Long As My Bully Love Me

By TheyLoveMeechie

66.5K 1.5K 694

"Tired of living with demons because they're always inviting more" ~J.Cole๐Ÿ˜ Notoria isn't your average 16 ye... More

New School
Chapter 2
Transformation chp3
Chapter 4
Author A/N
Chapter 5
Author A/N
Chapter 6โ—
Chapter 7๐Ÿ’ฆโ—
Chapter 8๐Ÿ˜Œ
Chapter 9โ™ฅ
Chapter 10๐ŸŒŸ
Chapter 11 pt.1
Chapter 11 pt.2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Readd. S. S. B N c cs. C m

New Beginningsโ‰

3.4K 77 65
By TheyLoveMeechie

They finally released me from the hospital.

It felt so good to be out that bed.

I was waiting on August to come get me. James tried but y'all know ion wanna see that bitch at all.

It was a nice day out so I put on some shorts and a hoodie.

*Outfit in mm*

"Ms.Jones your ride's here." my fine ass doctor said. "Bout time I'm ready to leave this junt but I'll miss you" I said.

He smiled "Ms.Jones you're a minor and I need my job😂" he said.

"So if I wasn't a minor thennnn" he laughed. "Look Ms.Jones be careful and please stop trying to commit suicide you to pretty for all that you hear me?"

"Yeah I guess."

"I want you to go to therapy and get better I don't wanna see you here for this type of stuff no more." He said.

"Ok Tyrese." I said laughing.

"😂I Don't look like him but okay Ms.Jones lets go." I walked to the waiting room to see August here with Vaeh.

"Hey munchkin." I said.

She smiled. "DaDa" "Nope you need to learn to say sister." I said.

"Wassup Ma? How you feeling?" August asked. "Good I guess I'm ready to leave and eat."

"Ight let's go and why you got on this damn hoodie?"

"Shut up Auggy." we was now in the car driving to McDonald's. "How was Ms.Daniel's funeral?" I asked him. "Awkward and sad" "I'm sorry I missed it I really want to see her grave bout it's all the way in Hawaii."

"About that I buried her here because I knew you wanted to see her and plus this where she grew up at she deserve to stay here." He said.

"Can we go see her grave?" "Yeah after we eat." he said.

*Grave Sight*

I walked to her thumbstone it felt so unreal. I sat on her grave spot with Vaeh.

August stayed in the car to give me some alone time.

I smiled as I looked over and seen my father's name. He buried her next to my dad. "Hey you guys." I said as my tears flowed freely.

"Thanks for the extra chance. I love you so much. I wish I got to say good bye to both of y'all I really do."

*takes deep breath*

"Umm oh my god this is so hard. I miss you like crazy how am I supposed to go on with life without you and daddy?

I'm sorry for the mistakes I'll make down the line.

Continue watching over me and Vaeh momma also I Love Yall. See you later." I kissed their thumbstones and dried my eyes.

"Here we go God I'm ready." I said to myself as I walked to the car.

"You okay?" August asked. "Yep, thanks August for everything including putting them together." I said.

"You welcome and No problem Ma" the drive to my house was silent.

"Bye Auggy." I said. "Bye Shawty."

*At Home*
"Jazzy baby?" I screamed but nobody answered.

I sat my stuff down and grabbed Vaeh as I searched through the house. "SURPRISE!" everybody yelled.

They had a Welcome Home party in the back yard. "Oh my god thank you." I said. "Hey baby." Jaden said. "Hey boo where's Bre?" "I don't know" he said running to the bouncy house.

"Toriaaaaa" I heard Bre scream.

"Hey baby" "I missed you so much" she said. "I missed you too but I'm back now." I said.

"For good?" "For good Pinky Promise."

I said holding my pinky out. "Pinky promise come play with me" she said.

"I'll play in a minute let me talk to your momma." I said. "Okay" she ran off towards the other kids.

