Adeline's Reign

By DianiaSilver

699 1 0

Adeline the ninth and tenth companion of The Doctor and the constant companion of his didn't know how to get... More

We meet again
The ups and downs of knowing everthing
I can't love
The Original Jack Harkness
Panic and Troubles
Meeting Martha
Everyone hates Torchwood
the escape attempt
Panic's Master
Adeline's return
Reality resets itself
John Hart
Secrets are never good
Authors Note Sorry!
Normal at least for me
Death itself
A long over due history lesson
a first wedding
Circuses are really creepy
I get to know my niece
A worse torture
Remedy Smith
late rescue
Amy Williams, Rory Williams, and Jack Harkness
Pieces in a puzzle

Family Reunion

13 0 0
By DianiaSilver

March 6th is a day none of Adeline's versions would ever forget. Her sister Kathleen had died today and Adeline knew that going to Torchwood would be impossible for her. She had made a promise to keep in contact with her children and she always visted three of them every year on this day. She was sure if Jack needed her he would call and so she looked in the mirror studying the outfit she had chosen. She wore a hot pink leather jacket that matched her flowered dress. It had short sleeves with red, white, and pink roses on it. She had a pair of hot pink heels that had silver flower designs on the backs. She walked out then teleported to Waterloo, Iowa and she appeared in a deserted alleyway. Her daughters the Songs lived here. They were triplets by the names of Melody, Lyra, and Harmony. They all three were lovers of music. Harmony had dark brown hair, tan skin, and brown eyes. Lyra had longer blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and pale skin. Melody had dark brown hair as well with brown eyes and pale skin. She took a deep breath before knocking on the door to the two story building.
" Coming!" The voice of her 18 year old daughter Lyra called and Adeline couldn't hold back the grin at hearing her daughter's voice. She taped her foot anixously before the door was opened by the oldest of the Song triplets. " Mother!" Lyra grinned hugging her tightly. " How are you doing Lyra." Adeline smiled softly.
" Great now that you're here. Melody, Harmony Mom's here!" Lyra called and she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Lyra let her in before she was tackled by Melody. " Its so good to see you three!" Adeline grinned as she pulled Harmony into the hug as well.
" So mother how have you been?" Lyra asked as she sat down on one of the couches her short light purple dress was tucked underneath her.
" I got a new job. I now work for a top secret agency dealing with Aliens." Adeline shrugged. " Isn't that cheating considering you are alien mother?" Melody smirked with a raised eyebrow. " They know I'm alien, besides I have a past with my boss." Adeline explained. " Can you tell us about your partners?" Harmony asked and her other two daughters nodded excitedly. " I guess I can make an exception for my daughters. There's Panic she is the 5th version of myself from the 80's. She has control over fire and has an attitude that matches no other." Adeline told smirking at the memories of Panic.
" Let me guess she's a red head." Lyra guessed. " Yep then there is Captain Jack he is the boss. He's cocky and a gigantic flirt, but you have to love him. He used to be a companion of The Doctor's." Adeline said dreamily.
" You like him." Lyra grinned and Adeline only glared at her. " You know that it's never going to happen right." Adeline sighed. Harmony was about to argue with her when she got a phone call. With a sigh Adeline picked it up. " What do you need Jack, I'm with my daughters and today really isn't a great day for me." Adeline sighed. " I'm sorry Addie, but we have an alien and I'd feel a lot safer if you were here to help us with this." Jack stated. " Can I bring my daughters?" Adeline asked her tone somewhat pleading. " Alright as long as they don't tell anyone." Jack relented. " I'll be there in a minute." Adeline told him before hanging up the cell phone. " Would you three be willing to help save the world from aliens?" Adeline asked. " Of course." All three of them said at the exact same time which Adeline felt was slightly creepy. " Well then hold hands and I'll teleport us to Cardiff." Adeline said. They all did so and she teleported themselves inside Torchwood. " You brought people!" Gwen hissed and Panic laid an arm on  Gwen's shoulder. " Relax they are just my daughters. I'm Panic Summers." Panic said nodding at her daughters.
" I'm Lyra this is Melody and our sister Harmony." Lyra Interduced.
" Good to meet you girls I'm Captain Jack Harkness this is Owen, Ianto, Tosh, and Gwen." Jack said pointing to each member and she could see Panic roll her eyes at the wink he gave them. Harmony turned a bright red while Melody smiled brightly at them and Lyra just nodded her look remained serious. " So this alien can I see it?" Adeline asked. Tosh nodded showing her the footage and her daughters looked behind her.
" She's a sleeper." Lyra said and Adeline grinned at the team's shocked look. " Sadly it seems like she has already sent the signal which means that they will start killing everyone." Adeline explained. Owen ran downstairs, but Jack's phone rings and a distressed woman is on it. " It's Beth she's stabbed Mike." Jack told them. Jack and Gwen get in the SUV as She went in her own car with her daughters. When they went in Melody went over to Beth's side her voice immeditley calming Beth down.
" How did she do that?" Jack asked.
" Like our mom we have powers as well though ours all are related to our voice. Lyra has a sonic scream, Melody is a charm speaker, and I have virbrations." Harmony listed.
" I am also a sound manipulator." Lyra added. " Helpful now what can we do." Jack asks looking at Adeline.
" We need to find the other sleepers." She said and they all ran out, but their connections were cut off. By activating Beth's implant they are able to put together that one lives. Jack is able to rig a CB radio to talk to the others and figures out he is going to a abandoned farm for access with weapons. They head out and drive to the military compound. Arriving just in Jack runs the sleeper over with the
SUV. Jack along with Gwen run out of the car and threaten the sleeper with a gun. Before she can warn him Jack is stabbed and she runs over grabbing his hand. Focusing she takes away the pain and when Gwen disables the signal He pulls himself off the blade and she gasps as Melody orders him to tell them about the other sleepers.
" Thanks." Jack grins. Adeline gave him a curt nod still gasping. Jack ends up killing him and they head back to base. Adeline decides to take her daughters back and they are back inside their house. " Is it always like that?" Harmony asked and Adeline laughed at her comment. " Basically yes." Adeline grinned. " Be careful alright." Lyra told her. " Always." Adeline promised before teleporting again. She headed to her room before collapsing in bed falling asleep.

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