A strange version of ipkknd

By Annieisha

134K 4.4K 214

This is really a strange version of ipkknd. You'll get to see that side of your favourite character which you... More

Our Khushi.... is she really???
Meeting THE ASR!!!
Khushi' Partner????
A trip to Nainital
Can I have your surname???
I knew...
I just wanted to let you know....
Proposing Him
Khushi & Arnav

Will you marry me?

7K 293 7
By Annieisha

The year went by, quite fast. Their friends were the only ones who knew about their relationship.

Khushi was walking in corridor, busy talking with Sakshi about their new project. She was not allotted a partner. Their professor said that they have a new admission, who will be joining in a day or two and he will be K's partner.
They turned a corner and Khushi collided with a hard wall. A strong pair of arms held her preventing her fall. She looked up to see the guy smirking.
Arnav watched from a little distance while the guy slowly raised her. She had a shocked expression. His friends wondered who the new entry was.

"Hey beautiful..." The guy said slowly caressing her cheek with the back of his fingers.
Sakshi looked on shocked as Khushi's lips curved into a smile. She didn't even try to put more distance between them.
Khushi: "what in the hell are you doing here Na.."
"NK... The name is NK Rathore..."
Khushi: "ya.. right.. Nanhe Rathore..."
This made him glare at her.
NK: "and you must be Sakshi... Right? I'm NK..." He said forwarding a hand.
Sakshi: "how do you..."
K: "Sakshi... This is my friend, Nandkishore..."
NK: "Khushi!!! It's NK!!!"
He exclaimed making her chuckle.

NK went to their apartment that evening and the three had a blast time... Just like older days. He already knew about the progress in their relationship, and was teasing them from time to time.
K: "so... Did you like Sakshi?"
NK: "wha... What?"
K: "well... You were stealing glances..."
NK: "you are delusional"
K: "oh... Maybe I'm... I was thinking about helping you woo her... Nor that you are not interested..."
NK: "you'll help me?"
She smirked at the question.
Arnav: "fell right into her trap didn't you?"
NK face palmed himself realising the slip, and smiled sheepishly.


She was arranging the dinner on the table when he came and back hugged her and started nuzzling her neck and leaving wet kisses on her neck, making her moan.
Khushi: "Arnav... Leave me na... Let's have dinner..."
Arnav: "but I'm hungry for something else baby..."
He said slowly raising her top. But she immediately held his hand to stop him.
Khushi: "that's only my husband's right!" She said teasing him
He quickly stepped back, his eyes still on her. He took his phone out from his pocket and dialed a number and kept in speaker phone.
Os: "hey beta... How r you?"
Ar: "hey dad... Doing good... Dad.... Actually.... I want to get married...
Os: "what?"
Ar: "dad i want to get married to Khushi!!!"
She was gaping at him. Her eyes ready to pop out of their sockets.
She heard someone chuckling from the other side.
Os: "can you wait... Or do you want to get married now itself???"
It was his mother now.
Ar(to Khushi): "so you ready to marry now?"
She could again hear laughter from the other side. A flustered Khushi snatched the phone from him.
Khushi: "er... We'll call later..." And cut the call without waiting for the reply.
And glared at him. He yanked her towards him.
Ar: "so... Now that it is solved..."
He inched closer. But she pushed him away, right before he could kiss her.
Khushi: "what? You are still not my husband..."
He groaned.
Arnav: "you should write a book, you know, 100 ways to destroy one's romantic mood..."


The post graduation students were organising some party at college.

Khushi was standing with Rathore talking to him, her eyes going to the entrance from time to time.

Arnav came in after sometime with his friends.
Her eyes followed him the entire time, but he didn't even spare her a glance... He was instead talking to a girl, Rosie... Joking and laughing at something... Khushi never liked the girl... Even Arnav didn't...According to him, 'she was clingy'... But then, when did they become these thick friends,that he is avoiding her? She was not jealous,she just got irritated by the girl and Arnav knew that... So he was not trying to get her jealous.... Then what happened in the 7hrs they didn't see each other?
She slowly approached him. She had no idea why her heart was beating like that... Like the first time she proposed him, her dare... As if something's gonna change...

K: "Arnav..." But he just ignored her causing her to call him a few more times.
Arnav(irritated): "what?"
K: "Ar... Arnav... Wha.... What happened... Why r u ignoring me? Are u... Are u angry with me for something..."
Arnav: "why should i be angry with you... You r just my mentee... Just go back to your new boyfriend...
K: "NEW boyfriend? Arnav..."
Arnav: "oops sry... Rathore is your only boyfriend right.... Now I understood y u never wanted to make our relationship public... You were looking for a richer guy..."
Khushi had been trying to understand what went wrong... N.K? He was just a friend... and Arnav knew that
All these time she was trying to stop Arnav... To explain... But she stopped the moment he said about looking for the richer guy... Her expression changed from troubled to blank in a second and she took a step back.
K: "what do you mean?" She asked in a cold tone.
Arnav: "I just voiced out what u really are... A gold digger.... Was behind me when you found me suitable enough.... Now that you have seen someone who you think, is richer than me... You r after him.... You know what... You want go after someone... Do as you please... But not with the Miss.Perfect title you carry around here..."
She raised a hand to stop him and turned around and walked away without saying a single word.
Sakshi and NK following her while Aman and Armaan followed Arnav, who went in the other direction.
Most of the students stood shocked, hearing the whole thing. If someone was happy in all these, it was Rosie.