"Hey Michelle." I said. "Didn't I tell you to call me momma?"

"Yes ma'am. How you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm great what about you?" "Breathing." I said while laughing.

"That's good baby stay that way."

"Yes ma'am." I said while looking around. "Looking for James he not here, I woke up this morning he was already gone." she said.

"Oh, I wasn't looking for him just wondering where Jazz took Vaeh."

"You ain't got to lie to me baby I promise I see right through that smile, your eyes speak what your mouth can't you care about that boy"

"I guess."

"It's okay baby I'm finna get me some cake you want something?"

"I'm fine thanks."

I walked away and went to my room. *minutes later* "Toria what's wrong?" Bre asked.

"Nothing baby I'm fine go have fun." I said. She reached in her pocket and pulled out a penny. "Penny for your thoughts?" she asked giving it to me.

"Your wise for your age but I'm fine Bre." "If I tell you my secret can you tell me?" She asked.

"Uhm okay sure."

"Well I took my mommy's necklace she loved and I broke it and I let Jaden get a whooping for it." I giggled.

"Bre why are you so comfortable talking around me but not others?"

"You tell me what's wrong first" she said. "Well sometimes people go through things and get tired and I'm at that point I'm just tired of alot and don't know how to deal with it." I said.

"Hmm well when I'm tired I just take a nap." I laughed.

"Yeah I'll try that but you go." I said "I don't talk much because my old friend I used to stay over her house while mommy was at work and---" she looked down.

"It's okay Bre you don't have to tell me."

"And her daddy let me sleep with him when it was thundering because I was scared. He kissed me and touched my no no spot and told me not to tell."

She began to cry.

"I didn't know he was doing bad things he told me it'll help me sleep so I told my brudah that he taught me how to fall asleep easy then I never heard from my friend again. Mommy said they moved. People messed with me at daycare and I stopped talking so people couldn't say I did or said anything."

I hugged her.

"It's okay Bre I promise you're safe now and no one will hurt you." she looked in my eyes "My dream." she said.

"Huh?" "I started talking round you because I was sleep and these girls was bullying me but you helped you made them stop" she said.

I looked at her confused.

"Maybe you seen some one else not me I didn't even know you till I met James." She humped her shoulders.

"Can we go play now?" She asked.

"Yeah come on." we was outside by the bouncy houses when I seen Jazz over grown ass in there jumping.

"Come on bitch I know you wanna have fun before you start therapy and shit."

I climbed in with Bre.

I can't lie I had the most fun in years. "Where's Vaeh?" I asked.

"My momma" Jazz said. "I gotta stop jumping I'm tired." I sat down in the bouncer when Jazz got all the little kids to jump where I was making me bounce every where.

"I hate you!" I screamed.

*Fast Forward*

It was late all the kids was tired out and everyone was leaving.

Jazz momma took all the kids with her to James's mom house. "Wanna go swimming?" Jazz asked.

"I don't have a swimming suit."

"I gotchu." we went to put our suits on. I looked in the mirror at myself naked.

"You are beautiful stay strong." I said looking at my scars from the razor. I put the swimming suit on. "Come on you look cute" Jazz said. *ignore the tattoos thx*

We was at the pool just talking when Wiz walked back there.

"Wassup bae?" he kissed Jazz I just rolled my eyes. Moments later of course this bitch ass nigga was tagging alone I seen James and some bitches and some niggas.

"Aww Hell Fuck No Bitch Lost they damn mind in this muthafucka" I said getting my feet out the water.

"Where you going?" Jazz asked. "Away from here"

       James P.O.V
Hate me or Love me I don't give a fuck but I'm back. *nigga stfu before I take yo p.o.v I'm the Author and I don't even like yo ass*

Ight Meechii dang.

Anyways I was at one of my lil females house when Wiz called told me come through Jazz spot.

Toria stormed off and shit while she trying to be extra and shit I seen her ass bouncing .Dayum.

