Family of seven

By pagingdrreid

22.4K 367 90

Seven people rely on eachother for everything. Family 💜 More

Authors note
Chapter one
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 : the day before
Chapter 17: the day
Chapter 18: leaf

Chapter 6

1.1K 24 2
By pagingdrreid

( Hotch point of view)

"How are you handling it?" I ask JJ.
"I miss him, even though I spent all night with him." She lets out a laugh. "Do you feel the same way about Em?"
"Yeah, actually. It's weird because I'm so used to working with her"
"Right, like Spence and I do everything together, and when we aren't together. It's nice knowing that we could be if we wanted to" JJ explains. I know how she feels, Emily and I got together the same week JJ and Reid did.
"Have you ever talked about marriage?" I ask. "We have" I add, trying to make her answer.
"It's been two months Hotch, we both want this to be right and work naturally." She laughs again. "You two really thinkin about it?"
"Yeah we've talked about it, and having kids. I know we just started dating, but it feels like we've been together forever" I smile at the thought of having a family with Em.
"I think you would be great parents, and you would have great kids"
"You two as well"
We arrive at Kay's house a few minutes later. Their is caution tape around it, and the door was unlocked. "I thought we were the only ones on this investigation" JJ regards.
"Yeah, but CSI have come through and do the initial sweep"
We enter the home, which is still boxed up. "Six months, and barely any unpacking. Doesn't seem like a very exciting time" I say as we move through the living room.
"You're right. If this family really wanted to move, they would be ecstatic to unpack and make a new home" she adds. "They didn't get fired, Kay wasn't bullied, why did they move?"
"Check Kay's room, I'll take the parent's" {Hotch said that}
I step into Mr and Mrs Smiths room and notice that they haven't done anything. No pictures on the walls, no color, not even a bed spread. All of their things were in boxes in the closet.
    "It's weird" JJ walks into the room. "Kay's room is completely decorated, while the rest of the house is not"
    "Maybe she wanted to move, and her parents didn't?" I suggest.
    "Their has to be a deeper reason. Parents don't just move towns and quit their jobs because their teenage daughter feels like it"

   "Hotch" I hear. I open my phone and see that Garcia has worked her magic and gotten onto my screen. "I have something."
     "Go ahead P" JJ says.
   "So I have been replaying that section of video from over night and I realized something" she replaced her face with the video feed. "The person who slaps Kay is about 6'1, while the person who fed her is about 5'10"
"It could just be the angles" I say.
"Yes and I realize that, but I did some more analyzing and found something else. When the person hands Kay the food, look at this" JJ and I carefully watch the video.
"Is that, hair?" JJ asks in shock.
"Yes, it's hair that appears to be falling out of a wig" Garcia adds. "Meaning I believe we have a male-female pair"
"Thanks Garcia, talk to you soon" I hang up and immediately call Rossi.
"Hey we have something" I say quickly into the phone. "The unsubs are male and female, making our profile wrong. The woman is posing as the male to throw us off!"
"Okay, did you find anything at the new place?" Rossi asks.
"No" JJ says. "Kay seems to love it, while her parents hate it."
"Well this house seems like your normal house, family pictures painted walls"
"They left their photos, even though they've been gone for six months?" I ask.
"According to Garcia, they haven't put it up for sale or rent"
"So you're telling me, that this family moved thirty miles away to somewhere that only the teenage daughter wanted to and didn't even sell the old house?" JJ asks in an annoyed tone of voice. Honestly we are all a little annoyed at this point.
"I guess so, don't forget to call Morgan"
I hear Emily say, ahh her voice. "We'll see you at the station" and just like that..they hang up.
"I'll call Spence" JJ says excitedly as she pulls out her phone.
"No, I'm calling Morgan" I order. If I don't get Emily, she doesn't get reid.
"Hey Hotch"
"We have something, male and female pair. Kay's life is complicated. What about you?" I ask.
"Yeah we found out why her family left. Kay got into a fight with a girl, Terry, because of a boy. Terry got a concussion, but her family said that they wouldn't press charges given the circumstances if Kay moved schools" Morgan explained.
"This schools district is very large given the amount of small towns meaning the minimum they had to move away was 28.4 miles north or 46.3 miles south" Reid adds.
"So wait, why would the parents quit their jobs, If the drive would only be a little longer?" JJ asks.
"I don't know, Reid and I are headed to the Elementary school where Mary Smith worked now" Morgan added. "Well call you when we have something"
I hang up on him, and text Rossi and tell him to go to Peter Smiths place of business. "I think we should head back,We have a long drive"
"Okay, I'm sure Garcia is lonely anyways" JJ laughs as we hear back to the office.

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