Darkness Falls

By DeviousDamnation

818 19 6

Blood gushed from my arm, as I felt something tighten around my body, trapping my arms in a bind. I was stuck... More

Chapter 1: Intruder
Chapter 3: Black Out
Chapter 4: Mind over Matter

Chapter 2: Mr. Kitty

78 7 1
By DeviousDamnation

We all stared at the stranger. Each of us in shock, mostly confusion. She stared back at us terrified. It was dead silent. You couldn't even hear the air escaping from our lungs. The outside was silent also. Leaving us each scared, and worried for what was in store for us.

Charlie gripped Melissa's hand. As a tear cascaded down his face. I wanted to go wipe the tears from his cheeks, and tell him it would be okay, but to be honest I didn't know if it would be okay. "Are you okay?" I whispered, still afraid to break the silence.

"I'm terribly lost, and confused. May I have some water? I seen you guys, and I was being chased, I didn't know where else to go." She said between sobs, folding her hands in her lap. I watched Logan in the other room, as he went through the bags, until he found a water bottle. He handed it to her, "Here you go."

"Thank you so much." She said as she held her head. "Are you okay?" I asked as my brows knitted together suspiciously. "I'm fine. Just a little shaken up."

"You'll be okay, you're safe here. No one could find this place, not even a mindless zombie." Ernie laughed.

"You're covered in blood." I said alarmed.

"You're not bit are you?" Ernie said lifting her arm into the air, examining her.

"Get off me!" She pulled her arm back violently.

"Let me look!" He yelled in protest.

"Get off of-"

"Dad, stop!" Sam yelled, trying to calm his enraged father.

"Don't tell me what to do! It's my job to make sure you're all safe! Now stop infuriating me!" He huffed before agreeing to leave the wanderer alone, and sat down.

"Sorry about that hun, you will get used to it." Melissa leaned in whispering so no one can hear, "He's sort of a neurotic control freak."

"I heard that Melissa! Stop playing therapist, psychiatrist, or whatever, you're doing!"

"Oh Ernie you need a therapist! No one put you in charge any who!"

"Tell me if you find one...that isn't you, and good luck finding someone who knows how to survive like I do!"

"Narcissist." Melissa murmured under her breath.

"Would you two stop!? We have bigger problems." Logan said breaking the conversation.

I was so caught up in all the live action, I forgot about the stranger. I looked around. to Logan, who held her in his arms. I cleared my throat, and looked away, hoping no one could see my face was red from being jealous. "What happened?" She asked opening one eye at a time.

"You fainted." Logan informed. He picked her up, cradling her in his arms. I bit my lip furiously in anger. He wasn't suppose to be holding her! He's suppose to be holding me. Okay, I know, sounds selfish, but he should be. Especially after our little moment.

We all stopped mumbling, as pounding on the door rung from the other side of the room.

"Mommy." Charlie said burying his face into Melissa's sweater. She held him comforting him.

"They already know we are down here. What is your plan now Ernie, since you know how to 'survive'!?" Melissa rolled her eyes. "Oh a perfect spot no one could find, not even a mindless zombie could!" She mocked him.

"Yeah, yeah. I don't see you coming up with a plan!" He argued.

"Plus they can't get in." Logan said.

"Yeah, but what happens when we try to get out?" I asked a little annoyed, considering I wasn't happy about little miss sunshine, miss boy stealer crazy chick over here. I thought, as I folded my arms over my chest. Okay, I was being way to dramatic. Maybe a little? All she wanted is help. I mean I can't blame her.

"Then we fight," Ernie said looking to us," then we leave."

"What if we can't?" I asked solemnly.

"We will." Sam said, stepping up behind his father.

The loud banging continued. It was so loud, I was afraid the door would bust down. Either it was going to be deaf, or death. I didn't want either. I sat down in the floor, wrapping my arms around my legs. It was suddenly as if the whole world was closing in on me. It felt as if I was suffocating, even though I could breathe. It was almost like drowning without water.

We all sat quietly. Not speaking. The room grew quite, but no one dared to break the silence. One thing in particular happened though. The stranger in the room, who had once fainted, started to vomit. Logan quickly handed her a bag. It seemed the vomit got everywhere...but the bag. She clutched her stomach in pain. She started to complain how her vision was blurry.

"I can't see." She said alarmed.

"What's going on?"

"I can't see." She rubbed her eyes.

Her body collapsed onto the floor. We all rushed to her side, all but Ernie. I thought maybe he was just grossed out about the vomit. I realized Ernie didn't get grossed out. He was tough, thick skinned, and he was in the army. He's seen it all. Nothing could get underneath his skin, or make his stomach churn.

Her body shook violently. As blood oozed from her legs, her eyes, and her mouth. I touched her leg softly, revealing an open wound...almost as if someone had bit her; like a rabid dog tore a chunk of her flesh from her body.

