Behind the Screen

By Shadyladies

63.2K 1.9K 799

Description Lilly Wilcher is a 35 year old highly regarded Administrative Assistant for a large New York C... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter 3
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter 7
Chapter Eight
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter Twelve
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter 16
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter Five

2.7K 81 22
By Shadyladies

Lilly's POV

I had spent the entire weekend being lazy at home. I am not going to lie I spent the majority of my weekends being lazy at home. But it is what I enjoy. I did venture out long enough to buy groceries for the week and I was also able to find a copy of the XXL magazine that had Eminem as The Punisher on the cover.

I also spent a lot of time tweeting with Immagoat. He was really funny and didn't seem to know a thing about the internet. I showed him how to follow other Eminem fans on Twitter and also invited him to join the forum that I frequent the most. So he could interact with other fans. I also had him follow Royce 5'9 and Mr. Porter since they worked with Em and were on Twitter constantly.

I was just entering the office when I ran right into Eric, and just dodged being drenched in coffee.

"Sorry Lilly, I actually bought that coffee for you!" Eric was looking at the spilled beverage on the ground.

"That is very nice of you Eric, but I don't drink coffee" I smiled and started to walk past him.

"Let me make it up to you" Eric started to run behind me.

"Don't you need to clean up that mess?" I asked a bit rudely. It was Monday morning and I really did not want to deal with him this early in the morning.

"I am, but please one lunch. I mean, would you have lunch with me just one time?"

"I brought my lunch Eric, like always" I turn to walk away again. I might be coming off a bit harsh but to be honest, this guy reminded me too much of my ex. Someone who I would rather forget. The pushier he is the more he is turning me off.

"Come on Lilly, what do I have to do?" Eric asked with a hint of desperation in his voice.

"Nothing because it is not going to happen," I remarked over my shoulder as I made my way to my office.

After a busy Monday morning with a moodier than usual Mr. Bodney, I was ready to escape for a few moments and enjoy my lunch. As I started to consume my meal I logged into the forum to see what the chatter was about today. Hopefully, Shadygirl was around so we could fawn over the XXL pictures for a minute.

Lil'sWil- So did anyone pick up the newest XXL?

Shady's Girl- Girl you know I grabbed two copies!!!

4D- In case you get your "juices" all over one?

Emadyville- EWWW too much info!

Lil'sWil- I liked the concept of the photo shoot, very different.

Shady's Girl- Fuck different he was HOT!

4D- You are among friends here Lil'sWil you can admit he was hot too.

Emadyville- So are you saying he is hot 4D?

Thefunkybunch- What are you guys talking about today?

Lil'sWil- Oh my I had hoped they had left for good!

Shady's Girl- They are like fungus, it keeps coming back.

4D- I am a guy, I will not admit Eminem is hot.

Emadyville- You just said it...... twice.

Thefunkybunch- Come on out the closet 4D, You can also admit you are a fan of the GOAT as well.

4D- NO ONE is a fan of Marky Mark, can you guys talk about someone else.

Shady's Girl-I would rather talk about Marshall's chest. Here let's all have a look.

These guys were hilarious. They never failed to disappoint me on my lunch hour.


Emadyville- If this dude says he is Marky Mark I am outta here!

Lil'sWil- You made it over! How are you? Don't mind Thefunkybunch, they seem to be a bit delusional.

Shady's Girl- You aren't Marky Mark are you?

IMMAGOAT- Why do you think I am Marky Mark?

4D- Well you say you are a goat, those idiots thefunkybunch Marky Mark is a goat, so are you one of them?

Lil'sWil- Guys back off, he is not one of them. I meet him on Twitter.

Emadyville- If you say they are OK Lil, I will believe you.

Thefunkybunch- Why would you think the GOAT would waste time talking to loser Eminem fans?

Shady's Girl- I am ignoring them from now on, more pictures of HOTNESS

Thefunkybunch- Damn girl are you a professional groupie?

Shady's Girl-

Thefunkybunch- What no answer?

LIl'sWil- she has you on ignore I am sure. I think I will put you on it as well.

4D- Good Idea! IGNORE

Emadyville- Damn we should have done that. Can we ignore all these dame pictures Shady's Girl is posting?

