A Demon's Quest for a Lover

By BloodyTurtle

245 49 32

"Now, ditch rationality and fall into madness. Let's start the destruction of your sanity!" Daespheak is a de... More

A Demon Lord's Day
Prince of Misery

Clueless Worshipper

48 9 10
By BloodyTurtle

I awoke with a pounding headache, my whole body sore from the previous night. I was on the floor, sprawled out with liquor bottles. Everyone appeared to have left, so I stood and stretched myself out. After scratching my lower back, I went to the bathroom to shower, and I was shocked by what I found. It was the morning, and I was barely in control the day before, so I completely forgot my conversations and everything I should've kept in mind.

When I entered, I noticed I heard loud snoring, so I looked for the source. Law slept in my bathtub, completely nude, and his clothes had been carelessly thrown on my bathroom floor with another demon's. The other demon was a succubus, her false body over Law's. She was clutching his chest, kiss marks everywhere on him. Everywhere.

Angry, I paced to Law and flicked his forehead. His eyes shot open, staring directly at me. After looking down, realizing he was under a succubus, and facing me again, he smiled and rubbed the back of his head.

"What's up, Dae? Man, I have a terrible headache. Heheha."

"What the hell?... Get out of my bath," I muttered, shooting daggers at him. He laughed, stretching out and standing from the bath. The succubus was sleeping hard, soft breathing coming from her pale lips. Law stared at me, laughing harder.

"You're like me! Looks like we both got messed up."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned, moving to a mirror. I gaped in awe and surprise, seeing lipstick stains of different colors all over my face. I don't remember receiving those.

"I didn't think you'd be too active in my types of behavior."

"At least I'm not nude in someone else's bathtub," I mumbled, glancing at the black-haired succubus still within.

"Hey, I'd let you be nude in mine."

"I don't know how to respond to that... I need to get to work."

"Yeah. I've got to head home. I should probably drop off my new lover at my house with my old one," Law told, grabbing his clothes from off the ground and sliding them on. I sighed, putting my hand over my face.

"I'm heading to work. Just... make sure both of you leave before I come back. And can you make sure no one else is still here?"

"Yeah. No problem," Law replied, his demeanor overly cheerful.

I sighed again, walking out with the thought that I needed to bleach my eyeballs and pour lava down my ears. Or possibly chop into my head and slice off the chunk that held the memory. Like most of mine, they just stayed thoughts. Meaningless thoughts that could've never existed. Though, they do hold the purpose of something to mention.

I quickly stepped to my drawers, scrambling out of my clothes on the way there. After I removed every article of clothing, I threw my cloak on and opened my door, walking into my domain. It was nice and dark, and it filled me with comfort. Until I realized I hadn't thought of another important detail about the party: the werewolf and siren.

They were on the floor, sleeping away. The siren was in the wolf's arms, both grinning. I shook them awake, shooing them from my domain. They were annoyed slightly but left willingly and easily. After, I went to my chair, sitting and manifesting a bottle of beer to drink. As I sat, the chair went to its whispering like usual.

"Hey, Lord Daespheak. When will you let me out? Please. Shut up! You're makin' the rest of us sound weak! I'm sick of this. Please let us go. Get your ass off of me!"

"Can't you guys stay silent?... For once? I have a headache," I asked, my voice dull and showing my boredom.

"Like hell, we will! I will if you let me out. Please, Lord. I can't stand this place anymore! Die, Lord Daespheak. I hope you choke."

"You guys should know that there isn't hope. I'm going to phase you out now. Stop whining and just accept that you're all a chair."

"I'm not a chair! Why have you trapped us here? If we annoy you, why let us stay? I miss my family and kids. Screw you, Lord. No lord to me," the jumbled voices called out, which I somewhat enjoyed. It made my head worse, but I liked that they were in turmoil.

"I'm a demon. Maybe I just like the fact you're all suffering. Besides, I crafted this chair myself, so I'm not just going to give it up. Now, I'm not speaking anymore."

As I drank my drink and listened to bad omens and murmurs, someone entered my domain. I grinned, my blackened souls screaming expletives and threats at me. They don't like me messing with other souls.

A smirking soul walked in, basking in everything with amaze. He looked perfectly fine, other than the fact that he gawked at a demon. He was in a red cloak, daggers and vials of poison on his sides. His white hair, which falls below his ears, lie unkempt. I thought it must be dyed or an illusion because he's too young for completely white hair. His green eyes absorbed everything he saw.

