Christain's Cry

By mkeisia

867 151 5

Friendship is something to be valued and if one should ever feel betrayed in any relationship as tender as fr... More

Chapter 2(What do We have Here?)
Chapter 3 (The Arrival)
Chapter 4 Discovery
Chapter 5 This Is Home
Chapter 6 Inquiries
Chapter 7 It's the FUCKING WEEKEND
Chapter 8 Cleanse and Recap
Chapter 9 Recap&Move on
Chapter 10 Mates?
Chapter 11 Find and Bind
Chapter 12 Solutions and Decisions
Chapter 13 Runaway/Trip down memory lane
Chapter 14 Mates??
Chapter 15 Smooth it out
Chapter 16 Smooth It Out cntd
Chapter 17 Understanding The Misunderstood
Chapter 18 Contract
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 One Day Home
Chapter 21 Meet Christopher
Chapter 22 How It Happened
Chapter 23 Abuelita Pays A Visit
Chapter 24 Aired Out/Redemption
Chapter 25 Through The Fog🌫️
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 Sunrises&Wedding Attire
Chapter 29
The End Or The Beginning

Chapter 1 New Beginings

197 21 2
By mkeisia

Beautiful people, I'll keep it short and simple. I'm fixing chapters and some may be left halfway so I'm asking that you bare with me.

"Chris come on or you're gonna be late for school!."

I heard my mother call from the front door. I quickly finished what was left of  my breakfast and hurried to the front of the house in order to catch the carpool. I hated this part of the day along with many others but the carpool won first place.

I took my mind off the carpool situation and admired the way the sunlight poured through the front door causing the underlying brown in my mother's eyes to surface. Remembering what comes next I tried rushing past the door.

"Where do you think you're going without kissing your ma young lady?. Back here right now, that's not how we do things now is it?."

My mother spoke pulling me back by the strap I had failed to put on properly, I sighed and turned to kiss her. I love my mother and everything about her even though sometimes just sometimes she could be a slight pain, but the carpool situation just bugs me. I rarely get along with any of them, well actually I don't get along with anyone, I'm a loner, I learned that it's better to be alone until you're able to surround yourself with people just as extraordinary as you are.

"Muah there you go. Can I leave now?."

I did a silent prayer in my mind hoping she forgets about the other part of our send off. 

"Where do you think you're going?, come back here and say it with me."

We're all allowed to have some kind of hope right?...maybe not, she's a mother after all. I swear these creatures have super powers no man can understand or duplicate.

"I will be under full control of my mental, physical and emotional state and at no time will I allow myself to be angered and reveal what we really are."

"Ok love you much, bye hunny."

I repeated these words everyday after we moved from the witch village and came here when I was five. Mom, dad and I along with a family friend ran away and I can't seem to remember why, like that part of my life was erased. The fact that I was born into the knowledge of being a witch I couldn't be memory wiped of it. I had to stop all witch training when we came here, I never had the chance to fully develop controlling my abilities, I was only five and even though I was doing mediocre training I wasn't fully developed when it came to emotions etc .

By this time miss P's
van was blowing outside our house, I kissed her again and ran towards the double gate and into the starting of doom time or DT as I call it, I got seated and waved my mom goodbye as the van drove off.

My mother stood there in her six inch stilettos, black pencil skirt that was lined with a hint of white at the bottom complemented by her black shirt, her hair pulled in a neat, very tight updo. I on the other hand had slightly loose coils that were always having it's own way, a baggy pants and very free T-shirt that screamed "I'm my own person".

My mother is a thirty six  year old bank accountant with soft, dark caramel colored skin and long wavy hair of course when it's pressed out, her hair holds a rusty brown which I inherited from her who inherited it from her mother and only god knows where grams got that from, she also has deep honey coloured eyes that are covered with crystal contacts, she keeps fit and in turn has a gorgeous body build.

"So Christain what'd your mother make for you today mac and sneeze???."

Becklyn aka becky spoke up using one of the oldest tease in the damn book, aren't we too old for these types of things?. She apparently thinks she's all that and can have her way with anyone but I wonder who told her to jump on my branch today?. I don't tolerate bullies and won't hesitate to cut them down to size but in a better, more calm manner cause she'd be chunks if I laid it on her shrimpy ass.

"At least my mother has time to prepare lunch for me no matter how degrading you may try make it sound. My mother has time for me, go check for yours and come again puta."

I spat back making full eye contact. The only thing we have in common other than our age, class and school is the fact that both our dads are M.I.A so right about now she has no comebacks, she's just a sitting duck at this moment.

Everyone fell silent after my comment waiting for her to say something but she just huffed flipped her crisped hair almost trying to block me out from the stiffness and stench. Miss P decided to break the silence by playing some music and took my mind off Becky, I swear Miss P's not all bad.

