Fifty Shades Of Zayn

By zaynpsyco

5.7K 140 186

One shots With two main guys with anyone I put up Zayn with someone else=zarry,ziam,zious,ziall,zustin hell... More

in the middle of the night (ziall zious ziam zarry zustin).
in the middle of the night 2
in the middle of the night 3
sweet creature (zarry)
in the middle of the night 4
in the middle of the night 5
in the.middle of the night 6
the kiss [ziam]
in the middle of the night 7
Back To You {zious}
Dead (zerrie|zigi)
i will love you
Dusk till Dawn (ziall)
zarry was fake
Fetish {zustin}
Fetish 2[zustin]
love you goodbye (zianourry)
Zayn has feelings too (Zarry)

fetish 3 [Zustin]

117 4 0
By zaynpsyco

Almost, almost is never enough (is never enough, babe)
We were so close to being in love (so close)

"I think the only reason you are keeping this from him is because you still care about him you are still in love him"

"we are not in love with one another"zayn states sternly he has had enough with his sister and her loud mouth

"can the both of you just stop it I'm tired of all this argument it already has happened waliyah,Zayn let's forget about it"doniya says taking charge of the situation which was turning into something tense

"but he is the baby father "waliyah says stubbornly

"waliyah it's his choice "doniya yells making waliyah flinch donuts was never one to get angry

"fine"waliyah says

"how far are you now"doniya asks

" 9 months my c section is scheduled to happen in monday"zayn explains while taking a bite out if his meatdoglapizza

"wow now I know why mom told is to start coming"waliyah says making Zayn raise a brow not expecting to hear that

"mom "Zayn asks

"yeah she cares about you you know" doniya says making waliyah nod in agreement

"I don't want to talk about it"zayn says while rushing ahead of his sisters he knows what they are trying to do

"zayn"doniyah starts to say but Zayn doesn't want to hear it

"lalalalala"he says playfully while blocking his ears like a kid making his sisters roll their eyes but then that was when they saw jet their eyes widen in panic as they see their brother

"Zayn watch out"waliyah yells making Zayn turn confused that was when it happened he trips over his own legs

"Zayn"the sisters yell in unison seeing as their pregnant brother started to roll down the stairs they ran after him as soon as he hit the last step he let's out a scream making his sisters panick

"Zayn are you okay"waliyah ask

"no I'm not "Zayn cries

"call an ambulance "

"Zayn listen to me breath"

"I can't it hurts "

"I know it hurts but please try to breath follow my lead"

"they are on their way"

"OK in out in out don't close your freaking eyes keep them open"


"Zayn"the two sisters yells in panic as they watched as their brothers eye lid fell shut that was when they heard it the ambulance arriving doniya rushed out while waliyah stayed back holding her brothers hand soon the neighbors watched as Zayn was brought out in a stretcher

"who is going with us"

"can the both of us come "

"no just one"

"waliyah go I will be right there "

"what about you "

"just freaking go"

"it's an emergency pregnant and injured"they yelled the doctors and nurses rushed forward Waliyah followed the stretcher

"don't worry Zayn you will be okay"

"I'm sorry man you can come in ther

"what are you saying he is my brother I have to see him"

After an hour

A nurse reruns

"the fall was bad we need to take the baby out now or it might die as the father he keeps slipping in and out of his comma"

"where is the baby father"

'"he is not here we are his sisters can't we come"

"just one "

"doniya go I will wait here "waliyah says that's all doniya needs to hear before she is rushing into the room as soon as she reaches out her hand for Zayn to grab the door opens up there stood Justin he looked like a mess with his hair and cloths clinging to his body due to sweat

"justin"zayn mumbles

"I'm here baby"justin says taking his hand making Zayn smile the two of them stare at each other but Justin was the first to break it upon seeing the doctor taking out a baby he was handed the scissors he cut the umbilical cord the baby was silent but then suddenly it let out a loud cry

"it's a boy"

"give me"

"they need to go and clean him up while they see you up"

"give me my baby"zayn cries Justin hands him the baby he stares at the little bundle of joy in his hand not minding the blood on him he brings him to his chest and hugs his before placing a Kiss to his forhead the nurse grabs the baby they slowly stitched Zayn up soon they returned with the now clean baby in their hands Zayn reaches out to collect him bit waliyah slaps his hands away reaches for the baby instead making everyone in the room chuckle she stares down at her nephew love in her eyes Zayn's eyes meets those familiar light brown eyes the boy was standing as if he where uncomfortable.


