Assassination on the Kill

By Angelgirl4ever02

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Known as the strongest team in the Assassin World, they make impossible missions a success. Though only at ag... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Night Reaperz
Chapter 2: Night Reaperz's Daily Lives
Chapter 3: A New Friend (Part 1)
Chapter 4: A New Friend (Part 2)
Chapter 5: Enemies
Chapter 6: Not All Surprises Are Nice (Part 1)
Chapter 7: Not All Surprises Are Nice (Part 2)
Chapter 8: You're One Of Us
Chapter 9: Good Luck
Chapter 10: Mischievous Glint
Chapter 11: Spirits
Chapter 12: Oh Yeah, Almost Forgot
Chapter 13: The Masked Man
Chapter 14: Not The Only Ones Here
Chapter 15: The Past That Haunts
Chapter 17: Triple The Trouble
Chapter 18: Preparation
Chapter 19: Puissance

Chapter 16: It's Just Like That Time

66 1 1
By Angelgirl4ever02


I continue staring at my school that was covered in smoke. Suddenly there were a few men in black approaching the field and I quickly crawled behind a tree to hide. My ears picked up the sounds of their feet crushing the newly cut grass. My hearing became more sensitive after the events my father had put me through.

"All clear here." One of them said to the other. I keep my breathing shallow as I waited for them to walk away. Once they did, I climbed onto the tree which had a clear view of every building of the school structure. I could see everybody was being held hostage in the classrooms which made me realized I was the only one and I needed to get out of here.

I climbed back down and sneaked between the trees, being careful not to step on the dry leaves. When I finally made it to the entrance of the field, I noticed the same two men. How I was gonna get through was a mystery to me. Just then I spot a soccer ball sitting in a mud puddle, perfect. Gross, but perfect. I rolled the ball in the mud and tried not to gag at its disgusting slushy sounds.

I pick it up and stepped out of the shadows. "Hey!" I caught their attention and when they looked at me I threw the ball. It hit the face of one and bounced off to hit the other. They both started spluttering mud and I took that as a chance to run. I snatched the guns from their hands on my way out such that they couldn't shoot me.

I avoided every guard I saw and attacked only those in my way until I made it to the canteen. There were about 8 guards stationed here. I stare at the guns in my hands, first time for everything. I quickly map out my route. Here goes nothing. I shoot two men in their right shoulder and the impact almost made me lose grip on the guns but I quickly rolled towards the bins. As I sat upright a bullet shot near my left foot, making me flinch. "Come out with your hands up!" I wasn't gonna give up, I made it this far.

I look between the gap to see 3 men pointing their guns at me. Shit. I check to see i have 25 bullets left in total, can't afford to waste them. I quickly poke out from the side and shot the one in the center in the stomach. The two stare at him in shock and I took that few seconds as a chance to jump behind the vending machine. I look to see its the one that students are always talking bout how its mechanism is broken and gives an extra soda or two. Soda! That's it.

I use my fist and hit the spots that I usually see the students hit. Lucky me, 5 cans rolled out which meant it really was a broken machine. The two guards were now approaching me and I quickly shake 2 cans. I stick the guns into the back of my shorts and jumped out, with a flick of my thumb I opened the cans and as expected the fizz shoots out and right in their faces. They stumbled backwards and I took that chance to run away but not before picking up the remaining 3 cans. 3 guards started chasing and shooting at me, I ran in a random zig-zag such that they couldn't properly aim at me.

I threw the cans one at a time which made one fell from slipping while the other 2 got hit somewhere on their body. That was good news but the bad news was it didn't slow any of them down. I quicken my pace and finally turned the corner into a janitor's closet and I heard the 3 ran past. I breathe a sigh of relief and brushed my fringe out of sight.

Once I was sure there wasn't anyone, I stepped out and turned back the same corner to run. Unfortunately, I ran into someone and they grabbed my wrist firmly which prevented me from trying to run away. While I struggled, I tried to use my other free hand to take out one of the guns to shoot him. But he knocks it out of my hand without effort and I was about to put up a fight when he pulls me towards him and embraced my body which I never noticed was shivering.