"Turn the music up" I yelled.

Everybody started smacking the pool when Jazz came back out with Toria.

This lil thot was twerking on me when I noticed Smoke and Toria talking. Shit made me mad as fuck two can play that game.

      Toria P.O.V
After Jazz talked me into coming back out smoke came up to me.

"What you want?"

"Ian come to start withchoo Toria I just wanna talk " "About?"

"Look Toria I put it on my children head I wasn't a part of it and I just can't live with myself knowing you think I did it and I'm sorry I should've said something but instead I just walked off yeah I knew but I wasn't a part of it I couldn't imagine somebody doing my daughter like that. Can you accept my apology?" He said.

"I believe you smoke you straight." he smiled "let's join the rest" he said.
*Smoke below*

Everybody was talking and having fun as I sat of the edge of the pool with my feet in the water.

Somebody pushed me in.

I came from under the water and seen Smoke laughing then Wiz grabbed my feet from under the water as Smoke jumped in and grabbed my arms.

"Let me go." I screamed as every body recorded they carried me to the 8ft.

"I can't swim" I yelled.

"Oh well it's swim or die?" Wiz said.

"1" smoke started the count "2, 3......." he said as they threw me in the air I screamed as I hit the water and pretended to drown.

"Oh shit." Wiz said as he jumped in to get me.

"Sike Bitch" I jumped on Wiz back pushing his head in the water and I swam away like Jaws was after me.

I ran out the pool and seen James looking pissed which made me smile.......

After everybody left it started to get cold so we went in the house.

James was Smoke and Wiz ride home so he was still here with the bitch he brung.

"Towels?" I said throwing every one but James one.

"Where mine?" "Ask yo girl for a towel." I said walking off to change clothes.

We all sat on the couch.

"You look fine as fuck without makeup." Smoke said. "Thanksss I guess."

"You need to learn how to take compliments." Wiz said. "Don't she look good James?" "She straight." he said and started back rolling a blunt.

His bitch was mean mugging the shit out of me.

"Y'all hungry?" Jazz asked.

"Yeah order some for after we smoke." Wiz said. I turned the t.v on to Disney Channel.

"Ain't nobody trying to watch that baby ass shit." James said.

I rolled my eyes and turned it up.

They started the blunt rotation and it got to me. "I'm good" "Come on lossen up" his bitch said.

"Like yo pussy?" I said under my breath and Jazz started laughing hard as fuck.

I hit the blunt......

We was now 6 blunts down everybody was gone.

These folks was saying some of the dumbest shit while high. "Here go the garbage bag for y'all pizza boxes" I said.

"😂Yall know some crazy?" James said.

We just starred at him.

"😂😂We buy garbage bags just to throw them hoes away😂." every body was laughing hard as fuck I knew for a fact we was high now.

Everybody was getting alone cracking jokes. "Ight I got one." I said.

"If you work as a security at a Samsung store, does that make you guardian of the galaxy?"

They all starred at me high as fuck. "Damn nigga that's deep." James said.

"I got one. Okay so if only 2 percent is milk what is the other 98 percent?" Kalia said I found out her name like 20 minutes ago.

"Cow tittiesssss" Wiz yelled.

I was officially dead. I was laughing so hard I was crying.

My whole face was red. "You straight?" Jazz asked. "Take her outside." I was so through.

"My side hurt y'all. Ay look at that pretty ass dog." I said.

"Toria that's a stick she need some air." James said. After a while I calmed down. "It's NapNap time Night you guys." I said as I passed out on the couch.

         James P.O.V
Toria was looking fine as fuck but I can't let her know that.

She was going crazy off the loud and she was seeing all different types of shit.

After she went to sleep we all helped Jazz clean then left.

I dropped Kalia off at home of course not without blowing her back out first.

*At home*
It was a Saturday so Ian have to worry bout getting up tomorrow.

I was scrolling down instagram when I seen a picture of Toria in her swimming suit.