I hopped down, walking up to the man who looked as if he was no more than twenty-five. He bent down, bowing to me. I stared, sighing because it was just another worshipper.

"So, I'm sure you know where you're and why," I said, motioning him to stand. He did as I wanted, closely observing me.

"I'm in the underworld. I poisoned myself to get here."

"Why'd you do that?"

"So I could come here to serve. I've been absorbed in prayer since I was a child. So, you're a demon lord. Which one? You've got silver hair, so Lord Daespheak?" the crazed worshipper rambled, appearing thrilled.

"That's the one. So, I'm not sure if you have any injuries from before death. Your mental state is obviously in shambles, but it isn't brain-damage. Now I've just got to decide where to send you. Torture, reincarnation, or I could turn you into a demon. I suppose I could also shove your soul into my chair..."

The worshipper turned frantic, appearing worried. I sighed, having to deal with a few of his kind already. None were so... nonchalant. Well, he was bowing to me, but it wasn't normal. It seemed like he didn't fully know what he was doing.

"No. No. No. Please don't reincarnate me. I can't deal with living and having to kill myself again. And if I'm tortured, I'll be of no use. I'll be your chair if you'd like. Just use me to your benefit. I'll do whatever you want."

I thought about it, moving to my chair and sitting down. The young worshipper followed me, grinning and staying a few feet away at all times. My chair was shouting at me, furthering my headache.

"Scum! Don't change that young man into a demon! And don't trap him here with us! We're full! Reincarnate the poor sap!"

I slammed my fist on one of the arms of my chair, and the souls screamed in fear. I brushed my hair back, then scratched my head in the thought of what to do. I was highly considering torture, but it'd be a waste of a perfectly fine soul. He wasn't damaged, so it'd be easy to send him on his way to the demon realm.

"Would you like me to do something for you, Lord? I know your domain can get you anything, but I'm sure I can do something," the worshipper offered, adamant with helping me. I took a sip of beer, peering at the soul. I figured I could let him turn if I liked him, so I decided to question him to see.

"First, what's your name? You haven't even introduced yourself."

"It doesn't matter. Just call me whatever. Besides, I don't remember my name," the worshipper answered, gazing at me with complete admiration.

"I can't name you. Just give me a name."

"Sure. I'll be... Null. I'm nothing, so it fits," Null enthusiastically told, continuing his smile.

"Now, I'm going to see if you deserve to be a demon."

"What? I don't want to be a demon. I just want to serve you. I can stay a pathetic soul."

I sighed, placing my hand over my face and chugging down the last of my beer, only to spawn more.

"Did I say something wrong? I apologize, Lord."

"Listen, just do what I say if you want to grovel under me. You can't enter the demon realm as a freaking soul... You need to be anything but a soul. Even humans can enter, but you can't."

"Then... Then make me a demon," Null stuttered, seemingly amazed that he'd be able to be one.

"I might IF I like how you respond to these questions. First, do you drink?"

"Drink what?" the worshipper asked, tilting his head slightly sideways. I looked at him with disbelieving eyes, guzzling more beer.

"Booze. Liquor. You know? Alcohol."

"Oh. No. Never had it. Is it good?"

"How have you never tried it? Did you live in a ditch? A hole in the ground?" I questioned quickly, puzzling how someone could live without the stuff.

"I never came in contact with it. I lived underneath the soil in a hidden spot my father put me with books and journals. Also, poisons and daggers and these cloaks, some livestock and grain to keep them fed. I also had to go on the surface to grow food for the animals, but it was a mostly hidden place that I didn't travel far from. I guess I did live in a hole. Is that bad?"

I just looked at him with pity, curious of his existence. I couldn't comprehend him. Null is just so... odd. I manifested a bottle of whiskey near him on the floor, motioning him to pick it up. He did so, staring at me.

"Why'd you give me this, Lord?"

"Just shut up and drink it. It's some whiskey. Strong stuff."

"If that's what you wish," Null replied with uncertainty. He pulled the cork off, sniffing the top. After pulling his nose away from its strong scent, he tipped it up to his face and started chugging. He looked like he wanted to stop badly, but didn't until it was all gone, smashing it onto the floor after.

"Why the hell did you drink the whole thing?!"

