Caught In A Web (Peter Parker...

By Singingactress48

134K 3.2K 1K

Veronica woke up in Avengers Tower. She had no idea who she was or how she got there. She suffered Amnesia. S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Playlist/Authors Note
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Its coming!

Chapter 34

1.7K 46 24
By Singingactress48

3rd POV

Andrew Helgen sat on his prison bed, staring at the white cement wall. He had nothing else to do. He sat and stared at the wall until a meal was served or he was going to bed. Other than that, he had nothing to do.

He was mortally wounded. He lost so much blood that if he lost anymore, he would have died. He was both grateful and upset that he didn't die.

He was upset he didn't die because he was going to spend the rest of his days rotting in his prison cell.

He was grateful he lived, because if he somehow was able to get out of the small prison cell, he would find and destroy Veronica and Spider-Man.

He hated Veronica Taylor with a strong passion. He didn't think he would ever been able to hate someone more then his own father, but he could.

All he wanted to do was mess this girl up, but she somehow managed to escape her prison and shoot him, leaving him weak. But that Spider-Man, whoever he was, really got on his nerves.

Both of those kids were on his mind all day everyday.

He always would think about how he could kill them. He would all of a sudden laugh out loud when thinking about murdering one of them, and having the other watch their loved one die.

He had heard about all the kidnappings from other prison mates and police officers. The man responsible for the murders had somehow gotten away from the police as of the week before.

Helgen thought it was incredible how that man had escaped after being webbed to the ground by Spider-Man.

Helgen continues to stare at the wall as he hears screams of pain. He tilts his head towards the door, wondering what was happening.

He heard screaming a lot. Mostly from the psychopaths that were near his cell. Then something on his door catches his eye.

It was getting darker and darker. He turns his body towards the door as he watches the door get more and more dark. Then it breaks. No. Dissolved.

The Mangler was standing in the doorway. He had his mask on, the mask was broken. Helgen wasn't even sure as to why the man would even wear it at that point.

"Helgen," The Mangler says.

"Who the hell are you?" Helgen says, becoming suspicious as to why the screams of pain mysteriously stopped.

The Mangler steps into the cell.

"I'm your ticket to two things," He says before holding up a finger. "Number one, freedom," He then holds up two fingers. "Number two, getting rid of your two favorite people."

Helgen's face hardens.

"What could you possible know about what I want?" Helgen growls.

"We are similar, you know?" The Mangler says while walking closer to Helgen. "We both have an urge for evil doings. We both hate people. We both hate Spider-Man and Veronica Taylor."

Helgen's eyes widen and his head snaps towards the Mangler.

"Veronica Taylor? Spider-Man?"

"Yeah," The Mangler says. "That's what I just said."

"How do you know Veronica Taylor?" Helgen asks.

"Well, I knew of her because of you," The Mangler says. "I knew you wanted her for money and you put her coordinates out onto the black market, but someone got to her before me. Then suddenly I found her looking into my van, I tried to take her then and there but she got away, leaving me with this," He then pulls up his mask, revealing his sewn up eye.

Helgen flinched in disgust.

"Gross right?" The Mangler laughs. Helgen glares at him.

"And Spider-Man?"

"Oh right," The Mangler says before lowering his mask. "I didn't have a problem with the fucker until he saved his lover Veronica from death, along with all his classmates." He growls. "I almost had all of them dead. All of Midtown high. I was so close then the little maggot decided to save his girlfriend. But," He laughs. "He made a huge mistake. He changed into Spider-Man, allowing me to obtain his identity."

"You know too?" Helgen says.

"Peter Benjamin Parker," The Mangler says. "He doesn't like me, not one bit."

"I knew his name was Peter, and that's about it, how did you find out his middle and last name?" Helgen asks.

"I have my ways," The Mangler says.

"Well get me the hell out of here, then we can talk about how you made the door disappear and how you know so much, tell me more," Helgen says. "Oh yeah, who are you?"

"I'm what you may know me as, The Mangler, but call me Grant," He says before they start to walk out of the cell, but the Mangler stops. "Oh, and I already have an idea of how to destroy them both."

"How?" Helgen asks.

"Well, I know where both of them live, and I know who they both love."


"May Parker."


Hey guys, I am super busy right now. I'm trying to continue to get more and more updates out for you all but I have been busy with my show I am in right now.

I'm in a musical right now and our show is October 12th-14th, so that entire week I wont be able to update, so I'm trying.

I hope you guys enjoyed the double update, and I will try to get more updates out.

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