The New Zealand Trip With The...

By Jjones74

28.4K 425 35

Join Bella in her New Zealand adventure with Corey, Colby, Sam, and Elton. (Based off of the New Zealand Vlo... More

Introducing Bella
Ziplining Off A Building
Bungee Jumping
RV Tour
Mountain Biking
Cathedral Cove
The Luge Track
Sky Swing & Ziplining
Ancient Village
Paddle Boarding
Boating, Swinging and More
Monster Trucks and Racing
The Beach
Rope Course and Sandwiches
Dolphins, Sand dunes and Bugs
Last Day


1.1K 22 2
By Jjones74

Once we arrived at the place Elton pulled out his camera "I've always wanted to be a hamster" Corey said, "You've always wanted to be a hamster?" Elton asked laughing "Well here's your dream cause there's the ball" Elton said pointing at the ball "I'm so excited" Corey said "The only problem is, there's going to be 4 other hamsters in your ball with you" he said "Wait, Wait we're all going in the same one?" Sam asked "Yeah we're all doing this together," Elton said "That looks so small," Sam said, "Were all fitting in the same one?" Corey asked as someone said "Woah, Woah I've been to the gym man" causing us all to laugh "He thought I was talking about his pecs, like he definitely does not bench" Corey said "But yeah we're all going in it together and we aren't doing the straight path either we're doing the huge windy one together" Elton said "We're all gonna die" Sam said "Yeah so I hope everyone brought their mouth guards because I have mine" Elton said "You have the mouth guard, I have a cup, go for it" Colby said spreading his legs open for Elton to kick him. "No I'm just kidding" he said closing them.

Sam and Colby were chilling in the hot tub while Elton flew the drone over us. I got in the hot tub but only sat on the edge with my feet in the water. "How is it that I leave for like 2 seconds and you guys end up in here?" Elton asked us "Because it's a freaking hot tub" Colby said "This is for after we go zorbing" he said "We know" Sam said "why does your side have so more bubbles than his?" Elton asked "Oh I'm farting a lot" Colby said making is laugh.

The guys began to stretch each other out as I stood to the side filming them. "let's go do this" "yas" Colby and Corey chanted 5 times before heading to the car and heading up the hill. "Alright so it's 2 v 2 right? I say we split up the bigger boys and the lightest" Colby said "who are you pointing to?" Elton asked "I said bigger boys" he said pointing at Corey and Elton "I think me and you are the bigger boys" Corey said "No it's us 3 versus you" Elton said "Wait but what about Bella?" Sam asked "I'm not going in" I said "Why not" Corey asked "Because there's 5 of us and someone needs to fly the drone" I said "I feel bad now" Colby said "No it's fine I'll meet you boys down there so be safe" I said as Elton handed me his phone for the drone.

I was flying the drone and chilling in the hot tub while following the boys every time they went down the hill. "Alright we are taking this from you, So land the drone because you're coming with me" Elton said walking over with the guys "We are all gonna take a turn with you" He said as the guys nodded "Alright but I don't have my swimsuit on" I said "You'll be fine come on" Elton said as I landed the drone and turned it off before joining him.

Elton and I went down first , then i took a turn with Corey, Sam and last but not least Colby. When Colby and I reached the bottom Sam jogged over to me and handed me my phone. "Wendy keeps trying to get a hold of you" he said as a FaceTime call from Wendy popped up i answered while walking away from the guys "Why haven't you been answering?" was the first thing she asked "Well hello to you too" I said "Hi, now why haven't you been answering?" she asked "I just got done zorbing with Colby" i said switching the camera to look at the guys "Speaking of Colby have you two kissed? Done it? ANYTHING?!" she asked "NO!" i said "Do you like him? Does he like you? Are yall dating yet?" she asked "I mean i don't know, don't know, and no" I said "You guys need to date so we can ALL ship Brohnson" She said "Uh is now a bad time to get you?" Colby asked "Is that Colby? Let me talk to him!" she said i handed Colby my phone "Do you like Bella? Would you date bella? How about fu-" she said before i grabbed the phone and hung up "sorry about her she's a little crazy" i said before walking away ashamed i turned my phone off before joining the other guys.

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