"Sorry. Did you want some? I thought you wanted me to drink it all," Null whimpered, ashamed. The effects of the alcohol started working their magic on him, and he started to sway and turn flushed.

"I didn't want any, but it was strange of you to drink it all. Whatever. Next question."

"Wait. Sorry, Lord, but what... is this feeling? I'm so... dizzy and, I feel like... I'm burning inside," Null stuttered, sitting on the ground and wobbling.

"It's just the alcohol."

"Oh. Interesting."

"Anyway... Actually, I doubt you will know anything I speak of... How long were you in the hole?"

"About... Let's see... I'm twenty-one... Eleven years," Null answered, grinning dumbly. He tipped over on his side, his face bright red. I just sat, dazed. I'd never dealt with such a... clueless ass-kisser.

"So, tell me if you have any opinions or know about anything I'm about to say. Parties?"



"No," he responded, looking at me with great curiosity.



"Lying?!" I shouted, annoyed with his obliviousness.

"I know... that one. Not telling the... truth. I don't do that," Null stuttered, wasted from the whiskey. I sighed, giving up on him. I had one final question, though.

"How about women? Please tell me that you know about them."

"Yeah. Of course. Never seen one... from what I can recall, but I know features and the fact I need... one eventually. That's what my father wrote in his journal. Do I need... one?" Null questioned with truthful curiosity. I drank more beer, the tipsy feeling making the situation slightly better.

"Yes, you definitely need a woman. And that's just the beginning! You need experience with all aspects of existence!"

"If it's the beginning, then... are you accepting me? I'll be a great... servant," Null asked, looking up at me with a dopey smile on his face.

I sighed, wanting to test one more thing. I manifested another bottle of whiskey by him, watching to see how he'd react if I didn't tell him anything. Null picked it up, looked up to me, removed the cork, and started drinking it. He chugged hard, his throat expanding and shrinking rapidly. After, he put the bottle down and stared at me.

"Why did you drink it all again?!"

"I didn't. I left a sip inside... Did I... do it wrong again?"

I finished up the beer I had, deciding I need to teach this idiot how existence works. It kills me to know someone so dense can exist. I jumped down from my ledge, strolling over to him. I noticed he looked faint, and he passed out before I could get to him. I shook him, but he was out cold.

Luckily, souls can't die or become reincarnated from things that'd normally kill someone. Since they're at a phase between life and existence, which is death, they can't do either. They can sleep and eat and pretty much do anything, strangely. But it's not fun to be trapped in death. They either fade away so they'll never be part the cycle again, or they'll be trapped somewhere, like the area of the underworld where we torture souls, that can keep them from fading.

I decided I could go ahead and make him a demon while he slept, so I started the process. After moving him into a lying down position and removing all of his clothes, I slashed his stomach with my tail, blood splattering over my domain. I drew all of his blood out using minuscule containers I spawned to hold it. Then, I separated the alcohol in his system from the blood, as I didn't want alcohol that had already gone through someone. Finally, I created a funnel, and the blood was poured into it with the end in my mouth. Null's irony blood traveled to my stomach, filling me up and making me feel slightly bloated.

Once a demon from my family line consumes a part of a soul, it doesn't return. Blood can drip forever normally, but it doesn't once it's been cleared and drunk before more is spawned. I don't like turning too many into demons, as I feel sick after drinking so much blood. I'm not sure how my brothers can turn multiple people in one day. I wanted to throw it up but kept it within me.

After sipping every last drop, I walked up to Null's empty shell. He woke up suddenly, peering around. When he saw the tear in his stomach and his lack of blood, he continued to lay and watched me. I ignored the fact he was awake, creating black blood and filling his veins with it. His heart began to beat the new blood, and his wound healed.

I walked closer to him to help him stand, but he started to scream and roll around on the ground. His skin became pure white, black forming on his fingertips and spreading up to his shoulders. His toes did the same, the black ending at his knees. The tips of his hair became black, fading into the white above. Two horns sprouted from the top of his skull, sticking five inches high. Lastly, a tail stuck out from his lower back, swinging around in the air. I thought it was like a lizard or newt's tail, but it wasn't what I expected. It's white with a black tip, and it feels extremely cold and velvety. I couldn't tell from a distance, but it has really short fur on it.

When Null stopped transforming, he instantly stopped screaming and stood. He looked at himself, smiling and rubbing his horns and tail. When he finished observing himself, he walked over to me.

