In the Dark - A Rise of the G...

By cloppityclippity

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Pitch Black has returned due to the aid of Darkness. There's one thing on his mind and it's revenge, and he'... More

In the Dark - A Rise of the Guardians FanFic
Chapter 1- The Plan, as it is....
Chapter 2- You Talk Too Much
Chapter 3- How to Cheat a Leprechaun
Chapter 4- Jack's Home
Chapter 5- The Piper
Chapter 6- Some Luck
Chapter 7- Shot by Cupid's Arrow
Chapter 8- Why Not to Grow Up
Chapter 9- Betrayal
Chapter 10- The Guardians
Chapter 11- Let's Have Some Fun.
Chapter 12- My Name is Jack
Chapter 13- Heart as Black as Pitch
Chapter 14- ❄ Finding Jack Frost ❄
Chapter 15- The Things that Happen Near Ponds
Chapter 16- The Big Reveal
Chapter 17- Talk to Me, Bunny
Chapter 18- A Timely Rescue
Chapter 19- Back with Black... and a Unicorn, Murderer and Pumpkinhead...
Chapter 20- A Dark Discovery in the Night
Chapter 21- In Disguise
Chapter 22- A Very Odd Sight Indeed
Chapter 23- Tricking Idiots Into Being Idiots (Part 1)
Chapter 24- Tricking Idiots Into Being Idiots (Part 2)
Chapter 25- Practically just a Massive Fight Scene...
Chapter 26- Memories, Nerf Guns and Tear Stained Kisses
Chapter 27- Not Him Again
Chapter 28- From Russia with Love and Truth
Chapter 29- "Duck"
Chapter 30- Jack's Vow
Chapter 31- Rights and Wrongs
Chapter 32- That Girl
Chapter 33- Introductions
Chapter 34- Merry Christmas
Chapter 35- Unhappy Reunions
Chapter 36- Rising Terrors and Tragic Break-ups
Chapter 37- Around the World
Chapter 38- Dirty Tricks
Chapter 39- Deaths and Deaths and Lies and Stuff
Chapter 40- Dark Memories and Pretty Little Cripples
Chapter 41- Cowards, Murderers and a Little Surprise
Chapter 42- Love on Legs
Chapter 43- Of Wannabe Kings and Very Tall Buildings
Chapter 44- The NOT the Last Chapter
The Epilogue (And I mean it this time)
A Bit of Fun- Ask the Characters
-Not a Thing- Get your arses in here: the ships need you!
One Shots
One Shot #1 Ella meets her characters....
One Shot #2 Dark meets Dawn
One Shot #4 Cupid x Dark Date (Part 1 of Jak's Tale)
One Shot #5 The Return of the Little Bitch (Part 2 of Jak's Tale)
Piper vs Bunny Fight
Let it Go, Rewritten for Darkness
This is Halloween, Bitches (The Final Part in Jak's Tale)
Tik Tok: feat. The Pied Piper
~Easter Special: Margaret's Final Destination~
One Shot - Panpipes (Pan x Pied Piper)

One Shot # 3- Death to the WITCH!!! NGAHAHAHAHAH

731 25 49
By cloppityclippity

Okay, so if you haven't read fear and Deception by ^11Annonymus11^ this probably won't make any sense. But basically her character, Celeste did some pretty dick stuff to Cupid, so I decided to vent my anger in a nice tortuire scene that was requested by... who was it again? Oh yeh, me.

(If you don't like disturbing scenes DO NOT read this)

"You really think this will work?" Pitch asked as he and Celeste observed Tooth from one of the great golden domes that made up Tooth's Palace. His feet scuffed the tiling, and he glanced around him, unlike Celeste, who stared straight ahead, smirking slightly.

"Oh yes, I think the Guardians could do with a little more chaos, wouldn't you agree?" Toothiana was rushing from fairy to fairy, calling orders about missing teeth like she normally would, but Celeste could read deeper, past her nervous facade, into the anxiety. There, lying under all those feathers, was a whole new trove of secrets to exploit. "Anyway, I think one of those feathered scarves would suit me perfectly."

"I'm sure it would," Pitch said wryly, the corner of his mouth twisting up slightly. "Burlesque would be your sort of thing."

Celeste felt the insult stir anger within her, but she retaliated with a flirty smile, flicking her luscious hair behind one shoulder. "Oh Pitch, you don't even know the half of the things I'm into."

