Braedey Martin: Robots and a...

Por Braedey95

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Braedey Martin has gone through it all: Evil Ancient Beings, Decepticons, bad guys, and other such events. An... Más

First Day of Monster High School
Sucs to B-Us and Flies; Breakfast or Friend?
Love's a Witch; the Borders Between Beings
Attack of the Fan Boys; Is This Goodbye?
Club Hunting; Fish Out Of Water
The Peeping Howler; Wolf V.S Wolf
Friendship Test; Kurumu's Slimy Stalker
Arts and Crafters; Happy Birthday... or Modelling Day??
The Snow Girl; Loneliness lifted by an Angel
Math Practice; Creepy Ladies
Summer Break; Another Witch?!
Feats of Strength; A Martin's Rath
Cousin Attack; Security Committee a Snoopin'
Enemy of My Enemy; Grudges Settled
Settling Old Scores; An Uneasy Alliance
Interrogation; The Secret's Out
Who's the Hero; Stand Alone... or Together
Fire VS Transformatrix; Demon Monster VS Demon Cybertronian Pt 1
Fire VS Transformatrix; Demon Monster VS Demon Cybertronian Pt 2
Far from Home; I don't Belong Here
Welcome Back; Moka's Little Sister?!
Parent's Day; Meeting the Mothers
This is Halloween; Thriller Night
Cloning Mayhem; The Braedeys VS Kento
Apocalypse; 'The Fallen' is Rising
'The Fallen' Awakens; He is Coming
Confrontation; 'The Fallen' Attacks
Decepticons, Mobilize; It is Time
Robo-Warrior; and Alliances
Jetfire; The Dagger's Tip, and The Collider
Pyramids, Stars, and Tombs
Decepticons, begin our Assault; Battle Of Egypt Pt 1
Decepticons, begin our Assault; Battle Of Egypt Pt 2
Off to Cybertron; Operation - Ressurection
Preparations, and Wedding; All the Galore
Yukari's Growth; Fitness Class in Session
Steaming Through; Man VS Machine
Author's Note
The Future; An Untold World
Kokoa's New Bike; Moka's Transformatrix Training
Suoh VS Akashiya; Robots and Monsters
Merry Christmas; Secret Santas
Kaiju Yokai; Stone Age VS Modernity
Deep in Space; Lost
Handsome Guy; Music Battle
At Home; Meeting Moka's Mum
Mecha Youkai; Crimson VS Nemesis
A Night Together; Blue & Red
'Battle Of Unicron' Intro & Author's Note
Battle Of Unicron Pt 1
Battle Of Unicron Pt 2
Battle Of Unicron Pt 3
Jetfire's Memorial; A Ski Trip
Braedey VS 'Braedey'; Copycat Mayhem

Sister Issues; Male VS Female Vampire

662 8 21
Por Braedey95


But, who is that girl?" Kurumu thought about the redhead.

"Yeah." Braedey nodded. "It's like we've all run into her before."

"Actually, I know her." Moka spoke up, catching the others off-guard.

"Wait. You do?" Braedey asked. "Moka, who is she?"

Then, the door behind them opened ominously. "Her worst nightmare." A voice spoke, making Moka gasp in fright and fear. "It has been a really really long time, hasn't it, Moka?"

Everyone turned around, and saw it was the redhead girl standing at the door. "Whatcha think about all those letters I've sent? Did you manage to read them all?" Then, a small brown bat with slightly pink cheeks landed on her shoulder. "My little bat Kou-buddy here sent those to you."

"We're not gonna let you hurt Moka." Braedey declared.

"Everyone... run away." Moka stuttered, catching them off-guard.

Braedey looked at the pinkette. "But why?" He asked.

"Cause that girl..." Moka replied on disbelief and fear. "... she's my-"

"Well, I said I was gonna take your life, and now, it's time...." The redhead declared, Ponting at Moka. "...Big sister."

"WHAT?!" Everyone asked in shock, Braedey mostly.


"That girl... is your sister?" Braedey asked in shock. 'How come Moka hasn't told me about her before? He thought, and looked at the redhead. 'No wonder she looked almost like Moka. She has the same colour eyes.'

"You're telling me that First-Year student over there..." Yukari started.