"Cool! What am I, Lord?" Null questioned, rubbing his skin from the black to white, awed by the difference to his old, light peach flesh. I racked my mind trying to figure out what he was but got nothing. He is nothing... Null is null... His species has never existed, whatever it is.

"You're... a previously nonexistent type of demon. I have no clue what the hell you are."

Null lit up, and I just stared off in disbelief.

"Awesome! So, I'm new?! What do we call my species?"

"I don't really know. You can come up with the name, I suppose. You are the first," I replied, trying to figure out his abilities based on his looks.

"I'll need to think about it. Do you mind if I take my time, Lord? I don't know what I am capable of."

"It's fine. Just... throw some clothes on."

Null nodded, fetching his outfit and shuffling into it. After, he paced back over to me and waited for me to do something. I decided I had enough for one day, so I opened my door and was about to leave, but Null tugged on my cloak. I turned back, curious as to why he'd be dumb enough to tug on a demon lord's clothes. I didn't really care, but that's because I came to the conclusion that he's clueless. I just accepted that he isn't normal.

"What is it?"

"You're leaving, Lord? Don't you usually stay here for a few more hours? That's what I read," Null questioned, his hand under his chin while he thought about whatever he read.

"Yeah. Usually. But you've worn me out, so I'm just going to head back now. The worst I'll get is a lecture from my father and multiple souls wandering my domain. I don't really care, though."

"I'm so sorry, Lord. I didn't mean to wear you out. I-I'll do what I can to help you out. Do you need me to get you anything when we head back?"

Null was extremely worried, fidgeting his hands and looking down. I realized how much of a bother someone trying to serve me would be... Still, I sucked it up.

"Let's just go to my room. I don't really care that you tired me out. I mostly want to leave because I've gorged myself. I'm uncomfortable."

"What did you gorge yourself with? Did you eat while I slept?"

"I drank your old blood. It feels terrible inside of me... Too much," I groaned, hearing my stomach digesting.

I wanted to hurry and get to my room, so I grabbed Null's arm and burst through the door, releasing him once I breathed in my not-so-fresh bedroom air. Exhausted, I stripped my cloak off and went under the covers of my bed to sleep for the bit of free time I had. Null went over to the side of the bed I was lying on, staring at me while I tried to sleep.

"What is it, Null? I'm working on getting some shut-eye."

"Sorry, Lord. I'm just... not sure what to do. Do you need something?"

"Not really. I just need sleep. I have a headache," I explained, trying to float off into the comfort of the bed.

"What should I do?"

"You can leave if you want. I don't really care what you do now that you aren't a soul."

"I can't leave! I need to serve you," Null replied, certain with himself.

"Then, just sleep, too. Go lie on the floor or something."


Null walked away, lying on the floor and closing his eyes. He immediately fell asleep, drool leaving from his mouth. I tried to do the same, but I heard knocking on my door and stood up. Null stayed asleep, strangely. I opened the door and scowled at what was on the other side. One of my brothers.

It was Jealezele, who's next to rule if I somehow kick the bucket. Black hair falls down to his shoulders, tiny horns barely peaking through at the top of his head. His eyes are light pink, which I find girly and laughable. He was in his cloak still, suggesting he just finished up with work.

Once I opened the door, he found his way through and appeared disgusted with my room. Since he was over, I quickly slipped on a red tee and gray jeans. After, I sat on the bed, and Jealezele stood near me.

"What are you here for? I'm trying to pass out," I groaned, falling back on my bed. He clicked his tongue, annoyed with my attitude.

"I should be asking why you're here. Why aren't you working? You need to take it seriously. And you rarely turn anyone. You need to stop sending so many to torture. You've never send anyone for reincarnation either."

"I'll judge how I see fit. And I'm here because I have a bad hangover. Give me a break."

"You wouldn't have a hangover if you took your title seriously," Jealezele muttered, putting his hand on his face.

"Anyway, I HAVE changed someone. I don't send everyone to torture."

"So, did you change a hot woman, lunatic, or someone you think would be fun to party with?"

"None of those. I changed that demon on the floor beside you. He's a clueless ass-kisser," I responded, ashamed with my choice. Jealezele moved his eyesight to Null, who was still soundly sleeping. His eyes showed disbelief. "Do you know what the hell he is? I can't think of anything."

