Discovery - Larry/Ziam/Nosh m...

By bandhoez9194

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One Direction. World famous boy band, idols to thousands of boys and girls across the world. Theyre making it... More

Warnings etc + thank you!!
*Telling the fathers*
A day of You and I.
story time and some terrible smut
*Ziam and Nosh time*
*A meeting and more*
*Check Up Time!*
*Summer Solstice and a Surprise*
*A lover's spat*
*kidnapped and a better outcome*
*coming home*
*Drama. Plain Drama.*
*Well, Shit*
5SOS Are Here!!
A Couple Surprises and A Battle
Everything Resolved
Family Time
The (Almost) End pt. 1
The (Almost) End pt. 2
Nosh Wedding
Character Ask
Ziam Wedding
Larry Wedding

*Interview Time!*

543 13 2
By bandhoez9194

A/N Hay! Do you know what makes me mad? I was in Dallas the week after 5SOS and I think the week before 1D. my sister thinks so at least. idk, but it made me mad. 2 of my top 5 favorites bars, and I miss them. blech. at least I'll see 1D in California on September 13 for my sweet 16. my bday is in July, but yeah. omg, and I just realized this is chapter 10. wow... anyway, enjoy! :-)

Louis' POV

I woke to a warm arm surrounding me and a bright light in my face. I blinked surprise. I didn't even remember falling asleep, last thing I remember was curling up on the couch with Niall. so he did I get to my room, with Harry? He must have carried me. he really needed to stop that, he would hurt his back more that it already was. I pulled away gently and stretched slightly. I really needed to pee, the baby was dancing on my bladder. I stood but before I took a step, my stomach twisted and I sprinted to the bathroom and barely managed to make it before emptying the contents of my stomach. Do you know how disgusting mac and cheese looks when it comes back up? I didn't until now. I sat there for a few moments when a warm hand brushed my hair out of my face. "Are you okay, Boo?" a deep voice husky with sleep asked. I spat once more before flushing and standing with Harry's help. I wavered a bit as the nausea passed, but I nodded. "I'm okay, its just morning sickness, its really annoying,' I answered, my voice rough from throwing up so violently. he nodded hesitantly but didn't push it. h helped me to the sink so I could rinse my mouth out. "ugh, that's nasty," I muttered and he laughed a bit. "I can tell," he said and helped me back to our room.

I sighed and relaxed against him. A few moments later, I heard someone rush down the hall and the sounds of puking. I winced and I stood. "Where you going, Boo?" Harry asked and I shrugged. "Either Niall or Liam is puking, and you know how heavily Zayn and Josh sleep," I answered, walking out the door and to the bathroom.

I opened the bathroom door and saw Liam puking heavily. I walked over and rubbed his back. "it's okay, Li," I whispered and he finally finished. Harry walked in with a worried Zayn and I glanced at them, smiling slightly. I stood back and Zayn rushed to him. I backed out with Harry as Zayn helped Liam stand and to the sink.

"Niall will probably be in here soon, " I said offhandedly as Liam and Zayn stepped out and Liam still had a disgusted look on his face. "Yeah, well, I don't envy him," Liam said still disgusted. I laughed, and said, "Yeah, I was in there maybe five minutes before you." he shrugged but before he said anything, Niall rushed out of his room with his hand clamped over his mouth and into the bathroom.

Liam and I glanced at each other and laughed a bit. Josh walked out of his room just as Niall started puking. Josh sighed and said, "I'm not liking this. he's been doing this for two months and I barely found out why maybe two and a half weeks ago." We all nodded and Josh walked into the bathroom quickly as Niall threw up loudly again.

We stood there until Niall finished and walked out with Josh. "Okay now, Ni?" I asked and he nodded. "Its very annoying, but Dr. Snyder said I should be done about month 5, so in only have a month or so to look forward to," he said, slightly sarcastic. I smiled sympathetically and said, "Well, it its to month five, I have three and a half months to look forward to." he smirked and said, "I already went through all that." I stuck my tongue out at him and everyone laughed.