Niggas was all under her shit.

I just powered my phone off and went to sleep.

          Toria P.O.V
I stare at my reflection in the mirror:
"Why am I doing this to myself?"
Losing my mind on a tiny error,
I nearly left the real me on the shelf.
No, no, no, no, no...
Don't lose who you are in the blur of the stars!
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,
It's okay not to be okay.
Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart.
Tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising,
Just be true to who you are!

I woke up to my phone ringing as memories of last night came flooding back.

Me- Hello
Unknown- Is this Notoria Jones?
Me- Yes who's calling?
Unknown- Hey baby I'm your dad's sister Lisa
Me- I don't have any aunt's
Lisa- baby you got a whole side of family on you father side I tried to get in touch with you earlier but your mom wouldn't let me talk to you
Me- Oh my god we have to meet up
Lisa- I'll be in Compton for a few weeks visiting my son we can meet up then.
Me- Ok bye
Call Over.

Son??? Guess I'll find out Friday.

I got up to shower and do my hygiene. Vaeh was in Jazz momma room sleep.

I've been out the hospital a full day and before I got therapy and shit I'm finna take full advantage.

New Me Bitches.....

"Ay, Jazz?" "Wassup" "I'm getting a whole new wardrobe and make over you coming and I want some more ink."
I said.

"Hell yeah let's go."

*At tattoo and piercing place* "Hey I want a few piercings and tattoos." I said. "Which one first?" the lady asked. "My piercings."

"You like?" she asked. "Yep" "Clean them with warm sea salt water for a few weeks to prevent bumps or infections and you can go to the back for your tattoos you sure you want all at once?"

"Uhmm yeah" I said. "Alright we'll get some more people so it don't take too long." I nodded.

I was finally finished my body was lowkey numb asf.

"You still wanna go shopping we got about a hour or two?" Jazz said. "Yeah sure."

"At least they cute hoe"

*At the mall* "Damn Ian think it'll take that long to get all these tattoos." I said.

"Well we got a hour and a half let's shop sis "......

We got a lot of cute shit.

Red carpet type shit. *At home*

"New clothes, tats, piercing, and a new ride." Jazz said. "New Ride?" I asked.

"Come look." I went to the garage and almost fainted. "Bitchhhhhh" I screamed.

"Its low on gas cause I had to get it here." Jazz said. "Bitch come on so I can fill it up."

"Yassss sis you look bad as fuck."  jazz said. "Burnt but lets go I miss munchkin"

*Back at home*
I was putting baby oil on my tattoos when my phone rung.

FaceTime Call Accepted

Me- What the fuck you want?
StupidBitch- I'm sorry Toria
Me- My Bad Bre I thought you was James
StupidBitch- Oh me and Jaden just wanted to say Goodnight.
Me- Good Night Boo I'll take y'all trick or treating on Halloween ok?
StupidBitch- Okay Goodnight

  Conversation Over
Ugh anyways I finished dying my hair and picking out my clothes. I'm a whole new bitch say bye to the old Toria.

I bathed Vaeh then took us a picture on Snapchat.

Caption: Good Night from Me and Vaeh😚👅💦

    James P.O.V
"Y'all know where my phone is?"
I asked Jaden and Bre.

"Right here." Bre gave it to me.

I looked at my recents. "What y'all call Toria for?" I asked.

"I wanted to say Goodnight to my wife and she taking me on a date." Jaden said. "No she not stupid she taking us trick or treating for Halloween ugh." Bre said.

"Aw coo I guess turn these lights off y'all got school tomorrow." I walked out the room.

"You okay?" My mama asked.

"Yeah" "Don't lie to me Pride Is One Hell Of A Drug remember I told you that?"

"Yes ma'am just alot on my mind" "Yo dad?" She asked. "Sperm donor that nigga ain't none to me he left me for the streets this nigga knew I was his son the whole time and ain't say none ma."