"Is Moka's little sister?" Kurumu finished.

"Kokoa." Moka stuttered. "What are you doing here?"

"Kokoa?" Braedey asked. "So, that's your sister's name."

"Finally." Kokoa stated. "We're face to face. And guess what, Moka?" She pointed at the pinkette. "Now, I'm gonna wipe you off the face of the Earth!"

With that, she jumped up into the air, ready to strike, as she prepared to kick Moka. Moka ran forward suddenly. "Run, everyone!" She to them. "Hurry! Kokoa only came here for me!"

Braedey suddenly ran ahead. "Not on my watch, Moka!" He tackled the pinkette, and Kokoa flew past, kicking a line of trees in half like they were planks of wood.

"Wow. She's incredible!" Yukari commented.

"With strength like that, here's no question." Kurumu added. "She's an S-Class Monster. A vampire."

Kokoa starred to walk forward, her hand holding onto a large trunk of tree. "What's wrong with you?" She demanded from Moka. "Come on. Why won't you fight?" She held up the trunk, and stared to swing it down! "Lets do it like we used to!"

Everyone dove for cover, as the trunk slammed down, and they try to dodge the crazy redhead. Mizore, however, hid behind a tree nearby, watching from afar.

"What's this girls problem?" Kurumu asked out loud.

"She doesn't care what she destroys!" Yukari added, dodging another strike.

"Stop, Kokoa! No!" Moka pleaded, but to no avail, as Kokoa charged at her.

Braedey stepped ahead of her, his arms out. "I've got this, Moka." Then, he saw Kokoa with a table in hand. "Not today!" He jumped up, and kicked the table to pieces, making the redhead fall back in shock, but she didn't stop, as she kicked Braedey in the chest, and sending him into the ground.

"Braedey!" Moka cried.

Kokoa was about to attack again, but she then smelt something in the air: blood. She knelt down next to Braedey's knocked out form, and leaned in closer to his face, seeing the blood that on the side of his head. "I smelt this before. He smells so good." She was about to lick the blood off him when...

"What exactly are you trying to pull, huh?" Kurumu slapped her away with a nearby folded up table.

"Braedey, are you okay?" Moka asked in worry.

"There's blood on his face." Yukari added.

Moka then smelt the blood, and seemed to be in a trance. "Oh, that smell..." She said, catching Yukari off-guard. "I can't control myse-"

"Get it together, Moka!" Kurumu slapped her away with the table also.

"Well, it does show that they respond the same way to Braedey's blood." Yukari pointed out, a sweatdrop next to her head. "They're both sisters alright."

"You just had to get in my way?" Kokoa growled, stepping out of the wreck of chairs and tables. "If you're gonna interfere, then I guess I'll have to take you guys out as well."

'What am I gonna do?' Moka thought, as Kokoa made her way towards them. 'At this rate, she's gonna-'

"Hey, you!" A voice called. Everyone looked over, and saw the coach Kotsubo approaching. "Stop! What the hell is going on here?"

"Mr. Kotsubo?" Yukari asked in confusion.

"Man, I hate that guy." Mizore muttered, and hid behind the tree.

"Hold on. I recognise you." Kotsubo looked to Kokoa.

"She's the new First-Year." Ruby stated, seemingly appearing out of nowhere next to Kotsubo. "And your name is Kokoa Shuzen."

"Huh? Shuzen?" Yukari questioned.

Braedey, after waking up, sat up, and glared. "Okay. What in the Pits of Kaon is Ruby doing here?"

"Well, it's a long story..." Ruby stated. "But right now, I'm working for the director helping out wherever there's need..." Then, she began to go off-track

"Ruby is not important." Kotsubo stated, pointing at Kokoa. "The issue is Kokoa. You're gonna match your butt back to class right now." He ordered.

"Well, if looks like you guys are safe. For now." Kokoda stated. "But next time, I'm gonna wipe you off the face of the Earth forever, Moka Akashiya." With that, she began to run off to class, Kotsubo chasing after her.

(Later On)

After that fight, the girls took Braedey to the infirmary, so they could patch him up and fix him. Kurumu was sitting on the infirmary bed, whilst Braedey was sitting on a chair next to her, and Yukari was tending to his wounds, Moka standing behind her.

