Discovery - Larry/Ziam/Nosh m...

By bandhoez9194

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One Direction. World famous boy band, idols to thousands of boys and girls across the world. Theyre making it... More

Warnings etc + thank you!!
*Telling the fathers*
A day of You and I.
story time and some terrible smut
*Ziam and Nosh time*
*A meeting and more*
*Interview Time!*
*Summer Solstice and a Surprise*
*A lover's spat*
*kidnapped and a better outcome*
*coming home*
*Drama. Plain Drama.*
*Well, Shit*
5SOS Are Here!!
A Couple Surprises and A Battle
Everything Resolved
Family Time
The (Almost) End pt. 1
The (Almost) End pt. 2
Nosh Wedding
Character Ask
Ziam Wedding
Larry Wedding

*Check Up Time!*

501 11 4
By bandhoez9194

A/N Heyy!! :-) how are ya'll? good? no? in between? something like that. lol anyway, I really hope you guys are liking my story and I love all you readers! and I'm sorry for the time jump, i didn't know what to write for the later times... anyway, enjoy! :-)

3 months later

"Louis! Where are you?" I giggled slightly. the boys were still searching for me. we had been a bit bored and seeing as we had nothing to do, we decided to play hide and seek. childish, I know, but you can't blame us. I was the only one left to find, and they had been searching for me for five minutes. I don't know how hard it was to find me, I was a five and a half pregnant man hiding in the living room. I was next to the couch, sitting as well as I could with my belly in the way.

"Boo? Where are you!" Harry was calling now and I had to stifle a giggle again. "Where haven't we looked yet?" Zayn asked and Niall answered, "The living room, the kitchen, and some of the closets." you wont find me yet I sent to each of the boys, and by the sounds of surprise they gave, they got it. "How did he send that? doesn't he need to be able to see us to do that? or does his five elements make him able to do that?" Zayn asked startled and I giggled again.

I seriously felt nine again. Lottie was two and we were playing hide and seek. I had so much fun then, and I was having fun now. "How about I check the kitchen, you two check the remaining closets, and you go with Zayn to check the living room," Harry said and I smirked. "Kay," Niall said and I was still surprised he and Liam were still walking around.

Niall was seven months along now and Liam was six and a half with triplets. Niall had found out he was having twins, a boy and girl, so he could use both of the names he had chosen. I was to find out what I was having in a couple days. Harry wants a girl, I want a boy first. that way he could protect any little sisters he'd have.

Zayn and Liam walked in, or should I say Liam waddled in. I had to stifle another giggle at the sight. "How could a five and a half month pregnant man hide so well?" Zayn asked and Liam shrugged, his hand on his own very large stomach. "I have no idea, and where could he be in here?" he asked. Zayn shrugged and said, "Let's look around." Liam nodded and started looking behind the rather large stuff. Zayn walked closer to me and I sat back a bit, trying to make myself smaller. Zayn caught sight of something and smirked.

"Found ya, Lou," he said and I laughed. "Yes, you did, can you help me up? I have no idea how I managed to sit by myself," I said holding out a hand. he took it and pulled me up. "How did you send us that message from here? I thought you had to be in contact or near the person to do that," Liam asked, coming over and looking at me curiously. I shrugged and said, "I've always been able to do it, I didn't know it was unique. Maybe its because I share an element with all of you." Liam looked thoughtful, but nodded. "Guess that makes sense," he said and I walked, or waddled I guess, out with Zayn and Liam.

"There you are, Boo, where were you?" Harry asked, coming out of the kitchen and hugging me. I stretched, a bit stiff from sitting next to the couch for about fifteen minutes. "I was sitting next to the couch in the living room. I have no idea how I managed to fit there with this little one in the way, but I managed," I said, setting my hand on my stomach. he hadn't kicked yet, and it was worrying me a bit, but Dr. Snyder said not to worry about it. I was trying not to, but Liam and Niall's babies had kicked by month five, but I was at month five and a half.

