High Emotions ; Phan au

By official_dhowlter

3.9K 221 406

Phil was sick of Dan, Dan was in love with Phil Warnings: smut/angst - only read if you are comfortable read... More

Eighteen {Part 1}
Eighteen {Part 2}
I'm sorry


148 9 16
By official_dhowlter

Alex was sat comfortably in one of the booths, smiling and waving as Phil walked through the door of the cafe

Phil very quickly flashed a small smile but sat down quickly "alex we have to talk." Phil said seriously, "I've made some mistakes and you've made mistakes and I just feel like we can't work out this way."

"Phil... I'm willing to go leaps and bounds for us to work." He said and held his hands.

"No Alex we can't, we've both done unforgivable things that are going to be too big to just simply get over." Phil said, not wanting to her Alex, he knew he loved him but as a friend, but that wasn't possible he had to leave him

"Look, Phil, dan's not fucking good for you. He's a whore, and all he does is sleep around and get himself in trouble. You can't leave me for him!" His calm exterior was crumbling.

"Wait what? How did you know it was Dan?" Phil asked confused to how Alex knew ,panicking slightly

"Who else could it be?!" He growled angrily. "I told that motherfucker to stay out of our relationship but he managed to manipulate you!"

"Alex lower your god damn voice." Phil hissed at him, "Outside.now." Phil said angrily standing up and getting out as quickly as he can to him noticing the attention that was drawn to them both

Alex sighed and walked out, trying to calm down. "I just... I don't want to lose you but Dan keeps coming in the way."

"Let's go to the field it's quiet there, let's start from the beginning." Phil said sadly and started walking "why would you threaten Dan? Why would you say such horrible things to him whilst he was at his low." Phil said not understanding the whole thing completely

"I never threatened him, Phil, I've told you that." He said as they sat down on a bench together.

"I find it hard to believe that considering the words that came out of your mouth before Alex- remember 'I told that motherfucker to stay out of our relationship' - does that ring a bell?" Phil asked with a harsh tone

"That doesn't mean I threatened him!" Alex groaned. "I could sense he liked you so I politely told him that you were with me now."

"I don't see why Dan would have made up the fact you threatened him, he really liked you actually." Phil said, Alex and Dans words not adding up

"I'm telling you, phil, he's manipulating you!" Alex said. "Honestly, why would I threaten him while helping him financially? It doesn't make sense!"

"He wouldn't manipulate me Alex I know Dan more than I know myself." Phil tried to explain calmly "and you technically didn't pay for it Dans Mother did."

"But I did offer to give him the money. I still am." He said. "You yourself said that Dan had changed and it was like your didn't even know him."

"Yeah but Dan changed because he was depressed!" Phil snapped "he was planning on running away because of the shit you said." Phil snapped "dan wouldn't just run away for no reason." Phil choked back a lump in his throat, his eyes watering

"Oh Phil." His expression softened when he saw him cry. "It's going to be okay. We should help Dan get back to normal and I promise he'll admit that I never said any of those things."

"No." Phil snapped, tears spilling "You are not going near Dan." Phil said strongly "but I need to cut to the chase Alex." Phil said shakily breathing "ill admit I did cheat on you with Dan-"

"What?" Alex's eyes darkened as he looked up at him. He looked heartbroken and angry at the same time.

"I'm sorry- that's why I wanted to meet you it only happened yesterday." Phil explained "I can't help the way I feel about Dan." Phil explained "I want to take back cheating on you but I don't want to take back how much I feel about Dan."

"Fuck, he's gonna pay for this. Just you wait and fucking see. I'm gonna make him sorry!" He yelled and pushed past him to walk away.

Phil stood up quickly and ran, grabbing Alex's arm, "I am this close to ringing the police on you Alex, if I notice one scratch or fear in Dan if i say your name you will be sorry you fucked with Dan!" Phil yelled, his voice strained but confident

"Get off! You're a cheater!" Alex growled and pushed him away. "Dan's gonna be sorry he ever messed with me!"

"So you did threaten him didn't you! You fucking nearly killed my best friend!" Phil yelled chasing after him

"I didn't kill him! He ruined his own life!" Alex stopped in his tracks and glared at him. "That whore slept around with god knows how many people! Drunk himself to death all for your sympathy! He's so fucking pathetic!"

"Yeah if you thought that low of him then why did you see him as a threat?!" Phil yelled back

"Because he's a manipulative fucker! Look what he's done to you!" He yelled. "You should've left him on the street to die!"

Phil broke down, his legs wanting to give in as he sobbed. His head was so confused and he didn't know what to do anymore, he just needed someone for him

Alex sighed and walked forward, crouching in front of him. "Look, I'm sorry I said all that. I didn't mean it." He said apologetically.

"Why can't I do anything right?" Phil sobbed "why can't I just fall in love and be happy, my head is so confused with all this bullshit."