"It's not his fault." "What you mean?"

"Baby when I was pregnant your daddy was barely there so I told him to stay out yo life as long as he in the streets. I didn't want you to grow up like him he tried to contact you but I told him no so when I found out you was in the streets I let you down and myself I told him not to tell you but look after you."

"So I could've had my father in my life this whole time you tried to keep the streets away from me when in reality you made the streets call my name this some bullshit."

"Boy you not gone fucking disrespect me in my house watch yo damn mouth."

"Yo house😂 I bought this house, that car, that furniture, everything in this bitch mines." 'Calm down' the voice in my head said.


"You know what I kept you away from him to better yo fucking life but you know what you ungrateful muthafucka you just like him I got beaten and kicked out the house because I told your granddaddy and grandma I was keeping you.

Everybody wanted me to abort you but Naww my dumb ass thought about you and the craziest fucking part yo own damn daddy wasn't around and wanted me to abort you but instead I slept on park benches and worked my ass off working 9-5.

I gave up everything to have an ungrateful ass son." she yelled.

"Yeah this yo house so me, Bre, and Jaden we'll be gone tomorrow." she said walking off.

'Look what you did James you always pushing away people that love you for shit your mom is right'
the voice said again.

As all my thoughts smashed together, 10 different voices talking at once "STOP JUST FUCKING STOP TALKING!" I screamed.

I grabbed my shit and left.........

*Later that night* "Mamaaaa!" I said waking her up.

"What J? Are you high?" She said.

"No😂" "You can barely keep yo damn eyes open and they red as fuck James."

"😂Oh my bad."

"I failed. I failed as a mother lord I really did. Come on James get some rest."

"I love you mama I didn't mean what I said." "I know and I love you too J"

         Toria P.O.V
"Toria wake up!" "Leave me alone."

"Bitch it's your grand entrance back to school." Jazz said.

"Why? I'll drop out and be a stripper."

"Bitch come on we gotta stunt on Tiffany and her crew." "Sureee Bitch dang get out and take munchkin to momma." I said.

I got up to shower, oil my tattoos, and clean my piercings. Let the day begin *Outfit below*

   James P.O.V
I wasn't feeling this school shit but everybody in the school group chat said come early for some shit. I got Bre and Jaden up then put on this.

"I'm hungry J" Jaden said. "I'll stop to get y'all some." he nodded.

"Come on Bre we gotta go." "Here I come don't rush me." she said. "That's why I'm not taking you to get a costume." "I sorry brudah" "Ight come on go say bye to momma."

I dropped them off then went to school. I seen posters up every where bout Toria.

"Wiz who did this shit?"

"Ion know bruh but I got a clue." he said looking at Tiffany.

"Like the new art?" She asked.

"Hell Nahh Bitch what made you do this shit?" I asked. "A welcome back present." She said walking off ion hit females but I wanted to smack this hoe.

      Jazz P.O.V
I was at home getting ready *Ring* *Ring*
Hubby💕❗- Come to school asap dont bring Toria
Hubby💕❗- Just get here now
  Call end
I grabbed my keys and rushed out the door.

When I got to school I was mad as fuck.

I started snatching all the posters down they had a picture of her saying you should've died bitch.

"Who did this shit?" I asked James.

"Tiffany nem where Toria?" "The house she'll be here in a few help me." we ran ripping this shit down.

     Toria P.O.V
Jazz ugly ass left me so I had to drive myself. I was in the car singing
Her body shaped up, maked up (Damn girl you looking good).
She got her hair done, nails done (Damn girl you looking good).
She got her clothes right, bag tight (Damn girl you looking good).
Man damn this girl fine, but you should see her from behind.
She got a big ol, big ol, big ol booty (damn).
Big ol, big ol, big ol booty (damn).
Big ol, big ol, big ol booty (damn).
Big ol, big ol, big ol booty (damn). 
She got a big ol booty, so I nicknamed her Judy.
Dang I'm in love with that body girl; cupid just shot me with a oozy.
My team winning, y'all losing.
Riding through the city just cruising.
She break her neck to see the kid, haters wanna be the kid, every girl in here choosing.
But girl you're a problem, I am the solution.
The way you bring it back, back, back, so amusing.
They told me to stay away from girls like you.
Never ever trust a big butt and a smile.
Here's my number you can dial; call me when you get home, in fact call me right now, turn around; wow, wow.
I think I really dig her, her booty getting bigger,thicker than a snicker, that girl there gotta figure.