If I would have known that you wanted me the way I wanted you (babe)

Then maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart
But right here in each other's arms

"waliyah hand Justin the baby"



"fine"waliyah grumbles before handing Justin the baby Justin stares down at the baby boy who opened his eyes ever do slowly only for him to find himself staring at those familiar hazel eyes this baby was beautiful he had Zayn's dark hair but his eyes Zayn's nose but had Justin's pouty lips he was the most beautiful creations on earth he couldn't look away the baby then reaches and grabs Justin's finger everyone watched as the baby and his father where having a father and son moment it was cute

"told you you should have told him"

"yeah you did but who told him"

"what no I didn't tell him "

"waliyah "

"fine I did but it is only for your own good you where going to keep a father away from his child you need support whether you guys are married or not"waliyah states making Zayn roll his eyes but then he looks at them again he couldn't help the smile that came to his face as he watched the scene.

"can I have him back "

"waliyah I know you want to hold him to"

"of course I want to do here is what we would do let's go and hold him in the nursery

"what why we can hold him here"

"waliyah just come with me"doniya says pulling the girls along with her making Zayn shake his head his sister is just too much but he loves her anyway

And we almost, we almost knew what love was (baby)
But almost is never enough

The two stayed in silence Justin can feel the eyes on him but he refused to look away from the white wall

"justin" Zayn says his voice sounds wreaked






"why what"

"why did you keep such a huge secret from me "

"because I'm the father Its my right"

"it's also my decision I am the second father Im his father too I have a right to fucking know but you decided to be selfish"

"selfish no I'm trying to not hold you back we are divorced now you need to move on and have your life"

"what if I don't want to move on what if I want to love you"

"Justin it's not going to work we can never work "

"how sure are you that we wont"justin says making Zayn's mouth fall open ready to defend himself but then the door opened and his two sisters stumbled out

"we were totally not eaves dropping"

"yeah sure we believe you"zayn says sending Justin a look that said we would talk later

Oh, oh baby, you know, you know, baby
Almost is never enough baby
You know

Today is the day that Zayn gets discharged from the hospital Zayn raise his baby and gives him a big kiss talking to the toddler as if he was someone who was big enough to reply him.

"today we are finally leaving this place God I'm so tired of it"zayn says to the baby who just stares up at him

"I know right "Zayn says as if the baby had just spoken to him that was when the door opened he looks up only to see Justin his eye brows furrow wondering why he was here instead of his sisters

"oh you are up they called me and asked me to come not that I didn't want to come I just I know you wouldn't want me around "

"I never said I don't want you around here are my bags thanks "Zayn says holding the baby to his chest the baby gurgles the two exited the room walking side by side Zayn rolled his eyes as justin opoened the door for him just because he just gave birth doesn't mean he is weak he can do everything.

"just because I just gave birth doesn't mean I can't open the door"

"I know you are a strong and independent man I just opened the door because I wanted to "Justin says Zayn enters the car not settling his son in the baby seat because he was scared the boy would fly out or something instead he held him in his hands the car ride was silent soon as they arrived the gate opened he drives into the building Zayn opens the door as fast as he can to avoid Justin's help he expects Justin to hit reverse and go but instead Justin comes out of the car he internally groans.

"won't you invite me inside"Justin asks shyly

"uh yeah come in"zayn says while opening the door he tries to clap but the with the baby in his hand he couldn't Do it Justin did it for him the lights turns on his mouth falls open

"surprise"everyone hell's making Zayn jump awaking the new born making him to start cry everyone kept quiet not wanting the boy to cry they watched as Zayn someone who dislikes babies tries calm down his baby it was a cute scene that had many pull out their phones and take pictures Justin's phone storage is probably full from all the pictures he has been taking soon the cries turns into sniffles soon everything goes quiet Zayn let's out a sigh in relief before turning back towards the crowd.

