The New Zealand Trip With The...

By Jjones74

28.4K 425 35

Join Bella in her New Zealand adventure with Corey, Colby, Sam, and Elton. (Based off of the New Zealand Vlo... More

Introducing Bella
Ziplining Off A Building
Bungee Jumping
RV Tour
Mountain Biking
Cathedral Cove
Sky Swing & Ziplining
Ancient Village
Paddle Boarding
Boating, Swinging and More
Monster Trucks and Racing
The Beach
Rope Course and Sandwiches
Dolphins, Sand dunes and Bugs
Last Day

The Luge Track

1.3K 27 1
By Jjones74

I was inside the RV while Corey and Elton were outside emptying the bathroom tank thing, While they did that I got Wendy's email with her video for Friday her and her siblings were playing Paint Twister. I began to download the before setting my laptop in Sam and Colby's bunk. before heading into the driver's cabin and watched as the guys talked to Elton and Corey. We sat around and watched as Elton chased Corey while trying to throw the toilet stuff on him. When Elton stopped chasing him Corey ran inside the RV and locked Elton out. Elton kept trying to find a way in and he did when Colby opened the door to tell him something so since Elton had a chance he threw the towel inside, causing all of us to scream and run to the back. I went and hid on Elton's bed and behind Sam as the guys started throwing the towel back and forth between them. "It's a different towel," Elton said wiping his sweat on it before throwing it at Corey "Wait really?" Corey asked throwing it back "Yeah," Elton said laughing "Oh thank god," Sam and I said before we all calmed down.

We finally reached the new place that Elton had planned for us. I entered the ski gondola with Elton behind me followed by Colby and Corey. Sam was struggling to get on until Corey pulled him in. The guys began to talk while I sat down, I pulled my phone out and took pictures of us and the view "How are you guys feeling today?" I asked starting a video "Pretty good" Sam said "More like how are you feeling? You know since you're not wearing makeup today for the first time in this entire trip" Elton said "gee I wonder why" I said "If you're confused Elton didn't give her time to put any on" Sam said into my camera "you look better without it anyways" Corey said "Yeah and besides who are you trying to impress?" Colby asked "No, I don't need to put it on to impress anyone but I still like wearing it," I said as Elton got up to take scenery shots. At one point when he was filming Corey and Colby began to make moaning noises and Elton tried to catch them on film every time.

We all stood near the sky swing to watch what we were going to do later and Corey ended up freaking out. Once we were done there we headed to the luge track to race and practice. I ended up getting 3rd place during the first run when we got off the karts we headed to the ski lift. I sat with Elton "Alright I need some candid shots with the scenery in the background can you help me with that?" He asked, "Oh yeah for sure," I said "Alright so pretend to look off into the distance," he said as we did some funny poses, he told me to make a few more poses until we reached the top. Once we reached the top we raced a few more times and Elton asked the guys for their candid shots. When we all met up at the top and Elton thought of a new bet "You guys are hungry right?" He asked us, we nodded "Alright I say we do 1 final run whoever loses buys lunch for everyone else" he said "I'm down" Corey, Sam and I said "I haven't lost a race yet" Sam added "And the winner gets to pick the place, So it may not be cheap, Is that a deal everyone? Whoever loses is buying lunch, winner picks where" he said "Let's do it," I said as we all agreed before we headed to the track. I started in 3rd place behind Colby until Elton passed us and I ended up passing Colby once we neared the end of the track, Elton ended up letting us pass and I came in 2nd when we pulled in at the end. We headed to the ski lift, I ended up sitting with Corey. While we were going up I heard Elton and Colby trying to call out to the sheep.

We all met up back at the same spot I fixed my hair as we waited for Elton. "Alright Sam looks like you're paying for lunch, dead last baby" Elton said walking over to us filming "What what do you mean?" He asked "You were absolutely last on the final turn," he said "But not when we finished finished," he said, "what do you mean finished finished?" He asked "Like I might have been last" he said "oh yeah you said go go go go and we all went in front" Colby said catching on "so you finished last" I said "when we pulled in to get out of the carts you came in last" Sam said "so you were the one technically last" Colby said "I told you guys to go past me cause I wanted the shot, I was already in first" he said "it doesn't matter" Corey said at the same time Colby said "That's not our fault" "you said when we finished" Sam said "technically you did get last" Corey said laughing "Elton's buying lunch again" He added high-fiving us "Classic Elton" I said "Alright so who won? You won right?" He asked Corey and he nodded as the guys began to give him ideas on where to eat.

While we waited for our meal Sam and Colby went off to take pictures while Corey and I waited for Elton outside. When Elton came with the food he set it down before going to get Sam and Colby, while Corey went inside to get napkins since Elton forgot. While they were gone a guy came up to me and sat next to me " Hey are you here alone?" He asked "Nope," I said, "it seems to me like you are, where is everybody?" He asked as I saw Elton, Sam, and Colby "Right there" I said pointing at them "Are they your brothers?" He asked as Elton pointed his camera at us "I guess you can say that" I said as Corey stood next to me "What's going on here" Corey asked looking at me before glaring at the guy. "We're just talking mate," The guy said, "Are you now?" Corey asked looking at me "Nope I was just trying to enjoy my day but then he came over and started talking to me" I said as the other guys reached us "Really now?" Elton asked setting the camera down and looked at the guy "Are you guys like her brothers or something?" He asked "I am," Sam said, "So is she single then?" He asked Sam "No she has a boyfriend," Colby said, "Are you the boyfriend?" He asked "Yes," the guys said "Okay mate I'll just go then," he said getting up and leaving. "That was crazy" I said as they sat down "He's still looking over here" Elton said, as Sam looked behind me"Yeah him and his buddies" he said making Corey and Colby look too, I sighed and turned around too I saw him staring at me "Let them stare I'm always going to be something they can't have" I said "Amen sister" Corey said high-fiving me before we began to eat. "It's still gonna annoy me I mean he's like watching us eat," Sam said eating his fries and looking at the guy I sighed and looked at Colby "Kiss me," I said making all the guys look at me "What?!" Corey asked "I'm not repeating myself," I said "Uh, Okay," Colby said before kissing me. I heard Corey flip out before I pulled away. "Ooh he looks mad," Sam said looking behind me "More like pissed" Elton said laughing as we went back to eating.

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