"C'mon, let's go eat, we'll have a lazy day today," Harry said, squeezing my waist. everyone cheered at that and we walked down to the kitchen and started eating. I looked around and smiled. After my nightmare last night, I was glad that it would never come true. I had my boys, and they would never leave me, no matter what.

the next day, interview

I stood with Harry and the other boys in our dressing room, waiting for the people to come and tell us it was time of or us to go to our interview. it was time to tell the world about our children and our relationships. to tell a hundred or so teenage girls was one thing, but to tell for to five billion people was another. to say I was nervous was an understatement. I was scared out of my mind.

Harry could obviously tell because he pulled me closer and held me tightly. "Don't worry Boo, I'm here and the boys are here, we won't let you be alone, you have our full support," he whispered and I sighed. "How about we cast a circle to help calm all of us. I can tell Liam and Niall are a bit scared too," he suggested and I nodded.

"Boys, we're going to cast a circle, it'll calm everyone down and help us find our center," Harry said and everyone nodded quickly, obviously liking the idea. "Okay, north is that way," he said and stood in his spot. Liam got in the center and Niall east, Zayn south and Josh south. "I'll cast the circle, seeing as I have all five elements, it'll help me too, I can feel them," I said and everyone nodded. I stood in front of Niall and took a breath.

"Air, help calm us and give us strength to do what we need to. Air, I call you to our circle," I said, and a large breeze formed around us, relaxing the stiff muscles in our backs and shoulders. I smiled at the Irish boy and he smiled happily back.

I walked to Josh and smiled at him. he smiled back and I took another breath. "Fire, warm us and protect us, strengthen our wills and give us courage. Fire, I call you to our circle," I said, and flames started running up and down our hair and clothes mine fluttering with the small wind still circling me. I laughed a bit, getting a bit giddy with the two elements fluttering within me. Josh shook his head at me amused and I smiled back, not letting him bother me.

I walked to Zayn and smiled at him. he smiled back and I took another breath. "Water, keep us calm with your soothing waves and keep us as strong as your tide. Water, I call you to our circle," I said and Zayn and I were surrounded by water droplets and it seemed like we were in a bottomless pool of water. I laughed again, the three current elements manifested swirling within me, making me giddy. Zayn smiled at me softly and I smiled back.

I walked to Harry, smiling very big. he smiled at me and I closed my eyes. I would have trouble concentrating with him smiling at me. I took a breath in and said, "Earth, keep us as steady as your stones and keep our courage as tall as your mountains. Earth, I call you to our circle." Suddenly, Harry and I were surrounded by scents of apple trees, sounds of a waterfall, and a feel of grass beneath our feet. I laughed, and Harry laughed a bit with me. "Giddy, sweetheart?" he asked softly and I smiled sheepishly. I nodded and he smiled again. he motioned with his head to Liam and I nodded.

I walked to him and I took a bigger breath. "Spirit, keep us centered and keep us energized, giving us the strength we need to do what we need to. spirit I call you to our circle," I said and my soul jumped and I spun around giddily as all five elements swirled and energized me. I felt so happy and alive, I couldn't believe it. I believed completely now that nothing bad would happen as long as I had my elements.

"How does everyone feel?" Harry asked and i giggled. "Oh my gosh, I have never felt so alive, man I feel amazing," I sighed, the smile on my face not leaving. Niall said, "I feel amazing, and I think Alex likes it too, he or she won't stop moving around." he laughed a bit and Josh smiled at him. "Yeah, I get ya, the triplets won't stop moving either," Liam said, pressing a hand on his stomach. I smiled at them and set a hand on my stomach.

I wasn't expecting anything, but once I set my hand down, a small fluttering movement pressed against my hand and I gasped. "What is it Boo?" Harry asked and I walked over to him. I grabbed his hand and pressed it where I had my hand. it took a second, but he gasped and said, "He or she is moving! I-I can feel it!" I smiled and nodded. I could feel my baby, it was a better feeling than all five elements swirling around me.

