Equestria Ninja Девушки

By twilightnardo

3.5K 63 24

Twilight and girls high Canterlot trip to New York to take Dazzlings, who allied with the madman seeking reve... More

Мечта видение
Новая школа и Новые друзья
Встреча Черепах
история Splinter
Проблема в создании
Triple Threat
Triple Threat 2
Rainbooms Mutant Tussle
Пристальный взгляд
Следующая Мутация
Mutant Search
Dazzlings in action
Ninja Pony Up
The Siren Ambush
Recuperation and Regrouping
The Ninja Girls

Final Showdown

133 3 0
By twilightnardo

In the turtles lair, the turtles, Splinter, Casey, April, the Mutanimals, and the Rainbooms were laying out their plan.

"So here's the layout," Leo began, "My brothers and I will sneak into Shredder's lair and get their attention. Then we get them to follow us away from their lair over to this building here." he pointed to a spot on the map."

"That's where we wait for them and get the drop on them." Slash concluded.

"I know it may sound risky..." Donnie began.

"But it will work." Rockwell assured, while Donnie was agitated by the monkey finishing his sentence like always.

"Let's hope so," Twilight said, "Now that the Dazzlings have the Equestrian magic like before they won't be easy to defeat, even if me and the girls can pony up."

"We still have to try." Sunset replied.

"Sunset Shimmer is correct," Splinter confirmed, "Despite whatever odds may be against us be it numbers or power we must not lose hope."

"So what're we waiting for?" Raph asked, "Let's put this plan into motion."

"And stop the Dazzlings for good." Rainbow added.

"All right team, let's move!" Leo ordered, as they saddled up for battle.

"Twilight." Spike said in worry.

"You stay here where it's safe, Spike. I promise you we'll be back." she scratched behind his ears.

"You all be careful out there." he said.

"We will." Twilight promised, as the group headed back to the surface.

Meanwhile at Shredder's lair, Shredder stood before Karai and Tiger Claw, before speaking, "I want our forces to be ready at all times."

"Yes, Master Shredder." Tiger Claw answered.

"Father, what exactly are we preparing for? Leo was injured." Karai reminded him.

"And the turtles and Rainbooms will no doubt be on their way to avenge him. And when they do, we will be ready. Now go." Tiger Claw and Karai bowed their heads before taking their leave.

Meanwhile from up above in the Turtle Blimp, the turtles were scoping out the scene from above, "Shredder's lair right below us." Raphael noted.

"Ok, turtles, let's go." Leo ordered, as they fastened the ropes to their belts and jumped down from the blimp.

"Whoo!" Mikey cheered, only to be hushed by his brothers not wanting to be spotted.

They landed on the roof and unfastened their ropes. Leo motioned them to be silent as they peaked around the corner of the roof, and saw two Foot Bots on patrol. He whipped out two shuriken and launched them nailing the Foot Bots in their head shorting out some of their circuits. Leo quickly jumped in and sliced the two robots in half.

Donnie carefully cut a hole in the glass window and they all shimmied down a rope landing inside Shredder's throne room that was dark.

"You think Shred head forgot to pay his electric bill?" Mikey whispered.

Suddenly the lights came on revealing they were surrounded by Foot Bots, Karai, the Dazzlings, Shredder's mutant henchmen, and Shredder himself.

"Like flies you've been caught right in my web." Shredder stated.

Karai spoke, "Leo, nice to see you're up and about after that thrashing."

"I don't go down easy, Karai." Leo replied.

"It's time we put an end to you, turtles." Fishface maneuvered his blade.

"Once and for all." Tiger Claw readied his blasters.

"You'll have to catch us first!" Raphael called.

Mikey threw a smoke bomb, "Adios!" the smoke filled the room allowing the turtles to make their escape.

Shredder declared, "After them!"

Outside the turtles were already on the movie jumping from rooftop to rooftop with Shredder and his forces in hot pursuit.

"Faster, guys, they're gaining!" Donnie cried.

They picked up the pace before stopping on top of a roof, while their enemies arrived and surrounded them.

"Turtle freaks have nowhere to go now." Rocksteady laughed.