I was in a great ass mood.

I finally felt beautiful. I pulled up to the school. I walked up as people whispered.

I made it in "Hey Toria how you doing?" Smoke said. "Good you?" "Yeap" he said.

I was trying to walk past him but he kept blocking me.

"What you doing?"

"None ummmm." "Smoke move damn." I walked in the school and seen all types of shit up about me.

I walked to my locker taking deep breathes when razor blades fell out and a note. "Just in case you wanted to finish the job." I shut the locker.

"Heyyyyyy Tor--" James said.

"You think this shit funny?" I said. "Naw I promise it wasn't me."

"Then who did it James?" I said irritated as fuck he just starred. "Bruh tell her damn." Wiz said. "Ughhh Fuck bruh it was Tiffany nem" I got mad as hell.

"Where they at?"

"Ion know they walked off somewhere." I snatched the poster from his hand it was a picture I posted of me and Vaeh.

"Slut is your baby daddy even in his child's life, your mom's a crack head, and you just need to die with your father."

       James P.O.V
Toria eyes turned a dark color as she stormed off.

We followed after her while Jazz told August what happened. A huge crowd formed as Toria ran up to Tiffany and straight dogged her ass.

"Bitch you ain't learn from last time stupid hoe." she said as she stomped Tiffany.

"Stupid Bitch you gone respect me hoe."

Then tiffany spit blood on Toria shoes. I ran to break it up as I seen the security and principal coming.

"Stupid Bitch." Toria sent another blow to Tiffany head.

I pulled her off as Toria kicked her in the face leaving Tiffany unconscious. "Toria we gotta go come on." I said as I drug her out.

"Let me go I can walk." she said snatching from me she walked down the hall with her head high.

"Rule #3 dont let anybody pull yo hoe card move with confidence." I yelled after her.

         Toria P.O.V
I smiled as I walked away couldn't nobody take my confidence at this moment I felt invincible.

Intercome:Notoria Jones to the office!!!!

"Fuck." I said. I walked to the office. "Wassup?" I asked. "We need you to get your mother on the phone." I rolled my eyes.

"Ain't got one." "We need you to contact someone." I called James momma to pretend like my people I had nobody else.

"Name?" They asked. "Jackson."

Office- Hey ms.Jackson this is Mr.Junkyfield and I have Notoria in the office she got into a physical altercation with another student and we're sending her home for a couple days.

Her- Is the girl suspended too?
Office- She's in the hospital she was knocked unconscious.
Her- but is she getting suspended
Office- no they say she was the victim

Her- let me talk to Toria
Her- What happened baby?
Me- I got to school and I seen posters saying I should've died I found out who the girl was so I fought her
Her- Toria every action don't need a reaction
Me- I know that but I reached my limit I'm done sweeping everything under the rug.

Her- I understand put them on the phone
Office- so we need you to come get her she's suspended for the rest of the day
Her- Listen I don't have time if the girl not suspended she not suspended have a good day
Office- but ma'am I--
Her- Byeeeee
        Call Over

"Well Ms.Jones I won't suspend you but you do have detention for 2 weeks." He said.

"Can't do that either." I said.

"And why not?" "I got therapy and watch." I said.

"How about this Ms.Jones I'm head of the activities committee and we have a bully awareness program coming up I'll like you to be a speaker." She said.

"Ight Coo can I go?" I asked.