"Lou, don't worry, he or she will kick soon, relax," Niall said, walking over to me from where he and Josh were searching. I blinked in shock and jumped at his sudden voice. I had kinda zoned out when I was thinking and it surprised me. "Zoned out there a bit, baby?" Harry asked amused, seeing me jump. I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed. "Hush, Haz," I said, slapping his shoulder. He winced and rubbed his arm. I laughed. I wasn't a pregnant woman, I was a full grown man with extra muscles from my pregnancy.

"jeez, Lou, you have a really hard hit," Harry complained and I shrugged. "don't mess with the pregnant man," I said a bit sassily and he rolled his eyes. "Okay, baby, sure," he said, and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled.

"Anyway, how are you two feeling?" I asked Liam and and they shrugged. "I'm a bit tired and sore, but the kids keep kicking me and it don't bother me anymore,' Liam said, rubbing his stomach. I sighed almost inaudibly and Niall walked... or waddled really... over to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Don't worry, Lou, like I said, maybe your baby is a late bloomer. he or she will kick soon. don't worry," he said and I sighed again, but nodded. "It just worries me a bit, I mean your and Li's babies started kicking around the beginning of month five, and I'm halfway through month five. Why won't he kick?" I kept rubbing my belly.

"She, Boo, its going to be a girl, watch," Harry said and I shrugged. "I want a boy. That way he can keep an eye on any younger sisters he could have," I said absentmindedly, and internally I winced. I had never mentioned future kids before, and I wasn't sure if Harry would want any more. "Yeah, but if we had a girl, she could be our princess," Harry said and I blinked.

I thought he would question the slight mention of future kids after this one. "I still think its a boy," I said and he shrugged. "Maybe, guess we'll see in a few days," he said and I smiled. I couldn't wait to see what my baby was. and don't tell Harry, but Niall and I had bet against Zayn and Liam on what the baby would be. Niall and I said boy, while the other two said girl. we had 50£ bet against each other. Harry or Josh wouldn't approve, so we just didn't tell them.

"Well, want to watch a movie? We've been playing hide and seek for about two hours now," harry said and we all nodded. "Yeah, I need to sit, my ankles hurt,' Liam said and Niall and I nodded in agreement.

"Okay, you three go sit down and you two go choose a movie, I'll make popcorn and grab some snacks for you three," Harry said and I brightened. "Oh, watermelon?" I asked and he laughed. "Of course silly," he said and I smiled. "And yes, chocolate and peaches for you two, I'm all set," he said to Liam and Niall, who smiled happily. "Yay!" Niall cheered and we all laughed.

"Go on, go sit down and relax, I'll be right back with the snacks," Harry said, kissing my cheek. I kissed him back and walked - or waddled actually - with Liam and Niall as Zayn and Josh walked behind us. us three sat on the couch, or fell, in another word. it was really hard sitting on a couch with a large belly. Zayn and Josh chuckled as they saw us collapse on the couch.

Liam glared at his boyfriend and said, "Shut it, Malik, you're treading on thin ice." Niall and I glanced at him and realized it was a mood swing. he didn't get them often, but when he did, it was scary, and it stuck around for a bit of time. "Okay, Li, I'm sorry," Zayn said cautiously, still not really knowing how to deal with mood swings. Harry was a pro, seeing as I got them all the time.

"Whatever," he snapped and sat back. I leaned against him and said, "Wuv you Li." he glanced at me and suddenly started laughing. "You are crazy, Lou," he said, still chuckling. "Crazy mofos!" Niall cheered and everyone started laughing.

Josh had chosen a movie and was standing with it in his hands. "What I miss?" Harry asked amused, seeing all of us laugh. he handed each of us pregnant people our snacks and sat next to me as Niall yelled excitedly, "We're crazy mofos!" everyone started laughing again, seeing as Niall's excitement was just really contagious. "Okay, Ni, whatever you say," Josh said, leaning down and kissing the younger boy softly, even though both of them were still chuckling.

"Okay, let's get this movie night on the road!" Harry said and Josh nodded. "Kay, but I chose a comedy, is it all right?" he asked and we all nodded. "Okay, I chose White Chicks," he said and we all started laughing. "Perfect!" I said, still chuckling. "Put it in!" "That's what she said," Liam said randomly and we all glanced at him and he just said mock innocently, "Yes?" I looked at Harry and all of us started laughing.

