TMNT 2003 FanFiction: Sister'...

By GamingKCW99

23.7K 373 68

(Okay, so I saw plenty of these on Quotev and FanFiction, then I decided to jump on the bandwagon. ) You know... More

Prologue: Little Bell
Chapter 1: Things Change
Chapter 2: A Better Mousetrap
Chapter 3: Attack of the Mousers
Chapter 4: Meet Casey Jones
Chapter 5: Mindless Pain
Chapter 6: Nano
Chapter 7: Darkness on the Edge of Town
Chapter 8: The Way of Invisibility
Chapter 9: Guilty Strikes
Chapter 11: Garbageman
Chapter 12: The Shredder Strikes Part 1
Chapter 13: The Shredder Strikes Part 2
Epilogue: Smoke and Visions

Chapter 10: Fallen Angel

772 19 1
By GamingKCW99

'I never felt so bad in my life. I couldn't stop thinking about it all. The vision, the fire, the mutant, and everything else. Well, my brothers and Splinter convinced me that I needed the fresh air, especially after what happened. They told me that it would be better than me being cooped up in my room. So.. I followed their advice and left the lair. Of course, it wouldn't have mattered since the guys would just drag me along to their adventures anyway.'

So, it was just another normal day, well night, and my brothers, Casey and I were patrolling the streets. We were leaping and running across one building after the next. Everything was peaceful at the moment, or as peaceful as it could get in New York. That was until I heard a crash. I skidded to a stop on my feet and looked down. "What's the matter, Bell?" Mikey asked. I pointed downward and saw a broken window to a shop. "Something's happening down there." I said. I saw a group of Purple Dragons grabbing things and robbing the store. "What do ya guys say for some dragon cleanup?" Raph smirked. I nodded to him before jumping down from the top of the building and to the fire escape. I grabbed the ladder and let it go down until it reached to ground level.

The others were already down. As expected, the Purple Dragons left through the back door. "Psst." Mikey sounded out to the man with a dragon tattooed on the left side of his face. The man turned to the noise and got a kick in the face. The guy flew into the small crowd and fell on some people in the group. "See guys? You never know what kind of fun you're gonna find on the ol' nightly training run." Mikey joked. "Now class, who can tell me what he did wrong?" Leo asked. Raph twirled his sai in his hand and answered, "Ya mean besides being a badly dressed law-breakin' good-for-nothing lowlife street punk?" I have a feeling that Raph would've continued if it weren't for the man yelling. "Bust 'em up dragons!"

The group charged at us and the man who seemed to have been leading them went into the building before shutting the door behind him. 'Coward!' I wanted to yell at him but instead I had to focus on the enemy before me. Casey leaped in the air and yelled, "Woohoo!" He swung hard at a Purple Dragon and the man flew back and hit the ground hard. "When are these dragon dudes gonna learn?" Leo cried out before kicking another. "Green beats Purple every time!" Mikey swung his pair of nunchaku around before hitting a man with green hair back into a wall. He was down and out. Raph came down and did a split kick between two other Purple Dragons. "They'll all be black and blue by the time I'm finished with 'em." He taunted.

"We've got a runner." Donnie called out. I spun around to see a girl with two purple ponytails escaping the area. I was about to chase after but got my path blocked by a few thugs. "Don't worry. It's covered," Raph yelled over the fighting, kicking a person back and elbowing the man behind him, knocking him back as well. I swung my tail around, hitting one guy in the stomach and grabbing by the other guy's shirt, punching him hard. I'll tell you that it definitely hurt my fist as much as it hurt his face. He covered his face with his two hands as if it would take the pain away. Using this distraction, I let go and kicked him back into trash cans. 'Right where the Purple Dragons belong.'

Why am I not using my weapon? One would ask. Well, I've already caused enough damage with it. While I may have it at my side, due to Splinter's and my brothers' demands, I refuse to hurt anyone else the same way I did to those people. At least... unless there's no choice. "Good job, guys." Leo's praise knocked me out of my trance, "Now, let's get back to Casey." He lead us down the alley and we turned corner, seeing the girl climb the fence and run while Casey was on the ground, groaning lowly. I was just about to jump over Casey and chase after but Leo stopped me. "Isabella. She's not worth it. Whoever she is, she's far from here now."