"It's okay." Two words, that's all it took. I felt every tense muscle in my body relax and before I knew it, a tear slipped out. Not out of fear, but of relief. I grip his shirt as if he would disappear if I let go. After mother passed on, I've never felt any comfort and feeling it after so long made me relax. He undoes the embrace but holds me by the shoulders, as if understanding how I felt. "Hey!" The 3 guards were coming back and they had seen us.

He turns behind him to a figure I had never noticed until now. "Go." And with that command I watched as the figure ran as fast as anything towards them. Her long hair flowing behind her as she swiftly attacks and in few seconds they were dead. She walked towards us and I noticed she was shorter than me. Her face had splatters of blood and I couldn't help but reach out towards the crimson liquid.

I almost touched her when she spoke and I flinched, "Aren't you afraid?" I look into her eyes which would've looked great if she was smiling. They were dark and I was sure mine looked the same. "No." I answered as I wipe the blood off her face and she stares at my fingers which now carried the ruby red liquid. She shifts her eyes back to mine and holds out her hand, "Phantom."

To be continued...

"OO9?" I blink my eyes, bringing me back to reality. I immediately turned my attention to Takahiro, "2bullet? You alright?" He struggles to stand and I immediately supported him. "I got knocked out with acupuncture." He groans in pain as he blinks slowly, trying to get his focus back.

"Compared to me I think you're fine. I got knocked out by a bat." He releases his hold on me and I do the same and he stood, slightly wobbly but standing. "Okay?" He nods at me and I drop the subject. 

"Like I said, I'll pay you when you get me those jewels! I have everything under control! You just need to do as I say and we'll both get what we want!" Something was thrown into the wall and it clatters with sounds of glass shattering. I'm assuming he threw his phone. "Who's that?" Takahiro glares at him whom was now approaching us. I was glad Takahiro was hostile, made things easier. "An enemy. One I really detest." 

The wall behind us suddenly collapses and out of reflex, Takahiro and I crouched down as pieces of metal fell and crumbled. When the dust cleared I couldn't believe my eyes, it was Iris. "This is just like that time." I whisper under my breath. "What?" Takahiro asks and I just shake my head, "Nothing, let's get the other 2 out of here." 

Suddenly the wall in front of us slides open and he stepped in, "Where do you think you're going Genevieve? We're not done talking." I slip my hand under Tricia's left arm and put my right arm around her waist as I started to help the unconscious girl. "There was nothing to talk about in the first place." I carried Tricia towards Iris and stood behind her. "Go." At her command, a figure rushes forward and started fist fighting my detested enemy.

"Let's go while he's distracted." Iris puts Katherine's arm around her neck and used her other hand to support Katherine by her side. Together we quickly helped Tricia and Katherine out of the hotel whilst Takahiro quickly gathered up our weapons. "I've already contacted head quarters, this mission was a semi-success." I raise a brow at Iris, "Why semi?" She quickly explains to me as we made our way down the stairs.

"I didn't obtain what we came for but I know where they are and when the research department comes, I'll be joining them." After several difficulties, we finally made it to the car that Iris had called for. I wipe the sweat off my brow as I felt the air con in the car blast at me. "Let's go." I can only nod as I knew the fight with him wasn't over yet.

When we arrived at headquarters, we first moved Katherine and Tricia to the hospital floor while Takahiro went ahead to report to Ed. I couldn't help but run my hands through my hair, it's my fault they got inju-"If you think it's your fault, you're wrong." I look up at Iris as she watched the nurses quickly attend to all of us.

A nurse wraps some bandage around my head as she examines my wound. "But he's, he's," I felt my throat turn dry. Iris holds me by the shoulders, "He. Is no longer. Part of you. You. Are not. Part. Of him." Iris emphasizes each part of her sentences. I blink away tears I never knew I was shedding and she uses her sleeve to dry my eyes.