Melissa checked her pulse, but only to inform us, "She's dead."

"No she's not." Ernie said from behind us. He pulled out the pistol from his side, aiming it at the girl. He pulled the trigger, sending us all jumping in fear. My ears started to ring from the gun shot.

"Now she's dead."

"What the hell, is a matter with you?"

"She was turning, we had no other choice!"

"We could have at least buried her, and gave her a funeral!"

"Oh, we will bury her." Ernie said smiling, while he reloaded his gun.

"Grab the body. We're going outside," Ernie said rolling his eyes, "to bury her."

Sam picked the bloody corpse up, as Ernie and Sam clutched their guns. When Melissa unlocked the door, the sun light blinded us. We tried readjusting our eyes. Logan and Sam walked out the door, running up the stairs. I watched as Sam dropped the corpse, as he pulled the 9mm from his side, firing it.

I watched as someone hurled towards Sam, knocking him to the ground. Wasn't long before the attacker was dead. Logan put his gun to the attacker's head, as his brain splattered on the walls of the room. "Careful!" Ernie said putting his arms out holding us back. "You might get infected. Do you want to be like them?"

"We need to dispose of the bodies correctly, and carefully. We are not going to half ass this."

"Am I clear?" Ernie said forcefully.

We all stood there, not able to comprehend. There was a loud ear-piercing screech from above. Sam stumbled to his feet knocking the attacker to the ground. He mounted the attacker, and took the end of his gun smashing in the attacker's face. He kept smashing the attacker's face, until it was just a hollow hole spilling brains, teeth and eye balls out.



"There's a horde coming our way!"

"Get down here fast!"

"No it's not safe. They will wait for us until we come back out."

"Everybody grab the food, and the ammo! We're taking a road trip."

We didn't need to hear it again. We all ran around the room until our hands were full. Sam pulled the truck around front. As I walked up the stairs holding a box of food, I peered over the truck. There was at least twenty or thirty coming our way. I put the box in the back of the truck. Melissa grabbed Charlie and got into the car. Logan picked me up by my waist putting me in the back of the truck. It was deja vu.

Ernie threw the remaining boxes in the back, and Sam was shooting the horde with a sniper rifle from the driver's seat. Logan pulled out another sniper. I was dumbfounded. I could feel the adrenaline course through my body. I watched as Logan looked down the scope, squeezed the trigger, and another walker fell to the ground.

I took the desert eagle from under the bag, I aimed to the horde. I took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. As I locked my left hand around my wrist. I pulled the trigger. There was a power full kick. Two more dropped to the ground. The truck started up, and started driving away. The sound of gravel flying was terrifying. The ear-screeching melodies from behind us was more terrifying.

Ernie drove fast, and very dangerously. I held onto the side, clutching for my live, as boxes of food and ammo slid around the back. I felt nauseous and queasy. David and Melissa drove in front of us. They seemed to drive a lot faster than us. Logan rummaged through the bag, until he pulled out a hand held grenade. He pulled the pin out with his teeth as he threw it out the back. Moments later there was an explosion behind us. Body parts, blood, and dirt went flying into the air.

Logan smiled as he looked over to me, he seemed very pleased with himself. I smiled slightly. The horde chasing behind us faded away. They couldn't keep up with us. Ernie was still driving recklessly, as a box of food went over board. Bags of peanuts, sunflower seeds, rice, and canned goods flew out.

The rest of the ride was spent watching out the back. The road we traveled was empty, except for the unforgiving rotten smell of dead animal, and the actual dead carcasses on the road. We drove up to town as we came to a stop, I felt anxious. It seemed quiet, but that didn't always mean there wasn't an attacker nearby. Logan hopped out the back of the truck, and put his hand up to me. I carefully took his hand and swung myself over the back of the truck.

I looked around cars turned over in a pit of fire, windows shattered, and street lights blocking the road, wasn't much of a beautiful sight. Ernie walked around the truck to us, and looked in the back.

"Where's the food?"

"It flew out." I protested.

"Why didn't you hold on to it?"

"I didn't know it was going to fly out."

"Maybe you should have thought a little smarter, and held onto the box."

"Maybe if you were careful when you drove and weren't so reckless-"

"Okay, can we save the soap opera for later? Please, I have a head ache." Sam groaned from the other side of the truck.

"What are we doing in town anyways?"

"I guess we need more food, water, and wouldn't hurt to get ammo." Ernie derided, giving a disapproving sneer.

"Sam and I will go get ammo. Melissa and David, you guys go take Charlie, and get some food. And Logan and..."

"Elizabeth." I huffed.

"So Logan and, uh, Emily go get, just stay out the way, and don't get killed."

"Right, sounds like a plan." I murmured.

Ernie rummaged through a bag until he pulled out four walkie talkies.