My chest was hurting from laughing so much. "Jeez, we haven't even put the movie in and we can't stop laughing," Zayn said, shaking his head and sitting by Liam. "true," Niall said, scooting over a bit so Josh could sit by him. "Ready for the movie?" Josh asked, glancing around. we all nodded.

I was cuddled into Harry's side with his arms around my waist, one hand resting on my stomach. Zayn and Liam were in a similar position, but Zayn had both hands resting on Liam's stomach. After Josh started the movie, Niall curled against the drummer and Josh set his arms around the younger boy's waist, one hand rubbing lightly on his stomach. I sighed happily and closed my eyes. I love my boys.


About an hour later, Niall and Liam were sound asleep and I was really close. "Jay, Z, I think the boys are falling asleep if not already are," Harry whispered, running his fingers through my hair. I sighed contently and curled closer to him. "Well, the movie's practically over, so why don't we get these three to bed?" Zayn whispered back and I felt Harry nod. he slid his arms around me and picked me up.

I frowned, but was to far gone to protest him carrying me, even though I weighed too much and he would hurt his back even more.

"It still worries me slightly on how light he is," Harry whispered as he and Zayn walked down the hall with me and Liam. "I mean, he's five and a half months along and he feels almost as light as he did when he was two months along. I just hope he's still eating." I sighed to myself, curling closer to Harry. I wasn't sure now if I was asleep and dreaming, or if I was lucid dreaming.

"What do you man, you still hope he's eating? why wouldn't he be eating? he knows that could endanger his baby," Zayn whispered and I frowned mentally. I ate, I just didn't eat a lot, but I thought I ate enough to keep my baby healthy. I'll ask Dr. Snyder next time I see him...

"Yeah, but maybe he thinks he's eating enough for the baby, and not himself. you know how insecure he gets, especially after fans found out. If only they knew how perfect we was, then maybe they wouldn't say so many lies. I hate it when they insult him," Harry sighed, holding me tighter. I shifted slightly and Harry jumped.

"I should get him to bed, I don't think its healthy for him to sleep with me holding him,' he said and Zayn let out a sound of agreement. "Good night, Hazza," he whispered and Harry said, "Night," and walked to our room.

He laid me down and took off my jeans and T-shirt, kinda making me wish I was more awake to tell him to stop. I knew I was fat, I didn't like him seeing it with his own perfect stomach. I rolled over slightly and I heard him chuckle.

It was very faint, seeing as I was on the very very edges of sleep, but I could still feel him slip one of his shirts over me and crawl in with me. he was only in boxers and I smiled as I curled against him. "Love you, Boo, goodnight," he whispered, kissing my forehead and I finally fell into a deep sleep.


a few days later, Louis' check up

I sighed as I waited for my name to be called. I was with Harry at the hospital, and was waiting for Dr. Snyder. "I still think it's a girl," Harry muttered suddenly and I gave a loud laugh. "Random much, Hazza? I think its a boy," I said, and he smirked. "Okay, Boo, sure, whatever you say, but what makes you so sure?" he asked and I shrugged. "Mother's instinct I guess, and air tells me. I think this one will be an air bender like Niall," I said and he nodded thoughtfully.

"It's possible but I guess we need to wait three and a half months to find out for sure," he said and I smiled. three months sounded so much closer, seeing as I was almost done with my second trimester. "Mr. Tomlinson? Dr. Snyder is ready for you," a woman said, and I stood with a bit of help from Harry. I could usually get up by myself, but I was a bit tired today, and these damn hospital chairs are annoying.

"Good afternoon, Louis, how are you today?" Dr. Snyder asked as I sat on that table thingy. "I'm good, Damion, just a bit tired and achy. and the baby hasn't kicked, shouldn't he or she have by now?" I asked and he shook his head. "No, they don't always kick at this time. its always between month four and seven. your only at about six, so you should be fine," he answered and I nodded, still not satisfied.

"Anyway, I assume you wanted to find the sex of your child today?" I perked up a bit, and nodded. Harry laughed and said, "He keeps assuming its a boy, but I actually want a girl. guess we'll find out now, right?" Dr. Snyder smiled and said, "Of course, Harry, now Louis, would you go change into one of these outfits? you can keep your boxers on, but it'll be easier to do the ultrasound. and yes, I know they're uncomfortable."