"We are all here for you Jen. No matter where you are, what you feel, you have us. Only us. Don't let anything else get in the way of that." I could only nod since the nurse was tending to my left cheek. "Miss Iris if you please." A nurse guides Iris away to another chair and I watch as Iris' back faces me and into the seat in front of me. The nurse had now moved onto my left wrist since I overdid it a little when I stretched for that knife.

Once I was done and the doctor had told me my damage and prescription, I walked towards the room they were keeping Tricia and Katherine. Only doctors and nurses could enter this white room, no one else. I could only watch through the glass window. The light was unbelievably bright to the point I could see my reflection on the glass. I watch as Iris puts her hand on my shoulder, "We need to go report." 


It's been a long time. A really long time since they got injured, which showed how bad this case was. Takahiro has told me his side of the story and now we await the girls in my office. There was a knock and I look up to see Iris and Jennifer, bandaged up. According to Takahiro, the other 2 are more injured and worse, unconscious. I sigh deeply, trying to not make them feel any worse. My best, fun, cocky, confident team, has shattered to this.

"Iris, Jennifer, how are you feeling?" They take their seats in the chairs in front of my desk and thanked my secretary Susan as she served them some hot tea. "We're a little under the carpet but I think we'll be fine." Iris answered me and I know I caught the glance she gave Jennifer.

"According to Takahiro here, your enemy was Jennifer's," I quickly try to think of another word, "relative. What did he want?" Jennifer looks me in the eye with hatred but I know that hatred wasn't for me. "It's always the same. Money. He claims that my mother has a bank in Germany with more money and it was addressed to me so he wants me to open it for him. We didn't have time to clarify that ourselves unfortunately."

I cross my fingers and rest my chin on them. "It's alright, I'll look into it myself." I turn to Takahiro, "Write me a report on what has happened so far and write me another when you get Tricia's and Katherine's side of the story." He responds with a nod.

I turn back such that I could see all three of them, "I'm sorry for what has happened, and I know you want to uncover more, but I'm sorry to say I'll be suspending you guys for a while. No work, no research, no action. I want all of you to get better first." What got me down was that they didn't object at all, they didn't try to protest or bargain.

"You may go." They get up and I watched as Iris left Jennifer to Takahiro and they left my office. Iris walks back to me, "I request you let me go with the research department tomorrow." I rise my brows, "Why is that so?" She takes some photographs out of her pocket and puts them on the table, "Because I know where the Blue Sapphires are."

After much discussion I gave her my approval and she left. "That was really unlike them." Susan sighs. "They're feeling down right now but give it time. They'll be back to their fun and confident selves soon." I just wonder how soon, given that 2 members are unconscious. 


I exit his office to see Takahiro and Jennifer just right outside. "Didn't I tell you guys to go ahead?" Takahiro looks at Jennifer before turning back to me, "She didn't feel right not going back without you. I'll go get the car." Takahiro quickly dials us a driver to send us home. "Let's get you out of that dress." I try to cheer her up and it works as she gave me a smile.

---time skip---

I close the bedroom door and went downstairs. I spot Takahiro in the kitchen with a can of 100 plus. "How is she doing?" I shrug, "I put her to bed but I don't know when she'll fall asleep." He lets out a sigh, "Can't believe we got owned like that. What about Tri and Kat?" I put some water to boil as we continue our talk. "They're gonna take some time. Kat has a bullet wound in her left abdomen and according to the doctors," I turn back to him, "Tri was poisoned." 

He holds his can at the top and swirls it around. "So we're down for a while huh? It has been a long time since we've got our sins reaped." I nod, "Take it as some reflection time, or maybe go online." He shakes his head, "Nah, I'll take the reflection time. I'm gonna hit the hay, see you tomorrow." He drinks the rest of his can and tosses it into the bin. But before he left, he took another can from the fridge and went upstairs.

