
By b01101101c

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haha sin ha More

Welcome. Now Read This.
Secrets (Cranksepticeye)
Jealousy (Danti)
= Rage and Rebound (pt. 2) =

= Rage and Rebound =

1.8K 21 38
By b01101101c

So, the one and only Casanova0345 and I collaborated to write this smut (I don't know how it happened, I'm still in awe that I got to collab with her)

Pretty peculiar ship that we made up on the spot as well: AntiNatemare/Natesepticeye

Yes we shipped Antisepticeye and Natemare together, deal with it haha

*Crank's the dark side of our blue boi Ethan

**Note: Nate's a siren in this, and he can release a kind of mist that basically increases the lust level in people. Also, he can sing. Boy oh boy can he sin(g).

- (this is long as all fuck, 3555 words haha) -

"You're joking, Dark. Tell me you're fucking kidding me?!" Anti snapped, the demon backing his lover into a corner as hurt and rage filled his heart. He had just caught his boyfriend of eight months cheating, and what's worse was who the bastard cheated with. Crank. That scrawny blue haired bitch came in and fucked Anti's lover, in their home and in their bed.

To say that Anti was enraged was an understatement, he was borderline homicidal. It was a good thing he escaped out the window before Anti could catch him, or there would be pieces of Crank all over the neighborhood.

"You saw it happen, Anti," Dark stated flatly. "Either accept it, or we're over."

Anti stared at his 'lover' with disbelief and more than a little anger. "You- you fucking cheated, and you have the nerve to tell me to accept it?"

"Or leave," Dark snapped. "I'd be fine with either one. In fact, I'm preferring the second one. Your fucking choice, glitch bitch."

Pure, fiery rage swept through Anti's veins, and his hand twitched into a fist.

But he held back, and instead took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, trying not to break the window behind him and using the shards to slowly, painfully cut Dark into pieces. His entire form was glitching and shaking, the lights in their home flickering rapidly. Dark seemed completely unfazed by any of it, his ruby orbs displaying a hint of annoyance and boredom.

"You know what, you're right. I should leave. But I also should probably tell you that you've been hooking up with a burner. Enjoy those shots of penicillin, I hear the clap is a bitch." Anti smirked, bottling up his rage in a ticking time bomb, ready to go off at a moment's notice.

Dark's eyes widened, Anti had to be pulling his leg with that one, right? Although that would explain a lot.

"Just grab your shit and get out, you salty bitch!" Dark growled, harshly shoving Anti out of his way as he stormed off into his study.

"Gladly, you motherfucker," Anti snarled to himself, and clenched his fists tighter, surely drawing blood.

A glimpse of Crank's keys, still on the table, made the green haired demon snap.

Anti slammed his palms into the wall besides him, causing a loud 'crack' as his hands sunk into the crumbling plaster.

Not waiting for Dark to come out, to react, Anti turned on his heels and stalked out of the room, the house, his gait angry and predatory.

His head was beginning to hurt from how stressed he was, his entire being wound up like a spring. He needed to clear his head, maybe vent to someone who could understand.

The Irish demon walked into the crisp night air, heading down a few blocks until he saw a familiar apartment building. He's been here too many times to count, always finding an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on.

Anti pressed the intercom, smiling when he heard Nate's voice ring though the speaker.

"Don't tell me, Dark's an asshole, right?"

Anti giggled, rolling his eyes at how his best friend could always make him feel a little better. "Just let me in, I'm freezing my balls off out here."

Nate chuckled, pressing the button that would let the door open. He heard Anti literally stomping up the stairs, and (wisely) immediately hid the fragile wine glasses.

"What happened?" Nate asked Anti as the Irish male stormed into the apartment.

"Dark fucking cheated," Anti snapped. "Gave me a choice: accept the fact that he's a cheating fucker, or leave him."

"And?" Nate pressed on.

"I left him," Anti said flatly. "Wrecked his wall while at it, too."

"That fucker," Nate muttered.

"Fucker doesn't even cover half of it," Anti snarled to himself, anger bubbling up in his blood again. Nate sighed, plopping down on the couch as Anti paced back and forth in front of him. It was going to be a long night, might as well get comfortable.

"Who was the side bitch?" The siren asked, making a mental note to hunt this slut down and gut him later.

"Fucking Crank! That disease ridden blue bitch fucked him in our bed! Like, how nasty can you possibly be?!" Anti vented, pulling at the strands of his messy, dark green hair.

Nate rolled his eyes, an exaggerated sigh slipping past his full lips as Anti stopped pacing and sat down next to him. The Irish demon was close to bursting, rage spilling out of his every pore.