I huffed, crossing my arms. "Casey, what happened?" Raph asked urgently. "Who was that girl?" The long haired man stood up, looking behind him where he saw the girl left. "Her name's Angel." He turned to us and began to explain, "I know her from the neighborhood. I promised her grandma I'd keep an eye on her. Keep her out of trouble." He looked down with guilty eyes and placed his left hand on his right arm. Leo stepped forward. "So she's a Purple Dragon?" Casey looked at him in an expression of rage. This was a usual laidback guy that was likable if you can get over how annoying he is. Now here he was, with a scary serious expression that could rival Splinter's. He obviously didn't like that idea. "Not if I can help it."

In all honesty, I never thought I'd see him of all people be concerned for someone, other than Raph. She must mean a whole lot to him. 'Just like how I must mean a lot to them.'

The night passed much easier than others had and the next day we all spent our time doing our own thing. Last I saw the others, Don was working on the Battle Shell, Mikey was kinda wandering around, Raph was working on his kicks with a punching bag, Leo was reading and Splinter was having his tea. Meanwhile I'm also sitting on the couch with Splinter. While having company was great, it only delayed the dark thoughts in my mind.

Just as a thought was about to come up, I hear a vehicle start up and rumble in the lair. 'Just what would a vehicle be doing he- Oh no,' Before I could turn to see Donnie, Leo yelped and dropped his book. "Yikes!" He ran towards us, grabbed me and Splinter, and jumped off the couch. "Excuse me you two!" I hear the screech of tires soon after and a crash followed. I looked up, seeing the furniture is wrecked and the rug with tire marks. My gaze followed the marks and it leads to the Battle Shell, which is rammed into the wall. Master Splinter groaned and got up but for some reason I still felt an arm on me.

"Leo, you can let go of me now." I said bluntly. The turtle in blue turned to me and saw the predicament, before getting up and lending me a hand. "Thanks for saving me back there." I took his hand and he pulled me up, looking flustered and quickly letting go of my hand. "Yeah. No problem." He averted his gaze with that flustered expression still on his face.

"Donatello, your Battle Shell is a marvel of engineering, a true testament to your incredible mechanical skills, and I never want to see it in our home again." Splinter crosses his arms at the two turtles on the ground. "Oops." Donnie glared at Mikey and slapped him upside the head. "Ow." He responded, rubbing the spot where Donnie hit him.

"Looks like we've got to do upgrades in the garage." Leo commented. I nodded at that while the two turtles stood up. "Definitely. How did it even get in here?" I asked. Mikey and Leo shrugged at the question.


"Could you pass me that three-fourths wrench, Bella?" I tossed the tool to Donnie while he continued to work in the engines. The rest of us were waiting out of the way. We kinda didn't want the same thing happening again and if it did, we'd already be away from the machine. "Hey you guys hear that?" Mikey asked. "Hear what?" Mikey hushed Raph and Donnie stopped working on the Battle Shell. Footsteps were heard running this way and we hid ourselves and the vehicle away. "Raphael." A voice was heard from the outside.

I took the liberty to look outside, seeing a familiar form. "It's that girl, Angel. What is she doing here?" I looked to the others. "Why don't we ask her and find out?" Raph huffed and we all went outside. Donnie presses a button that raises the door and the lights of the Battle Shell were on. Mikey's idea. He's one for those comic book theatrics. "Whoa." She looked up at us while we walked into the lights. Raph went up to her, crossing his arms. "Alright, kid. This had better be good."

Angel stood there, shocked at the sight of us. I can't say I don't blame her. I thought. She shook her head and began explaining. "It's Casey. The Purple Dragons got him and"A mixture of guilt and panic formed on her face. "It's my fault he got in there." It hurt inside to see someone like her hold guilt. Now I know how Splinter and my brothers felt. We looked to each other and nodded. "Alright. Lead us to him and we'll bust him out." Leo instructed. Angel nodded and thought for a moment before snapping her fingers. "I've got an idea. Wait here." I'm certain that the others were just as confused as I am. Just what the heck is she thinking?

"Okay. I knew Casey hung out with some weird dudes, but you guys are off the charts." Angel commented, looking between the turtles. Donnie was the one driving while Leo was in the passenger seat, having a sip. Meanwhile Mikey, Raph and I were kinda sitting in the back with Angel. Speaking of the hot head, he was supposed to be putting on some sort of disguise. "No-ho-ho way am I going out like this." He fussed over his clothing, pulling at the loose pants. "Eh, tell me people don't really dress this way."