I groaned but stood and walked to the bathroom to change. "Call me if you need help, Boo," Harry called and I waved behind me to show I had heard.

I quickly took off my shirt and smiled at my baby bump. it was getting quite large, even though it was no where near where Niall and Liam were at. I struggled a bit with my jeans, I should have never worn my red chinos. Even when I wasn't pregnant, they were still a bit tight, so I had to squeeze into them. (little things, Harry's solo, ever think of that?) now, I could still put them on with a lot of struggle and annoyance, but with my belly in the way, I had a lot of trouble getting them off.

After about five minutes of struggle, I finally managed to get them off and into the gown. I hated the bloody thing with a passion. it was too revealing and my stomach bloated out a lot with it. I love my baby bump, but sometimes, people actually wondered if I was having a baby or if I was just getting fat.

it hurt, especially with tweets like ones saying, @Louis_Tomlinson isn't pregnant, he's just showing the natural fatness he has.

It hurt, and I almost fell back into a really old habit of mine when I was eleven, that I had quit when I was thirteen and had just met Stan. I sighed and laid a hand on my belly. he or she was the only thing besides Harry and the boys keeping me going. a lot of the fans were true fans, and helped a lot, but for every good comment, it felt like there were forty insults each. it made me want to go back to my old habit.

I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts and walked back out. "You got everything, Boo?" Harry asked, and I nodded, sitting back on the table thingy. I can still never figure out if its a bed or a comfortable...ish table. so I'll call it a table thingy.

"Okay, Louis, lay back and pull up the gown, and remember, this will be a bit cold," Dr. Snyder said as I bunched the gown up and laid back. he spread some gel on my stomach, making me wince at the coldness. Then he got that one camera like thing and started moving it across my belly. "Okay, see here, this is the head, its in the right position for this month," he started explaining and pointed at the screen.

"Here's the chest and stomach, there's an arm, and here's a foot. would you like to hear the heartbeat?" I nodded with Harry, who was standing next to me now and holding my hand.

The doctor flipped a switch and a couple seconds later a steady thrumming filled the room. I smiled, swallowing my tears back. I could see and hear my baby, it was amazing. "How many pictures would you like?" Dr. Snyder asked and I thought for a second.

Zayn and Liam, Niall and Josh, Mum, Anne, Paul and Simon, because they've wanted updates on the baby, seeing as they both were practically uncles to us, Perrie and Danielle, Eleanor, and one for Harry and I. "Nine," I said and Harry nodded. he nodded and cleaned off the gel and put the machine away.

"Okay, I'll go get the pictures, and I'll come back to tell you the results on the test to find out what you are having," he said and I jumped up and down a bit in my seat. Harry smiled at my enthusiasm and kissed my cheek. "Okay, Damion," I said excitedly and the doctor laughed, leaving the room.

"oh my gods, Hazza, we heard our baby. we could hear his or her heartbeat," I said in a small daze. Harry hugged me tightly and I kissed him. "It was amazing, wasn't it baby," he whispered, and I felt a tear land on my cheek. I looked at him and he smiled at me, a few tears running down his cheeks. I kissed them away and kissed him again. he gave a small laugh and wiped the tears away.

"Sorry for crying, its just, I heard him or her, and I saw her, and I'm here, and I just can't help but cry. this is my first appointment with you, seeing as I've always been busy," he said, caressing my cheek. "but I promise this won't be my last. I'll be here for every other appointment you'll have." I smiled at him and he kissed me gently again.

He pulled away as he heard a clearing of the throat and saw Dr. Snyder standing there with a soft smile on his face. "You two are perfect for each other, I can see that," he said softly and Harry and I blushed a bit. "Um, thanks, Damion," I said slightly shy and he laughed. "Okay, I'll get off that subject, want to know what you two are having?" he asked and I sat up straight and nodded quickly. "Yes, yes, a million times yes," I said, my voice quivering with excitement.