Just then the water boiled and as fast as I could, I turned it off before it could make its usual whistle noise. Once I realized what I did I couldn't help but chuckle. "Old habits die hard." That's when I caught my reflection on the kettle. Staring back at me was a girl with messed up hair, still dressed in her messed up dress and had dark eyes with slight circles under. I quickly make some tea and left the kitchen, turning off every light on my way up.

I put my tea on my vanity table and headed for the shower. I had Jennifer take care of herself first and had forgotten bout myself. I then realized I still had Shiro with me, I quickly placed him into one of my drawers. Once I finally got into a warm shower, warm clothes, and a warm bed, I settled for reading a book since I didn't feel like sleeping. I watched hour after hour pass as I read book after book, my cup staining with tea marks that will be a pain to wash later. 

I close the book I had just finished reading and noticed it was starting to get bright out. I turn to my clock and I noticed it was 7:15am. Might as well get up now and head over to HQ after preparing breakfast. I wrap a jacket around myself and some bedroom slippers as early mornings were cold and so was the floor. 

After my morning routine I went to check on Jennifer and she was sound asleep which was good, a lot of things had happened. I slide down the staircase handle and made my way to the kitchen. I heard chattering and remembered we had guests. I shuffled in and all heads turned to look at me. Sarah looks me up and down disapprovingly, which made Lorraine hit her on the arm. "What happened out there?" 

I slide a chair out and made myself comfortable. "A formidable enemy, I'll tell you that much." She fidgets with her hands and I could tell she wanted to ask me something. "Just spit it out." She finally gave in, "How are you holding?" I was surprised by her question and I think she could tell, "You have circles under your eyes so I was just wondering!" She quickly defends herself as if I would attack her. 

I let out a laugh, "I have had no sleep for 3 days, my team is suspended, 3 of my team mates are not physically ready for anything and," I turn to her and she flinches, "I have work to do." I look up to see the clock reads 7:30. "If you excuse me," I start getting breakfast ready for Jen and Kahi, I even made some for the Reeds. "I'll be taking my leave, help me tell the others." I throw the knife I had just washed and wipe clean and it landed perfectly in the holder. I left the kitchen and the last thing I heard before I went up the stairs was, "Where's her share?" 

---another time skip---

I pull on my fingerless gloves as we arrived at the scene. As expected of Ed's handy work, the hotel was empty which gave the whole research team all the time and space they need to investigate. I headed straight up to the top level and the first thing I noticed was the strong stench of blood. None of it has been washed away and they were turning brown and crusty from drying out. The dead bodies sprawled everywhere, absolutely nothing has been touched. 

I jump over bodies and furniture and finally made it into the study. The iron room was still opened and as I peered inside there indeed was the other iron room where I found the others. I then noticed a red card on floor and picked it up. One side read 'Parish' and the other side was 'You'll know how to find me.' That was quite true since he was holding onto my sword and it'd be great to have it back.

I went back into the study and opened the black bag Ed had given me to put the gems in. I started pulling all the blue ones from the books and putting them inside the bag. I remembered how I noticed that every book had a gem stuck on its spine and realized the answer was in front of me the entire time. The ones in the bowl were fakes and the traitor had taken them, serves him right.

Just as I finished pulling the last one out, I got a phone call from Kahi. I answered it and held my phone between my head and shoulder as I checked for anymore blue sapphires on the shelf. "Speak." I could hear some flutters of paper on the other side and slight panting.

"They agreed."


Another chapter done :) This time I've decided to make the Reaperz look more er...vulnerable. I always wrote that they're good at stuff so this time its their weaker side. The book will be showing the backstories of all the members gradually and I started with Jennifer's. Looks like I won't be ending this book ever. Hope you enjoyed this chapter (and the cliffhanger HAHA but if you paid attention to the chapters then you would know who is 'they' lol)

P.S I didn't do a complete check on the grammar and what not so please excuse.

Peace, Author Angel

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