A Peaceful Silence (Akatsuki...

Od Veratia0011

295K 11.9K 1.4K

Yona smiled softly. "You are indeed very clever. Yes, I am searching for the four dragons, and I am asking th... Více

The Stream
Fire Tribe
A Stranger
Yan Kumji
Day of Relaxation
EXTRA - Kija Meets a Spider
The Pirates of Awa
Yona and Ezra
Kija, Jaeha, and Ezra
Spies and Gunpowder
Rescue Mission
The Battle
The Battle (Continued)
Afterparty (Continued)
Leaving Awa
The Priest
Ik-soo and Ezra
The Past
Character Description
ONESHOT - Ezra's Birthday
Sword Lessons
Announcement and Ezra's Greatest Fear
Author's Note
Hak and Ezra
Katan Village
The Dark Dragon and the Happy Hungry Bunch
The Dragon's Eyes
An Interesting Encounter
Kan Tae-Jun
What to Do with Free Food
Demons in Light
The Chase
To Make You Understand
The Sky
A Reconciliation (Of Sorts)
A New Journey
Kai Empire
The Festival
Unsettling Rumors
Battle of Saika
Battle of Hiryuu Castle
Recurring Dreams
Merry Misadventures
The Wanderer's Market
The Water Tribe
Long Nights
Bar Brawl
Spa Day Take 2
An Open Road
Assassins' Battle

Base in the East

3K 129 21
Od Veratia0011

First of all, I wanted to say sorry for being so MIA lately! This semester has been insane, and it's all I can do to keep up with my crazy classes (just for the record, for any of you currently attending or planning on attending university, don't take organic chemistry and biochemistry at the same time. It's not a good idea.). I'm afraid that school has my schedule all tied up for the entire foreseeable future, so I won't be posting as often. Try not to get too frustrated with me!

But wow. 10K reads?! You guys are truly amazing, and I appreciate each and every one of you. In the last chapter, I talked about giving you a flashback scene written in Ezra's perspective, and I've finally decided that you guys more than deserve it for your dedication and patience. In order to keep the storyline flowing a bit, though, I've decided to give it to you after this chapter. Give me another day or two to work on it; it's an important scene, and I need to make sure it's perfect. You all deserve nothing less. 

Again, thank you guys so much! I cannot express in words how much you all mean to me!


Ezra grinned as she headed back to the camp, Shinah at her heels. Relief was spreading its way through her veins, making her feel dizzy and lightheaded with happiness.

"He doesn't hate me," she breathed once they were well along the path that led to their camp. She danced out in front of Shinah and turned to face him, grabbing his hands in excitement. She walked backwards, swinging their arms between them with a large smile on her face. "My brother doesn't hate me!"

Shinah grinned at her, squeezing her hands.

"It's all thanks to you, Shinah." Ezra's amethyst eyes sparkled with joy. "You give me so much courage. I couldn't have done this on my own."

Shinah shook his head, still smiling. "You could've," he said.

Ezra stopped walking, casting her eyes down towards the ground in shame. She still clutched Shinah's hands in her own in the air between them. "No, really, Shinah... you seem to have too much faith in me. I'm not as strong as you think I am."

Shinah frowned down at her.

She raised her head to meet his gaze with a small smile. "I'm not strong, but... I'll try to be better. For you and for Yona and for Hak and for Yun and for all the others that know what kind of person I am, but who care about me anyways."

Shinah grinned gently at her, giving her hands another squeeze.

A moment of silence passed between them as they smiled at each other. After another second, though, Ezra's face grew red as she realized that she was still holding Shinah's hands. She quickly let go of them, turning her back on him to hide her blazing cheeks.

Shinah frowned as he watched her walk away, wondering why she was blushing.

"A-anyways," she stuttered. "Let's head back and try to come up with something for dinner."

She placed a hand over her racing heart, willing it to slow.

Stop it, Ezra. He deserves better.

She let out a deep breath, trying to reign in these unfamiliar and entirely unsettling emotions.

Ezra was finally beginning to understand why her heart beat faster every time he looked at her, why she blushed whenever he touched her and why she always felt the need to be near him and yet far away from him at the same time.

It was terrifying to realize just how much she cared about this incredible, selfless man walking next to her.

She sighed, hanging her head. She didn't need these complicated things called "feelings"; they would only make her life so much harder.

It was a restless night. No matter how many times Ezra twisted and turned, sleep continued to evade her as her mind whirled through a thousand different thoughts, switching from Noah to Shinah to her mother without any rhyme or reason. Eventually she just stared at the stars overhead, waiting for the morning to come.


The next day around noon, Ezra and Shinah walked through the dirty streets of the small town in which they were supposed to regroup with Yona and the others.

"Coming through!"

Ezra hurriedly dodged out of the way as Tae-Jun came sprinting by, a splashing bucket of water carried in his arms. He seemed so intent on getting to his destination that he didn't even recognize Ezra or Shinah.

"Uhh..." Ezra glanced over at Shinah, her brows furrowed in confusion. "You sure this is the right place?" Dozens soldiers were bustling about carrying various items that ranged from firewood to water to rags. They all seemed so involved in their tasks that they didn't give either of them a second glance. 