Shady's Girl- stop hating...appreciate!

IMMAGOAT- Seems you enjoy that photo shoot Shady's girl.

Shady's Girl-Hell Yeah! He is hot...he can punish me anytime!!

Here she goes, he is hot, but there is so much more to the man than his nice body. I shake my head laughing at Shady's Girl. I should really find out how old she is. I decide to Direct Message ImmaGoat, what did he tell me his name was again? Oh Yeah, Paul.

To ImmaGoat- Hey! So glad you made it over here! I hope the crew doesn't scare you off!

From ImmaGoat- Shit I just noticed this, what is this like email? Yeah, I found it. Nah they are cool, she really likes Eminem huh?

To ImmaGoat - Yeah she is a bit extreme with it! This is direct messaging, you can talk directly to another board member without the entire board reading it, so it is sorta like email in that it is more private. Twitter has it as well although you are confined in how many words you can type at a time, here it is pretty much unlimited! How has your day been?

From ImmaGoat- Private huh? So are you gonna spill some secrets to me? Kidding man. I notice you ain't going on and on about how hot Eminem is. My day has been cool how about yours?

To ImmaGoat- LOL, well he is hot, but I feel that is more to him than his looks. My day has been busy, got off to a bit of an annoying start but otherwise, good.

From ImmaGoat- Sucks about the annoying start to your day. So you think there is more to him than his looks? So you actually enjoy his music? Most chicks are just into him for his looks.

To ImmaGoat- Of course, I love his Music, but it is also the struggles he overcame in his personal life. The determination he had to make a better life for himself and his family. The loyalty he has to his friends. The willingness to give back to his community. All admire qualities in my book. And yes he is HOT!

From ImmaGoat- Damn that is a lot to admire him for. Most don't see that ya know.

To ImmaGoat- yeah but it is their loss. Well, I gotta go, lunchtime is over. Have a great rest of the day Paul! I hope you don't mind me calling you by your real name?

From ImmaGoat- Nah, you have a great day too Lilly. Talk to you later!

Marshall's POV

I had just finished a brief chat with Lilly. I admit I wanted to see if she thought I was hot, well not so much me but Eminem. I was not expecting her response. I don't know why I am surprised after reading her response the first day we were on the forums. She really does seem to look beyond the hype though and see Eminem as something more than what the media puts out there.

Stop it, Mathers, she is just some chick online. If she knew who she was actually interacting with she would be totally different. All chicks are the same.

I go back into the studio, Royce and Denaun are goofing off again.

"Yo, what are you guys up to?"

"Messin' around" Royce answered.

"I think they ended out little fun on the forum, seems like everyone blocked us" Denaun laughed. "Some other fucker comes in there calling himself ImmaGoat" Royce and Denaun burst out laughing.

"I think he stole our gag man" Royce states.

"Man wonder what that Shady's Girl looks like, she is really hot for you Slim" Denaun laughs.

"Oh yeah?" I chuckle.

"Yeah said you could punish her" Royce laughed. "I wonder if she is hot?"

"Well I guess we will never know man" I smile.

"Yeah too bad we don't have some super internet sleuthing skills" Denaun states. "Like there are people who can find out everything you wanted to know about someone"

"Yeah how?"

"I don't' know man, all they need is a name or email address and they can come back with someone's entire life history"

"Damn good thing I ain't on the 'net than"

"Your shit's already out there man. They got maps to your house and everything" Royce laughs. "Ain't no hiding for you"

"Nah I guess not" I grab my lyric book and start to doodle. Fuck I wonder who I could get to see if they can find out about Lilly? I mean I am just a tad bit curious if she is for real or not. "How do you think they would start though, like if we wanted to see what that chick looks like?"

"Aww someone interested huh?" Royce laughs. "Let's see we can google her username"


"Search engine man" Denaun laughs.

"Oh yeah, I've done that," I say to myself unaware that they can hear me.

"When did you search something on the net? " Denaun chuckles.

"You know trying to help the girls with their homework and shit"

"Oh yeah"

"Man there is too many Shady's Girl, on the net. One thing we know she ain't original" Royce laughs.

"If you want some action man, just hit any of 'em up. Hell, you are Shady!" Denaun pats my back.