"One each for Melissa, and David." He said handing them each one.

"One for Ericka, and Logan."

"One?" Logan asked.

"Ericka?" I asked.

"We need one each."

"Well how far do you plan going from your little girlfriend?" Ernie asked indignantly.

"Okay, we meet back here in an hour or two. Use the radio if there's an emergency."

We all started walking our own way. Logan and I went straight, and walked on the sidewalk. He was holding a hunting rifle over his shoulder, and a 911mm tucked in the front of his jeans. "So what are we even doing?"

"Trying to not die remember."


"Oh, my, what do we have here?" Logan asked happily. I followed him over to a shiny red car. "A car." I said bluntly.

"Yea, but not just any car. This is a 2013 dodge viper."

"And that matters how?"

"This car is worth $120,000!"

"So we are going to sell it? I don't think there is a car dealer around for miles."

"No, we're going to drive it."

He opened the driver door. "Oh look, they were kind enough to leave the keys." He said twirling them around his fingers.

"And a pump shotgun in the back." He added.



"It's mine."

"You can't jus-"

"Yes, yes I can. You got the car, and I get the gun. Now are we going to stand here and argue, or are we going to drive?" I said with a smirk.

"Good point," He said rolling his eyes, "get in."

The car was pretty bad ass. Nice black leather interior, a pair of dice hung from the mirror, and tinted windows. I felt like a spoiled rich girl. I've never ridden in a fancy car before. I was used to my dad's two door pick up truck.

"Shouldn't we be looking for supplies?" I asked.

"Do you want to look for supplies or go for a ride?"


"I'll let you drive.."


" Wait.."


"What if we attract those things?"

"What the zombies?"

"Yes the zombies."

"We won't."

Just then Ernie's voice sounded over the radios. It was heard to hear him with all the static and screaming. "Guys we have a problem."

"What?" Logan asked clicking in the button. Then there was a beep. "There is something coming our way, this ain't no horde of zombies either. This thing is ten feet tall, spewing green slime, and foaming from the mouth."

"Ten feet tall?" I asked.

"It looks as if it could crush you by touching you. The green slime is like acid."

"We need to get out of here."

"There's no way for you two to get over here, you guys go ahead. We will meet you somewhere."

"The New York camp!" I exclaimed.

Ernie's last words. "Be safe."

Logan and I both scrambled around until we were in the car. "Where are the keys?" Logan murmured under his breath.

"Check your pockets."

I looked out the window to see a tall black slender cat like thing jump from the shadows, and pounce onto the street. With each step it slammed it large claws into the ground, making the ground shake. With each pounce I began to get even more nervous. With Logan who lost the keys, and a gigantic black cat, with claws that were thirsty to tear into my skin, and the cat's green acid waiting to singe my skin, and recklessly rip me apart. You could say, I was pretty nervous.

The cat leaped into the air, crashing right beside us.


The cat took it's left claw slicing down into the back window. Glass shattered into the car cutting my arm. I reached for the shotgun at my feet, looking up into the air, blinded by the sun, I shot. The cat took it's paw and swatted at the car sending Logan and I to go into a stomach churning bliss of rolling down the street. It was just a second before the car rolled through the air, as my body bounced around hitting the roof of the car, and sending me back down. Logan had his hands above him holding the roof, which was quite effective, since he didn't move from his seat.

When the car finally landed, my head flew back into the seat, as a pounding head ache formed. I let out a groan, as I touched my arm, that was bleeding. My hand trembled as I went to touch my arm. I could feel the glass poking out of my skin.

I clamped my fingers around the glass piece, quickly pulling it out, throwing the bloody glass piece to the floor. Logan looked out the driver's window, "Where is it?"

"I don't know." I said, looking out the other side. "It's like it vanishe-"

All of the sudden the car once again went flying into the air. Tumbling through the air, then landing on its side. The cat let out a demonic fierce scream. I covered my ears, hoping to stop the hellish scream from entering my ears.

Logan kicked the driver's seat open, and took my hand pulling me out of the car. I looked back at the cat who picked up the car shaking it around looking for its little play toys. He threw across the street in a fit of anger, since his toys were no longer there. Instead of throwing a tantrum like a kid, he whirled around furiously.

The cat's eyes scanned the street. He sniffed the air, until he looked dead at me. I dropped behind the car fast, but I could not deny the cat saw me. I cursed under my breath. "Dammit."

We ran through a store entry, passing dead carcasses, broken bottles, and glass. I looked back to the door, as we hid behind the cashier's counter. I looked over at Logan, he didn't seem as terrified as I was. He seemed relax, just a little out of breath. I on the other hand was gasping for air, and clutching his left arm, holding on for dear life. As if that would stop the gigantic cat from killing me.

