Fighting her instincts to pro...

By asat3683

14.7K 127 26

Unlike most werewolves Ariel isn't looking forward to meeting her mate. To her, mating would mean giving up h... More

Fighting her instincts to protect her freedom
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 22

347 1 0
By asat3683

Fighting her instincts to protect her freedom - Chapter 22

Ariel was right when she said that people were going to make a big deal about her brand new bond mark. 

When she arrived at the University, Patricia squealed when she sensed the mixed smells and practically lunched herself at Ariel asking for details. Alonso, who was there, was curious about such a reaction so he immediately approached the two girls. Ariel was in panic, since she couldn't tell him the truth, but Patricia stayed cool and said that Ariel had gotten a tattoo that week-end.

Alonso was eager to see it, so Ariel finally let them both see it. It was a the head of black wolf, representing Sebastian. What she liked the most, though, was the fact that it also showed the green eyes that had filled her dreams so many times. Patricia giggled and gave her approbation. Alonso asked her why she was so obsessed with wolves. Ariel and Patricia laughed not knowing how to respond. Finally a simple "it's my favorite animal" seemed the only appropriate answer. Alonso shrugged and escorted the ladies to their first class.

As if fate had disposed to make Ariel's marking a well known fact, a party for all werewolf of Lima had been organized. This meant of course that Tom would be there, and therefore that he would tease her mercilessly. However, she didn't understand the other implications of such a party until she met with Sebastian for lunch.

- I won't go.

- Why?

- I don't want to see the Alpha.

- You're still mad? It's been months.

- I just don't like him anymore. Do I have to like everyone?

- No, but that shouldn't prevent you from going to a party with your girlfriend.

At the word "girlfriend", Sebastian sighed, defeated. He loved the fact that she was his girlfriend, so it was hard to deny her anything when she mentioned it. Ariel didn't even know why she was pushing him to go when even she had felt reluctant upon receiving the e-mail. 

- Fine, we'll go. 

Ariel smiled and gave him a small kiss. 

She was happy with him by her side and enjoyed being calling him her boyfriend, though she had never told him that. She was careful to enjoy these stolen moments at the University because she always felt they didn't spend enough time. Then again, even while living with him in Paris, she had felt that. No amount of time seemed enough now. She felt joyful whenever he would tell her sweet loving words, whenever they held hands, whenever he kissed her, whenever they were together. Sure, she was also happy with her friends, but Sebastian had awoken a passion in her that she hadn't known existed. 

Sometimes she wanted to ask him to move in with her, but then she didn't because she didn't dare and because she didn't want to change things, in the off chance that it would complicate their life and ruin their relationship. So instead, she watched her photographs and paintings from her time in Paris with him.


The days passed by quickly. Probably because Ariel felt so happy. Even the problems at the University couldn't erase her smile. She was called a love sick puppy many times, and she knew they were right, but why should she care? She was happy, and after the hell that she had lived the previous year, she felt entitled to some happiness. So she lived each day without worrying about what it all meant. Sebastian's kisses and his company, calmed her and made her forget about any philosophical doubt she might have. They hadn't talked about completing the mating process with the ceremony that would truly bind them for life. Sebastian didn't want to scare her away, and Ariel didn't even want to think about it. She was happy with the way things were, why complicate their lives unnecessarily? 

Sebastian spent most of his day at the University. He had been accepted as a teaching assistant, so he had lots to do. Therefore, they made a point of seeing each other at lunch, and meeting at the golf club in the evenings to run together. After that, he usually stayed at her place, which she loved. Is there anything more beautiful than waking up wrapped by your lover's arms? Ariel couldn't think of a single thing. She loved the way the sun made his hair shine and feeling his body next to hers.


Finally the day of the party arrived. It was being hold at the Golf Club because the pack house had become too small for it now that the two packs of Lima had merged.

The invitation said it was going to be a formal party so Patricia and Ariel had been shopping for the "perfect dress". Ariel had chosen a red dress and she was still perfecting her make-up when Sebastian arrived to pick her up. She quickly finished and opened the door.

- Wow woman! Maybe we should just stay here and have our own party.

Ariel laughed shaking her head.

- C'mon! I don't want to be late.

Sebastian took her hand and escorted her to the club. Since she live right in front of the venue for the party, they didn't worry about parking, which was good because a hundred cars were already around the place.

They showed their IDs and were allowed in. There was a hallway leading to the ballroom and in each side there were great looking "amuse-bouches". Sebastian just had to sample them all, of course. When they arrived, they saw there were a lot of round tables for the guests. They found Patricia and sat with her, her brother and her parents. There was music and some people were already dancing.

Patricia's brother, who was called Mario, was a good friend of Sebastian, so the two guys chatted for a while. Ariel talked to her friend and her parents. She felt at ease in their company and the conversation flowed without problems. The food was great too, which was an added bonus, so she was really happy they had come. She looked around for Tom or Adriana, but she didn't see any of them, but since it was still early, she figured she would see them later.

They were eating when Patricia suddenly stood up and starting looking for somebody. After a minute, a man came to their table and politely introduced himself.

- Hello, my name is Diego, may I have the pleasure of dancing with you?

- Hi Diego, my name is Patricia, and of course.

