
By CalumHoodSister

3.1K 167 35

Things escalated quickly with Emilee and Calum So now Emilee's best friend is coming after Calum And the... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Authors Note
Chapter thirty three

Chapter twenty seven

56 4 0
By CalumHoodSister

Luke's P.O.V:

Shit! Prank week, again. I hate prank week, don't get me wrong I love pranks but, Last year Calum ended up in hospital, I had to sleep out side for days, Michael was at the police station in the cells, and Ashton Broke his arm. This is bad, Especially now that Emilee is here, something might happen to her. I cant let that happen. I just cant. She is too nice and sweet. shit! Why am I concerned about Emilee, That is calums girl, shit! Phew, No one needs to know this. Only me. Ok.

We have just been seated. Our plane is abit different to others though. Instead of the seats facing one way, Our seats spin so we can face multiple ways. And we have games and shit!

We all sit down, Its usually me and Calum, Michael and Ashton. But now it's

Calum and Emilee near the front, Michael and Ashton, And then I sit across from Michael and ashton All alone. I don't really mind, but its prank week, Who knows what those shitbags might do.

I chuckle at what I just called them, Shitbags. Oh gee. I turn around in my chair and see that Michael is sleeping, calum is sleeping and That just leaves Me, Ashton and Emilee. I look over at her, err Emilee and her curls sit perfectly over her shoulders. I stare for a while, just watching her lip sync to songs, and nod her head to the music.

Hands wave infront of me. Disturbing my moment. Its ashton.

Ashton: Lonely there mate?

Me: Hell yeah!

Ashton: You ok? You seem unlukable..

Me: Lukeable? Pft, Im good, yeah. You ok?

Ahton: Sureee amm! But seriously I know there is something up.

Me: Well There is something!

Ashton: What is it? I wont tell mate!

Me: Ummm Well, its about emil-

Ashton: Emilee?

Me: Yeah, she is-

Ashton: You cant do this mate, she is almost taken.

Shit I need to make up an excuse, umm fcik lucas think!

Me: Hah its not that, It's that we're about to take off and she ummm Doesn't have her belt on. Yeah umm that's it!

Ashton: Hmm....

He looks at me, I think he notices but doesnt wanna say anything. Im so stupid. Ughhh my feelings, are muddled.

Ashton: Well looks like you're gonna have to tell her then.

Me: Hahah me? why me? ( Im getting nervous now )

Ashton: Because you noticed it and is certainly concerned about it so go! Go on mate, she don't bite!

Me: Awwww haha fine!

I just sit there blankly. Looking at nothing, I feel ashton looking so I stop.

Ashton: Well now would be great. I don't want her to die, because she didn't have her belt on.

Me: fine.

I got up.

Each step I take my heart beats harder.

My heart gets faster.

My heart just melts.

I get to her and she smiles. She took her earphones out...

Emilee: Oh hi luke, How can I help?

Me: Umm you don't have your belt on and we are about to take off. I thought you would like to know because you had your earphones in and I thought you didn't he-

Ashton *SHOUTING* He is concerned Emilee! Haah.

Me: Hah so funny!

Emilee: Your tone doesn't sound it!

AirHostes: Please be seated and seat belts buckled in preparation of take off, thank you!

Me: Well then, ill go now!

Im such a fool. She would never like me!

Calum's P.O.V :

I heard luke talking to Emilee, so I thought Emilee would get along with them just fine, so I dozed off into a dream...

* Luke: Ok well bye emilee

Emilee: Bye lukey

Me: Why do you call him lukey?

Emilee: Why do you care? Like seriously Stop!

Me: Sorry, I was just-

Emilee: Just stop ok? Gee I wonder why no girl ever liked you!

Me: But I thought-

Emilee: Just shut it calum!

And with those 4 words my heart began to sink. Slowly lowering from the sky, closer, and closer, and closer to the ground! Literally the plan was lowering closer to the ground! I looked out the window and see that there is no land to be seen, so I check if the No seatbelt sign is off so I can go see the piolets. I walked into their cabin and see that there is no piolets, and I walk back into the room to the rest of the band and their all gone! I rush around the plane trying to find anyone but no one was to be found! I start to panick as the plane began to rapidly shake. Minute by minute the engine broke apart, leaving less parts of the plane. Moments later stumble across to the the remains off just the bare outline of the plane. I started to well up with tears thinking what to do what to do.*


Ashton: Hello? Calum? Can you hear me? Open your eyes? Whats your name? Squeeze my hand if you hear me?

I try to make any sudden moment but nothing happened. I tried to talk, Open my eyes, squeeze his hand. I tried everything I could. After a good 10 minutes if trying I gave up.

I felt tears running down my face, It wasn't my tears though. They felt like they were tumbling onto my face. I hear snuffles and whimpering as someone is crying. Then I hear some voices speak up.

Luke: Aw em, Bubs don't cry, Calum is a tough man, He'll be alright!

Emilee: H-how do y-you kn-ow tha-at?

Luke: Because I know that calum wouldn't give up on us, He wouldn't give up on you!

Now that's done it! I will not stop giving up to my heart stops beating. I keep telling my self Don't stop, doing What your doing... Because I have a girl waiting for me to awaken... I see a light shining from above calling me, I start to walk towards the light. Then suddenly realise what it is... I'm not going to die, not now! So instead of saying don't stop... I ended up humming a random tune humming Don't stop doing what youre doing.......... I force my eyes to open, But they didn't so I demanded myself to keep trying and trying till..... I saw the light, Dragging me into its force, Rapidly drowning me into its force........

{Authors note:

Thank you all so much for reading. sorry for not updating as much as I used to, school is back on now, but I will try and post regularly I PROMISE!

Also what do you think of luke liking Emilee?


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