"Don't you worry, Braedey." Yukari reassured him. "I'll fix you up."

"Hey, Yukari." Moka stepped forward. "Why don't you let me help-"

"No!" Kurumu stopped her. "If you get near him, you'll suck his blood."

Moka sighed sadly, pointing her two fingers together sadly. "Moka?" Braedey's voice got her attention. "Could you tell us more about your sister, Kokoa?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah." Kurumu agreed.

"If you two are sisters, how come you don't have the same last name?" Yukari asked curiously. "Hers is Shuzen, and yours is Akashiya."

Moka sighed, and began to think back. "Originally, there were four of us, me and my three sisters. Counting from the top, I'm the third oldest. Kokoa's the youngest of us all, kist one year behind me. She and I had different mothers, but as kids, we lived in the same house."

"But, how did you two end up fighting one another?" Braedey asked.

"That's just the way we were, even back then." Moka replied. "We were constantly fighting everyday. You see, back when I was just a kid, unlike now, I didn't have this rosary seal to control my powers. Poor Kokoa. She never beat me, not even once. Soon, I had to move out, and live with my mother in the human world, whilst my powers are sealed away. But Kokoa didn't give up. She chased right after me when I went to the human world, and kept challenging me to a fight. But, my powers were sealed away because of the rosary, and I wasn't strong enough to fight her. All I can do is run away."

The others were confused, shocked, shaken, and in awe of the tale of the two sisters, Braedey mostly.

"So, let me get this straight." Yukari spoke up. "Your saying that Kokoa chased you all the way to Youkai Academy?"

"I'm afraid so." Moka sighed sadly.

"That's gotta be the most single-minded fixation ever." Yukari commented to herself.

"I wonder if that's really the only reason why." Braedey cupped his chin in thought.

"Well, from her point of view, she sees me as the irresponsible big sister who left her." Moka replied. "And I think she despises me because of it."

"That's not true." Braedey stated to her. "It's not your fault."

"Yeah." Yukari added. "You're not to blame."

"Man, your little sister sucks." Mizore suddenly popped out of the vent above. "You want me to freeze her and be done with it?"

"You can't!" Moka cried. "As messed up as she is, she's still family to me, guys!"

"But, at this rate, you'd wind up dead." Braedey interjected.

"I think he's right." Kurumu agreed, then she glomped Braedey. "But, I don't care if she dies or not." This made Moka gasp in shock. "If my beloved Braedey got himself hurt, I don't know how to live." With that, the girls steered to argue about Braedey, and Moka was getting more and more frustrated.

Then, a smack came from the windows. Braedey and the girls looked over, and saw the bat that was on Komoa's shoulder was at the window. Suddenly, Kokoa burst through the windows.

"SHE'S HERE!" Everyone yelled out.

"You think you can run from me? You've got another thing coming!" Kokoa laughed. She held out her hand, and the bat flew up to it. Then, she gripped it tightly, and suddenly, the bat morphed into what was a large mallet hammer with a wing on the bottom of the handle, and a face on the side, whilst two spikes jutted out of the hammer heads. "My shapeshifting bat transforms, which means I can turn him into anything I want."


"Here comes the pain!" Kokoa announced, running up to them.

"I think there's only one option left in this situation." Braedey suggested.

"And what might that be?" Kurumu asked.



Soon enough, Braedey, Moka, Kurumu, Mizore, and Yukari started to run away down the halls, with the crazy hammer-wielding Kokoa following behind them.

"This girl is crazy." Mizore commented.

"THAT'S an oxymoron for her." Yukari added.

"Dammit, Moka!" Kurumu fumed. "She is your sister! Male her stop or something!"

"No time for that, Kurumu!" Braedey ran up between them. "The best option is to try and outrun her."

"But how?" Yukari asked.

Braedey looked at his Transformatrix, and turned the dial. "Well, it's time to..."

"Transform and Roll Out!" Moka cried out, slamming her hand down on the dial. Pressing down the face, Braedey's body changed began within a blue flash.

