I Will Follow You Into The Da...

By WingedVigilante

9.9K 401 138

Disclaimer: Transformers Prime doesn't belong to me. Obviously. [] I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Death... More

[] Prologue []
Love Of Mine [] 1
Someday You Will Die [] 2
I'll Be Close Behind [] 3
I'll Follow You Into The Dark [] 4
No Blinding Light [] 5
Tunnels To Gates Of White [] 6
Just Our Hands Clasped So Tight [] 7
Waiting For The Hint Of A Spark [] 8
If Heaven And Hell Decide [] 9
They Both Are Satisfied [] 10
Discontinued/New Story

Illuminate The No's On Their Vacancy Signs [] 11

618 29 14
By WingedVigilante

"Fear cuts deeper than swords."

   "Soundwave? What are you doing here?" You asked the silent mech who stood in front of your room. "I thought you were busy transferring data here from the Nemesis." Soundwave shook his head slowly, taking a few steps forward and crouching to your height. A short video was suddenly shown on his visor, one your faceplates paled at. It was showing you handing over a tablet with a layout of the citadel on it to the imprisoned Autobots. Your optics went wide with fright, glueing themselves to the screen.

Stupid, stupid, stupid hidden cameras. They just had to ruin you.

"Are you going to show this to Omega?" You asked quietly, fearing the answer. If she saw this, you were as good as offline. Well, tortured, then offline. The TIC (Airachnid was the new SIC, as well as Insecticon Queen) shook his head again, and cupped your check with his servo. You flinched, knowing that this always meant a painful slap from your creator. This didn't seem to be the case with Soundwave, as a genuine smiley face appeared on his screen.

"No." He replies with a voice clip. "I'm on your side." He said with a few others. This surprised you. The communications officer was always loyal to the Decepticon cause, so why not anymore? He didn't seem like the type to betray something after so long, so you knew it wouldn't be like Dreadwing had.

"Really? W-what are you going to do then?" You asked in confusion. This seemed rather unlike Soundwave, though the two of you were pretty much friends. Somehow. The silent mech deployed Laserbeak who transformed into a tiara on your forehelm. You had never met a minicon before, though you'd heard about what many could do. Soundwave nodded at you before walking off, only confusing you even more.

So what: he wasn't loyal to his queen, you just got minicon jewelry, and you weren't being ratted out. You assumed he was just trying to keep an optic on you (or out for you) and 'always be with you' in his own sort of way. Unfortunately, you were only getting theories and more questions instead of answers. With a sigh and a shrug, you tapped in your password and entered your berthroom. You threw yourself at the soft texture of your berth, falling asleep almost immediately.

   The centuries rolled by as New Cybertron was built into a fabulous kingdom, and Cybertron was fully prepared to bring back its inhabitants. Refugees and fellow Decepticons flew in, and every Autobot found was arrested and imprisoned.

   Your mother made a council full of other trusted Decepticons, such as: Tarn, the leader of the DJD (Decepticon Justice Devision), Shockwave, Skywarp and Thundercracker, etc. As the princess of both planets, you got everything you ever could've wanted, except of course: a loving family and a halt to your abuse.

   Your mother, who was unable to find the perfect suitor for her (not that you could think of anyone who'd want her), decided to take advantage of a helpless Autobot mech. He was never heard from again. You ended up getting a baby sister to take care of while Omega was busy doing what queens do. This was the only person you grew to love over the years, your half-sister. Soundwave became more like the sire you never had, but it didn't bother you one bit.

   Laserbeak went from his minicon to yours, even changing its paint job to match yours. Even the constant beatings from Omega and flirtation from Tarn couldn't hold you from being happy with the family you'd learned to cherish over the years. You watched everything as you grew from a genius but cowardly sparkling into your teenage years transform itself into the Decepticon empire.

   Airachnid's kingdom had joined yours, letting both Insecticons and Decepticons roam freely through either empire. She only ruled a small fraction of Cybertron, but the spider-femme was surprisingly content with that.

   Autobots slaves were traded and auctioned, but the ones who were free had made a rebellion. Then again, what else do you expect from them? You knew without a doubt that Team Prime was part of it, and would do everything in their power to stop the tyranny. But what about Wheeljack? You released him to go frolic with his friends when the time came. He had told you stories of his adventures with the Wreckers, as well as the members of Team Prime. You prized every second he was there. Other than that, you really hadn't heard anything from the Bots. No messages, secret meetings, nothing. Oh well.

   Once the sparkling was born, it was revealed to be a little girl. Every time she learned to love the Decepticons, you told her not to, and told her tales of the Autobots you'd heard from them before she recharged. What was this small princess' name, though? Zeta, was the name your mother decided on. An unusual name, but you actually liked it! You and her became the best of friends, creating an inseparable bond from her toddlerhood. If anything took you away from her, if anyone was to make fun of her, there was a fair chance you'd kill them. Or at least, teach them a very painful lesson.

   Your life was no longer suffering and depression.

   That was only half of it.

   Just keep living, Y/N.

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