"welcome back"

"thanks dee "

"welcome back nephew and..... brother "waliyah say's making grabby hands at the baby Zayn laughs before giving her what she wanted


"yes saf "

"do you love me, "

"of course I do"

"then why have another baby

,"this is your nephew not your brother I will love both of you guys

"oh okay"safaa says pulling her brother in for a hug Zayn holds her hands as the two of them made their way through the tiny crowd saying thank you

"zayn"a familiar voice says making Zayn almost jump he turns back with a big smile but that smile quickly disappeared

"dad"zayn says emotionlessly..

"son"his dad reply's with a nod

"how are you feeling"trisha asks with a smile

"okay"zayn states

"can I hold her"trisha asks

"yeah sure"zayn says handing her the baby he watched as she started to coo at the baby

"Zayn can I talk to you in private "

"actually I want to talk to the both of you in private


"Zayn If it is him that you love I accept "yaseer says making Zayn eyes widen

"hi we never really talked I'm yaseer yaseer malik

"Justin Bieber "

"treat my son right or you will have to deal with me"yaseer says before walking away Zayn still gapping in diselieve

"Zayn do you think we can give this a try again"


"please I can't live without you and I know you can't live without me too we are each others fetish I just I can't I know almost is never enough but can't we try until we can fall in love"justin says and Zayn doesn't wait another second before he is pulling him for a heated kiss

"wow you're bad at love"waliyah voice states making the both of them jump apart Zayn glares at her

"oh chill I just wanted to let you know that I have to spend a night with my cutie boo you never really told me or anyone his name"

"Zaid Travis Bieber "

"awwww that's cute I have to go and tell everyone his name while You guys can continue fucking"waliyah states waving her hands dismissively at them while walking away

"Waliyah"zayn yells making her giggle she started to run Zayn right behind her chasing after his sister making Justin chuckle as he trails in behind them this is definitely what he wants in life even though he is bad at love and almost is never enough he will fall for Zayn he is sure of it he will he doesn't want to lose Zayn or Zaid he doesn't want to lose his new family he knows Zayn wants to take things slow he would wait for Zayn even if it takes a hundred years he would wait until they fall until they get married again but this time completely in love things should go the right way he hopes.

Almost, almost is never enough (is never enough, babe)
We were so close to being in love (so close)

"I think the only reason you are keeping this from him is because you still care about him you are still in love him"

"we are not in love with one another"zayn states sternly he has had enough with his sister and her loud mouth

"can the both of you just stop it I'm tired of all this argument it already has happened waliyah Zayn let's forget about it"doniya says taking charge of the situation which was turning into something tense

"but he is the baby father "waliyah says stubbornly

"waliyah it's his choice "doniya yells making waliyah flinch donuts was never one to get angry

"fine"waliyah says

"how far are you now"doniya asks

" 9 months my c section is scheduled to happen in monday"zayn explains while taking a bite out if his meatdoglapizza

"wow now I know why mom told is to start coming"waliyah says making Zayn raise a brow not expecting to hear that

"mom "Zayn asks

"yeah she cares about you you know" doniya says making waliyah nod in agreement

"I don't want to talk about it"zayn says while rushing ahead of his sisters he knows what they are trying to do

"zayn"doniyah starts to say but Zayn doesn't want to hear it

"lalalalala"he says playfully while blocking his ears like a kid making his sisters roll their eyes but then that was when they saw jet their eyes widen in panic as they see their brother

"Zayn watch out"waliyah yells making Zayn turn confused that was when it happened he trips over his own legs

"Zayn"the sisters yell in unison seeing as their pregnant brother started to roll down the stairs they ran after him as soon as he hit the last step he let's out a scream making his sisters panick

"Zayn are you okay"waliyah ask

"no I'm not "Zayn cries

"call an ambulance "