She went to the gang's usual hang out place.
NK: "what in the hell was all that?"
K: "I have no idea... But something is cooking in his head.."
"You ok, doll?" Arnav asked wrapping his arms around her middle and resting his chin on her shoulder.
She removed his hands and sorted away from him.
K: "you should stay away from me... I'm a gold digger, right?" She asked in a serious tone.
Arnav: "Khushi... I was..." He was trying to explain, when he saw her lips slightly twitching. She was trying hard to contain her laugh, at his expression.
Arnav pulled her towards him.
Arnav: "you little devil..."
Their friends looked at them amused.
NK: "mind explaining what really happened? And when the hell did I become her boyfriend?"
Sakshi: "I thought you would be mad at him..."
Arnav: "she was confused the first few minutes, but then I told about NK. She caught the bluff, and acted along. And Rathore... I can't​ believe that you still didn't realise... Your phone is missing..."
He threw the said phone towards NK.
Khushi: "but Arnav, I still don't get it... Why the act?"
Arnav: "that bitch... Rosie..."

*The same day afternoon...
Arnav was taking care of some last minute preparations, when Rosie came there.
Rosie: "hey ASR... Need any help?"
ASR: "no.. I'm done..."
He said before starting to walk away.
R: "ASR... K is your mentee right? So you might have known that she is dating NK, right?"
Arnav stopped in his tracks, hearing her.
Arnav: "what?!" He asked narrowing his eyes.
You haven't seen NK's screensaver? It's a cute photo, you know" she said showing him the phone. He took the phone and was staring at the phone. He wondered, how she got the phone.
It was a photo with NK carrying Khushi in his arms, bridal style. They were at the beach.
Rosie: "I always thought that you two had a thing... But no probs... And I can't believe that she got such a good catch... She won't have to lift a single finger... He is damn rich that she can get anything... Things she wouldn't even have dreamed of..."

*Back to present

Arnav: "her plan was great you know... Slyly telling me that Khushi is a gold digger.. but she missed something... She didn't think about who took the photo..."
Armaan: "who took the photo?"
NK: "he did..." He pointed towards Arnav. "We were at the beach and this madam here was not ready to go into the water. So I picked her up..."
Arnav: "and threw her into the water. The scene was hilarious, you know..."
Khushi glared ​at the two of them.
NK: "so what are you guys gonna do?'
Arnav: "well... We could simply tell everyone, who she really is..."
Sakshi: "who she really is?"
NK: "heard about the GR groups?"
Aman: "the Gupta-Raizada group? Who haven't heard about them? Heard that they are shifting their base to London..."
NK: "right! Well I present to you... Arnav Singh Raizada and Khushi Gupta!"
"What the?!" The other three exclaimed simultaneously.
Sakshi: "that means they are damn rich..." Arnav and Khushi chuckled hearing her.
Arnav: "guys we have to leave. We have plans for the night."
K: "we have?'


Khushi was questioning him during the entire drive, where he was taking her.
He took her to a lake side. The whole place was beautifully decorated. It reminded her of the day he confessed.
K: "Arnav..."
A: "shh..." He kept a finger on her lips to stop her. "Come on.."
A candle light dinner was arranged with all her favourite dishes. They danced for sometime after the dinner.
Arnav: "Khushi... Remember that night..." She nodded. "That day I told you that I didn't need an answer... But today, today pls answer me... And pls make it an yes..."
He went on his knees and took a small box from his pocket. He opened it to reveal a beautiful ring.
Arnav: "Khushi.... I'm not really good at this... But let me just tell you that I love you a lot... I can't imagine a life without you.... I want to hold you all the time... To end everyday, with you wrapped in my arms.... To wake up each day seeing your beautiful smile... To claim you as mine... I know this is not the best proposal... But... Will you... Will you marry me and make me the happiest person on earth?"
She had tears rolling down her cheeks. She smiled and nodded. "Yes" He slipped the ring into her finger before standing up and pulling her towards him for a fierce kiss.
He picked her up, bridal style and carried her to the beautifully decorated bed.

Hey guys.... Not the best of proposals... I know... Not only Arnav, i too am very weak in that department... Sry...

Not proof read, sry for the typos... Hope you liked the update.... I have no idea were to take this story... The past incidences i have mentioned earlier are coming to an end... I might end this story in an episode or two... I really don't want to drag it...
Pls do comment...

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