shakily, his eyes welling with moisture. "Yeah, I remember that."

"Well, I didn't know that that encounter would lead to something like this, but I am so glad it did. You are the absolute light of my life, and after all the stuff we've been through, I want you to be at my side for the rest of time. I don't know where I'd be without you, so with that said, I have a very important question for you." Mark pulls a small box from his pocket and opens it to reveal a simple golden ring. "Will you do me the honour of becoming my husband?"

Jack covers his face with one hand, his eyes welling with tears, and nods. "Of course I will, Mark. Of course."

Mark takes his free hand and slips the ring on, and the moment it's on Jack leans down and presses a kiss to the hero's lips. Chica barks happily, watching her two boys with a wagging tail.

"I love you," Jack says, running his thumbs down the hero's jaw.

"Love you too," Mark replies, kissing him again.

That evening, Mark and Jack head up to the roof of their house and sit there, gazing up at the sky with their fingers intertwined. Jack looks out over the city, now free of its wall, and sighs.

"What do I do now, Mark?" he asks, resting his head on the hero's shoulder. "Now that I'm not a villain, I mean. I haven't been anything but a villain since I was ten years old."

"Well, you could get a job at Curatrix if you wanted, or you could go to college and get some sort of degree. The world is your oyster," Mark replies. "You wouldn't need any training to join Curatrix if that's what you wanted to do."

Jack nods. "Yeah, that doesn't sound too bad. I think I want to find my family first, though. We could go on a trip to Ireland together and track them down."

Mark smiles. "That sounds awesome."

"I haven't been back home in nearly seventeen years. So much has happened since then that I don't think they'd even recognize me."

"They still love you and they want to see you. I think they'll know you the moment they see you."

Jack glances up at him. "How can you be so sure?"

"I have a feeling."

The Irishman nods faintly and falls silent, gazing over the horizon. Mark rests his head on Jack's, unable to wipe the smile from his face.


"Jack!" Mark calls, a massive grin on his face. "Jack, come down here!"

The Irishman appears at the top of the stairs and takes a few steps down, his head tilted to the side slightly. "What?"

"There's some people here I'd like you to meet," Mark replies, gesturing him over. "Come on!"

Jack walks down the rest of the stairs and freezes the moment he turns the corner. There, standing crowded in his kitchen, is a group of people that could only be the McLoughlin family. His mother and father are at the front, holding hands, and his four older brothers and sisters stand behind them, watching anxiously. They all share his blue eyes and naturally chestnut brown hair, and the moment his mother sees him she bursts into tears. Jack's eyes well with tears as well and he steps forward, embracing his long-lost mother.

"Oh Seán, my little boy, my baby boy," she sobs, her accent making her words almost unintelligible to Mark. "It's been so long. I thought you were dead."

Jack's father joins the hug followed closely by his siblings, all of whom are sobbing uncontrollably. Jack weeps openly, hugging each family member close over and over again. Mark watches from a distance, his heart bursting with so much emotion he can barely stand it. He had been so scared that it would turn out badly and that Jack would get anxious, but this is the best outcome he could have asked for.

The McLoughlin family ends up staying at Mark and Jack's house for two weeks, and Mark doesn't regret it for a second. Jack catches up with everyone and tells them about what happened all those years ago, which leads to more tears and more hugs. He rekindles relationships with both of his parents and each of his siblings, getting more and more comfortable as the days go on. He tells them of his engagement to Mark, and they promise to throw him a big Irish wedding (it also leads to Mark getting a talking to from Jack's father and brothers, but he saw that coming). When they go to the airport to catch their flight back to Ireland, Mark and Jack both promise to visit for Christmas.

Then, back in their big, empty house with just them and their dog, Mark and Jack settle into bed and wrap each other in their arms. The quiet is almost startling.

"I don't think I've thanked you enough for everything you've done for me. You tracked down my family, Mark. That's incredible," Jack says, kissing his collarbone and throat.

"It's the least I could do, Jack. Your family is awesome and you're already so much happier," Mark replies. He grins. "And I mean, you thanked me pretty well the first day they were here."

Jack laughs against his neck and lets his eyes flutter shut. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Jack."

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