"Let's finish them here and now." Bebop said.

"Sounds like a plan." Adagio agreed.

"Tonight I will make your end swift and painful." Shredder promised, as he readied his bladed gauntlets.

"Not if we have anything to say about it!" Came Rainbow Dash's voice.

"What?!" Shredder called, as the Foot clan looked around and saw Splinter, April, Casey, the Rainbooms, and the Mutanimals standing up on another rooftop by a water tower.

"The Rainbooms!" Sonata gasped.

"And the rat!" Shredder squinted his eyes.

"Tonight you fight all of us!" Splinter declared.

"And we will stop you!" Twilight added, as she gripped her weapon.

"All right, gang. Let's get 'em!" Slash declared.

And so the turtles allies jumped to the rooftop they were on, as Shredder bellowed, "Attack!"

So both sides went into battle with the Rainbooms taking on the Dazzlings, April, Casey, Rockwell, Mondo, Pete, and Muckman taking on the Foot Bots, Slash, Leatherhead, and the turtles fighting the mutants and Karai, while Splinter was going at it with Shredder.

Mondo skateboarded around the Foot Bots who're trying to attack him, but ended up attacking themselves, "Yeah, that's it! Follow the boarding lizard, dudes!" he laughed.

Rockwell was using his psychic waves to knock some of the Foot Bots away, "Stay focused, Mondo. Remember what's at stake!"

"Yeah. But it's nice to have a good time when fighting," Casey wielded his hockey stick, "Goongala!"

The Rainbooms were facing the Dazzlings, as Twilight spoke up, "You have something that doesn't belong to you three."

"The Equestrian Magic is ours, and we will do whatever we please with it!" Adagio answered.

"Let's go!" Sunset called, as the girls went into battle with the sirens.

Even with the numbers against the trio of girls, they still proved to be more than a match. Aria spoke up, "Adagio, let's just power up and be done with them."

"My thoughts exactly, Aria," Adagio agreed, "Sing!" the sirens vocalized, while Sonata still looked unsure as she vocalized. They gained their ponytails and fin wings before flying above and diving down like hawks to their prey.

"Looks out!" Applejack called, as they started running around to avoid the sirens strikes like sitting ducks.

"We need to pony up too!" Pinkie declared.

"Pinkie's right. We need to concentrate!" Twilight ordered, as they girls looked deep inside themselves and ponied up.

"Now the odds are evened." Rainbow said, as she flew up to the Dazzlings level.

With the mutants, the turtles were facing off against their enemies with Leo going after Karai and Tiger Claw, Raph handling Fishface and Bebop, Mikey dealing with Rahzar and Rocksteady, and Donnie was dealing with Stockman-Fly.

"You know how much this is going to hurt?" Rahzar asked Mikey, as he tried tried to claw at him.

"Well, this is gonna hurt more!" Mikey whipped his chucks at Rahzar who yelped like the dog he was.

"Turtle freak mess with the Rocksteady and he gets the horn!" Rocksteady charged in to attack Mikey.

The party turtles jumped to the side and Rocksteady ended up charging Rahzar who growled, "Clumsy, rhino!"

Raph was maneuvering his sais, as Fishface was using his own weapon to strike, "I'm going to chop you up, turtle!"

"And I'm gonna make fish-kabob out of you!" Raph fought back, before Bebop jumped in and launched his energy mohawk while making his hoots and rants.

Donnie was fighting Stockman-Fly, as the bug was buzzing around while trying to nail the turtle with his spit.

"Didn't anybody teach you not to spit?!" Donnie shouted, before jumping away.

"I got this!" Slash threw his mace at Stockman hitting him and causing him to fall to the ground.

He looked up and saw Leatherhead standing above him roaring, making the fly mutant buzz in fright.

Leo was fending off against Karai, while dodging Tiger Claw blaster shots, "You know I don't wanna do this to you, Karai."

"But I'm itching to do this to you!" Karai struck Leo with her sword, while he jumped back.

Leo ended up jumping right in close range of Tiger Claw, as the assassin pulled out his blade and started sword fighting with the turtle leader.