Mikey grinned, crossing a leg over his right one. "It's a good look for you, Raph. Kinda of hip hop cat burglar stormtrooper thing." He chuckled. I looked to Angel who just intercepted the conversation. "Don't laugh, green boy. You're next." She handed Mikey another set of clothes.  He gave her a 'what' face and I only chuckle in turn. Honestly it's kinda funny to see him get caught off guard like that. She turned to me. "You're going to have to be last since your stack is way down here." I nodded at that.

Angel directed Donnie to the place while Mikey was getting his clothes on. The genius eventually came to a stop with the Purple Dragon Base around the corner and, unfortunately for Leo and Don, they also had to get some clothes on too which now leaves me. Yeah, the others were waiting outside but I still felt awkward about this. My tail was forced to be close to me in these pants. The shirt of course had to be an absurdly cropped top. I know April wears one but she makes it look nice on her. Thankfully there's a hooded jacket to cover up the cropped top and anything that could expose me as a mutant.

I left the back of the Turtle Tank with the others waiting for me outside. "Did you have to pick out the top, Angel?" I asked her. "Hey. I figured it looked good on you," she remarked. "Oh really? Cause what you gave me exposes a little too much and my tail is stuck in these pants." If the boys thought their outfits were tacky well then, they have yet to actually see my full outfit. "Hate to interrupt, but we don't have time for this." Leo said. "We still have to get Casey out of there." I sighed, nodding and crossing my arms. "Fine."

With that, Angel led us to the Purple Dragon hideout. "Just be cool and follow my lead." She instructed, going pass a guy with a three fingered sign who allowed her to go. We followed her, copying the hand sign. The guy didn't question it and allowed us to pass. "Good thing it's only a three fingered salute." Mikey commented in a hushed voice. We walked into the base, seeing many of these Purple Dragon gang members inside. Most of them armed and looking ready for a fight.

"Yeesh. It's like we walked into an ugly convention." Mikey said. Raph took the opportunity and grinned. "Hey then you must feel right at home, Mikey." That actually got a chuckle out of me. "Knock it off, you guys. I'm trying to blend here." Donnie looked around before crossing his arms, trying to look tough. Mikey and Raph copied off him. "You really wanna look like a Purple Dragon? Try getting your butt kicked by a Ninja Turtle." And a Ninja Gecko. I thought of adding that, but decided not to. "I'm down with that." Mikey chuckled, fist bumping Raph.

Leo stood in front of us. "Okay guys, take note. We got exits there and there." He pointed to them. "Guards posted around the perimeter. Everyone's pretty heavily armed, so can we try to avoid the fight?" He sounded insistent but I just raised an eyebrow/ridge at him. Raph, Don, and Mike looked at each other before looking back to Leo. I'm certain the others have the same expression too. "Yeah right. What was I thinking?"

The room went dark and a metal cage came down around the ring ahead of us before a light shined on a behemoth of a man. "Tonight's cage match championship will determine which team will win the honor of ridding the Purple Dragon's of the most hated enemy." He announced on a microphone while Casey was lowered on a metal cross, Raph growled. "Lousy thugs. I've got your most hated enemy right here." He pulled out his sai from his sweater pockets, ready for a fight. "Easy Raph. Let's not blow our cover just yet." Leo stopped him, making him lower his arms.

The behemoth of a man put a mask on Casey's face and the crowd cheered at the familiar face. "So, whooo's ready to battle it out for the shot at the vigilante?" A man announced. A few of the Purple Dragon members cheered and went up to the ring. "Come on, come on, come on! There's gotta be more takers than that! The honor of the Dragon is at stake here!" Casey was raised above everyone like a trophy ready to be claimed. 'They dare call themselves honorable?!' I thought aggressively. "How are we gonna get him down from there?" Donnie asked.

"I know how to get to the catwalk." Angel answered Donnie, grabbing his attention. "Go with her," Leo directed. "Nothing fancy. Just stick to the shadows and cut him loose." Mikey spoke up with a question. "And what are you two gonna do?" "Three." I added in, standing between Raph and Leo. Raph looked enthusiastic for this while Leo observed the surroundings, following the spotlight specifically. "We make sure that spotlight stays on the cage. Now go." Mikey and Don followed Angel to the catwalk.