"No. I've never seen this. Can you get him up? I need to observe him."


I slid off my bed, moving to Null. When I looked down at him, his eyes shot open, and he stood up. He stared at me, stretching out his back.

"Need something, Lord? I felt your presence near me, so I got up."

"Were you even sleeping?"

"Lightly," Null answered, startled when he noticed his own tail at the corner of his eye. He looked at it, remembered what happened to him, and turned back to me.

"I need you to stand still. That killjoy needs to examine you for whatever reason," I told, pointing to my brother.

Jealezele scowled, strolling up to Null. He scrutinized the worshipper, touching his tail, horns, and flesh. After he had moved Null around enough and had more knowledge about him, he moved back and brushed his hair from his face. Null was flustered, looking at me for some kind of instruction.

"I have no insight about this thing you created, Daespheak. He's... odd. Why is he here, anyway?"

"He wants to serve me. He's a worshipper. Besides, he has literally lived in a hole in the ground. He barely knows about anything, so I feel the need to show him for a reason I don't know," I explained, puzzling the predicament I found myself in. Jealezele put his hand under his chin, thinking deeply.

"I don't see why you'd want a worshipper around. Nor do I see why you'd want to teach him anything."

"I don't fully know myself. His ignorance might be the reason. I can't stand someone so dense to continue their idiotic ways."

"Why do you continue your idiotic ways, then?" Jealezele questioned, sighing. I glared at him, his presence starting to annoy me.

"To me, you're the idiot. You're too serious. We're demons, so enjoy life in pleasure. Maybe you should've been born an angel or human."

"Don't you dare say that! I'm meant to be a demon and nothing else!" Jealezele shouted, aggression in his voice. I laughed, picking up a semi-full bottle of whiskey remaining from the party and pulling Null to me. I handed him the bottle, signaling him to wait with it.

"This worshipper is a better demon. You don't do ANYTHING fun or evil, while watch this. Drink the whiskey, Null."

Null removed the cork, clearing out the bottle soon after. When he finished, he wiped his mouth and placed the bottle on the ground. After a few minutes of watching, he became tipsy and grinned like an idiot.

"See? I haven't seen you drink since you were eighty. It's been forty years since then. Loosen up, Jealezele. You need to rekindle with your original darkness. You were a twisted bastard, but you've changed."

Jealezele slammed his fist against the wall to my room, a hole forming. He was red-faced, his eyes intense. I didn't regret what I said, chuckling at his anger.

"I've changed for the better! I can't be the demon I used to be."

"Why not? He was fun."

"He was irresponsible and overly destructive."

"That's how demons are. None of you guys seem to get it. We make everyone suffer, and it's fun. Have you even absorbed darkness is a while?" I questioned, adding to his rage. He used to be a truly fun demon. I used to go to his parties, but he just stopped all of a sudden. It's like... he was just drained of everything after speaking to our father one day.

"I stopped absorbing darkness when I stopped being irresponsible. You should do the same."

"I think you need a taste, again," I told, pacing up to him. He couldn't react in time, and my hand pieced through his heart. I loaded him up with darkness, along with some memories I had of how he used to be. He turned bright pink, and his eyes rolled back as he fell to the ground and fainted.

I gave him as many as I could, as he'd been bugging me for a while about ditching everything that makes me myself. I thought it could help him to realize that I'm the only one of my brothers who's acting properly. Demons are evil, but they don't act so.

Null was shocked, slowly creeping up on me and staring at my brother. I slung Jealezele over my shoulder, opening the door to leave my room and drop him off at his. As I walked to his room, Null stumbled close behind.

After walking in silence, I opened the door to Jealezele's room, placed him on the floor, and went out toward the entrance to the castle. Null continued following in silence, and he didn't find the need to talk until we made it outdoors. It was daytime, so I squinted from my lack of exposure.

"Why are we outside? Where are we going, Lord?"

"I'm heading to my friend's house. I'm doing something earlier than I expected, as I'm too awake now thanks to Jealezele," I answered, trying to adjust to the light. I began to pace through the streets, wanting to hurry and get to Law's. Null went at the same speed, but he looked like he was forcing his speed and was exhausted. I ignored, keeping up my pace.

When I'd walked for around a half an hour, I finally reached Law's house. I hadn't visited in a good six years. It looked nice and maintained, the grass in the front lively. He lives in a large house, as he needs a lot of space for his family. I knocked on the front door, waiting for it to be answered. Null was behind me, looking worried and unsure of himself.