"Want me to kill him? I'll make it look like an accident.." Nate winked, knowing things like that tend to make Anti giggle. But this time it didn't, it seemed to cause a different reaction within his best friend.

He didn't quite know what that was, Anti's mismatched eyes were glued to his amethyst orbs, a smirk painted on his pale face as his mind wandered. "If anyone is gonna kill that whore, it's gonna be me. But you can help lure him in if you want. Sing something sickeningly sweet then drug him with that smoke you make, I'll handle the fun part."

"Luring them in is the fun part, Anti." The siren grinned, his dimples popping out against his pale cheeks.

The demon scoffed, wringing his hands at the thought of plunging his knife into Crank's helpless body. Yet another side of him wanted to plunge something else into someone, just to relieve the intense stress and tension that racked his body.

Nate sensed the sudden, subtle change in Anti's thoughts. "Anti, you alright?"

The answering look his friend gave him made the siren pull back slightly- those piercing eyes were filled with anger, as expected, but also brimming with... wanting. And not the innocent kind, either.

"Anti?" Nate said slowly. " 'ello?"

"Use them on me."

Nate blinked. "What?"

"Sing to me- sing FOR me. Drug me. And let us have some... fun, Nate," Anti murmured.

The siren sat dumbfounded for a moment, unsure if he heard that correctly. Anti wanted Nate to 'lure him in', drug him with pharamone mist and fuck him?

That sounded really wrong and could backfire very easily. Nate chuckled nervously, shifting sideways on the couch as Anti waited for the fun to begin.

"Anti, you're not thinking clearly. You're hurt, I get it. But sex isn't gonna make the pain go away, and we've never gone past a hug, man. Now all of a sudden you wanna fuck?"

Anti groaned, Nate's voice could be so alluring when he wanted it to be, but right now it was just annoying.

He wanted to be balls deep inside his ass right now, not sitting on the couch listening to a lecture.

"Just fucking do it you pussy, stop over thinking everything for once and just have some fun." Anti growled, giving Nate a hard stare that let him know who was in charge here.

The siren sighed, scooting a little closer to him as he blew a puff of lilac smoke into Anti's face. It would take a few moments to get the desired effect, giving the siren enough time to sing.

Nate smirked, letting his hauntingly beautiful voice swirl around Anti's head as he set the mood.

Lilac smoke circled around Anti, filling his lungs with its intoxicating lavender aroma.

"I don't why, but I'm mesmerized by your broken eyes. But I can't complain when I go insane as I call your name." Nate sang slowly, his voice echoing as it worked on Anti's mind. The demon wasn't even putting up a fight, eagerly falling into the siren's lust filled trap.

As Anti's eyes clouded over, he began to see Nate in a different light. Since when did his best friend look so fucking sexy? How has he never noticed just how thick his body was, or how gorgeous his features were?

It might've been the smoke or his alluring voice, but Anti had to have him, now.

"And all I see... is you next to me," Nate sang softly, mesmerizingly. "A ghost of you tangled up in my sheets..."

Without warning, Anti shot a hand out and grabbed the siren by his black jacket, roughly pulling him closer, the smoke taking full control of his senses.

The Irish demon leaned in and captured Nate's lips in a demanding kiss, making the latter shut up and his eyes widen in surprise.

Pulling away after a few seconds, Anti rubbed the black fabric of Nate's clothing between two fingers and smirked at him. "I want these off. Now."

Nate raised an eyebrow but earned a sharp, slightly painful yank on his raven black hair. "And watch your attitude, love," Anti crooned, the mist doing its job well.

Shrugging off his jacket, Nate pulled his (also black) shirt over his head, leaving him bare-chested. "Anti-"

"Wrong name," Anti purred, pointing to the siren's jeans, still on. "You will call me daddy, love. Now take those off."

"Yeah, okay," Nate muttered, hands travelling to the pant button, but was stopped by another hand over his. The black-haired male looked up, meeting Anti's eyes.

"Okay, what, love?" Anti asked, a gleam in his multicolored irises.

"You aren't going to make me say that," Nate half scoffed, pulling his zipper down and tugging at his jeans.

"You're right, you won't me saying it. You'll be screaming it, love." Anti growled, tugging on Nate's hair as he pulled his head back.

A soft moan slipped from the siren's mouth, closing his eyes as Anti began to kiss at this throat. His jeans were tossed across the room, hands gripping onto Anti's arms as the demon grazed his teeth over Nate's sweet spot.

"Why am I the only one half naked? Strip, damn it," the siren groaned, lifting his hips as Anti hooked his fingers underneath the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down.

The Irish demon licked his lips, drinking in Nate's toned physique that made his mouth water. He was lean and cut, not too big but big enough where it counted. He was perfect.

