A Dragon's Spirit [Mako]

By SarcasticSisters

85.2K 1.8K 513

Princess Rina, the daughter of Fire Lord Izumi and the granddaughter of Lord Zuko. She is a brave, wise and k... More

Chapter 1: Ignition
Chapter 2: Ruins
Chapter 3: Holes and Sacrifice
Chapter 4: The Thing
Chapter 6: Next Big Step
Chapter 7: Spirit Portal
Chapter 8: A Man's Cry
Chapter 9: Sozin Fires
Chapter 10: Love Rival
Chapter 11: A Keeper
Chapter 12: Yuri
Chapter 13: Zanni Invesigation
Chapter 14: Jasmine Tea
Chapter 15: Republic City
Chapter 16: Uproar
Chapter 17: Shu Jing Academy
Chapter 18: Southern Water Tribe
Chapter 19: Red Sapphire
Chapter 20: Rina's Robes
Chapter 21: When Youth Ends
Chapter 22: Aftermath
Chapter 23: Firelord Rina
Chapter 24: A New Beginning
Other Books by Sarcastic Sisters
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Book 2 ~ Chapter 1: Changing of Tides

Chapter 5: Bravery

4.7K 119 6
By SarcasticSisters

"You and Mako have been attached by the hip all night." Korra says nudging me with her elbow, I blush and take a sip from my drink. "Is there something going on?"

"He's a sweet guy and I really like him but it's not just me I need to think off," I sigh, my smile dropping from my face. I look over at Mako who talks to King Wu. "My brother is abdicating his right to the throne, he's passing it on too me."

"That great!" She exclaims but she can tell I'm not happy about it.

"I will be responsible for so many people, I don't know if I would be able to rule when the time comes." I admit, torn. Korra places her hand on my shoulder comfortingly. "Please don't tell anyone, he hasn't told our Mother yet. I can't even imagine her face when he does."

"You will be a great ruler and I promise, I will be there to help you if there is ever need." She says, I smile and thank her. "Now, even if you are to become Fire Lord. You can still try, I'm sure your mother won't mind."



It's been a month since the battle of Republic City, I've been helping President Raiko restore his popularity. Since then I've also been on numerous dates with Mako much to the surprise of everyone, mostly because of my rank as a princess.

"Princess Rina, what are your thoughts on the new plans for the city?" Raiko asks me, he leans against his desk casually sipping tea. I step towards the bench that has the blue prints on it, instead of fixing the destroyed downtown they want to expand the city.

I look over it quickly, "It's a good plan but have you add any extra protection or enforcement to stop any triads and gangs. As I've heard your police force is already dealing with turf wars because of the spirit vines."

"As you said, the police force is already dealing with it. We are in the process of hiring new police officers to help patrol the city." He states walking towards me, I look at him then back down at the blue prints.

"That's not going to do, you need to look at the city like a fish bowl. If you keep pulling fish out, it's going to leave room for smarter, better fish to grow and thrive." I say point at the map, he watches my hands carefully. " You need to either find a way to kill off the fish or a way to create suitable environment that will stop the cycle."

"And what methods would you advise we use?" He asks almost smugly, I look at him determined.

"Create suitable environments for these triad members, some are just in triads because they can't get money any other way. Create support groups and policies that can help families in need." I state, he looks at me surprised. I grab my cup and take a sip of the sweet tea. "You have poverty and we can solve it."

"Thank You, Princess Rina. I will think over your advice tonight," I nod and fix my robe up, Raiko sits at his desk while I step out of the room. I walk outside and realize that it is only lunch time, I stroll down the street. People passing me look at me with awe, I guess it's because of my formal clothes which would be considered normal in the Fire Nation.

A group of young boys run past not paying attention to their surroundings, trailing behind them is a younger girl with a wide smile on her face. She trips over and lands on the pavement, I rush u to her and help her stand up.

"Are you okay sweetie?" I coo, she shakes her head. Tears roll down her cheeks, I hold her up by her arms, a woman comes over with a small smile on her face. "You'll all right, it's just a small scratch. It might scar and you can show off your bravery to your friends."

"Bravery?" She asks unsure of the word, I place her on her feet as the tears stop. I wipe the ones way that have stopped, I smile softly.

"It means that you were strong when you needed to be, it's something that men search for but can never find. Us girls, its already in our hearts," I say pointing at her chest, the woman walks over and picks up her daughter, I smile at her. "Your mother's brave, she'll do anything to keep you safe."

The mother and daughter look at each other, I keep walking forward. A hand slips around my waist and I look to my side shocked but it was only Mako. "I didn't expect to see you here." He states, I sigh and lay my head on his shoulder as we walk forward.

"I think Raiko was getting annoyed at me," I say, Mako pulls me up to a little store that sells kebab sticks. He buys two fish ones and hands me one, I take a bite of mine. "I was advising him about what he should try to lower the crime rates committed but the triads, he said he would 'think over it' then dismissed me like a servant."

"You mentioned the crime rates to him?" Mako asks, I nod and take another bite off the kebab. "That greats, he really does need to focus on that."

"Almost every time I see you, you mention a new triad criminal you arrested. So I decided to tell him about it, there is too much poverty in this city. You have opened my eyes to it," I say looking up at him, he suddenly puts his lips on mine. I place my hand on his shoulder and pull him closer, he places wraps his arms around my waist.

He leans away with a smirk on his face, "You've only been here for a short time and you're already changing things."

"Well if this is the reward I get, I should keep doing it." I say pecking his nose, he smiles and kisses me again. "Okay that's enough lover boy, I have a reputation to uphold."

"Maybe you should become President." He said, my stomach drops and I let out a fake laugh.

"Yeah maybe..." I mutter.

"Do you have the rest of the day off?" He asks, I nod and he smiles, grabs my hand and pulls me down the street.

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