How To Write So Readers Would...

By twinscribblers

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The Beginning
1.Writing A Story Line
1.1 Worksheet 1- The Story Skeleton
2. Character Sketch
2.1 Worksheet 2- Character Sketch
4. The Summary
5. The Secondary Characters
5.1 Worksheet-3: Charting Secondary Characters
6. The Point Of View
7. First Person POV (FPP)
8. The Third Person POV
9. The Prologue
10. The Book Title
11. The First Novel Tips.
12. The Dialogue

3. The Story Setting

178 12 4
By twinscribblers


Story Setting: The TIME, PLACE and CIRCUMSTANCES in which a story is set or occurs.

Just to enhance your general knowledge: Story setting is also known as 'narrative'

Well, that's a dictionary definition. I believe A Story Setting is not just about the geographical presence of the book, in other words, it is not just about the place where your story is set in, the realms of  the narrative go beyond geographical boundaries. 

Purpose of the setting:

1. Restricts the life and actions of your character. (His language, his customs, his family environment all of this can be narrowed down to specificity)

2. Places contribute to moods and tone of the story or the scene. 

3. Time is also a part of the setting. Time tells the kind of life your character would live, will he be modern, or he may have orthodox choices if the setting is the Victorian era.

4. Time is also directly linked with the type of technology and gadgets that would be available to your characters. For eg: Your story is set I the year 2016, so it is obvious that your character wouldn't have an iPhone X. XD

5. If you go along with the time, you have more chances of making your story more realistic. You can include ongoing social issues, changes in government etc. in your story.


Types of Settings:

1. Fictional Universe/ Fantasy World:  is the  imaginary world, sometimes associated with a whole universe which is nothing but a work of fiction. Such a universe/ world/ country/ city has its own fictional history, geography, ecology and customs. On my most favourite books from realm of Worldbuilding is The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S Lewis.

2. Parallel Universe: A parallel universe is said to be related to ours, branch off from ours and may contain extinct animals or humans. Ever heard of Mirror World?!

3. Real Life Fiction: This type of setting is nothing but a fictional set up in a real world. All the characters work according to the real life incidents that are happening in their surroundings. Most of my books have been written using this setting. The Wattpad Favourite, After by Anna Todd is bad on this setting.


A setting for your Real Life Fiction 

Now, there can be different reasons for selecting a particular setting for your book, for instance, my book For The Mafia's Son is set in Detroit, Michigan. The reason why I chose this particular city was because of its Drug activities. Beware, I am not a citizen of U.S.A and neither have I been to Michigan, whatever information I use in the book regarding the state has been extensively researched.

Sometimes the characters are born in some state but then move to another. All in all, I mean to convey that A Setting for your story is crucial and thus I have dedicated an update to this particular topic.


A Setting makes the story sound real.

So, Let's begin. (A Call For Your Trusted Notebook or Diary. Please maintain one.)

1. The Place:

a. Choose a Country- Write why you want your character to belong to or be born in this country.

b. Shortlist the States- You might have certain liking for forest or mountains or maybe certain festivals that are a part of only certain states. Prepare a list of states that have the capability to feature in your book.

c. Shortlist the Cities: Same as above.

2. Research:

One of the most important tools and it would resurface again and again in different updates.

For all the categories above you need to research. Go on Internet, opens maps, wikipedia, images etc. and find the best suited location.

TIP: While you are choosing a place, for e.g: Wyandotte, Detroit, look for other fun spots or activities around it. It gives you an idea to create a few chapters just for that place. It may be swimming competition in a sports complex or a big giant ride at an amusement park. This basically gives you some content for certain chapters.


1. Environment of the setting: Violent/ Peaceful/Busy etc.

2. Climate: cold/warm/dry etc.

3. Geographical location: country+state+city

4. Social Real places around it it: Rivers/Lakes/parks/ fun places

Apart from this, there is nothing much that you have to consider.

Random Tip:

Keep in mind what's INTERESTING to an audience not what's fun to do as a writer: Pixar Film Studios.

Your doubts here----->


There is no Worksheet for this topic.

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