Patricia had the biggest smile on her face and that's when Ariel understood. She had found her mate! Patricia's parents had also deduced this, and squealed the minute their daughter left the table. They started talking about what a handsome man Diego was and how much they wanted to get to know him better, and of course meeting his parents!

Ariel took Sebastian's hand and led him to the dance floor. Not too close to Patricia and Diego in order to give them some privacy. She wanted to have fun and the music was great. They danced either laughing or staring into each other's eyes. Sebastian kept one of his hands on her waist and made her feel the wonderful tingles she loved so much. 

After a while, Ariel decided she didn't want to get tired too early in the evening and Sebastian saw that they were serving food, so they came back to their table to eat diner.

Diego and Patricia danced for an hour before coming back. Diego was invited to seat with them, which he did, and then was bombarded by a hundred questions by Patricia's father. Fortunately, he seemed to be a good guy, so the questions stopped after the first course was over.

When they were serving desserts, the music ceased and lights were on a man in the middle of the dance floor. Alpha Rafael asked for everybody's attention and started his speech. Sebastian didn't listen to a single word, instead he started checking his twitter account. Ariel tried to pay attention, but he was recalling very unpleasant memories, so she also started playing with her smart phone. Finally, the speech was over and applause and cheers drowned the room. 

Moments later, Alpha Rafael and Tom, approached Ariel's table.

- Good evening Sebastian, may I have a word with you in private?

- Good evening Alpha. Would you mind if I take Ariel with me?

Alpha Rafael wasn't pleased, but he knew Ariel would probably calm Sebastian, so it wasn't such a bad idea.

- No, not at all. Please come with us, Ariel.

- Of course, Alpha.

Alpha Rafael showed them the way to his office. During the walk, Tom thought it would be a good idea to lessen the tension.

- So, Ace, anything new in your life that you would like to share with me?

- Here we go...

- What was it that you said when you came here? That you didn't want a mate and...

- OMG, Tom! Stop it! What do you want me to say?

- That I'm awesome and that I'm always right.

- In your dreams.

Tom laughed, and Ariel would have too if she hadn't felt the tension in Sebastian's body. He was holding her hand tightly, as if that was the only thing preventing him from attacking Alpha Rafael. And maybe it was.

They arrived to the office in silence. The room was huge and decorated with elegance. They all sat down, Alpha Rafael behind a huge desk and the rest in front.

- Sebastian, I wanted to ask you to work for us again. We have some files that we need analyzed.

- Sorry, Alpha, I can't. I already have a job and I won't have time.

- A job that pays as good as I do?

- A job that I like more.

Alpha Rafael seemed to be getting angry. He wasn't used to people refusing him.

- We need to have those files analyzed, whatever childish anger you have towards me shouldn't prevent you from doing what's best for the pack.

- Childish anger? You lied to me! You exposed my mate to grave danger and chose to lie to me about it! And don't you dare pull the "what's best for the pack" card. There are other people who can do the job. You don't need me.

- There are others, but you are the best.

- I don't think there's been a competition declaring me the best. But in any case, you don't need the best.

- Think about it, we both know you'll come back eventually.

- Is this all?

There was a pause, but finally, Alpha Rafael sighed and answered.

- Yes, you are dismissed.

Sebastian and Ariel left the room quickly. Ariel could tell Sebastian needed to let go of his anger, so she took him near the trees and they shifted. Ariel knew there was something else that had him so angry, there had to be because whatever wound plagued his heart, it was deeper than what she had thought initially. They ran for an hour, Sebastian seemed unable to calm himself for the longest time. When he was able to breathe, he shifted back and so did she. Then they hit the showers of the golf club before returning to the ballroom dressed up and ready to enjoy the rest of their night. 

Patricia and Diego were deep in conversation, getting to know each other, so Ariel didn't join them, instead, she found some seats near the bar. After a couple of minutes, Ariel saw Adriana approaching them. She probably knew Sebastian had been angry after the meeting with the Alpha, and knowing Adriana, she probably just wanted to offer her support, but Ariel knew it wasn't the time to talk about what had just happened. She waved at her friend and mouthed "not now, later". Adriana nodded, understanding but with some sadness in her eyes. 

At the time, Sebastian needed the support of his mate, and Ariel was there for him. Explanations would come later. So she took Sebastian to the dance floor and together they tried to forget the nasty conversation with the Alpha. After a few songs, he finally did forget. His eyes that were so serious before, turned alive again, filled with love and lust. Those beautiful green eyes were fixed on her and her only, admiring her body covered by that short red dress, admiring her, and wanting nothing else but to be alone with her. With a smile, he took her hand and they ran out of the golf club quickly. 


Ariel and Sebastian soon arrived to her apartment and once there, they had their own little party, like he had suggested earlier. Ariel felt inebriated by passion, feeling all her worries go away. Her pretty dress was torn apart. She would never get tired of her mate, he felt perfect for her, their bodies moved in sync and Ariel felt elated. When they finally fell asleep, she cuddled next to him, their bodies fitting perfectly.

That night, she dreamed about their time in Paris, walking down the streets, having coffee, living together for three months. That city had been a dream in itself, but her life in Lima wasn't too bad at the moment either.

When the sun came up the next morning, everything was back to normal. She was in Sebastian's arms and feeling happy and in peace.


Author's Note: No cliffhanger this time ;) but as hinted during the chapter, we will learn more about Sebastian soon. Thank you for reading this story. Please comment and vote :)

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