Logan looked around the room, it was almost as if he knew something was about to happen. He held me by my wrist, as he let me out the building. I could hear the loud thud of the earth, as the black cat tore through the store. The windows shattered more, as the cat threw itself into the store. It scanned the store with it's large cat eyes, letting out a demonic screech that made my ears buzz, and my eyes shut in pain.

The cat jumped through the building, not taking any damage from the impact, and grabbed for me. I dropped down to the ground, as the cat barely missed me. The sound of air swishing above me, made me almost lose my breath. I crawled out from under his paw, as Logan yanked me to him, sending me to crash onto his hard muscular chest. He pulled me away quickly, as the cat's sharp claws punctured the earth. He struggled to get free, as he took his other paw trying to capture us. He missed again, and let out a deep growl.

Logan and I took off full sprint, ducking under broken trees, and sliding down dirt hills. I looked back, the cat was no where to be seen. Logan beckoned me to follow him, as I slide down the hill. "Shh," he said, not taking his eyes off the street, "it's right there."

The wind was powerful as it blew over me. The wind picking up from the ground shook the trees. The sun was setting over the horizon. Leaves crunched under my feet, as I walked with Logan. I breathed in the crisp Autumn air. The chill of the air sweeping over me, chills began to tingle down my spine.

The cat looked back and forth. His eyes falling restless on me, adrenilizing me. My lips parting, my lips started to dry, and my chest rising. The cat turned on it's heels, and walked away.

I was frozen in place, my eyes rested on the sleek body of the cat. I could feel Logan take my hand as he ran in the opposite direction, taking me with him.

I quickly maintained my balance, and recollected my thoughts, as I ran behind him. His hand never parted from mine though. My mind wondered again, farther into the mystery behind this Apocalypse. Why was my life taking this turn? How could this be happening? A wave of sadness washed over me. The store started to vanish behind us. The cat was no where insight. Where could it have gone?

It made me think back to Ernie, and the rest of them. Would they be in danger? I couldn't let my thoughts consume me. I looked back once more, glancing over the area. A group of zombies were walking along the roads, letting out hungry groans.

I ran fast with Logan, our bodies side by side. He pulled me inside another building. The building was cramped, our bodies close. I rested my chin on his shoulder. I glanced up, catching his blue eyes. His hands burned their way up my body, resting on the small of my back. I wondered how it would feel to kiss him again. To feel the touch of his lips. He lifted my chin off his shoulder, and tilted it till I could feel his lips partially brush mine. I closed my eyes, but his touch faded away. I heard the click of something. Click. Click. Click. I opened my eyes, and seen a tall blonde looking my way.

"Oh how cute." She said. Exaggerating the' 'oh' part. She was smoking a ciggerate. She took two puffs, and flicked it to the ground. "Name's Kate."

"And this is Cameron, my soon to be husband." She gestured to the boy behind her.

Kate looked me up and down. Her cat like eyes had a sense of mystery. Who was she? Oh right, she was Kate. I never really gave it much thought, but how many people survived? I looked to the man behind her. Soon to be husband? She has got to be kidding me.

Cameron has a two shot-gun in his hand, and he looked impatient. He seemed like the type of man that has a small fuse, and Kate looked the type to light that fuse. Was he dangerous? Kate looked like she was in her late twenties. She gave me a sly smile, "Do you guys want to leave, or get mauled by Mister Kitty?"

Logan and I remained quite. Neither of us breathed a word. I was still shocked there was more than the small group we had. There's more people? I was pulled out of my thoughts when I seen a dark shadow cross into the window. I looked behind her, to see the huge beast. It's mouth twisting into a grin.

"Hello, what are you deaf?" Kate sneered, waving her hands in front of me.

"It's behind you..." I whispered, not moving my eyes from the feline. They were glued to the cat's eyes. The cat's eyes shone bright, as they glanced back at me. There was a small pause of silence in the room, before the room closed in.

Then everything went blank. Everything fell below me, and I was flung into the air. My body was sailing threw the air, as I grabbed desperately for anything.

I could feel the air caress my back, and my open wounds. I fell down to earth, but I was quickly snatched up, before I hit the ground.

Was it God?

I thought sinners didn't make it into the kingdom.

I felt a sharp pinch in my arm, almost like needles.

Blood gushed from my arm, as I felt something tighten around my body, trapping my arms in a bind. I was stuck. Like a bird in a cage. Only I wish I was a bird in a cage, it was a hell of a lot safer than looking into the eyes of Satan.

The slit of the cat's eyes narrowed onto me, as it hissed. It's teeth sharp to the touch. I dared not to move. I was bleeding through my clothes, my clothes felt snug against my body, as the blood drained from my side. There was a small feeling of adrenaline corroding my body, making me fall into a...






What's going to happen next, oooooo.. Haha no but really if you enjoyed this chapter leave a comment, a vote, maybe even follow me for updates? Thank you for reading, You rock, <3


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