"Really? Your baby is moving?" Niall asked happily and I nodded. "It must be the elements, I think your child will have one or two of the elements seeing as Harry has earth and you have all five," Liam said and I nodded, still keeping a hand on the fluttering feeling in my stomach. it was amazing, actual proof of a child in me.

Liam glanced at the clock and said, "We should break the circle, seeing as they should be in here in about ten minutes." I nodded and walked to him. "Thank you spirit, you may go now," I said and spirit left. I walked to Harry and noticed he had tears in his eyes.

"What is it Hazza?" I asked softly and he smiled at me. "I felt our child, I guess its just the feels as the fan girls say," he answered and I smiled. "I understand, but Earth, thank you, you may go," I whispered and kissed Harry on his cheek. he smiled at me and I moved to Zayn after smiling back.

"Thank you water, you may go now," I said and water left after brushing us with a small wave. he smiled at me and I smiled back. I moved to josh and said, "Thank you fire, you may go now." Fire left after brushing us with a small heat wave. I smiled at him and got to Niall. "Thank you, Air, you may go now,' I said and the wind brushed our faces before dissolving.

I sighed, still feeling the after effects of the elements and my baby moving. I set my hand on my stomach again and Niall did too. right when Niall set his hand on my stomach, my baby moved. he smiled and I said, "Either he or she knows Uncle Niall is near, or his or her element will be air related, or both." he smiled and said "I'm hoping for both." I shrugged and looked over my shoulder. Harry was talking to Zayn and Josh, and Liam was watching us.

I motioned with my head for Liam to come over and once he got here, I said, "Okay, you guys know it's Harry's birthday tomorrow right? I want to do something special for him, but I don't know what." Niall thought for a second and said, "Maybe you should sing a song to him, I can help with the guitar, and then just the two of you, go out for some kind of picnic or dinner date. that would be sweet." Liam nodded and said, "Yeah, then you guys can go to a hotel or someplace for the night." he smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. "That would actually be really nice. Do you think you can have Zayn and Josh keep him busy and maybe you two help with the cooking and set up? you guys know I'm pretty much hopeless with cooking," I said and they smirked and nodded. "Yeah, you are really are hopeless with cooking. Of course we'll help, and I'm sure Zayn and Josh will keep him busy. What do you plan on cooking?" Niall asked and I glanced over my shoulder and said, "Probably something as fancy as I could, like steak and alfredo, he really likes the alfredo, and one of his favorites desserts, a banana split. I'll need a cooler for that, seeing as its ice cream." I frowned, but before I could say anything else, the door opened and Paul leaned in, saying, "They're ready for you."

I took a breath, trying to have the elements strengthen me and I followed Niall and Josh out the door. Harry walked behind me and took my hand, squeezing it lightly. I smiled at him and took a deep breath as Paul opened the door. I let go as we walked in, the interviewer, a woman named something like Sabra or Sabrina or something like that, said, "And here we have One Direction and their drummer, Josh Devine, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, and Zayn Malik! Welcome boys."

We all smiled at her and sat in the enlarged couch, just big enough for all six of us, even with Niall's and Liam's ballooning stomachs. they weren't very noticeable with the baggy shirts they were wearing, but I could still see them, but probably because I knew what to look for. "How are you boys today?" she asked. I finally figured out that her name was Sabrina Morin, by her name tag, and answered with the rest of the boys, "We're good, fine."

She smiled and said, "Well, twitter has been blowing up with people saying you boys have come out and that you have a big announcement to tell today. Is any of it true?" I blinked a bit nervous and glanced at Harry. he gave me a reassuring smile and said, "Yes, all of its true. We all are in couples with each other. I'm with my Louis right here." he smiled at me threaded his fingers with mine.

I smiled back and glanced at Niall and Liam, who smiled at me. Josh took a breath and said, "I'm with my Nialler," smiling at the smaller Irish boy. Niall smiled back and took the drummer's hand. Zayn smiled at Liam and said, "Well, I guess you all know who I'm with. I'm with this wonderful boy , or should I say man, right here." Liam blushed and ducked his head slightly as Zayn took his hand and kissed it gently. everyone awed and I blushed as Harry pulled me closer to his chest.