"Yeah I don't want this behavior from you again." he said.

I walked out the office. "How many days you got?" Wiz asked. "None I got to speak at a program." I said.

"Y'all wanna dip for the rest of the day?" James said looking at me I just kept walking to my car. "Ay, Toria we all heading to IHOP meet us there." he said I just nodded.

"Welcome to IHOP." "Hey table for four." I said. "No Problem."

We got our table and sat down.

"I'm Candice your waiter for today can I start you off with something to drink?" she asked.

"Ummm yes can I get all four orange juices?" Jazz said.

"Coming up." she walked off as we started talking. "How you feeling?" James asked. I just flicked him off.

"Toria talk to me." "Ian got shit to say to you bruh get that through your damn head." "I have to pee don't you Wiz?" Jazz said.

"Naww" "Bruh bring yo ass." They walked off.

"Listen Toria just let me explain."

"You got 2 minutes." "Okay see it was a prank at first but once I got to know you I forgot all about it Toria you different you ain't like these other females I just fuck and duck and the fact I was the reason you tried to take your life is wrong. I didn't even mean for it to go that far--" he said.

"Listen you was A reason not THE reason my life been full of bullshit since I was born NeVaeh was the only tiny joy I had left. You made me smile a real smile for the first time. The shit you pulled was the last straw but since I survived it I plan to make my life worth it and ain't Nobody holding that back even if it is losing you."

"But listen Tori--"

"I wasn't done I love Bre and Jaden and I'm not gone be kept from them even if you are mad.

I'm on to bigger and better things." I said as Wiz and Jazz came back.

"The waitor came back?" Jazz asked.

"Naww not yet." James said. The waitor finally came back. "Sorry what would you like?" She asked.

"Triple stack strawberry banana pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon." I said. "I'll like-----" every body else ordered I zoned out and started thinking bout other shit.

I really want my own apartment with Vaeh. "Toria?" Jazz asked "Huh?"

"Did you hear me?"

"Naw my bad I was day dreaming." "Aw, well we need to go get a fill in"

"Coo, Ay I found these apartments I like you know anybody who can put they name on it for me? I'll pay them."

"Uhm my momma maybe." "ok"

.......We all finished eating and left. "Meet up at the mall?" Jazz asked. "Naw I'm kind of tired and I got therapy I think I'm finna go home." I said.

"Yeah me too I gotta get Bre & Jaden later and take them costume shopping." James said.

"Alright I guess it'll be me and daddy." Jazz said. I got in the car and started driving home. *Bloop* *Bloop*

StupidAss- Come to my house
Me- Y
StupidAss- Cause you is still my tutor😂😂😂😂
Me- I quit you need another reason
StupidAss- Ugh just come

He stayed like 2 minutes from Jazz anyway but I wanted to stop by my momma place first.

I got their it was niggas everywhere.

"Damn baby what's yo name?" Some nigga said. "Minor" I said.

I knocked on the door nobody answered so I just walked in. "Momma?" I seen her on the bedroom floor beat up.

"Momma you okay?"

"Hey baby I missed you." "Momma what happened?" "Nothing look at my baby girl.*starts singing* my girl talking bout myyyy girllll my girl😂"

"Momma who did this?" "Shhhh he's coming" "Who mama?" "He's com--"

"You missed daddy?" The man who molested me said. "I knew you'd come back." "I just came to see my mama."

"She fine now give daddy a hug." He walked up on me.

"Remember you left me for dead?" James words rung in my head.

'Show no emotions'

I looked him in the eyes as he walked closer making me back up to the wall.

"You don't scare me." "😂😂I see you got all dolled up for me I like the tattoos and piercings."

He smacked me hard as fuck then grabbed my hair and pulled me to the floor. "Leave me the fuck alone."

I kicked him in the dick and ran. "I'll be back momma I promise."

       James P.O.V
Where she at it's been an hour.

Me- Wya?
Babygirl👪💦- Come outside.

