Deals With The Devil: Our Pur...

By deathcupcake67

2.1K 128 35

After a frightening encounter with death, the freak show goes on a spiritual journey to find themselves- star... More

The Value Of Mortality
Boarded Windows
Don't Leave Me
Who He Used To Be
The Types Of Freedom
My Friend
Pearly White
Sick As A Dog
No Tears, Please
Tragic Skater Boy

I'm Afraid Of How You Make Me Feel

193 11 4
By deathcupcake67

I'm sorry this one was late! I'm so fucking sick at the moment so I haven't been writing at all. It's allergy season and I have seasonal depression so I'm just gonna day if you read my other stories, they're gonna be stale for a while. I'm sorry.

Vinny seemed excited to see Devin again since we were going to Josh's place next. The weather was calming down a bit but I was wearing Ricky's clothes and they weren't too warm. As we turned onto Josh's street and began wandering up the small footpath that led to his door, I began to wonder how Chris was going. I left the night before and spent all day wandering around town, he was probably worried. That, or he hadn't even realised I was gone. It all depended on whether or not he listened to me every time I told him that we'd figure out a way through this problem.
The moment we got to Josh's front door, Vinny shrivelled up once more. 'O-On second thought...I-I might just wait out here...'
'In the cold?'
'Even though it's going to start snowing soon?'
'Vinny, you're coming inside.'
'Vincent!' I shouted, cloudburst suddenly erupting above us. Due to the cold weather, however, the rain immediately turned to hale and began falling. Vincent and I were lucky that to be standing under Josh's roof, right outside the door. I took a deep breath and slowly knocked on the door, deciding that I didn't care what Vinny did.
'I'm glad you finally knocked.' Josh spoke from behind the door. A moment passed before he opened it, revealing his goofy smile. 'I was standing behind it for a good two minutes waiting.'
'Hi, Josh.' I smiled, stepping my forward and wrapping my arms around his neck. 'I've missed you.'
'Balz, who's that?' I heard a female voice ask from inside the house. I worriedly backed off from the hug, afraid of accidentally hugging him when someone important was with him.
'Oh, just a friend, don't worry.' He stepped back, letting me in while Vinny followed closely behind me. 'Ryan, this is (Y/n) and Vincent. (Y/n), Vinny, this is Ryan. She's, uh...we're...not really sure at the moment. We're actually trying to figure that out...' He shamefully admitted. I took a second to appreciate how gothic his home was, dark wooden furniture decorating every inch with at least one crimson red candle on every surface. His couch was made out of a lavish black leather which contrasted well with the small fireplace that was gently lit across from it. Standing in front of the couch was an absolutely gorgeous lady, her hair like the reflection of the glowing moon against a gentle stream. All the skin below her jaw was decorated in tattoos, each one perfectly done to fit with each other like puzzle pieces. In all honesty, I'd have fallen in love with her if it wasn't for Chris.
'Oh,'re pretty...oh goodness.' I nervously mumbled.
'Thank you. My name is Ryan Ashley but you can call me either of those names, I don't mind which one.' Goodness, her voice sliced through me like butter.
'U-Uh...I-Is just Ashley alright? Our friend is named Ryan and it'd be confusing...'
'Yeah, of course. Anyway, I should leave you guys to talk about whatever it is you need to talk about. It's probably important for you to come here in this weather.'
'Wait, no, don't go. Uh...(Y/n), is this super important?' Josh hurriedly blurted.
'A bit. We're all going on a tour thing so we can visit the places we grew up and you're coming with us. I'm tired from walking through this weather all day and I'm not taking no for an answer. Tell Devin to text us where he wants to go.' I spoke assertively until I looked back over at the pretty lady and shrunk down again. '...o-or whatever...'
'That's fine. Devin's upstairs, so you can tell him. Just please give me a few more minutes before we continue talking about this.'

I went upstairs by myself while Vinny silently hid away in the bathroom, probably just sitting on his phone. I knew which room was Devin's, only because of the music I could faintly hear from the mostly soundproof room. 'Smiles and her laughter, it's the only thing that I've been waiting for a time! Regardless of our distance and our hope!' I smiled to myself once I heard the sound of Devin's voice carefully following along to the song that was playing. 'Grows greater! Trapped by pretty eyes and letters for all time! The only thing that I've been waiting for! I hope it's something worth the waiting, 'cause it's the only time that I ever feel real! Thunderstorms could never stop me, 'cause there's no one in the world like (Y/n)!' I calmed down when I noticed he had replaced the name in the song with mine. It comforted me to know he hadn't forgotten about me. I hadn't seen him in a while so the moment I paused in front of his bedroom door, I let myself switch into full parent mode. Slowly, I turned the doorknob and peeked into his room. He was standing in front of his black dresser, folding clothes that sat on his bed before plopping them down into their respective drawers. His room was mostly empty besides some books, an iPhone Doc and a string of fairy lights that hung above his bed. Besides that, it was completely empty. 'She's simple yet confusing! Her sparkling eyes make me weak at my words, they tremble! Days seem like years in this month of December! The winter coldens me for I have yet to sleep! And never will I give up trying because you're everything to me!'
'You've missed me way too much.' I grinned, heart fluttering when he tended up. Slowly, he glanced behind himself to see me leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed. 'You're lucky I love you.'
'(Y/n)!' He excitedly shouted, bolting over to me and practically suffocating me in a rib-crushing hug. 'I've missed you so much...'
'I've missed you t-too!' I coughed before he took a step back, regaining himself. I didn't even realise he had cut his hair until he stepped back, revealing its average brown colour. The sides were short, but not enough for me to see his scalp, whilst the top was long enough to reach his nose. It looked good, however. Much different from the ratty style it was in before. 'How's everything going?'
'Good, I guess...still trying to get my shit together. I went on a date the other night.'
'Oo, what was his name?'
'Adrian. He's pretty cute but he chews with his mouth open and thinks it's weird that I like to wear dresses.'
'Never see him again. Kill him if you have to.' I giggled, before suddenly remembering why I was there. 'I almost forgot, we're all going on a trip. Did you wanna come?'
'Where're we going?'
'Wherever you want. First, we're going to Germany, then we're just kinda figuring everything out from there.'
'Can we go to London? I'd like to visit my old home...'
'Of course. We're all going so Ricky and I will spend some time planning everything out but I'll text you the details when we figure it out.' I smiled. 'Unless, of course, you'd like to come with me.'
'I'd love, Vinny coming?'
'He is but that doesn't mean you shouldn't. What even happened between you two anyway?' I asked, pushing past him and plopping down on the end of his bed.
'I don't know, I just...' He started, approaching his iPhone doc and pausing the current song, 'it was too...easy...I mean, it's not that I don't like him, it's just...I've only dated two people in my life...everybody else, I shared with Chris. I want to have a failed relationship, one where it starts out fine and then everything goes to shit...I want to have an abusive boyfriend just so I know what it's like. Being with's all too easy.'
'I'm pretty sure killing the girl you love counts as a failed relationship.' I sassed as he sat down beside me.
'I know, but...'
'I know what you're talking about, but you should be grateful. You have people who love you. You didn't live on the didn't have to whore yourself out for didn't chug pills or marry an didn't black out and wake up with an addiction...' I trailed off, my past beginning to race into my mind before I quickly blocked it all out. 'Sorry, sorry...' I shook my head. 'I uh, got a bit off topic there...'
'Y'know, (Y/n)...I've known you for years...and've never told me where you came're always so vague...' He turned slightly, reaching forward and taking my hands in his as if he was begging me. '(Y/n), who are you?'

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