"Well, I guess that's some really big news! and there you have it, Larry, Ziam and Nosh are all real! we'll be back in about five minutes to hear the rest of the news, don't go anywhere,' Sabrina said and the camera man said, "we're off." Sabrina turned to us smiling and I looked at her cautiously.

Fire was telling me something was wrong, and Sabrina's next words proved that feeling. "So, you guys are all gay," she said snidely and Harry glared at her. "Yeah, something wrong with that?" he asked, and she lost the fake smile and said, "Of course there is, homosexuality is wrong and gross. It goes against everything in the Bible."

I smirked suddenly, my mood getting sassy and I said, "Well, I guess its a good thing we aren't Christian or Catholic." she blinked and asked, "Then what are you? I'm sure whatever religion you are says that gayness is wrong." I smirked with all of the boys and said, "Well, witches and the Wicca don't care who we date. we worship nature, and Mother Nature don't care who we date." she paled and said, "You're witches? what do you mean?"

Everyone looked to me and I said, "Should I show her?" they all smirked and nodded. I stood and held out my hand. she watched a bit scared and I said, "My closest element is fire, so that's what I'll call first. Fire, come to me." A small flame appeared in my hand and it also started running up and down my chest and clothes. I had the small flame go from my hand with the help of air to hover right in front of her. it turned into a ring and started dancing around her.

I smiled as I heard her gasp along with the rest of the boys, seeing as they'd never seen me mess with fire so much. "Are you going to question us anymore?" I asked and she shook her head quickly. "N-No," she stuttered, and I nodded, the flames disappearing as I sat down again.

"And we're back, in 5, 4, 3, 2, go," the cameraman said, pointing at her and she took a breath, and said, "Welcome back! We just found out that the boys were all in relationships with each other. How long have you been together?" Zayn smiled and said, "Liam and I have been together for over a year or so. We've never been happier." Liam nodded and leaned against him. "Lou and I have been together for about a month and a half, but I've loved him for almost two years,' Harry said, and I nodded. "I've been in love with Harry since we met that one day, in the bathroom. I think it was his curls," I said smirking, flicking one of them.

Everyone laughed and Josh said, "Niall and I have been together almost as long as Louis and Harry, but three days ago I asked him to be mine." Niall held up his hand and showed off his diamond ring. everyone in the audience gasped and many of them started cheering. Niall blushed and ducked against Josh's chest.

We all chuckled and Niall stuck his tongue out at us. I smirked at him but that faded as Sabrina said, "Well, that's amazing news, boys, now, what was the announcement you wanted to make?" I winced and glanced at Liam and Niall, who were pale. they blinked and I sent them focus on your elements. they glanced at me and nodded.

"W-well, the news is that Liam, Niall and I a-are expecting," I stuttered, and didn't look up. "What do you mean expecting? expecting what?" Sabrina asked confused and Liam sighed. "We're pregnant. As you know, Ms. Morin, we're Wicca and we all control an element, except Lou who can control all five. Males who can control an element have the ability to bare children. Well, we are expecting," he said reasonably if a bit emotionless-ly.

"Wait, you three are pregnant?" she asked, obviously disgusted. I looked at her evenly and she winced. "Yes, we are. I'm about two and a half months along, Liam's about three months along, and Niall is almost four months along," I said, getting a bit angry. Fire wanted out, and started to run along my hair. "If you don't like it, might as well ignore it." Harry glanced at me and squeezed my hand. "Lou, calm down baby, fire is getting loose. you don't want to cause an accident," he whispered to me and I nodded, closing my eyes and taking a couple deep breaths.

"Sorry, its just a bit shocking. Do you know what you are having?" she asked, trying to get her disgust and fear down. I opened my eyes and said, "A couple weeks ago, I was having twins, but s-something happened a-and I lost one."

I got very quiet at the end, still feeling the pain of losing a child. Harry wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me against his side. I wiped my eyes, suddenly realized I was crying a bit and sat up again. I glanced up and saw Sabrina watching me with sympathetic eyes. "You had a miscarriage?" she asked softly and I winced, nodding. "I'm sorry," she said a bit softly and I nodded. I took a breath and turned to Liam and Niall with a slight pleading look, wanting the spotlight off of me.