"Okay, here are your pictures, and look at the bottom right. there should be a letter there. what do you see?" he asked, and Harry and I looked. "It's an 'm'. wait, m, male, its a boy?" I said excitedly and Dr. Snyder laughed, nodding. "Congratulations boys, you two are having a boy," he said and I jumped at Harry, hugging him tightly.

I couldn't help it and whispered softly into his ear, "Told you so, Hazza." he gave a soft chuckle and said, "guess I should never question mother's instinct, huh, Boo." I laughed excitedly, too excited to care about the joke on being a woman, and pulled away from him, looking at the picture again.

"Well, now I know how to tell the boys," I said, smirking a bit. "I'll do it the same way, and I want to see how long it takes them to figure it out." Harry laughed with Dr. Snyder and set his arm around my shoulder. "Okay, baby, now, anything else you want to ask?" he said and I hesitated, remembering the... dream? I had a couple days ago.

"Um, do you mind leaving, Haz? I'm kinda embarrassed..." I whispered and Harry smiled slightly and kissed my forehead. "It's okay, Boo I'll be outside if you need me," he said and left.

"Is something wrong, Louis?" Dr. Snyder asked and I shrugged. "It's jut that I've always felt too big, and I really hate the extra weight, and now with the baby on the way, I'm larger than normal. It makes me a bit uncomfortable and I barely eat. I eat enough for the baby, I think, and I always eat my watermelon, because the baby is always wanting it, but if I eat too much, I get sick. And a couple days ago, I overheard Harry and Zayn talking about it, because they thought I was asleep. Harry said I was too light for someone at my stage. It's kinda scaring me," I said, getting quieter at the end and looking at my hands.

I felt a hand press against my shoulder and Dr. Snyder said," Louis, relax. Its not unheard of for someone to have a smaller weight then they're supposed to when they're this far along in a pregnancy. But promise me you'll try to eat more. Its unhealthy for you and the baby." I winced, I didn't like the thought of my baby being unhealthy.

"Okay, I promise, I'll eat more," I said softly, resting my hand on my stomach. I sighed and Dr. Snyder wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Don't worry, Louis, you'll be fine, I'll make sure of it. if you want I can prescribe some pills that will help with the nausea that comes when you try eating. it won't endanger the baby, and it'll help with a lot," he said and I nodded.

"I'd like that," I said, still rubbing circles on my belly. "Okay, here," he said, taking out one of those official thingys and writing something down. "Bring these to the front and they'll give you the medicine. Take no more than one a day, right before breakfast. it should help." I nodded again, taking the slip and standing.

I frowned, remembering the bloody outfit and the doctor laughed. "Go ahead, Louis, you can change now. I'll step outside and speak with Harry, and I won't mention what you asked me," he said, quickly adding the second part seeing my alarmed expression. I wasn't sure on why I didn't want Harry to know I hadn't been eating much, I just didn't want him knowing. "Okay, thanks, Damion," I said, wrapping the stupid outfit tighter around me, closing the behind as I walked to the bathroom. "Of course, Louis," he said back and I closed the door.

I took off the damned thing with a sigh of relief. I pulled on my shirt, which was actually an old sweater of Harry's, and sighed as I smelt Harry still on the fabric. I frowned at my jeans and sighed. I hated asking for help, as I've always been independent, but I needed help. I took out my phone and texted Harry.

to: Hazzabear. From Boo

"Hazza? I need help with my jeans..."

To: Boo. From: Hazzabear

"lol, okay hun, I'll be right there"

I sighed as I heard Harry walk in and knock. "Boo, I'm coming in," he said and I called, "okay." He walked in and smiled at me. "Having a bit of trouble, baby?" he asked as I handed him my jeans. I grumbled a bit and he laughed softly. "Shut it, I'm not really in the mood," I snapped, suddenly angry as he helped me. I think it was either a mood swing or I was just angry for needing help.

Harry sighed and straightened after getting my jeans around my waist. "I'm sorry, sweetie, I didn't mean anything by it," he said, wrapping his arms around me after I buttoned my jeans. I sighed and leaned against him. my anger had suddenly vanished, leaving the usual sense of guilt. I hate snapping at him, but sometimes it just slips out. "I'm sorry, Hazza, I don't mean to snap," I whispered, a couple tears sliding down my cheeks.