Shinah nodded, raising a finger to point towards the east. "Yona and the others are that way."

Ezra followed Shinah to a spacious hut near the rear of the town. Shinah opened the door to reveal Yun leaning over a few sick villagers who lay on mats on the floor, replacing the wet rags on their foreheads. Yona and Hak stood off to the side.

"Ez!" Yona cried out in excitement as soon as she caught sight of the two of them entering the hut. She leaped forward, throwing her arms around her friend. "You're back!"

Ezra laughed, squeezing Yona's shoulders. "Did you miss me?"

"Not really," Hak drawled in a bored voice.

Ezra shot him a glare over Yona's head. "Wasn't asking you, Thunder Beast."

Yun glanced up from his work, his blue eyes crinkling with his smile. "Welcome back, you two."

"Thanks, Yun," Ezra responded, returning his smile.

"How did everything with your brother go?" Yona asked.

"Better than expected," Ezra told her, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "He may not forgive me, but he doesn't hate me."

"That's great, Ez!" Yona laughed cheerfully.

"Anyways, what's happening here?" Ezra asked. "Why is Tae-Jun here with all of his soldiers?"

"Oh, that." Yun shrugged with disinterest. "Tae-Jun wanted to help this village, so he set up his headquarters here and is working on cleaning the village, helping the sick, and bringing in food and other supplies."

Ezra raised an eyebrow. "Wow. That's... impressive."

"It was my idea. Of course it's impressive."

Ezra rolled her eyes. "Of course. Humble as ever, I can see."

"I'm a pretty boy genius," Yun retorted playfully. "I don't see any point in being humble."

Yona laughed. "It's true that you're good at everything, Yun."

"Don't inflate his ego!" Ezra complained.

Yun smirked, standing up and wiping his hands off on his clothes. "In any case, I'm done here. I need to get some water, and you two," he pointed to Ezra and Shinah, "are going to help me."

"I want to help, too!" Yona chimed.

"Nope," Hak said immediately. "Outside is swarming with soldiers. You're staying here."

"So are you, Thunder Beast," Yun grumbled. "You are your brutish weapon are also recognizable. Come on, guys."

He turned and left the hut without another word, and Ezra and Shinah sheepishly followed him out. Yona grumbled about not being able to do anything while Hak pat her head to console her.

"It looks like Tae-Jun's done a lot of good in this place in just a few days," Ezra commented, glancing around at the bustle of activity happening in the small village.

Yun smiled. "One of his men got sick, and Tae-Jun nursed him back to health. Now all of the soldiers are learning to care for the weak and the ill."

Warmth blossomed in Ezra's heart when she noticed one of the soldiers kneeling down by a sick man's side, offering water from his flask. Compassion that was previously absent from the Fire Tribe officials lined the soldier's smiling face.

"You've done well, Yun." Ezra's soft voice was full of pride and admiration. "You've done really well."

Yun shot her a grin. "I know. But thanks."


Later that night, Ezra and Shinah were finally reunited with the rest of the group around a roaring campfire. Zeno cheered at their return and pulled the both of them into a large hug. Jaeha offered Ezra a wink and a smirk which she pointedly ignored while Kija rejoiced over the return of his dragon brother. Then the Hakuryu's eyes slid to Ezra and he gave her a tight grin.

"Welcome back," he said amiably.

"Don't be so cold, White Snake," Ezra teased. "I know you missed me."

"Whatever." But a small smile played around the corners of Kija's lips, and Ezra had to laugh. Despite the often teasing words the two of them exchanged, she knew she could count on Kija as one of the few true friends she'd ever made in her short life.

"Guys." Yun's unusually serious voice caught their attention, and everyone's eyes turned towards the boy. "I have something to say."

"What is it, Yun?" Yona asked with a concerned frown.

Yun looked away, his eyes turning towards the western horizon where they'd watched the sun set not too long before. "I'm leaving the Fire Tribe."

"What?" Ezra snapped. Hak spit out the water he'd just drank in shock while everyone else stared at the strawberry-blond with their jaws on the floor.

Yun sighed. "What we're doing here isn't going to help the Fire Tribe in the long run. I want to find a solution... a permanent solution."

Ezra stared at him. "How?" she asked.

Yun put his hand to his chin in thought, his blue eyes narrowed. "There has to be something... some kind of crop that would grow in these conditions. If we could find a stable food supply that would grow in the Fire Tribe, then the people wouldn't have to go hungry."

Ezra's eyes widened in shock. "Do you think a crop like that exists?"

Determination settled over Yun's expression. "I have to. It's the only way to help the Fire Tribe in the long run."

"We're coming with you." Yona's voice rang with finality, and the camp was silent for a few seconds.

Ezra held up her hands. "There's no arguing with the boss lady!" she chuckled.

Hak shrugged. "I've got no problem with it."

"Sounds interesting," Jaeha mused.

"Zeno will try all the food to make sure it's good enough for the Fire Tribe!" Zeno cheered.

"I'd like to see more of Kouka and the surrounding kingdoms," Kija agreed.

Shinah simply nodded.

"It's settled, then!" Yona grinned. "We'll be off in a few days."

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