Braedey's body began to grow outward and upwards, slowly reaching up to 27ft tall. His arms grow out longer, whilst his legs get shorter, almost similar to that of a gorilla. Four large off-road wheels appeared on his back, and locked in place. As armour soon grew across his form, the armour was in a dark green with dark grey highlights. A pair of headlights and front bars grow out of the lower abdomen. His head now became shaped like that of a military helmet, his lower jaw and chin becoming large, his face becoming grey.
Finally, the Transformatrix symbol was present on the top of his chest.

"Bulkhead!" Braedey called out in a deep voice, as he continued to run with the girl, swinging his big arms in the process.

"Whoa." Kokoa gasped, as she took in the sight of Bulkhead, slowing down.

"And NOW!" The sound of gear and metal shifting could be heard from Bulkhead, as his body began to collapse and change form. The tyres folded down and locked into place under the form, as the rest of the body began to look more and more like that of a vehicle. The end result was a large 4x4 army SUV.

Once he fully transformed into vehicle mode, Bulkhead revved his engine, and his rear tyres began to spin rapidly. As the girls jumped into the back seats of his form, Bulkhead raced away, as Kokoa tried to catch up.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" Kokoa demanded, and ran after the Transformer teen and his four harem girls. "Get your butt back here!"


Outside, the three freshmen girls that idolised Braedey and Moka, the pinkette, bluenette, and blonde, were making their way to their next class.

"That ceremony was so long." The blonde sighed.

"Yeah." The bluenette agreed.

"Hey, but what happened to that super cool vampire and shapeshifter who showed up beforehand?" The pinkette asked. "I wonder where she is, and him."

"Yeah, me too." The bluenette agreed.

Then, they heard loud footsteps coming from behind. They turned around, and saw Bulkhead, with the girls holding onto his shoulders, as they were running towards them.

"Clear the road." Bulkhead told them.

"Hey, check it out!" The bluenette noticed. "It's Moka and Braedey!"

"That vampire was so cool, but Moka is the best!" The pinkette added.

"MOKA! BRAEDEY!" The three cheered them.

"Wait! Not now!" Moka called from Bulkhead's left shoulder. "I'm real busy, okay?"

Then, Bulkhead jumped over them, and continued on his way. As the three girls watched them go, they didn't see a crazy high-speed Kokoa with her hammer, as she slammed it into them, sending them up into the air.

"Don't get in my way, because no matter who you are, I will take you down!" Kokoa declared.

(Faculty Room)

Meanwhile, Miss Nekenome was at her work station, with a small orange tin in the shape of a cat's head. She meowed in tune, as she opened the tin, revealing a fresh fish inside. She locked her lips, as she prepared to eat it.

"Shizuka." The cat-theme teacher turned to her left, and saw Kento in his kyubey form, smiling at her.

"Meow, Kento." Miss Nekenome meowed, as Kento changed into his male form, and slicked his hair back. He was in a white shirt with an orange stripe around the waist, blue jean shorts that stopped at his knees, and black sneakers. "You just know the right way to surprise me. Ken." Then, she saw him holding a large red salmon in his hands. "Ooh! Salmon!"

"Miss Nekenome and Mr Kento." The two teachers looked to see Kotsubo walking up. "Glad I could catch you two. Is now a bad time?"

"Nothing's a bad time to have a tasty fish." Miss Nekenome replied to him.

"What's the issue, Mr. Kotsubo?" Kento asked.

"I need to talk to you two about a First-Year named Kokoa." Kotsubo replied.

"Apparently, Kokoa Shuzen was the cause of the ruckus at the Opening Ceremony." Miss Ririko Kagome added. She overhead the conversation, and stepped in.

"Seems to be quite the troublemaker, huh?" Kotsubo agreed.

"That's terrible." Miss Nekenome meowed. "If you excuse me-"

"Wait." Kotsubo stopped her. "We need your help, and yours, Kento."

"We think it would be wise for you two Ronnie this problem in the butt, and teach some discipline before she starts up any more trouble." Kagome told them.

"Can we count on you two?" Kotsubo asked them.

"She hasn't caused any more trouble, has she?" Miss Nekenome asked. Then, her answer was the sound of what could a car's engine racing by, along with a cackling girl's laugh, and the rumble and shaking of what could only be described as a large hammer being slammed about like a wrecking ball.