"Zayn listen to me breath

"I can't it hurts "

"I know it hurts but please try to breath follow my lead

"they are on their way

"OK in out in out don't close your freaking eyes keep them open"


"Zayn"the two sisters yells in panic as they watched as their brothers eye lid fell shut that was when they heard it the ambulance arriving doniya rushed out while waliyah stayed back holding her brothers hand soon the neighbors watched as Zayn was brought out in a stretcher

"who is going with us"

"can the both of us come "

"no just one

"waliyah go I will be right there "

"what about you "

"just freaking go"

"it's an emergency pregnant and injured"they yelled the doctors and nurses rushed forward Waliyah followed the stretcher

"don't worry Zayn you will be okay"

"I'm sorry man you can come in ther
"what are you saying he is my brother I have to see him"

After an hour

A nurse reruns

"the fall was bad we need to take the baby out now or it might die as the father keeps slipping in and out of his comma"

"where is the baby fathet

'"he is not here we are his sisters can't we come

"just one "

"doniya go I will wait here "waliyah says that's all doniya needs to hear before she is rushing into the room as soon as she reaches out her hand for Zayn to grab the door opens up there stood Justin he looked like a mess with his hair and cloths clinging to his body due to sweat

"justin"zayn mumbles

"I'm here baby"justin says graving his hand making Zayn smile the two of them stare at each other but Justin was the first to break it upon seeing the doctor taking out a baby he was handed the scissors he cut the umbilical cord the baby was silent but then suddenly it let out a loud cry

"it's a boy"

"give me"

"they need to go and clean him up while they see you up"

"give me my baby"zayn cries Justin hands him the baby he stares at the little bundle of joy in his hand not minding the blood on him he brings him to his chest and hugs his before placing a Kiss to his forhead the nurse grabs the baby they slowly stitched Zayn up soon they returned with the now clean baby in their hands Zayn reaches out to collect him bit waliyah slaps his hands away reaches for the baby instead making everyone in the room chuckle she stares down at her nephew love in her eyes Zayn's eyes meets those familiar light brown eyes the boy was standing as if he where uncomfortable


If I would have known that you wanted me the way I wanted you (babe)

Then maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart
But right here in each other's arms

waliyah hand Justin the baby



"fine"waliyah grumbles before handing Justin the baby Justin stares down at the baby boy who opened his eyes ever do slowly only for him to find himself staring at those familiar hazel eyes this baby was beautiful he had Zayn's dark hair but his eyes Zayn's nose but had Justin's pouty lips he was the most beautiful creations on earth he couldn't look away the baby then reaches and grabs Justin's finger everyone watched as the baby and his father where having a father and son moment it was cute

"told you you should have told him"

"yeah you did but who told him"

"what no I didn't tell him


"fine I did but it is only for your own good you where going to keep a father away from his child you need support whether you guys are married or not"waliyah states making Zayn roll his eyes but then he looks at them again he couldn't help the smile that came to his face as he watched the scene

"can I have him back "

"waliyah I know you want to hold him to"

"of course I want to do here is what we would do let's go and hold him in the nursery

"what why we can hold him here

"waliyah just come with me"doniaya says pulling the girls along with her making Zayn shake his head his sister is just too much but he loves her anyway

And we almost, we almost knew what love was (baby)
But almost is never enough

The two stayed in silence Justin can feel the eyes on him but he refused to look away from the white wall

"justin" Zayn says his voice sounds wreaked






"why what"

"why did you keep such a huge secret from me "

"because I'm the father Its my right"

"it's also my decision I am the second father Im his father too I have a right to fucking know but you decided to be selfish

"selfish no I'm trying to not hold you back we are divorced now you need to move on and have your life

"what if I don't want to move on what if I want to love you"

"Justin it's not going to work we can never work "

"how sure are you that we wont"justin says making Zayn's mouth fall open ready to defend himself but then the door opened and his two sisters stumbled out

"we were totally not eaves dropping

"yeah sure we believe you"zayn says sending Justin a look that said we would talk later