"One second! I'm coming!" Law yelled, opening the door a minute later. He was wearing loose black jeans and a purple version of his typical man-slut shirt. He pretty much wears the same outfit every day, just in a new color. His hair was a mess, and he looked tired and surprised. "Hey, Dae. What are you doing at this hour? Shouldn't you be at work?"

"I'm skipping for the day. Can I come in and sit down to talk?"


Law let me in, so I traveled while forgetting about Null. Null silently went where I went, Law eyeballing him. He ignored Null, likely thinking I'd explain later. His house is nice. It's surprisingly neat and without dirt. I took a seat on a large red couch when we reached his living room. It had shelves full of nicknacks and pictures. Paintings of animals and trees were on the walls, hung on a stone wall. Another red couch was in front of the one I was sitting on which Law took a seat at. Null sat beside me, twiddling his thumbs.

"So, what's with the new guy? Why's he following you around? And what the hell is he?" Law rapidly questioned one after the other. I was getting sick of telling what Null's deal was. Servants are a pain...

"I'm not sure what he is, but I think he's a new species. He's following me because he's a worshipper who's trying to serve me."

"A worshipper? Don't you usually send them to be tortured since it's cruel to do to a worshipper?"

"Yeah, but Null is so pathetic and clueless that I oddly want to show him how stuff works. I gave him a bottle of whiskey, and he freaking chugged it though he'd never drunk," I explained, and Null looked a little bummed out. Law laughed, wiping a tear that was squeezed out of one of his eyes.

"That's too good! Why would anyone but you turn someone for that reason? So, why are you here?"

"I'm not sure. Nothing better to do, I suppose."

"Lord, I'm sorry to bug you, but I'm kind of hungry. I haven't eaten for a few days. I was fasting before I killed myself." Null whimpered, glancing at his stomach. I sighed, looking over at Law.

"This is what I have to deal with now... I have to help out my servant... Do you want to go out and grab a bite?" I asked Law, my hand over my face.

"Sure. I have nothing better to do. Well, I could help my, now, two wives with the children, but I never do."

"Is your other wife fine with the new one?"

"She has to be. She wants me, so she'll deal with it. I mean, she's desperate enough to overfeed me to make me fat and with no other options. About that, I'm dieting now," Law explained, upset with the last part.

"You need the diet, so that's good. Let's go."

Law nodded, so the three of us stood and left his house. We walked for a few minutes before finding a relatively decent eatery. After walking into the crowded restaurant, I took a seat beside Null, and Law sat in front of me.

"L-Lord, something is wrong," Null muttered, turning to me. His normally green eyes were suddenly black, and he was looking around nervously.

"Your eyes are black... Is something different about you?"

"They are? Everything looks odd. It's so dark, but I can see clearly. Certain people are giving off a faint light, and I want to get at it for some reason."

The restaurant was lit up well, so I realized his powers seemed to be acting up. Since it hadn't happened until we were here, the only thing I could think of was that he was affected by the humans around. The light could be the life forces they have within them.

"Odd. It's likely nothing. You should get used to seeing like this, though," I told, and a waitress came by.

"Hello, Lord Daespheak. What would you all like to order?" she asked, her feline tail curling and moving slightly left and right with excitement from my sight.

"The second option. I'm only taking fifteen years," Law said, looking down at his stomach though it was a muscular illusion.

"I'll have the stir fry. Also, everyone wants a beer," I said, Null catching my attention.

"What do I eat, Lord? I want that light," Null whispered, sounding eager to get his hands on the light he saw. I turned to the waitress, assuming I knew what Null needs to eat.

"He's getting a human woman. I don't think he cares which one."

The waitress left, so I sat back and waited. Null copied what I did, peering around the room, likely at the lights he sought after.

"So, is Null going to follow you everywhere now?" Law questioned, glancing at the clueless worshipper.

"Likely. I don't think he wants to leave."

"I need to serve you, Lord. I can't leave," Null uttered, focused with looking around.

"You haven't exactly done anything for me..."

"I apologize. You aren't telling me anything to do. I've been asking."

"Then, just do whatever you want. I don't really like telling you to do everything. Follow me if you want, but do what you please, I explained, sick of Null constantly waiting for me to tell him what to do.