Liam nodded and said, "I found out a few days ago I'm actually carrying triplets, two girls and a boy. and no, we don't have names yet." he shrugged and Sabrina blinked at him surprised. "Triplets? wow, you'll have your hands busy in a few months, huh," she said and Liam smirked. "Yeah, well I have my boys here, and my family, and I know Zayn and I can do it," he said and we all smiled at him. "I don't know exactly what were having, but Jay and I have Alex James for a boy and Adrianna Lynn for a girl," Niall said, his arms wrapped around his own stomach.

"Oh, Adrianna is a beautiful name," Sabrina said and we all nodded in agreement. "Well, this was a great surprise. And that's all the time we have for today! One Direction and Josh Devine here today, and you heard the news here first! goodnight, and click in next week, when we have 5SOS here for a performance! goodbye!" she said cheerfully and the cameraman said, "We're good."

Sabrina looked at me like she wanted to say something but thought better of it and walked away. I slumped down in my seat and sighed. finally over.

"You okay, Boo?" Harry whispered and I shrugged. "I was so scared, and I'm kinda having trouble breathing right now," I whispered, my chest feeling as though a rope was binding it. the adrenaline had passed and now the panic was coming.

Harry looked at me concerned and helped me stand. "c'mon, we're going to the dressing room," he said to the other boys and they nodded. He picked me up and whispered, "Call air, have it help you breath," as he walked quickly to the dressing room with the others behind us. I nodded and focused on my breathing.

Air, please come to me and help me breath, I thought with all my heart and a small breeze swirled around me and Harry before going down to my lungs. I was breathing better now, but I was still in a panic attack, my head going light. i blinked and tried to focus on clearing my head. I felt myself being set down and saw everyone surround me.

"What's... Louis?" I heard Niall ask, everything very dim and fuzzy. "Panic attack," Harry answered, pressing a cool, cloth to my head and smoothing my hair back. "We need..... now," he said and I moved my head slightly to see everyone move around me into circle form.

Everyone seemed so far away, and dark. I had lost grip on air and was having trouble getting oxygen to my lungs. "C-c-cant breathe," I gasped, and Niall frowned, saying, "Air, help him breathe please." Air fluttered around me again and I had oxygen in my lungs again. my head cleared a small bit, but the panic held tight to my thoughts.

"Louis, sweetheart, listen to me, listen to my voice," a deep voice penetrated my thoughts and I blinked slightly. "Baby, listen to me, focus on me, stay awake honey, I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere," the voice kept going on and the very small rational part of my mind told me it was Harry talking to me. "Baby, stay awake, you need to stay awake. you'll quit breathing if you black out. think about the baby, concentrate on our baby, on me, the boys, just stay awake."

I tried doing what he told me to, and tried focusing on my child, the little one inside me. He or she needed me to stay awake and I wasn't going to disappoint.

I had apparently managed long enough so that a circle could be cast. I felt the soothing breeze circle around me and in my lungs, I felt fire warm me and calm me, I felt water cool me and got my oxygen circulating again through my veins, i felt the soothing and steadiness of earth, and I felt the energizing properties of spirit. my head cleared some more and eventually I managed to clear my vision and see everyone, including Paul, standing around me, watching to see if the elements worked.

I blinked and took a breath. I was so tired now, but the initial panic was gone. "H-Harry?" I whispered, my throat raw from gasping, trying to get air. "Oh, thank gods, Boo, are you okay?" Harry whispered, and in nodded, closing my eyes. "Wh-what happened?" I whispered, wincing as my words scraped my throat. Zayn handed me a glass of water and I drank quickly. "Something set a panic attack off and you almost blacked out, Lou. What set it off?" Niall asked, still circulating air around me.

"You guys can let your elements go, I don't want you guys to get tired," I said, my voice a bit clearer after the glass of water. "And I think the adrenaline kept the panic attack away, but after it wore off, it hit me suddenly."