"I'll only comply if you call me 'daddy'," the demon purred, leaning down to lick a stripe up Nate's hardened length. The siren hissed, flooding the room in lilac smoke so he could drown in Anti's lust.

Anti almost moaned at the sudden burst of wanting alone, but managed to keep it in and licked teasingly at the tip of Nate's member, drawing out a small pleasured moan from the siren.

"Fuck," Nate murmured as Anti took more of his dick in, until the Irish demon's mouth was completely circled around Nate's sensitive member, sucking softly, occasionally dipping his tongue into the slit. "Oh, god, Anti..."

The green-haired demon pulled away- drawing a protest from Nate- and raised an eyebrow. "Wrong name," he growled. "You know what you should say."

Nate bit back the name for the sake of his already crumbling dignity, but was sorely tempted as Anti smirked and reached for the siren's hard dick, pumping slowly, too slowly.

Nate wanted more, so much more.

His hands gripped the couch cushions, digging his fingers into the soft fabric as he bucked his hips up. He was desperate for more friction, the agonizingly slow pace Anti was stroking him at just wasn't enough.

His mind was foggy, lost in his own desire as he threw in the towel and gave Anti what he wanted. His dignity was long gone, replaced with lust and need as the name slipped out of his mouth.

"P-please, Daddy!" Nate moaned, his sweet voice swirling around Anti's head as a wicked smile spread across his face.

"Good boy." Anti praised, removing his hand as he pulled off his black shirt. Nate was panting, spreading his legs as Anti popped the button on his skinny jeans and pulled them down, taking his boxers with them.

The Irish demon was surprisingly girthy despite his slim build, Nate's mouth watering at the thought of riding it.

He wanted it, needed it, it was almost as if his own pharamone mist was working on him as well. Or maybe it was the fact that Anti always intrigued him in this sort of way, erotic fantasies of his friend often keeping him awake as he tried to sleep.

"Come to Daddy, love." Anti cooed, yelping when Nate practically tackled him to the floor. The siren straddled Anti's lap, tangling his hands into the demon's green hair as they locked lips.

The kisses were rough and needy, consisting more of tongues and teeth than lips as the two rolled around on the living room floor. Anti pinned the siren down on his back, snapping his fingers to summon a bottle of lubricant in his hand. Nate's legs instinctively spread, allowing Anti to dominate him as the demon slid down in between his legs.

"You look good enough to eat, baby. Mind if I have a taste?" Anti purred, flicking his tongue against Nate's pucker in a teasing manner.

The siren's body jolted upward, a loud gasp filling the room as Anti hooked his arms around Nate's thighs and pulled him closer. His tongue lapped at the siren's entrance, teasingly dipping past the ringed muscle as he held his hips down.

"F-fuck, Daddy...Mm, that feels so good." Nate's hands flew down to grip Anti's hair, his cock leaking pre down his shaft as Anti added his fingers into the torturous act of lust.

"Like that, don't you?" Anti murmured, his tongue circling against Nate's sensitive rim, his fingers also teasing the siren, driving the submissive mad.

"Ah... fuck- yes, Daddy!" Nate moaned, a slight blush touching his cheeks. He tangled his fingers further into Anti's hair, pulling hard as another wave of pleasure rushed over him. "Oh... god..."

"Never knew you had this in you, love," Anti said as he licked once along the circle of Nate's rim. "If I'd known, we'd probably have done this sooner... We'd have had so much fun."

Nate only moaned as a response, Anti's fingers sneaking up to the siren's hard member and jerking him off again.

"D- daddy," Nate managed, getting cut off by a moan as Anti started pumping him faster. "I- agh- I'm going to cum-"

Anti smirked, fingers encircling around the base of Nate's cock and clenching tight suddenly, making the siren release a loud, surprised moan. "Not until I say so, love," Anti purred.

"An- Daddy," Nate whined in protest. "C'mon."

"Oh, but my fun hasn't even started yet," Anti said in a low voice.

Nate swallowed hard- what exactly was Anti planning on doing to him? The siren just wanted Anti to fuck him into the carpet and leave some nasty rug burns on his back, maybe a shove in the right direction would help make his wants known? Nate smirked, reaching up to grab the back of Anti's neck.

The siren pulled him down into a rough kiss, parting his lips as he filled Anti's mouth with smoke. Wisps of lilac spilled out of the sides of Anti's mouth, his eyes rolling back as they clouded over.

Nate pulled away, grinning as he viewed his lover. Anti had goosebumps spreading over his milky skin, a cold sweat running up his back as his heart pounded.

Nate looked so good to him, laying there with his legs spread wipe, a coy smirk pulling at the sides of his perfect lips. The demon's cock twitched just at the mere sight of him, feeling raw and unfiltered lust rush through his veins.