Meanwhile the two old friends turned rivals were busy themselves engaging in combat, Splinter was using his quick reflexes and skills against Shredder's strength.

"Fate as always leads up to these confrontations, but in the end I shall be destined to triumph!" Shredder boasted.

"Your ego has only clouded your mind as time comes and goes!" Splinter retorted as he fought back.

Once all the Foot Bots had been cleared, the Mutanimals and some of the Rainbooms joined the fight against Shredder's mutants.

Rainbow and Applejack jumped in and started fighting Rocksteady and Bebop, as the two mutants stood their ground.

"Rainbow haired girl and country girl are no match for the Bebop and Rocksteady!" Rocksteady declared.

"Oh, yeah? Well, the Bebop and Rocksteady are no match the awesomeness of Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow retorted.

Applejack sighed, "You gotta pick your words better." The two just went at it with the two mutants with Rainbow flying around Bebop who was trying to hit her with his energy mohawk shots.

Applejack was going toe to toe with Rocksteady using her ponified strength to match his own, "Country girl's got the brawn, I'll say that."

"This girl's got more than brawn, horn head! She's also got heart!" Applejack grabbed Rocksteady's right hand and threw her over her shoulder making him crash.

"Nice on, A.J!" Pinkie cheered, before dodging Rahzar's nail projectiles.

As Twilight was handling Tiger Claw, she looked over and saw Splinter and Shredder going at it, with Splinter looking like he was getting tired.

She squinted her eyes at Shredder while gripping her kamyari. She flew over in their direction with determination as Shredder was about to strike Splinter.

"And now, Hamato Yoshi. Be gone!" Before Shredder could strike, his gauntlet was blocked by Twilight's weapon, as the Princess blocked him, "You!"

Twilight using her enhanced power by the magic within her to push Shredder back, "Twilight." Splinter gasped.

"Are you ok, sensei?" Twilight asked.

"I'll be fine."

"You have made a big mistake in coming between our business, Princess." Shredder warned the girl.

Twilight frowned, "I still have a score to settle with you for not only mutating my number one assistant, but for hurting my friend as well!" she flew at Shredder as they engaged in combat.

"Fool! You are beneath me!" Shredder knocked her back, but the princess remained strong.

"Beneath you or not, I'm not giving up! None of us are!" she called, as her fellow Rainbooms joined at her side.

Shredder growled before turning to the Dazzlings, "Get them, you fools!"

Adagio and Aria scowled at Shredder's insult, before flying at the Rainbooms engaging in combat. As Fluttershy was fighting Sonata she noticed how Sonata appeared to be holding back.

The two ended up getting knocked to the side away from the fighting, as Fluttershy spoke, "I don't think you wanna fight anymore than I don't do you?"

Sonata answered truthfully, "I-I don't."

"Then why are you?"

"Because it's Shredder's orders, and Adagio and Aria would hate me if I don't follow orders."

"You don't have to o anything you don't wanna do, Sonata."

"I don't?" Sonata asked curiously.

"Of course not. You can make your own decisions and choices."

"But Adagio and Aria..."

"Don't have the right to tell you what's right and wrong. You can choose for yourself." Fluttershy smiled.

"But why're you suddenly being so nice to me after all I did?"

"You look like you needed it. And I know deep down you're not like your friends."

"I-I just wanted to live normally after losing my magic, but all they could think about was revenge." Sonata sighed.

"It's not too late, Sonata. Join us, we can end this fighting together." Fluttershy offered.

Sonata looked at Fluttershy's extended hand and was ready to take it, until Adagio called out, "Sonata, get your butt in gear!"

Sonata hearing her voice looked back at Fluttershy and spoke, "I'm sorry." she went back to join the Dazzlings much to Fluttershy's worry.

Sonata joined her fellow sirens as they continued to fight the Rainbooms while Shredder resumed his fight with Splinter.

"When I am done with you, I am going to make your turtles suffer as well as these girls." the insane ninja proclaimed.

Splinter frowned, "I will not let you lay a hand on them!" he attacked his former friend, as they fought like true ninja masters.