"And now I am definitely going to throw up," a voice said from behind them, and they both spun around, knives appearing in Celeste's hands so swiftly that Pitch couldn't be sure whether she had been holding them before. A girl with long, writhing dark hair was leaning casually against a golden pillar, black eyes watching them skeptically.

Celeste's eyes narrowed. "What are you doing here? Didn't you learn a lesson from last time?"

Dark surveyed her cooly. "Do I look like the sort of person who pays attention to things?"

"Obviously not, since you've come to face me again."

"Darkness," Pitch said, stepping in between them, and her gaze turned to him, ignoring the peeved witch. "What are you doing here?"

"Would you believe I'm here to help?"

"We don't want you," Celeste hissed. "Go hide under a bed."

"Only if Pitch joins me down there." Dark was unused to using suggestive lines, but she took strength from Cupid as she let a small smile spread across her face, imagining long red lines being cut into the Bitch's face. She saw Celeste just look amused, and was slightly worried that her words hadn't had the right effect.

"Darkness..." Pitch said in a warning voice.

She grinned at him cheerily. "Okay then, would you believe you stole something of mine and I'm here to smite you and get it back?"

"And how are you planning to do that?" Celeste asked. "I don't see many shadows, except mine which you're trying to fill."

Darkness didn't lose the grin for a second, and her hair twitched in anticipation like a cat's tail. She glanced behind them triumphantly. "Yes, but you don't see much snow around here do you, and he's all pumped up."

"Hey guys, can't say I've missed you," Jack Frost told them, having snuck up silently, staff raised. Celeste went to fling her kinfe at him, but a blast of ice enveloped her before the blade had even left her hand. At the same time, Pitch fell forwards, a lassoo of shadows having grabbed him by the ankles. He shot a massive stream of his Nightmare sand at Jack, who was making sure Celeste was completely surrounded, it almost touched the Guardian before Tooth grabbed Jack and pulled him out of the way.

Pitch twisted around to face Darkness, his eyes wide and questioning. "Why?"

"Because you messed me up one too many times." Dark approached him slowly, and he instantly leaped up, taking her by her knees and slamming her to the ground. He leg found its way out of his grip and kicked him in the chest, knocking him onto his back before she wrapped one hand around his throat with a sadistic smile and brought her elbow cracking into his jaw. As the King of Nightmares slumped in her arms, she let his head drop heavily to the tiled floor, looking up at the Guardians before her. "Let's get these two tied up."

All five of the Guardians had appeared now that the trap had been sprung, and North took the ice statue that was Celeste into his arms. "We thank you for this Darkness... but why are you helping us?"

Dark simply brushed off her hands as she stood, staring distainfully at the two wannabe villains. "As I said; they took something that belongs to me."


Celeste woke up to a burning head, feeling the stabbing pains that made her vision swim along with the hot sensation, contrasting to the shivers that ran up her limbs from the cold that had lead to her passing out. She bit her lip to stop her teeth from chattering as she shook uncontrollably on her back.

Forcing herself to think properly, Celeste glanced around her, taking in the dark, basement like surroundings, empty but for a gigantic tub in the centre of the room. She was tied town on a silver table set diagonally against the wall. From what she could feel she was secured with metal chains. She could have laughed. They were really going to secure her with chains? What fools.

She felt her power surge through the veins in her arms, and with a grin of pride she went to sent it into her bonds.

Nothing happened.

Darkness watched with amusement from the shadows of a corner as a look of panic flashed across Celeste's face before being quickly hidden. She had to feel a shred of respect for the woman; Dark only wished she had such control of emotions. But then again, they were why she was here in the first place. After a minute of watching the witch struggle, she spoke up, the laughter audible in her voice. "Warding against witches, dumbarse. I'm not new to this game."

Celeste looked up, but once she saw who it was her body relaxed against the table. "Oh look, here's my favourite baby whore."

"Least I get paid," Dark said with a grin, moving into the light of the rickety chandelire above. "How's the head? I hope you're not still too numb- we have some fun ahead of us!"

Celeste laughed. "You're going to torture me?! Forgive me if I don't shake in my boots."

"Boots? My mistake, I thought you'd stepped in cow faeces. That's why I removed the knives from them. Oh, and your legs, under your hair and in your bodice. Along with every other hiding place on your body."