"Man it ain't about any action. I mean I got girls on the internet I was just thinking about them, what can people find out about them?" Good cover huh? I know I surprise myself at times.

Just then Alaina arrives at the studio. "Hey Unc, do you have a minute?"

"School out already baby?" I stand up to hug her.

"Yeah I wanted to show you something so I came over, I hope you are not busy"

"Never too busy for you baby, come on into my office" We walk back into my office, Alaina sits down across from me.

"Sooo I hope you don't get too upset with me"

"Did you fail that paper, Lanie? I told you to work on it" I begin to lecture.

"NO NO, nothing about school! Calm down!" she laughs. "It's about your little crush"

"What? I told you I don't have a crush Lainie" I look down at the desk to hide my smirk.

"Sure you don't" she smiles. "So what do you know about her already?"

"What do you mean? What do I know?"

"You haven't asked her anything about herself?"

"Well her name is Lilly, she has a fish, lives in New York"

"Ok all of that checks out"

"Checks out? What do you mean?"

"I mean I dug around a little and got you some info" Lainie grins big. I should be furious with her, instead, I want to know what she found out.

"Like what?" I cock up an eyebrow.

"Her name, where she works, another picture"


"OK so do you want to know?"

"How did you find out this stuff?"

"Reverse image search"


"I took the picture from Twitter and put it into a reverse image search, found her facebook page which uses the same picture, from there got her real name, googled that, found her Linkedin page, found out where she worked"

"All that from a picture? And what is a facebook or a Linkedin?"

"Yep! Facebook is a social networking site, you usually have family and friends on there and you interact with them. Linkedin is more for your career, you post your resume and stuff and people validate that you are a good employee, stuff like that" She then hands me a piece of paper with a picture attached. "Here in case you are curious, she seems really intelligent. I mean she has won awards and stuff"

"This seems wrong" I hesitate in looking at the picture. "Like we are violating her privacy or something"

"It is all public info, she put herself on the net. No violation" Alaina laughs. "Have you told her anything? "

"Told her anything? Like what?" I looked at her confused.

"Your name? Job?"

"Hel--Heck no. Well, I told her my name was Paul and I lived in Miami" I smirked.

"Wow really Unc, you couldn't have been more creative than Paul?" Lainie laughed.

"I couldn't think fast enough first name that popped in my head"

"Has she asked to see a picture yet?"

"What? Why would she ask that?"

"Most people want to see who they are talking to"

"Well I can't show her a picture of me"

"Well obviously not, but you need someone. Maybe someone around here?"

"What so I am just going to go ask Luis to take a picture so I can pass it off as me on the internet?" I laugh.

"No not him, if she is a real stan she will know who he is."


"Yeah, do you know how many of your fans try to follow me on social media just because I am your niece? They are desperate to be close to anyone close to you"

"Well OK then" I start to think. "What about the security guy, who sits at the front desk, he is about my age, maybe him?"

"What's his name?"

"Steven Abbott"

Lainie starts to type something into my laptop. "Is this him?"

" How do you do that?" I am now staring at this guy's facebook page.

"Google" she shrugs her shoulders. "Borrow a couple of his pics in case she asks."

"How do you borrow pictures?"

"Right click save" she starts to do something and then turns the computer back to me. "Here you go. You also need a job to tell her. Don't want her thinking she is talking to a bum"

'OK, I will think of something" I laugh to myself. I don't know if I should be impressed or scared of her abilities to find things on the internet.

"Ok, then I am outta here. I am headed to the mall" Alaina picks up her belongs and starts to head to the door.

"Do you need any money baby?" I ask as I stand up to hug her bye.

"No, maybe next time" she laughs. "Bye Unc. Behave yourself!" She giggles.

"Of course baby, Love you"

"Love you too"

I sit at my desk and look at the paper Laine placed on it.

Name: Lilly Wilcher

Age: 35

Lives: New York City, NY

From: Franklin, NY

Family: ????

Job Title: Administrative Assistant

Employed: BSO Capital Partners

Awards and Accomplishments: American Society of Administrative Professionals Leadership Award

Looking over the sheet I see she hasn't lied about anything she has told me so far. I pick up the picture and look closer at it. Why does she intrigue me so much?

Written by willowmoonblood

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