We finally got there and I wasted no time in getting out the car and walked straight, not looking back cause I know she hadn't let that go yet and would make a scene.

"Hey Christain!. I know you can hear me or are you chickening out on me?. I know you know I ain't done yet,  so you still walking huh? how bout I go call that whore of a mother you got, coward!."

I stopped dead in my tracks my one philosophy is you can disrespect me and taunt me or whatever you want but don't you dare disrespect my mother, I span around so fast she didn't see it coming I was up in her face about to throw my hand when principal GoLucky showed up and grabbed me by the hand. I swear the nerve of this malnourished, fish out of water looking ass female.

Unfortunately the nosey principal got burnt and almost had a heart attack trying to figure out what just happened, in a sense I'm glad she got burnt this prevents her from trying to give me another lesson on how upcoming young ladies should be. Rage continued to course through every inch of my being and it was getting harder to breathe by the second.

By this time the entire school had gathered around us, I felt it happening I was losing control, I tried to break away from the crowd but the kids wouldn't let me pass while Mrs. GoLucky stared at me all through without uttering a word, I guess she was in shock.

I instinctively covered my ears and five seconds after I heard these voices all at once rushing to my ears, I almost screamed when all of a sudden I felt a warm embrace and they stopped and all I could hear was the whispers of the other students and some teachers saying that I was demon possessed and an entire heap of nonsense but I didn't expect any different from humans, my mother bent down and whispered in my ear.

"Faint now, you're gonna have the week off from school."

I didn't need to be told twice I just fainted away and let her take me out of the school compound, when we got in the car mom turned around and the words that flew out her mouth almost gave me my own personal heart attack.

"We need to go back."

I was almost shocked out of my faint before getting the heart attack but Ms. GoLucky tapped on the window.

"Is she going to be alright, I touched her and was burnt or maybe within the heat of the moment my mind probably decided it was the perfect time to play tricks on me, I don't know but I hope she gets better real soon ok."

"She'll be missing school for a week, it's not the first time this has happened but it has been a while, it's a case where her brain gets over crowded with pressure and she goes into a form of fit, not to worry my boyfriend's a doctor he'll take care of her bye."

The principal was left with her mouth hanging, no one thought mother would get with anyone and I know that by the time next week it's gonna be raining chatter.

We were halfway home when I decided to get up and ask.

"Why do we need to go back and who's YULLY?."

With the simple mention of the name mom stopped the car and looked me in the eyes.

"Where did you hear that name?."

She became so serious I hardly ever saw her make this face. That face that makes you want to spill your guts multiplied times ten.

"The voices kept chanting it in different languages, why?, what's the matter?."

She wasted no time in getting us home at speed that would earn her a lifetime of tickets.

She rushed in the house with me in toe, slamming the door and heading straight for the kitchen she sat me down and made direct eye contact and that face returned.

"Our entire family lineage has been cursed since a couple great grannys. It all started with a friendship, so simple, so pure. Our great times six grandmother had a friend named Yully, she was a feared woman and her origin was unknown to others but our grandmother and her somehow became friends and the woman seemed to settle. She wasn't as enraged and antisocial as before, the vill knew full peace, Yully had started to open up to our grandmother but when Grams found her other half and they got married this sent Yully spiralling back into the dark and when grams got pregnant Yully came back to try and rekindle their friendship but grams pushed her away and that was the final straw, Yully cursed all the women in our family never to give birth, the baby would forever be in the womb."


"Why is it that I'm only being told now?."

She refused to answer but continued the story.

"Grams found out that the only way to get rid of the curse was to kill Yully, no one else could carry out the task so in her pregnant state she sent for Yully and she came hoping to hash things out once more but was greeted with a sword piercing her heart and with her last breath she placed another curse on us. Yully wasn't in her own body, the body she resided in was one made for her by her late or lost fiance. No one really knows what happened to him. Losing the only thing she had from her fiance her eyes turned black as she spoke "I will live on in your family line and I will rip each and every one of your children and their children and their children's children of their sanity and it will be a slow and excruciating process".  Grams despite their odds buried her in the backyard. They found another way to avoid that curse as well and every mother passed it down to her daughter but as we both know your grandmother is the true definition of a bitch."

I turned to look out the window and it was already midday, we got up and started erasing any evidence that we even lived in this home and by the time we were done it was late afternoon.

We juggled our bags down the stairs and opened the door and I swear my heart attack came back, my father stood in the doorway with an evil grin plastered on his face while mom's boyfriend was limp at his foot.

"Well family did yuh miss me?. "

Please comment and vote and know i'm just trying a thing tell me was what you expected, let me know if to continue.
Word Count:1964

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