Kento sweat-dropped. "I think that answers that, doesn't it?"

(Main Yard)

Sitting behind a statue, Braedey, now back in human form, was sitting next to Moka, the two of them having split-up from the others, so they could think of a plan.

"I think we're safe. For now." Braedey sighed.

"Don't let your guard down." Moka told him. "Kokoa's insane. She's the most persistent person I've ever met."

"It's okay." Braedey reassured her, and showed her the Transformatrix. "And I've got a device that could turn the tide in our favour."

"There you are!" The two look up, and saw Kokoa on the roof, but the main guess how she foimd them was her bat. She landed on the ground, and eyed them. "Time to have some fun!" Her bat flew into her hand, and became what could be best known as a baseball bat with spikes jutting out of it.

"This chick is a true psycho, even for your sister." Braedey told Moka, then he saw something near the vent. 'What in the...'

"Now, it's time for you to die!" Kokoa told Moka, charging at her.

Suddenly, she was shot with a blast of water, making her scream and slam into a tree, blue lightning sparking around her, as her bat turned back to its original form. Braedey and Moka looked over, and saw Kento, in his kyubey form, and he had shot the water from in between his two cat ears.

"Nice shot, Kento." Braedey thanked.

"Why you..." Kokoa groaned, standing up slowly. The water had done some damage to her, but she was still able to get back up from the blast. She grabbed her bat again, and it became its baseball bat form again. "I'm gonna crush you!!"

Kento had other plans. He stood at the ready, then very unexpectedly, he let out a titanic roar, almost as loud as the Tyrannosaurus Rex's roar from the movie 'Jurassic Park'. Braedey and Moka fell back from the shaking caused by the roar, whilst Kokoa dropped her bat, clamping her hands over her ears, trying to drown out the sudden and loud noise.

"IT'S SO LOUD!!" Kokoa screamed out, dropping to her knees in agony. "MAKE IT STOP!"

"Wait!" Moka called to Kento.

"Don't worry." Braedey reassured her, as they got up. "He's not hurting her. He's trying to give us a window to leave. And that is now." With that, he picked up Moka in a bridal hold, much to her embarrassment, and started to sprint away.

Kento continued to roar, giving his friends enough time to meet up. After about 30 or so seconds later, he stopped his attack, and headed back into the vent, and waited for what is to come.


"Where are they?" Yukari looked left and right from beside the building. Oddly, both she and Kurumu were dressed up in some kind of weird cosplay outfit of sci-fi superheroes, whilst Mizore just stood there.

Braedey soon skidded into view, sliding over with Moka in hand. "She's coming! And she's smarter than we thought!" He called, as he sprinted past. But, he didn't get far, as Kokoa suddenly appeared in front of him and Moka.

"SURPRISE!" Kokoa smirked evilly, holding her bat at the ready.

"Hold it right there!" Yukari announced, stopping her, as she and the two looked over.

"Suddenly, I hear a voice that is calling out for help." Kurumu started.

"Violence is not welcome here." Yukari added. "We reject it."

"Our names echo through the halls of Youkai Academy." Kurumu continued.

"The shadows of two smiling beauties..." Yukari added.

"We're known as... The Duo of Witch and Love-Love Succubus!" The Witch and succubus announced in unison.

Braedey and Moka sweat-drop at this, whilst Kokoa looked bug-eyed at this. 'That name is just as bad as the Lightning Strike Coalition Force name Grimlock gave his team before they became the Dinobots.' The former thought in his head.

"Get outta here!" Kokoa struck them, sending them off into the air.

"Now that's just mean!" Kurumu muttered, rubbing her now sore backside.

Mizore stepped in. "You should've just frozen her and call it a day." She told them, her hands turning into ice claws. "Sorry, kid, but I'm through playing around here."

Kurumu grew out her tail and wings, whilst her nails now became her claws, and charged ahead with Mizore and Yukari. "In that case, I'm in." She stated.

"We're gonna kick your kick to next year!" Yukari added.

"Stop it!" Moka cried out. "I know she's got issues, but she's still my sister!"

The three stopped, then got hit by Kokoa's bat. "Caught ya slipping!" She mocked. She then turned to Moka and Braedey. "That should take care of your stupid friends."