"Come on, Master Splinter! Take him down!" The turtles and their allies cheered him on, while Shredder's mutants and Karai cheered their master on.

The two jumped around fighting until Splinter landed a strong punch and kick to Shredder making him roll across the ground.

"All right, sensei!" the turtles cheered.

"Not too shabby." Splinter admitted.

Shredder struggled to get up and looked at Splinter. Fury as always burned in his heart as he got up and ran at Splinter screaming in fury.

"Splinter, look out!" April cried.

Splinter anticipating this move, jumped out of the way, while Shredder was on a direct course with Adagio and Aria.

"Girls, move!" Karai called.

Adagio and Aria weren't fast enough to move like Splinter, and before Shredder's blade could strike who else should take the blow but Sonata who jumped into the line of fire. The ditzy dazzling groaned from the attack and feel to the ground groaning in more pain.

Adagio and Aria gasped in shock at what happened to Sonata. Needless to sat everyone around was in shock.

"Sonata." Fluttershy gasped.

"She-she took the blow." Pete said in shock.

Adagio lifted Sonata's head up, "Sonata, are you all right?" she asked in worry.

"Sonata, speak to us." Aria pleaded.

Sonata groaned, "Hey, girls. Glad you weren't hurt."

"Forget us. What about you?" Aria asked.

"Why do it, Sonata?" Adagio asked in confusion.

"No matter what mean things you said to me or called me, you're the only ones I have in this world or had in Equestria," she explained weakly, "I just hope deep down you feel the same." she closed her eyes.

"NO!" Adagio and Aria cried.

Shredder got up and noticed his enemies glaring at him, while Karai spoke, "Father, you-you struck her."

Shredder spoke, "She stepped right into it, Karai. That's her own fault."

"And would it have been the fault of the other two had your attack reached them instead?" Splinter challenged.

"Your hatred is what's gonna get all those around you killed one day, Shredder." Leo warned him.

"Silence!" Shredder bellowed, "Attack!" he noticed his mutants were trembling, "What're you waiting for?!"

"Uh, Master Shredder." Fishface said in worry.

"What?!" Shredder felt a powerful force building up behind him.

He turned and saw Adagio and Aria glaring at him while their Equestrian magic intensified, "You hurt our friend!" Adagio shouted.

"And we will make you pay for that!" Aria promised.

"You dare betray me?!" Shredder bellowed, "I will make you suffer!" he went to attack the sirens, only to get knocked around by the two who vocalized and sent shockwaves knocking Shredder off his feet as well as pushing his minions back.

"Ok, so are they still our enemies?" Mikey asked in confusion.

"I have no idea." Donnie answered.

Adagio and Aria turned to the good guys, as the lead siren spoke, "Rainbooms, our beef with you no longer matters. All we care about is making him pay for what he did to Sonata."

"Would you be willing to help us despite our differences?" Aria asked.

The Rainbooms were confused and not sure how to answer, until Twilight spoke, "We are if you are."

"Then let's do this together!" Sunset declared, as they all cheered.

Shredder growled, "You two will regret betraying me!"

"We already regret thinking you could help us." Adagio said bitterly.

"Come on, girls, Mutants, everyone!" Twilight called, as they took the fight once again to Shredder and the enemy mutants.

As the Mutanimals took the fight to Shredder's mutants, the turtles and Rainbooms themselves were throwing all they had against Shredder who was actually starting to lose his edge.

"Father!" Karai wanted to help Shredder only to get blocked by Slash and Leatherhead. She shifted in her snake form and fought them determined to go to Shredder's aid.

Shredder was trying to block attack after attack by the Rainbooms, Aria, and Adagio, but wasn't capable of blocking all of them.

"This isn't possible. You are not this strong!" Shredder shouted.

"Wrong, Shredder," Twilight began, "We have strength unlike anything you've ever seen. The strength that comes from the bonds of friendship we all share. And as long as you hold onto this hatred in your heart you will never understand it."

"And now see just how strong our friendship is compared to your hate!" Sunset exclaimed, as the magic of friendship surrounded the Rainbooms and two sirens, as they announced together.