"I need you to. I need instruction. My old ones are outdated. They don't work here."

"What do you mean?"

Null pulled out a list he had tucked in his cloak, holding it out to me. I read through it, amazed that he had his life planned out for him.

1. Make bed after you've left it. 2. Put on fresh clothes and brush your hair and teeth. 3. Eat breakfast. 4. Exercise for an hour. 5. Drink water. 6. Go to the surface and take care of crops; more instructions up there. 7. Travel underground and kill an animal for dinner. Make sure one of each gender is alive. Take care of animals; more instructions by the stable. 8. Cook and eat dinner. 9. Pray; instructions by the shrine. 10. Read for an hour. 11. Brush your teeth and bathe. 12. Go to your bed and sleep. 13. WAIT UNTIL YOU TURN TWENTY-ONE TO FOLLOW THIS RULE. When you awake on your twenty-first birthday, fast for the next week. Follow rules 1, 2, 5, 9, 11, 12. You will spend more hours with praying; instructions for when you turn twenty-one are provided. You also have more instructions before you sleep; located on the wall beside the mirror in the bathroom. After the week of fasting, put some vials of poison and daggers to your sides and drink one vial. When you get to the underworld, the demon you see will lead you and give you instruction. You'll be his servant, and make sure he allows you to follow him. You are nothing without that demon.

Most of the life in his memory was just living with the intention to follow me or one of my brothers eventually. In a way, Null's the perfect servant. He lives by instruction, only doing what he feels is wanted of him.

"Will you give me instruction?" Null questioned, appearing to be hopeless without it.

"I suppose I can give you some. I should teach you to think for yourself, though. Just try to do what you wish."

"If that's what you want, I'll try."

Law was lightly chuckling, finding my situation amusing. I handed Null his list, and he stashed it back into his cloak. Soon after, the server came back, placing the beer on the table, along with my flesh stir fry. Null stared at the women behind the server, gulping. A curvy, ginger-haired woman was put with Law, so he grabbed onto her, pulled her close to him, and put his lips on her face with a grin. I stood quickly so a skinny blond could be put beside Null. After, I sat back down, and the servant left.

While Law was kissing his meal and I had a piece of flesh on my fork, Null eyeballed the women. I took a bite of my food, satisfied with the taste, then turned to Null since he wasn't eating.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you eating?"

"I'm not sure how to get the light. I want it," Null mumbled, his eyes wide while he examined the women.

He held his hands out to her, placing his fingertips on her left arm. The black from his arms spread over her arm, ending at the shoulder. He swiftly tore off the black appendage, holding it up to his face. Before he bit into the arm, the woman screamed in agony. At this point, both Law and I had our full attention on Null. Null gave her a quick kiss on the lips, and he appeared to swallow something before moving his head back.

"Silence. Your voice is mine," Null eerily whispered to the woman, his voice only partially his. He had two voices. His original and a feminine one that belonged to the human. I was stunned and entranced while watching him.

Null held the arm to his mouth, slurping it up as if it was fluid. He quickly drank it, putting his hands on the woman's chest. The black quickly spread all throughout her body, and Null pulled her up to his face and sucked up all of her being. He completely finished in a minute, and the woman's presence was completely gone. Null was nonchalant, twiddling his thumbs while he waited for Law and me to eat.

"Null, do you have two voices now?" I questioned, picking up my fork and eating some of my food.

"If I want two voices. I took her's," Null responded, back to his voice.

"How did you know how to do that? Did you eat the light?"

"I consumed the light when I consumed her body. To do that, it just felt right after the black spread. I just knew what to do," Null explained, his voice making it seem like it was nothing.

I decided to focus on my own eating, as Null was finished and Law looked like he'd be done soon. I took a few bites but remembered that I wasn't too hungry. I was still full from earlier, so I slid my plate forward to signify that I was finished. Law moved his face from the woman he held, sighing. She was still alive, though weak.

"I've finished up, and I'm assuming you did too, Dae," Law announced, pushing the ginger off to one of the waitresses who took her where they likely store the rest. After nodding, I stood, Law and Null following as I paid and left.

We went back to the stone paths, and I stopped to loiter at a building. Null and Law leaned back on a stone wall with me, curious as to why I stopped.

"What's up? Why'd we stop?" Law asked, staring at me.

"I'm going to create a door."


"We're heading to the mermaid domain early."

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