Braedey growled dangerously at Kokoa, not just because of her chasing and trying to hurt Moka, but for also hurting his friends. He would've liked Gin or even Ruby come in to help, but guess he'll have to make do with what he has.

"You've done enough damage for one day, Kokoa." Braedey shouted at the redhead, stepping in front of Moka, his arms out. "End this now."

"What can you do about it, Gaijin?" Kokoa mocked, her bat at the ready. "I don't care if you can transform or not. You're nothing."

"Wrong!" Braedey held up the Transformatrix, as it glowed in a bright blue. "I bear the most powerful device in the universe, and not even your bat can do any harm to me, whether in human or other forms!" He then slammed his left fist into the ground, causing a huge blue flash to occur, blinding Kokoa for a good ten seconds.

As the flash faded, there was no sign of Braedey, Moka, Kurumu, Yukari, or Mizore anywhere. They had vanished into thin air. Kokoa fumed in anger. "Hey! What the heck? Where did you guys go?!" She nearly napped her bat in half, as her right eye twitched. "Now, I'm really mad!"

(Gymnasium Hall)

Inside of the gym hall, the group were seeking refuge from Kokoa, hiding inside the tall lockers. The girls had their own, whilst Braedey and Moka shared one. The two were huddled close together, Moka hiding her face in Braedey's chest, whilst his arms were wrapped around her form.

"What's with her, anyway?" Kurumu muttered.

"I'm exhausted." Yukari muttered.

"Damn. This girl is way too persistent." Mizore commented.

"And when a stalker says you're too persistent, you have serious issues." Kurumu spoke out.

"Shut up." Mizore snapped. "When I stalk people, at least I'm smart about it."

"At least we're safe in here." Braedey spoke up. "But, its only a matter of time until she finds us."

Then, the five heard footsteps approaching the gym. Braedey turned to the slits in the locker, looking to the open door of the gym, seeing a female silhouette shape at the door. The others saw this too, and had their breaths hitched in their throats. They could feel their hearts beating, and Braedey felt like they were in the sci-fi horror movie 'Alien'. Then, the form walked away from the gym, letting the others sigh in relief.

Braedey noticed that Moka seemed to be spaced out. "Moka? Is something wrong?" He asked her.

"Guys, I'm gonna go face her." Moka told them, and exited the locker, the others getting out of their lockers also.

"That's insane!" Braedey interjected.

"Not a good plan." Yukari agreed.

"No." Moka shook her head to them. "This thing is between me and Kokoa. It's my problem, so I need to find a way to fix it on my own."

"Moka, you can't do that." Braedey told her.

"I mean, I can't just keep putting you and the others in the middle like this." Moka explained to him. Then, she started to head out of the gym. "It's fine. Don't worry. I bet that if we have a conversation, I can make her listen to me." Then, she left the building, leaving Braedey and the others to watch her go.

"Hold on." Braedey called. "Don't go." But, she was gone.

"I mean it, too." Moka called back. "Don't go following me."

'Moka...' Braedey thought.

(Dead Forest)

Moka soon stood in front of her sister, Kokoa. The pinkette was sure she and her sister could have a talk rather than a fight, but it seemed like that won't happen.

"Am I dreaming?" Kokoa asked herself. "You know, I never imaged you come begging for a fight. Oh, how I longed for this day, dearest sister."

"I didn't have a choice." Moka told her. "If I had just let you run amok, you have dragged them all into it, and things would've gotten out of hand. That's why I've come here. Let's settle this deal once and for all, Kokoa."

Kokoa's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree on Christmas Day. "I'm so happy." She said. "I've been waiting so long for you to say those words!" Then, her bat shaped itself into a large spiked mace on a pole, and held it at the ready. "Morning Star!" She yelled, and swung the weapon, striking the ground where Moka was, but the pinkette had jumped out of the way.

"Since the day you left home and never came back, I've waited for this day to come, and now it's finally here!" Kokoa yelled out, swinging her mace, but missed Moka again.

Moka then saw an old rusty fence piece nearby, pulled it out of the ground, and held it at the ready. She may not be strong like before, but she knew how to defend herself.