Stupid hormones, I've cried more the last three months than I have the last ten years or so because of them. Harry hugged me and said softly, "Louis, you don't need to apologize, I understand. I know you don't mean to, so it doesn't bother me. Don't worry baby." he wiped my cheeks gently and kissed my forehead. I took a breath and stood back. I shook my head and Harry asked, "Better, Boo?" I nodded and he hugged me again.

"Let's go now, baby, and tell the boys about our news," he said and I blinked, remembering something. "Oh, wait, I've got to get this prescription first," I said, picking up the paper and reading it quickly. "Prescription? what for?" he asked, trying to take the paper.

I hid it quickly and said, "its for nausea," not completely lying. Harry frowned but didn't push it. "Okay then, let's go get your prescription and we can go tell the boys our news," he said, taking my hand and leading me out of the bathroom. I sighed and set my hand on my belly.

"I told you we were going to have a boy," I said smugly as we waved to Dr. Snyder and walked down to the lobby. "Yeah, yeah, hun, I know, but I guess I couldn't help but hope for a girl," he said and I frowned. "Why do you want a girl so badly, Haz?" I asked as I handed the receptionist the slip and waited for the medicine. he shrugged and said, "Well, I don't really know. I just have always pictured a small girl with my hair and your eyes. I've always wanted a baby girl, even when I was really young."

I frowned and took the bag from the woman at the desk and said, "Thank you," to the woman and to Harry, "Well, maybe someday we can try again and get a girl?" I was very hesitant, still not sure on the fact if he wanted another child or not. I might, because I don't want my baby boy to be alone, but still, it was a mutual decision. "Maybe someday, Boo," he said and I blinked as he helped me into the car.

As he got in and started the vehicle, I frowned, lost in my thoughts. Did he want more kids in the future? I really did, I grew up with four siblings, not including my other half sister, Georgia, and I was never alone. it was nice, even though I liked my privacy. I didn't want my little boy to be alone, that would be terrible. It's bad enough I lost his twin, so he wouldn't feel as complete. My twin sisters always told me about their connection, and that they feel odd without the other nearby. My little boy would know something was missing, seeing as he had lost his twin. I frowned, struggling not to cry as I thought of my lost baby.

"What you thinking about, Boo?" Harry asked, making me jump. "Huh?" I asked, looking up and blinking rapidly. "Oh, just about the baby. I think we should think about names." I don't know why I didn't want to talk to him about having another, but I didn't want to bring it up.

"Hm, well, Niall and Josh's babies names start with A. Liam and Zayn have the boy name chosen, Aidan, and said that the two girls will start with A also. Maybe we should choose a name that starts with A also," he said and I nodded.

Multiple names flashed through my mind, Anthony, Allan, Alec, but air fluttered around me when I thought of the name Aaron. I think the element liked it. "How about Aaron? Air seems to like it," I asked hesitantly. Harry thought for a second, a smile growing. "I like it, it fits. Okay then, Aaron it is," he smiled and I smiled back.

We pulled up at the house then, seeing Josh's and Zayn's car out front. "I guess they really want to know," I said chuckling a bit. Harry smirked and got out. I reached for the door handle, but Harry opened it before I could. I blushed a bit as he held his hand out like an old fashioned gentleman. I took it and he helped me out.

He walked with me to the door, not letting my hand go as he opened the door. "We're here!" I called cheerfully and Niall ran into the hall as fast as he could with his six and a half month belly. "Did you get the results? Can you tell me what it is? Have you thought of names? Did-" he rattled off excitedly and I quickly put my hand on his mouth.

"Calm down, Ni. yes we got the results, yes we'll tell you what it is, and yes we thought of names. We're going to the living room and we'll tell all four of you at the same time," I said amused, removing my hand. "Sorry,' he said a bit sheepishly and skipped off to the living room. I shook my head unbelieving.

"How does he have that much energy with twins in him? and he's at six and a half months!" I exclaimed amused. "I'm only at five and a half with one, and I get tired easily." Harry laughed and pulled me to his side. "Its just his Irish-ness," he said and we heard Niall yell, "I heard that!" we started laughing and we headed to the living room.