"Daddy, your baby boy needs you. Come play with me," the siren purred, his intoxicating voice only making Anti's need to bury his cock inside Nate's ass greater.

"Oh, you are just asking for it, aren't ya?" the Irish demon growled, leaning in to meet Nate's eyes.

"You bet your fucking ass I am, Daddy," Nate said in a sing-song voice. "In fact, I'm begging."

"Oh, you'll be singing by the end of this, alright," Anti snarled. "Lift yourself up, love."

Nate obeyed, bracing his legs against the floor, and lifting his body up, presenting his ass to the demon. Anti smirked, and without warning, inserted a finger into Nate's tight entrance, sinking in up to his knuckles.

The siren moaned loudly, his legs almost buckling as the pain rushed through him. Being a sadist, he found pleasure in pain... but of course, he found pleasure in pleasure.

Anti started to thrust his digit in and out, angling his finger slightly and pushing in sharply.

"Oh, FUCK!" Nate yelped as his prostate was stimulated, pleasure immediately causing him to moan continuously, even more when Anti added in a second finger, scissoring the siren loose.

Then Anti quirked a grin at Nate's moaning figure, and curled his fingers, eliciting a pleasured moan with the volume of a scream from the submissive.

The siren was panting, clawing at the carpet as Anti added a third finger.

"Daddy please! Ngh... Fuck..." Nate whined, Anti wasn't even fucking him and he was close to bursting. The demon grinned, licking his lips as he pulled out his fingers and lubed up his length.

Nate flipped himself over, wanting to see Anti's face as they fucked. He didn't really know why, but once their eyes met a strange feeling began to build up inside his chest. He'd never noticed just how pretty Anti's eyes are, his heterochromia adding to his unique appearance that Nate loved so much.

Of course there wasn't much time for him to spend just staring into Anti's eyes, the demon had plans for him, plans that involved the siren breaking the windows from how loud he'd be screaming.

Anti crawled closer to his lover, hovering over him as Nate wrapped his arms around his shoulders. The demon smirked, resting his ass on the back of his calves as he lifted one of Nate's legs to rest on his shoulder, letting the other lay against his thigh.

Anti positioned his aching cock against Nate's entrance, slowly pushing inside him in the form of short thrusts. The siren threw his head back, belting out moans in his gorgeous voice as Anti buried his cock deep inside Nate's ass.

"S-shit, Nate. You feel so fucking good." Anti gasped, the siren's insides hugging his cock in a tight, warm embrace.

"D- daddy," Nate moaned. "You're so big..."

Anti waited until the siren managed a "move." Then the demon pulled out slightly, then rammed roughly into Nate, nailing his prostate in one try.

Nate threw his head back and let out a strangled moan, the pleasure overloading his head. "Oh, fuck, Daddy... faster..."

"What was that?" Anti murmured pulling out again, painfully slowly, and thrusting back in with the equal speed.

"Faster," Nate moaned louder.

"Where are your manners, love?" Anti wrapped a hand around Nate's hard cock and jacking him off lazily, slow pumps of his hand, while gently easing out of Nate.

"Agh- faster, Daddy, please," Nate pleaded. Anti grinned and snapped his hips into the siren's, the motion quick and hard, fucking into Nate's prostate repeatedly, all the while still jerking the black haired male off. The siren let out continuous moans, melodic and loud. "Anti- Daddy- I need to cum- hah..."

"Hold it," Anti growled, his thrusts growing faster. "Only release when I say you can."

"Daddy, please..." Nate managed, mind hazy from the pleasure.

"No," was Anti's only reply as the Irish demon pumped Nate's now too-sensitive cock as fast as inhumanely possible.

"I can't hold it," Nate moaned. And Anti knew he couldn't hold it, but he still denied Nate the relief, another hand trailing up to play with Nate's nipples.

"Hold it, love. Don't want to be disobeying now, wouldn't you?" Anti purred, a hand jerking Nate off as another teased his buds, combined with the quick thrusts of Anti's cock into the siren's ass.

"Agh- I'm sorry, Daddy," Nate blurted as he released, white spurts of his cum getting onto the floor, himself collapsing onto it moments later, lightheaded.

Anti pulled out of Nate, smirking and shaking his head. "Now, now, love..."

"I- I'm sorry," Nate breathed, trying to catch his breath. "I just couldn't-"

"But you disobeyed," Anti murmured, leaning down to speak directly into Nate's ear. "So that makes you a bad boy... and what do bad boys get?"

The siren didn't have time to respond before Anti snapped his fingers, transporting the two into Nate's bedroom, where the real fun would begin.

Part Two coming soon :))

And guys you all really need to check Cas out, she's talented and kinky as all fuck :D

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