Kokoa laughed. "Do you really think that could can block my attacks with that thing?" She charged foeqrd, swinging her mace, but Moka managed to block it a few times with the old metal fence in her hand. Moka tried to strike back, but it didn't do anything to the large mace. Soon, she was tired and out of breath.

"What's wrong with you?" Kokoa asked, sounding like she was disappointed. "I know for a fact that you're a lot stronger than this. Well, if you're not gonna try..." Kokoa raised her mace at the ready, and started to swing it.

"KOKOA!" Moka cried out. Then, a loud metallic crash could be heard. The metal fence piece was knocked out of Moka's hand, and was sent sailing back a few metres away. Kokoa held the mace above Moka, who was kneeling on her knees, but she didn't attack. "You beat me fair and square, Kokoa." She told her sister, and looked away. "It may not look it, but I fought as hard as I could."

"You jerk." Kokoa said, making Moka look at her. "How come you won't use use all our power to fight me for real?" Her voice was laced in tears and sadness. "Why can't you understand what you did to me, huh?" She then started to cry. "My big sister up and left me. She left me alone in that house. And what about me? How do you think I felt?"

"Now, I understand." Moka looked over and saw Braedey standing nearby, along with the others. "You were lonely the whole time. After Moka left, you were on your own without anyone to be with."

"Braedey..." Moka muttered happily.

"Kokoa, the truth is what you felt for Moka all this time is nothing more but love." Braedey told the redhead, as Moka looked to her. "Sending those letters, even chasing her around the Academy. But, deep down, what you really wanted was your sister." He showed a small smile. "You just wanted to see her again."

"It all makes sense now." Yukari agreed.

"An expression of love." Mizore added.

"Though you're the last person to hear that from." Kurumu told her.

Braedey stepped forward. "Hey, it's all right now." He told Kokoa. "There's no need to keep this up anymore. You two are going to the same school, so yountwo can meet and catch up for as long as you want." He smirked.

"That's it." Moka asked, standing up. "Isn't it, Kokoa? I... never knew how you felt." She walked up to give her sister a hug. "Forgive me. I left you behind."

Yukari and Kurumu were in tears of happiness, whilst the latter was wiping her tears with a handkerchief. Mizore just kept her normal face, whilst Braedey crossed his arms and nodded with a smile on his face.

"Maybe she should act like the sisters we are." Moka told Kokoa, as tears appeared in the redhead's eyes. "Maybe you and I can be friends again, like we used to be."

"That's not it." Kokoa said, and punched Moka off of her. "That's not it!" She lifted her mace, anger in her eyes. "Truth is, I hate your guts, and I won't stop until I defeat you!" She ran forward. "You think you'd wanna be friends? ALL I WANTED TO DO IS WIPE YOU OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH!!"

"MOKA, NO!" Braedey sprinted forward, diving for the pinkette, as Kokoa swung her mace down.


"No way..." Mizore muttered in shock.

"Braedey and Moka." Kurumu spoke next. "They're..."

"Squashed flatter than a pancake!" Yukari cried out.

The mace landed right on top of the two, as a dust cloud surrounded the impact point. No movement could be seen from the mace. But then, a voice spoke up from underground and underneath the mace. Then, another voice spoke.

"You just made a very... big... mistake."

"And to think she was my sister. Never thought she hated me as much."

Then, the mace began to move, making Kokoa step back. Everyone saw this also, as the mace began to move. As the mace was lifted out of the hole, they saw Braedey and Moka, but Braedey's eyes were as red as Megatron's optics, his hair now turned silver, a pair of fangs could be seen, whilst his body was toned and muscular.

Kokoa's eyes were wide at the sight of the Transformatrix's bearer's vampiric transformation, then she noticed someone behind him. It was Moka-sama. She was released at the moment Braedey dove for her other half, and right before the mace nearly crushed them, he pulled of the rosary, and her transformation and his took place underneath.

"Oh, well. Regardless, when someone flashes their own fangs at me, you know what I do?" Moka-sama asked, making Kokoa gasp. "I knock them out."

"Whoa." Kurumu muttered at the sight of Braedey's Vampire self. "He is crazy handsome."