"Couldn't wait until I was awake to fondle me?"

"Something like that."

Dark smiled as she saw Celeste reappraise her, seeing the thoughts behind the woman's eyes. "Okay then, Darkness, or whatever your ridiculous name was. Why don't you tell me what you want, and then I can laugh at you."

Dark was more than happy to oblige. "I want Cupid."

Celeste laughed. She looked up at Dark with a smile that made her teeth shine, and Darkness realised that the witch was happy, Happy in this position. But not happier than Dark would be. "Oh, so this is what you meant by 'something of your's'? You fancy Cupid?!"

"I wouldn't say fancy so much as 'possessive of my friends and admirers', of which he happens to be both," Dark admitted, pacing. "And I want him back, if you hadn't gathered that already."

"So let me get this straight- you actually fancy my dear Cupid? What happened, he tell you he liked your hair? Made you feel special? Cupid lies, you idiot, that's his purpose."

"Really? I thought that was your's," Dark told her quickly, not letting the witch play her little games. "Now, I'm going to give you one chance before I begin. Tell me where you're keeping him."

"Did he kiss you? What was it like? Because trust me, if you've seen the things he's given me... Well, he did whisper that I'm 'all he's ever wanted'-"

"Okay, chance is over," Dark murmered, and the shadows spun within her hands until they reached into a sharp knife, several inches long. "Now, I don't know about you, but I like to start off with a bit of subtlety."

"Now just wait-" Celeste broke off as Dark plunged the knife squarely between her hips, a strike that wouldn't kill, but made her scream in agony. The blood lost from the wound would finish a normal human within a dozen minutes, a long and agonizing death. Unfortunately, Celeste wasn't a normal human. It took a few moments of pain before Celeste's screams broke through to her, and she controlled herself by breathing deeply, letting her lips twist back. Her abdomen was on fire, and she found her surroundings hard to concentrate on as she coughed in shock, gasping with each shudder her body made. She waited unti she was sure she had complete control over her voice before she spoke. "What happened to being subtle?"

"Nah," Dark replied, smiling lovingly at her knife before giving Celeste a conspiritorial look. "I start with a joke."

"You think you're so funny..." Celeste's fingers were itching towards her wound, trying to use her magic to heal herself but unable because of the warding. Her thoughts were solely comprised as swear words and the determination not to break.

"You only just figured that out?" Dark asked, laughing. "Have you ever heard of slow slicing?"

"Sorry, I don't cook," Celeste said, forcing her voice above a whisper.

"It's an ancient Chinese torture method, actually," Dark explained patienty. "See, it involves cutting off small body parts, one by one, until the victim eventually bleeds to death."

"You just try that," Celeste said, smiling grimly.

"Oh, you think you'll be fine because you're immortal, right?" Dark asked, smirking. She twisted the knife within her fingers and pressed the tip to her lips, unable to hide how much satisfaction she was actually gaining from this game. "No, the fact that you're immortal is only making it worse. See, you're going to die extremely slowly. And yes, you will die. See, each Spirit is practically invulnerable, but for one small weakness. Pitch can't stand laughter, Jack will die under intense heat, Tooth will be destroyed when she forgets to live and you... You'll die upon contact with water."

Celeste's eyes went back to the tub nervously, and Dark nodded. 'That's right. I'm going to cut you to pieces and give you a nice wash. That is, unless you feel like being helpful."

"Tempting," Celeste said, trying to look contemplating. "But I don't see what's in it for me. How about you undo these chains and then I fetch you Cupid."

"I'm not an idiot."

"Well you obviously are since you've got me, a powerful witch who doesn't need an excuse to kill, tied up in a basement. I will break out, and I will kill you."

Dark stared at her for a long moment before smiling. "Ah- that just reminded me; look up."

Celeste couldn't help but follow the girl's stare, and found herself looking at the roof, a flat, grimy piece of concrete. But something wasn't quite right about it... shadows danced along it's surface and water was slowly dripping along the walls. A long, crumbling line split it along the centre.

"My magic is currently holding up the roof, above which is an entire room filled with Jack's own melted snow. If I choose to simply... let it go, you end up drowning in your own version of sulfuric acid? Comprende?" Dark smiled, and as Celeste turned back to her she brought her knife down, slicing the woman's left ear completely off.