They released a explosion of magic right in Shredder's path. The ninja's eyes widened in shock as the wave sent the mad man flying across the city screaming.

"Master Shredder!" Tiger claw called, as he took off on his jetpack to follow him, while the other mutants followed.

Karai was the last to follow, as she looked back at the group with anger, while the turtles remained unaffected knowing that wasn't the real Karai.

When the snake girl left, the Rainbooms and sirens powered down, "Girls, you did it!" Leo cheered.

"That was awesome!" Donnie cheered.

"We really did it!" Fluttershy beamed.

"We're the best!" Pinkie cheered, as she did a dance, "Go ninja! Go ninja! Go!"

Splinter spoke, "Congratulations to all of you. I am very proud," he turned to the Dazlings, "And thanks to you two for helping us in defeating our enemies."

"No problem, rat man." Aria said.

Adagio sighed, "I just wished there was something we could've done for Sonata." Aria shared the same look of guilt, until a voice spoke up.

"You really mean that?"

The two gasped, as they looked over seeing Sonata slowly sit up looking all right, "Sonata?!" the two gasped, as they ran over to her.

"You're all right!" Aria cheered.

"But how?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, didn't Shredder get you?" Mondo asked.

"Just a scratch," Sonata groaned, "Nothing too bad, but boy did that sting."

"Sonata!" Aria embraced her.

"Aria?" Sonata was surprised at her action.

"I'm sorry for all the times I've called you the worst!" she cried on her shoulder.

Sonata smiled and returned the hug, "I know you are."

"Sonata," Adagio began with a smile, "We're so glad you're all right."

"Thanks, Adagio." Sonata smiled, as she was helped to her feet.

Twilight spoke up, "I hope this has taught you something, girls. Revenge will only lead you down a dark path and in the end will leave you with nothing."

"Spoken like a true leader." Splinter commended her.

Adagio spoke, "You're right. Shredder may have promised to help us, but if that was his attitude in the end he would've probably disposed of us like he thought he did to Sonata."

"I may miss feeding off energy instead of regular food, but after this the latter doesn't seem so bad." Aria admitted.

"Then are you two thinking what I hope you are?" Sonata asked hopefully.

Adagio and Aria removed their gems from their necklaces, prompting Sonata to follow. The Mutants and Rainbooms were concerned before they dropped their gems to the ground and smashed them with their boots breaking them and releasing all the energy the harnessed, including the Equestrian magic they stole from the girls.

"Did you just seriously do that?" Rainbow asked in disbelief.

"Even if we can't sing the way we used too, we can always learn how to do it again from scratch." Sonata said.

"And we'll make others adore us for the right reasons instead of popularity." Adagio added.

"It may be a bummer, but if it's a step to being good we're willing to try it." Aria admitted.

"Ooh, this is so touching!" Mikey wiped away a fake tear.

"Hugs!" Pinkie cheered, as she embraced the Dazzlings followed by the rest of the Rainbooms. The three sirens feeling accepted smiled knowing this was better than being bad.

The turtles, mutants, April, and Casey smiled, while Raph made a soft gagging sound. Leo spoke up, "Everyone, it's time to celebrate!"

"Yeah!" the groups cheered.

Meanwhile at New York City's dump, Karai and the mutants were digging around piles of garbage, while Stockman was spitting acid on some half eaten foods and eating them.

"I don't see him anywhere." Bebop said, as he dug through the garbage.

"Keep looking, this was where Tiger Claw spotted father land." Karai ordered, as they continued digging.

Suddenly a familiar arm burst out of a nearby pile of garbage along with a growling sound. The group ran over, as Shredder pulled himself out of the garbage looking uninjured physically.

"Master Shredder, are you hurt?" Rahzar asked only to get shoved away by said man.

"I'm fine!" he growled.

"We're grateful to see you in one piece, Master." Tiger Claw bowed his head.

Karai spoke, "I promise you father, the turtles, and those girls will pay for this, especially those traitorous sirens."

"Never mind that!" Shredder answered, "I never want to see any of those girls ever again!"

TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.

My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.

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