Braedey's eyes narrowed, his teeth clenched, as he kicked the mace away, making t crash into a tree. Moka-sama then stood up. "I don't care if you are my sister. I don't pull punches. Nor does my friend." This made Kokoa pale in fear. "It's time for you to-"

"LEARN YOUR PLACE!" Both she and Braedey kicked Kokoa, sending her flying through the air, and crash to the ground.

"That felt good." Braedey cracked his knuckles.

"Not yet, Braedey." Moka-sama told him. "Kokoa's a Vampire, just like you and me. A kick like that won't slow her down." She then turned to him. "Also, not a bad kick." She smirked to him, then her face returned to its neutral look, as she looked ahead.

Suddenly, a purple light shone from where Kokoa had landed. Kokoa was on her feet, and she seemed ready to throw more punches that one would think.

"So, you can still get on your feet after that?" Moka-sama challenged.

"I don't understand." Yukari peeped. "She took Moka's kick to the chest!"

"Done have to witness a vampire fight to the death? Kurumu asked in worry.

"When two or more powerful monsters meet head-to-head, who knows what will go down." Mizore added.

Braedey's eyes narrowed at the sight of Kokoa. It reminded him of someone he knew, but he can't put a finger on it. Now wasn't the time to think. Now was the town for some action.

"Attagirl." Moka-sama said. "Come and get me, Kokoa."

"Time to bring out a big gun." Braedey armed his Transformatrix, shifting out of his Vampire form, his hair, eyes, and body returning to normal, as he looked for a form to fight back with.


"Big sister."

Everyone stopped, as everything froze in place. Then, Kokoa ran up to Moka-sama, wanting a hug from her. "Moka! Yay! Oh, sister. You're finally back. I never felt so happy to see you back!"

"Okay..." Braedey sweat-dropped.

"Kokoa, didn't you say you wanted to wipe me off the face of the earth?" Moka-sama asked in confusion.

"Yeah, but not you." Kokoa replied. "It's that dumb, lamehouse Moka Akashiya. That girl isn't anything like the real Moka." She hid her face in Moka-sama's chest. "Please, sister. Just promise me you'll never go away again."

"Let me get this straight." Kurumu asked. "All she wanted...

"Was the girl we knew and grew up with all this time." Yukari added.

"What she really hated was the Moka we all know and love." Mizore finished.

Moka-sama then pushed Kokoa back. "You're starting to get on my nerves." She told her, and kicked her away again.

"Wonderful..." Kokoa muttered, sparkles in her eyes. "Kicked by my big sister... it's even more spectacular than I remember it."

Moka-sama sighed. "Sorry, Kokoa. But the person you want me to be isn't here anymore. She's gone forever."

Kokoa looked at her in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

Moka-sama turned to Braedey, then to her. "It's time you got used to it." Then, she turned back to her pinkette form, and fainted, only for Braedey to catch her in his arms, and hold her, as the others crowd around them

'It's cause she's with those wimps all the time.' Kokoa muttered in her head in anger. 'She's one of them now. But, it's just fine by me.' She got to her feet, and growled in anger, but tears were in her eyes. "I'll get more information. And one of these days, I'll get the real Moka back in my life for good." She cried to herself.

Soon, the others were making their way back to the school. Kurumu and Yukari were leading, with Mizore in the middle, whilst Braedey was behind them with an unconscious pink-haired Moka in his arms.

'Poor Moka.' Braedey thought to himself. 'Having to fight your sister like that must've been rough.' He then thought about Moka-sama. 'I've still got questions about her and her past, but now isn't the time.'

"Braedey..." Moka's voice made him look at her in his arms, as she started to slowly wake up.

"Moka?" Braedey asked, stopping.

"I'm so exhausted." Moka muttered.

"Hey, Braedey. What's wrong?" Kurumu called.

"We need to hurry and get her to the Nurse's office." Yukari added.

"Got it." Braedey nodded, and followed after the girls. 'I still don't understand.' He thought. 'That Moka was scary as a little girl. So, where did our Moka come from?'

"Braedey..." Moka muttered, making him look at her. "You smell... so delicious..." Then, she bit him on the neck. "CHU!"

"Ack!" Braedey groaned. "Moka! Not again!"

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