"Last chance to rage in the cage! Any takers? Any takers at all?" The announcer spoke through his microphone. Leo, Raph, and I went up to the fighting ring before the door could have a chance to close. "Is this gonna work?" Raph asked, unsure of the plan itself, as we hopped over the road. I'm surprised at him. I would think Raph would look forward to fighting more Purple Dragons. "You know a better way to buy some time?" Leo answered back with a question. "Besides, you need the practice." He walked in while Raph looked taken aback by that. "Moi?" We followed him into the cage and once inside, the guys gave us devious looks.

"Three new initiates have entered the competition!" The guys surrounded us, one of them even jumping down from wherever he was. It didn't feel too good being stared at like a piece of meat. At least the Mutant had more respect than that. "Let's show 'em how Purple Dragons treat newbies!" Everyone cheered at that. The bell rung and the guys charged at us. Punches were thrown and kicks sent the guys down on their backs. One guys tried to tackle at me but I leaned out of the way in time and he was left to hit the bars, making them ring.

The three of us met in the middle back to back. "Okay Raph. Maybe you're a little unclear on the concept of buying time. We still gotta leave a few of them standing." Leo scolded, even though he just kicked another Purple Dragon member down. "Oh, sorry." Raph replied sarcastically. Some of the guys came back up and we continued to fight back. I unfortunately didn't pay attention and got grabbed by the hooded part of my jacket, causing me to hack against it. I kept elbowing the guy behind me, trying to keep myself from hitting him with my tail.

"Geez, I can barely move in this stuff. What is the deal with humans and clothes?!" Leo complained loudly. Raph kicked a guy with a pinkish-Purple mohawk down. "You ever see a human in his skivvies? Trust me, it ain't a pretty sight." It sounded like Raph was speaking from experience, but I don't even want to know. I was forced to unzip my jacket and I was left with my pants and this absurd crop top. "Ooh, but that on the other hand," Raph began with a smirk but got picked up by another guy.

The man shook him around and the turtle was forced to abandon his disguise. The crowd gasped at the sight. "Hey! It's one of them Kung-fu lizards!" Someone from the crowd pointed us out while everyone else grew restless. "Turtles. Tur-tles!" Raph yelled, throwing off the shades. "Don't any ya lamebrains know a turtle when ya see one?" At least they got me right, despite my tail now being out. The crowd disapproved of us while a guy charged at Raph to land a hit, but to no avail. "Uh Raph, I think the biology lesson's the least of our problems right now."

The behemoth of a man shook the bar door and tore it off the hinges before throwing it on the side. He looked terrifyingly furious while he approached us. Even Raph looked a little scared. The crowd cheered at him. The dark green turtle in red shook off any sense of fear that he had and switched his expression to an angry glare while he went up to the man. "You," the behemoth growled and launched a punch. Raph blocked it in time. "What's ta matter, log butt? Still mad I walked out on your little Q and A?" He taunted.

The large man picked Raph up and slammed him up to the bars of the cage. "In case you haven't figured it out, reptile. That time I let you escape." While he was distracted, Leo got his clothes off. I decided to keep mine on. I kinda left my outfit in the of the Battle Shell on my seat. Leo cracked his knuckles and leaped at them. "Hate to break up the tearful reunion!" He landed on his shoulders, slapping the sides of his head. The behemoth cried out and let go of Raph, holding his hands over his ears.

"Dragons, get 'em!" The same man from the crowd yelled. I looked as the entire audience was about to become part of the show but just in time Donnie and Mikey landed in between us and them. "Sorry, dudes. Fan appreciation day is next week." Mikey stated. The group charged anyway. Don swung his staff and knocked a woman down. Mikey kicked the man with a dragon tattoo on his face down into the side of the cage. Meanwhile Raph was repeatedly kicking the huge man. "Do me a favor and be a cooperative little mountain and just gooo-" He got smacked to the side of the cage, "down." He exhaled, groaning in pain. I ran over to his side, helping him up.

Leo looked up and sliced at the ceiling, letting the half-cut metal bars fall right onto the giant. He only got up with the metal bars in hand and threw it at us. Leo and Raph were quick to shove me aside hard, taking the hit. "Burazāzu!" I cried out and ran to them. I can't have them hurt because of me. Not after-. The man approached us menacingly. "Looks like our bros and lil sis could use a hand." Don and Mikey jumped in and kicked the guy to the other side of the cage, bending the bars behind him, but the man just got up like nothing happened.