"Look, it's alright," He said and wrapped his arms gently around him. "I'm willing to forget what you did if you forgive me too. We can start over. I'll treat you like a prince."

"Alex we can't, I'm not in love with you." Phil said trying to push Alex away from him weakly

"I can make you fall in love with me." He said and kept him close.

"You can't Alex you can't force me to fall in love you." Phil said monotone "I'm in love with Dan and I know I am. I don't think I was ever in love with you."

"So you used me, huh? To get money out of me?" He asked sadly and pulled away a little

"Yeah definitely Alex I used you for the money you didn't even spend." Phil said sarcastically and a little hurt "I honestly did think there was something there but until I realised that it was more lust." Phil said sadly "I'm sorry to tell you that Alex I really am you're a great guy-" phil stopped himself

"Fine, Phil. Go and fucking be happy with that whore." Alex said angrily and stood up, walking away.

"Alex please." Phil said weakly, he couldn't move, he wanted to call out and beg him to stay, but he knew that he'd kill Dan more. He wanted to go home to his family and just stay away for everything

Alex didn't listen as he just walked away. He would make sure to make Dan pay.

Phil wanted to collapse, he felt his entire world collapse, that's until Alex's words rung through his head 'Dans gonna be sorry he ever messed with me.'" Phil head shot up as he watch Alex storm away he grabbed his phone quickly ringing Dan, praying he answered quickly

Dan was in bed still when he heard his phone ring in the living room. He groaned softly. He didn't want to get up. He decided to let it ring. If it was important, they'd ring again.

"Shit Dan answer the fucking phone." Phil said ringing Dan again, shaking as he let it ring again

Dan heard the phone again and groaned. He slowly made his way to his wheelchair and managed to get to his phone. He realised it was Phil and picked it up, "Phil!"

"Dan oh my dan lock the door and as fast as you can, do not answer the door whatever you do!" Phil screamed down the phone as he watched Alex behind to storm spent to their house

"What? Are you alright, Phil? What's happening?" Dan asked in confusion but didn't move.

"Lock the door now!" Phil just shouted his heart racing as Dan questioned him

"Ok–" Dan was interuppted by loud banging on the door which made him whimper. What the fuck?

"S-Someone's–" He threw his phone away and wheeled to the living room door and shut it, locking it, knowing he couldn't reach the front door in time. He heard the door open up front and whimpered.

"Dan! Dan answer me!" Phil yelled "shit-" phil sprinted trying to catch a pace, adrenaline making him run faster than usual

Dan tried to remain quiet as he heard the front door shut and lock. There was definitely someone here and he was so scared.

Phil tried crossing the road but the traffic picked up speed, he was so so close to home "shit!" Phil called out not knowing what to do

Dan tried not to move too much in the wheelchair because it would squeak.

"Dan I don't know if you can here me but I'm on my way! I'm coming over I swear." Phil called down the phone

Dan whimpered softly when the phone blared. He realised it something bad was going to happen, he better at least have evidence. He pressed record as he kicked his phone under the sofa. That's when the someone banged on the door to the living room where he was hidden.

"Dan- you in there, it's just me Alex." He said calmly, but a threat was still in voice

"P-Please go away." Dan whimpered in a soft voice as he wheeled away from the door. It was locked but he didn't trust Alex.

"I'm not going to hurt you I just want to get some things straight with you." Alex said sarcastically

"W-What is it?" Dan asked, trying to keep the shakiness out of his voice.

"Well if you open the door you might find out darling." Alex patronised Dan as he banged on the door again

Dan whimpered in fear again and wheeled back further, "P-please leave me alone!"

"Why would you do that when you took my boyfriend away from me!" Alex yelled slapping the door as he began to cry "He was the only thing good in my life and you took him away!"

"I-I d-didn't so anything, please leave me alone!" Dan sobbed loudly, shaking.

"You told him everything I fucking told you!" Alex screamed, now trying to barge into the door

"I-I–" Dan's small voice shook in fear and he winced as he watched the door shake in its frame, Dans heart was racing and he wished he could have listened to Phil but it was too late

"Why?! Why would you do that to me! I was going to pay your hospital bills! But no you're selfish enough for you to manipulate Phil and rip him away from me!" Alex yelled with hot anger

"I didn't do anything, p-please don't hurt me!" Dan cried quietly and whimpered loudly when Alex must have hit the door at the right angle to snap off the lock

Alex saw Dan his heart was racing "you mother fucker don't lie to me!" Alex went over to Dan, getting ready to push him

"P-Please d-don't hurt me–!" Dan said uselessly, his eyes wide in fear when Alex pushed him off his wheelchair. He landed on the floor, and tried to crawl away. His stitches hurt so bad but they still felt intact because of the bandages.

"Dan!" Phil yelled running up the stairs, out of heavy breath but his stomach dropped and anger seeped through him as he saw the sight of Dan on the floor, he immediately ran over and grabbed Alex's arm and pulling him out of the way "the police are on their way you son of a bitch so don't you dare event think of trying to escape." Phil growled

Dan didnt even register Phil coming in as he was busy trying to crawl away from Alex as he kept sobbing 'don't hurt me' in a broken voice.