Harry hesitated but nodded to the other boys and they broke the circle in order. I yawned with Niall and Liam and the other boys all laughed. "Are you three tired?" Josh asked, and we all nodded. "okay let's go home." I smiled at the thought of home, but couldn't summon the energy to move. "Can't get up Boo?" Harry asked and I nodded, my eyes still not opening.

he laughed a bit and picked me up. "Hazza, you're going to hurt your back more," I protested as he walked out the door. He shrugged. "You are actually very light. it kinda concerned me yesterday, are you eating?" he asked and I nodded. "I eat, just don't eat a lot, and all I do eat goes to my baby. I've never really ate all that much," I said and he sighed. "Baby, you need to eat a bit more you're eating for two now," he said and I sighed. "I'll try, but if I eat too much I get sick, even more so with the baby," I said and he nodded. "Well, eat a little more than usual, okay?" he asked and I nodded.

"Okay, I promise," I said and yawned a bit. I looked over Harry's shoulder and saw Zayn carrying a sleeping Liam and Josh supporting a sleepy Niall. Paul was in front of me and Harry and he glanced behind himself and said, "Do you guys want to go a different way? There are a lot of fans out here, and I think some of them are a bit angry. Or should I just call for some more security?" I blinked, trying to open my eyes completely as Harry said, "can we just call more security? we don't want to take a detour, seeing as these three are almost asleep." Paul nodded and called for back up on his walkie talkie. "They'll be here in about five minutes," he said and the three awake boys nodded. Josh had finally picked up Niall, seeing as the younger boy had just fallen asleep. I was almost there, but not quite.

"Hey Andrew, Jacob, ready for a couple hundred screaming teens?" Paul asked as two large men walked up. "Who ever is? but let's do this," Andrew said and Paul opened the door. I winced as all the screaming hit my ears on complete high. I was awake now, these girls are a better alarm clock than the loudest clock in the world. Liam gasped and squirmed a bit, before realizing Zayn was carrying him. "Z, can you put me down? I'm awake now," he asked, clearing his throat. Zayn hesitated before doing so.

"Just stay close to me, we have extra security, but I guess we still can't guess what a couple hundred excited teen girls would do, especially on accident to a pregnant man," he said, and Liam nodded. I looked to Harry and asked, "Haz, can you put me down? I don't want to seem helpless out there." he nodded, but as he set me down, he kept a hold on my waist. "I don't want to lose you in the crowd, that wouldn't be good," he said, and I nodded.

Surprisingly, Niall was still asleep, but then again, I've seen him sleep through tornados, an earthquake in L.A. one time, and a hurricane in Florida one or two days long, so this wasn't as surprising.

"Ready boys?" Paul asked, and we nodded. "Okay, stay in front of Andrew, behind me, and Jacob will keep the girls away from the pregnant three." we all nodded and started walking with Paul.

"Harry!" "Louis!" "Zayn!" "Omigosh, is Niall asleep? that's so adorable!" "Larry!" multiple girls were screaming as loud as possible, but it didn't stop me from hearing a couple scream, "You guys are freaks of nature, what type of boy can have a baby?" "Fag!" "Freak!" I winced as almost started crying. I suddenly got trapped in a flashback, losing sight of what was going on...


"Boy! Get your ass down here!" my dad was calling me. I didn't want to go, it was my 16th birthday, and I didn't want any mistreatment on my sweet 16. "Louis William Tomlinson! Get your fucking worthless ass down here!" he screamed again and I winced.

I walked down the stairs and was greeted with a large hand grabbing my hair and throwing me on the floor. "Fucking worthless piece of shit, took your sweet ass time, now didn't you," he snarled as I gasped in pain. He was drunk, so pleading with him wouldn't do anything. "Get up, fag, act like a man, instead of the piece of trash you are. I have friends coming over, and I don't want them to know you're here. you're going to Stan's," he snarled and kicked me in the stomach.