I got outside and she immediately ran in my arms and cried.

"What's wrong?"

"I got to get my momma." "What you mean?" "Him the guy he been beating her and got her on so many drugs I have to get her."

"Look at me." I said.

She looked up. She had a swollen hand print on her face. "He hit you?" She nodded her head.

"Come on." we went to the house.

I gave her some ice for her face. "Momma Toria here I'm finna pick up Jaden nem she gone be in my room."

I took her to my room she laid on the bed I left out to get them.

Me-Get the crew to raid Toria old house get her momma put her in a hotel and take her step dad to the torture room.
Wiz- Ight say less

      Toria P.O.V
I laid in James bed and slowly fell asleep....

*minutes later*

"Toria!" Bre said jumping on me. "Wassup?" "You coming with us to get customes?" Jaden asked.

"I'll take y'all this weekend Toria need a break." James said.

"Go do y'all homework" they ran out the room as I sat up getting my stuff. "Where you going?" He asked.

"I should've never came."

"Toria don't go." he grabbed my stuff out my hands.

"Toria I'm falling for you and I'm falling hard tell me you at least feel the same?" I held back my tears.

"No I don't James." he pushed me up to the wall and kissed me.

He kissed me with so much passion. I kissed back as our tongues faught for control. He won.

He felt on my body leaving a tingle from his touch.

He started kissing my neck making sure to leave hickies. "Jam--" he cut me off while kissing my lips he stopped kissing me.

"Now tell me you don't feel the same." "I'm scared." "Of what Toria?"

"I'm scared of being hurt, I'm scared I'll fall in love and you'll leave me, I'm scared that you won't feel the same about me anymore, I'm scared of being happy " I said.

"Look Toria I'm young and so are you we gone fuck up and argue we gone do dumb shit without thinking but that's what will make us strong as long as you hold me down I gotchu Toria."

I grabbed my purse. "I can't."

He wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm not saying let's be in a relationship but can we at least be friends."

I starred him in the eyes. "Yeah" he leaned in for a kiss.

"Nope friends don't kiss." I said.

"If you don't bring yo ass here." he pecked my lips "You alright?" He asked.

"I just gotta help my momma."

"Already got it covered." "How?" "Don't worry bout it." "😂ok I'm finna go." "Call me later". "👍"

I walked to my car smiling big as fuck and don't know why.

*At home*

I told Jazz everything that happened.

"Ohhhh shit bitch y'all cute." " We just friends." I said while changing Vaeh.

"Uhmm but You missed therapy." she said.

"So I'll go next week then duh."

"Ho get out my room my dick appointment coming." she said.

"Just nasty bye bitch."

I closed her door and went to my room. I got in the tub with Vaeh. "I needed this lord." I listened as munchkin made noises.

"I love you Vaeh and don't ever forget be better than me okay?" she just smiled.

I dried us off.

"Fuck this shit I'm sleeping naked." I said to nobody.

I put Vaeh diaper on and we watched t.v till she started screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Shhhhh Vaeh *starts singing* Last night I prayed on a fallen star
That you never have a broken heart
Though the world is cold, just remember who you are
And I pray that you never have a rainy day
And no matter what people say
Even when it hurts it'll be okay
Tomorrow brings new promise so don't worry 'bout today
The first time I saw you
I knew my life had changed
I would've been dead and gone
But I found purpose when I brought you home
And even though I'm not there to tuck you in everyday
I'm not far away
This is what a mother prays
Last night I prayed on a fallen star
That you never have a broken heart
Though the world is cold, please remember who you are
And I pray that you never have a rainy day
And no matter what the people say......
She was sleep on my chest I took her bottle and put it on the night stand.

"Goodnight Baby" I kissed her cheek and turned the light off. *Bloop* *Bloop*
         6176 words my longest chapter so far how is it? Leave comments, vote, and follow -Kissessss💋💋💋💋

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