"So, will you tell us the results now?" Niall asked excitedly from where he was resting on Josh's side. I laughed as Harry and I sat down and I laid next to him. "Okay, Ni, calm down, we'll say now. Actually, we'll show you," I said, pulling the ultrasound pictures out of my pocket and giving them to each couple.

Niall took it eagerly and stared at the picture. Liam smirked as he glanced at the end of the picture. "I don't get this," Niall said a bit shyly and I rolled my eyes. "How did the doctor tell you about the genders of your babies?" I asked, and he shrugged. "He said it straight out. But how am I supposed to know? its just a black and white picture," he said and Liam and Zayn laughed.

Josh chuckled a bit and pointed at the corner silently. Niall looked at it and blinked. "Its an M," he said and we all laughed. "Ni, what does an M usually mean?" I asked, a bit surprised at his blankness. usually, he was very bright. "Wait, male? you're having a boy?" he said, his usual smile lighting up his face. I laughed and nodded.

"Yes, its a boy," I said laughing. "Oh, and you said you had talked about names, what did you choose?" Liam asked, and Niall shot a look at me. I glanced at Harry, silently telling him he could say. I didn't mean mind speak, just that level of closeness we had where we could read our expressions and emotions. "We chose the name Aaron. We're going to keep that cycle going where all the kids' names are going to start with A. After all, there's Alex, Adrianna, and Aidan, so we chose Aaron," he said and they all nodded.

"Oh, and we have a girl name chosen, only one though, Andrea," Liam said and I smiled. "Aidan and Andrea, I think the third should be like Asia or Adiele," I said and Zayn and Liam looked at each other. "I like Asia,' Liam said and Zayn nodded. "Its a nice name, and it fits," he said and they smiled. "Okay, Andrea, Asia and Aidan it is," Zayn said and Niall suddenly yelled, "Yay!" making us all jump.

"All the kids are named now!" he said cheerfully in explanation to our confused but amused looks. we shook our heads and I yawned with Liam.

"Are you two tired?" Zayn asked and we nodded. "Hey, there was a lot of excitement today, and its late," I said, my defence weak. it was only about four in the afternoon, so it wasn't all that late, so that was a poor excuse, but I was just tired.

"Its only four, Boo," Harry pointed out and I rolled my eyes. "I know, but I'm just tired,' I said, yawning again. Harry pulled me against his side and I curled against him. "Well, how about I take you to bed and you can take a nap until dinner," he said and I smiled. "Okay," I said, my eyes closing without my permission. I don't know how I got so damn tired, I just did. must be Aaron doing it to me.

Harry pulled me closer and Zayn said, "How about we put them in the same bed. they can rest together." Liam protested weakly but didn't say much against it. "Well, I'm not tired, I can help," Niall said randomly and I laughed internally, already half asleep. "We know Niall, now why don't you chose a movie while we go put these two to bed," Harry said, picking me up.

I frowned and muttered, "you shldn' carry m'," barely coherent. "Well, I'm going to, you're half asleep," he whispered back, walking down the hall. I heard him open a door with his foot and the room seemed to be cooler than the rest of the house. he set me on the bed and I smelled Harry, so I automatically knew it was our room. I curled closer to Harry's pillow and I heard him chuckle. I felt another weight on the other side of the bed and knew Zayn had set Liam down. I rolled over and felt Liam's arm.

Zayn and Harry laughed a bit and I felt Harry's hand brush my hair back and he whispered, "Sleep tight, hun," and kissed my forehead. I sighed and rested my head on Liam's arm, who had set his other arm on my waist. we had cuddled together the best we could with our belly's in the way, but right after Harry or Zayn had closed the door, I was out and asleep, dreaming about my curly haired boy and a small boy with blue-green eyes and light brown curly hair.

A/N: heyy! lol, how'd you like it? do you like the names I chose? I hope so... anyway, if you couldn't read certain chapters, its cuz they have smut so yeah..... shitty smut, but still. anyway, can you tap the vote button like Louis' bum? it would make my day! :-)




(Pwetty pwetty pwease with a turtle on top?)

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