I swallowed a scream, he had hit me there a couple days ago and had bruised my ribs. if I screamed, the treatment would be worse. I stood as quickly as I could and he threw me against the wall, yelling, "Get upstairs, and pack a bag. this might actually be a good night, seeing as I don't have to see your faggot ass.' I sprinted upstairs and collapsed against my door, a few tears escaping my eyes. this had been going on for three years, and it still hurt that my dad hated me.

I quickly got up and grabbed my overnight bag and stuffed a night's worth of clothes and a couple essentials. I walked downstairs and stood at attention with my eyes downcast.

"Took you long enough, fag, now get out of here," he snarled, back handing me. he only hit my in my face when I was going to Stan's house or if there wasn't any school for a long period of time. it was Christmas break, so I didn't have to go to school for another week. I quickly got off the floor, put on my Toms, and sprinted out the door.

I was halfway down the block when the tears started again. fag, worthless piece of shit, fucking faggot, all the words he threw at me, they must be right if he said them.

~Flashback over~

"Louis! Boobear, c'mon, come back to me, baby, please," I could hear someone calling my name and started panicking. he found me, he was going to hurt me again, he was going to hurt my baby, I had to go i- "Boo! baby, its me, it Harry, relax, he's not going to hurt you, I'm here, baby, listen to me," the voice kept going and my vision cleared enough to realize I was home in my and Harry's bed and the younger boy's emerald eyes were watching me scared. "Baby, are you here?" he asked, using his hand to smooth my hair back.

"H-Harry?" I stuttered, still trying to get back from my flashback. it had happened four years ago, but it was still fresh in my mind. "I'm here, baby, I'm here," he whispered and I threw my arms around his neck and started sobbing. even after two years since I had seen my father, it still hurt that he hated me. and now that I had publicized my pregnancy, he probably knew about it and hated me even more. I seriously hoped he didn't try to come after me, I didn't think I would be able to protect myself against him. "Baby, what happened? why did you black out?" he asked softly and I tried to stop crying enough to answer.

"F-f-flashback. the w-words the girls yelled at m-me reminded me of my d-dad. I remembered my sixteenth birthday, where he k-kept screaming at m-me that I was a w-worthless piece of sh-shit, a f-faggot, all those words. I b-believed him. I actually believed he w-was right because if he s-said it, why would it b-be wrong?" I managed to get out and collapsed sobbing.

Harry pulled me as close to him as possible and started rocking me back and forth. "Baby, he was wrong, you are not worthless. You are amazing, you are my world. I love you with all my heart, and I will never let him hurt you," he whispered and I started sobbing again. "W-what if he finds us? I m-made the pregnancy public, he p-probably knows now, and he knows wh-where I live, and he could try to h-hurt you and our b-baby, he wouldn't think t-twice about it. I can't l-lose you or our baby, it w-would kill me," I said, and he kissed my forehead.

"Louis William Tomlinson, he won't hurt me, he won't hurt our baby, and he won't hurt you, if it worries you so much, maybe we can go on vacation someplace far away until the baby is born, and we can get maximum security. I will not let him hurt you anymore, I promise," he said softly but firmly. I blinked away the tears covering my eyes and looked at him.

"R-really? y-you would actually do that?" I whispered, my voice cracking. he kissed me again and said, "Of course I would, I would do anything for you." I hugged him tightly and didn't want to let him go. "Thank you, Hazza,' I whispered and he kissed my head. "Anytime, baby," he said. I yawned, the crying catching up to me and I rested against him, closing my eyes.

"Go to sleep, baby, i'm not going anywhere," he whispered and started humming. I sighed and snuggled closer to my Hazzabear. "Love you, Hazza," I whispered, and he stopped his humming long enough to say, "Love you too, Boo," he whispered and started humming again. I sighed and started falling into a deep sleep. maybe I'll actually get some real peace for the first time in almost seven years I thought to myself as I fell asleep.

A/N omg, that was absolute torture writing that stuff about Louis. I know his dad is actually a really wonderful man, but I needed something to make this story a bit more interesting. Anyway, I hope you liked it, and all that stuff....




(pretty pretty pwease with Louis' carrot in top? :D )

Love ya all! Kisses!


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