Alex just broke down in tears, his head everywhere but sane, he wanted Phil back, he wanted to go back and just treasure his time with Phil "stop crying you deserve no sympathy." Phil snapped angrily

Alex caught eye of Dan and anger bubbled in his chest. "This is your fault!" He yelled and ripped away from Phil to grab Dan by the collar. Before Dan could even beg for him to leave him alone, Alex's fist collided with Dan's face.

"It's the police!" They heard a voice scream from downstairs, Phil shoved Alex out of the way and went to cradle Dan, "help please!" Phil yelled as Alex began to panic "baby oh my god ." Phil said softly as tears ran down his face

Dan was sobbed quietly and begging Alex not to hurt him, not realising that the police dragged alex away. Dans face was throbbing as he clung onto Phils chest

"Oh Dan why didn't you listen and lock the door baby." Phil said clutching onto him like his life depended on it

"I-I did!" Dan cried and weakly pointed to the door Alex had broken open. Even through Alex was gone, Dan was scared of him in his mind.

"Let's go get you an ice pack." Phil said his heart still racing and his own headache throbbing, he gently lifted Dan up and took him to the kitchen, sitting him onto the counter

Dan was still sobbing silently as he let Phil man handle him. His hopes bruised from falling over and he had a black eye but other than that, he was alright.

Phil gently brought out a bag of peas from the freezer and grabbed a tea towel, wrapping it softly into the packet as he gently pressed it to the red and swollen area of Dans face

Dan was only sniffling now as he placed his hand on top of Phil's. He wanted an explanation but he also kind of knew what had happened.

"I told him it was over." Phil whispered softly, stroking Dans long hair, wanting to hold him tightly. Dan didn't deserve this, he wanted to put Dan into a little bubble, taking away any pain he was feeling, he just kept dabbing the wound softy

"W-Will he be gone?" Dan asked as quietly as he could. He still sounded scared and on edge.

"The police have got him, they will come back and talk to us later, they just needed to take him away." Phil reassured him "we're safe- you're safe." Phil promised

Dan sniffled and nodded although he didn't look too convinced. When Phil was done taking care of Dan's wound, Dan wrapped his arms around phils neck immediately. He felt safer that way.

"It's alright baby it'll be okay I promise." Phil whispered gently, his hands going to scoop underneath Dans thighs as he lifted him up, walking slowly into the front room and sitting them down on to the couch.

Dan cuddled into Phil's side and shut his eyes, shaking still. But it felt better to be next to Phil. Have someone to lean on.

"I love you so much Dan, you genuinely mean so much to me I hate that you're hurting." Phil said softly, kissing the top of Dans head

Dan didnt say anything as he clung onto Phil, shutting his eyes. He didn't even know why he was so shaken up. He felt weak and pathetic.

"Mr - Lester?" A police officers voice rang through the front room, Phils head shot up looking at the policeman confused "That's me."

Dan didnt want to let Phil go but he did. He looked up at him and hugged his pillow instead, shaking still.

"Can I please talk to you alone, I need to investigate this attack." The policeman told Phil with a stern voice, his eyes flickering towards Dan "Yeah- you'll be okay Dan I'll only be gone for a couple of minutes."

Dan swallowed thickly and nodded. He buried his face in the pillow he was clutching and took deep breaths. He was gonna be okay. He told himself repeatedly.

"So can you explain the me the situation relevant to what would have caused Alex to attack Dan?" The officer asked, notepad in hand, Phil gulped, not wanting to leave Dan by himself. "Alex was an ex-boyfriend of mine driven by jealously and control around my best friend Dan, he found out that I had found a love for Dan so then he attacked him, in the last couple of days I found out he had been giving Dan lots of threats and verbal abuse whilst I was completely unaware of the situation."

Dan looked up, a little scared. He heard everything Phil said. He tried not to whimper too much. God, he was so pathetic. He wished he could be stronger.

"Okay thank you for your time Mr.Lester, this will be used for evidence that should get him locked up or at least serve some time." The officer said nodding, Phil walked him to the door, tired and shaky he headed back to see Dan, clutching one of their pillows

"O-Officer?" Dan finally called out softly. "I um, I have evidence. I managed to record the a-altercation on my phone. It's under the sofa."

The officer shocked but relived that Dan had finally spoke, he gently walked back to properly see Dan, "that's great, can you please get the recording, this will give us way enough evidence to make sure this guy gets the punishment he deserves." He said calmly as, Phil let out a sigh of relief, his Dan was going to be safe

A/N - dudes I am so sorry for the lack of updates, put it this way grammar schools are a great way to put way too many exams for us as students to cope, I will try super hard to keep updated but this year is a hefty exam year so I can't promise, one day this book will be finished I promise xoxo 

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