Oh, oh baby, you know, you know, baby
Almost is never enough baby
You know

Today is the day that Zayn gets discharged from the hospital Zayn raise his baby and hives him a big kiss talking to the todler as if he was someone who was big enough to reply him

"today we are finally leaving this place God I'm so tired of it"zayn says to the baby who just stares up at him

"I know right "Zayn says as if the baby had just spoken to him that was when the door opened he looks up only to see Justin his eye brows furrow wondering why he was here instead of his sisters

"up they called me and asked me to come not that I didn't want to come I just I know you wouldn't want me around "

"I never said I don't want you around here are my bags thanks "Zayn says holding the baby to his chest the baby gurgles the two exited the room walking side by side Zayn rolled his eyes as justinnooened the door f or him just because he just gave birth doesn't mean he is weak he can do everything

"just because I just gave birth doesn't mean I can't open the door"

"I know you are a strong and independent man I just opened the door because I wanted to "Justin says Zayn enters the car not settling his son in the baby seat because he was scared the boy would fly out or something instead he held him in his hands the car ride was silent soon as they arrived the gate opened he drives into the building Zayn opens the door as fast as he can to avoid Justin's help he expects Justin to hit reverse and go but instead Justin comes out of the car he internally groans

"won't you invite me inside"Justin asks shyly

"uh yeah come in"zayn says while opening the door he tries to clap but the with the baby in his hand he couldn't Do it Justin did it for him the lights turns on his mouth falls open

"surprise"everyone hell's making Zayn jump awaking the new born making him to start cry everyone kept quiet not wanting the boy to cry they watched as Zayn someone who dislikes babies tries calm down his baby it was a cute scene that had many pull out their phones and take pictures Justin's phone storage is probably full from all the pictures he has been taking soon the cries turns into sniffles soon everything goes quiet Zayn let's out a sigh in relief before turning back towards the crowd

"welcome back"

"thanks dwae

"welcome back nephew and..... brother "waliyah say's making grabby hands at the baby Zayn laughs before giving her what she wanted


"yes saf "

"do you love me, "

"of course I do

"then why have another baby

,"this is your nephew not your brother I will love both of you guys

"oh okay"safaa says pulling her brother in for a hug Zayn holds her hands as the two of them made their way through the tiny crowd saying thank you

"zayn"a familiar voice says making Zayn almost jump he turns back with a big smile but that smile quickly disappeared

"dad"zayn says emotionlessly..

"son"his dad reply's with a nod

"how are you feeling"trisha asks with a smile

"okay"zayn states

"can I hold her"trisha asks

"yeah sure"zayn says handing her the baby he watched as she started to coo at the baby

"Zayn can I talk to you in private "

"actually I want to talk to the both of you in private


"Zayn If it is him that you love I accept "yaseer says making Zayn eyes widen

"hi we never really talked I'm yaseer yaseer malik

"Justin Bieber "

"treT my son right or you will have to deal with me"taseer says before walking away Zayn still gapping in did believe

"Zayn do you think we can give this a try again


"please I can't live without you and I know you can't live without me too we are each others fetish I just I can't I know almost is never enough but can't we try until we can fall in love"justin says and Zayn doesn't wait another second before he is pulling him for a heated kiss

"wow you're bad at love"waliyah voice states making the both of them jump apart Zayn glares at her

"oh chill I just wanted to let you know that I have to spend a night with my cutie boo you never really told me or anyone his name"

"Zaid Travis Bieber "

"awwww that's cute I have to go and tell everyone his name while You guys can continue fucking"waliyah states waving her hands dismissively at them while walking away

"Waliyah"zayn yells making her giggle she started to run Zayn right behind her chasing after his sister making Justin chuckle as he trails in behind them this is definitely what he wants in life even though he is bad at love and almost is never enough he will fall for Zayn he is sure of it he will he doesn't want to lose Zayn or Zaid he doesn't want to lose his new family he knows Zayn wants to take things slow he would wait for Zayn even if it takes a hundred years he would wait until they fall until they get married again but this time completely in love things should go the right way he hopes.

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