"Don't look now, but tiny still wants to dance." Mikey pointed out. The tattooed man began lifting up one side of the cage which caused the other walls to fall. My tail got stuck underneath the bars and the guys got saved by their shells. Once again, I say that they are lucky to have those shells. They lifted the cage pieces off of themselves while I tried to get myself unstuck. They helped me out of the metal mess. Just as Leo got himself out, the man took his katanas out of their sheaths and raised them above his head, obviously getting ready to slice at us.

He turned suddenly and there stood Casey and Angel. They both had smirks on their faces and Casey swung his bat right at the behemoth, making him fly off the stage. "Let's get out of here!" "Ah!" People tan while he landed right on the bleachers, crushing them beneath him. Raph gave Casey a thumb up while Leo took back his swords. More Purple Dragons climbed into the fighting ring and came towards us. "Take us out of here, Donnie." Leo said. Donnie pulled out his remote. "I have just what the doctor ordered." He pushed a button and a beep could be heard from it.

"Oh taxi," Mikey called out as the Battle Shell came crashing through. The Purple Dragons that were standing in the way ran before they could get ran over. "About time that thing busted up somebody else's place for a change." Raph grunted. I actually kinda smiled and laughed a little at that. "Yeah it is!" Leo opened the sliding door and we got in one by one. I saw that Casey was approaching the bulky man. "Bella, come on! We've gotta go!" I hear Mikey. I get in just as Donnie began driving. He stopped in time to let the two humans in through the back door and Mikey closed it.

We sped away from the Purple Dragon Base. I honestly hope we don't see that place again. "What's with the new look?" I hear Casey ask. I looked down, seeing that I still had my crop top and the baggy pants. "It was just for a disguise." I got my tail out and covered my exposed stomach. "Well I don't know, sis." Mikey chuckled. "It actually looks kinda good on you." I squeaked at that. Raph slapped him upside the head. Mikey winced, but he went back to chuckling. It took about ten minutes or so before Casey said to stop. We drove into the alleyway nearby and left our vehicle, watching as Casey and Angel went to a building.

The long haired man knocked on the door and it opened. "Angel?" She questioned, not believing her eyes. "Grandma." The girl went up and hugged the elderly woman. It made me twinge inside and I feel like I should do the same to Sensei once we get home. "Told you I'd keep an eye on her." Casey smiled. Angel's grandmother just smiled back and hugged the man. "Thank you, Casey. Thank you for bringing back my Angel." We looked at each other with a smile. The lady pulled away. "Now Angel, could you go sit at the table? I've got a pie fresh out of the oven." The girl nodded. "Sure thing, grandma." She went further into the building, out of sight.

The old woman turned to Casey whose expression turned to one of concern. "Is something wrong?" She sighed softly. "Nothing is wrong, but I have to ask." I was intrigued by this. "Have you seen Jenny at all?" She sounded concerned. "I know she's all grown up and she said she'll try to visit, but.. that was months ago." Casey scratched the back of his head. "I'm sorry, but I haven't seen her." He apologized. She sighed. "It's alright, Casey. When you see her, just let her know that her granny is still waiting for that visit." She gave that warm smile. "Now let's go get that pie before Angel thinks she can eat it all." She insisted and pulled him inside. Casey looked back at us and gave a thumb up before shutting the door behind him.

"Pie? Yo, Case! How's about introducing Grandma to your friends?" Mikey joked. Raph lead him back to the Battle Shell. "Forget it, Mikey. We're ninjas." I nodded, "We stick to the shadows." Leo continued on. "The unsung heroes of the urban jungle." And then there's Donnie. "The silent protectors of the way of bushido." Mikey hummed as Donnie started the vehicle and drove us home. "What kind of pie do you think it was?" The orange bandanna-wearing turtle asked. He obviously received a smack. "Ow! What?" He acted all innocent.

'Honestly Mikey...' I thought, shaking my head. My mind went back to the old woman. She looked so happy to see Angel, but when the name Jenny came up, it almost dampened her mood. It actually seemed sad to see her concerned like... 'Like Master Splinter.' I caught sight of Raph sitting next to me and handing me back my Ninja outfit. "Here." He said, crossing his arms."Just thought I could give it back since you don't look so comfortable in that." I sighed and smiled at him. 'They still care.. even after..' "Thanks big bro. I think I'll change once we get back though." I said, holding my outfit close and leaning on his shoulder.

"It's no problem, lil sis." I hear him say while we drove ourselves back home. I smile softly at that.

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