Celeste through her head back and screamed, but as she did so a shred of Dark's hair left her head and wrapped around her fingers. Celeste looked down at her hand, eyes almost glazed over as the blood ran down her neck and seeped into her dress. Over the pain that split her head wide apart, she could feel them tightening, and had time to prepare herself before her the bones of her left hand were reduced to mere splinters.

She didn't scream, instead she bit her lip so hard her teeth made contact with those underneath, filling her mouth with the metallic liquid and her eyes with tears. Her body was aching so much, and Darkness hadn't even settled in...

"So, where's Cupid, Celeste?"

"Go to Hell."

"I'm already ruling here."

Celeste let her eyes close, bracing her body. She could take whatever came. She could. She could. She- "AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!"

"Oh sorry? Did that hurt?" Dark asked in mock concern as she took another handful of water from the tub and flicked it across the witch's face, seeing the skin bubble and contort beneath the liquid. "Well, this is definitly going to suck."

Stepping forwards she shoved her hand into the original wound her knife had made, wrapping her fingers tightly around the woman's liver after a moment of agonising search. Celeste was screaming and bucking in her bonds, unidentifiable words escaping her mouth and shattering the air. They were shrieks of utter agony, so raw and powerful that Dark almost let herself hesitate. Almost.

Intead slivers of shadows shot out from her hand, spearing into not only the organ but twisting throughout the warm flesh of Celeste's body. The witch writhed underneath her, her voice echoing around the room in hoarse calls as tears flushed along her face. Her body was convulsing with the pain, and Dark took several steps back to watch her work.

It took almost half an hour for the sobs to recede, but Darkness didn't mind waiting, watching every movement and smiling at the fact that no matter what happened, this was going to go her way.  The witch was stil shaking uncontrollably, blood pouring down in long, congealing streams along her dress, bubbling against the sides of her boots. Dark finally spoke. "So, where's Cupid?"

Celeste burst forth with a barely discernable scream of fury.

"No, no," Dark replied. "I'm fairly sure he's not up any part of my excretory system. Do I have to shatter your knees?"

Celeste managed to raise her bloody head, panting. "Pitch's lair. He's in Pitch's lair, I swear."

"While your poetry in adversity is admirable, you should know better than to lie to me." With a great gesture, sweep of shadows slammed into Celeste's legs so hard they bent backwards, the crack of cartilage and knee joints sounding out loudly before the screams took over. Lusting for physical contact, Dark stormed forwards and backhanded her across the face, kicking her hard in the shattered legs. "WHERE DID YOU KEEP HIM?"

"Stop! STOP I'LL TELL YOU!!!" Celeste managed to shriek. So what if she lost Cupid. He wasn't worth this. Nothing was worth this.

Dark grabbed her by the hair and yanked her head back to stare into Celeste's eyes, ignoring the torrent of cries that caught her full in the face. "Beg. Beg to tell me where he is."

Even a ruined mess, covered in her own blood and agonised tears, Celeste still managed what could be identified as a contemptuous look. Dark sighed and immediatley two long shadowy arms collided with the witch's elbows, shattering them just as they had her knees. Shrieks took hold of the room again, lasting longer than ever before they slowly became words. "Please! Please let me tell you... just .... stop."

Dark laughed so hard she nearly fell oer, and the look she gave Celeste was one without mercy. "There's no need."

"What?" Celeste's pain hadn't diasappeared, not by a long shot, but her head was filled with a buzzing sound, and the room swam in and out of focus as tears streamed uncontrolled down her cheeks.

"You were out for twelve hours, Celeste," Dark told her, watching the pain in the woman's eyes. "Pitch cracked after two, and Cupid was back and sipping hot chocolate within thirty minutes."

"No...." Celeste moaned, blood spluttering from her lips and hitting the floor loudly.

"Oh yes. I just wanted to see you break before I kept you from hurting anyone else... forever." Dark turned around and started to walk away, swaying her hips merrily. Suddenly she stopped and glanced up at the ceiling, smiling. "Oh, and I almost forgot. Ciao, bitch."

As she clicked her fingers and the water came rushing down, Celeste didn't have the energy for a final scream.

Wow. My blood thirsty passion for writing torture has faded everybody. Sorry for the bit of a failed attempt, but you know. There ya go.

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