The Dragons Of Ice & Fire

By monicabeatriz96

39.7K 781 99

Winter is here. Ice and Fire must unite to fight the Others for the survival of the human race. Jon and Daene... More

Love Comes In At The Eyes
Productive Conversations
The King's Greeting
The Wolves' Den
Bittersweet Revelation
Demon's Dance
Hope & Despair
The Beginning Of The End
The Eye Of The Storm

The Truth Strikes

2.4K 67 10
By monicabeatriz96


Everyone froze as Bran Stark said those arduous words. Tyrion was the first to question this demented allegation he had just made. "What in the seven hells are you talking about?". Bran continued to look at his brother. Jon broke his silence as he began to laugh. It was not just a small chuckle. His laugh filled the room and it almost seemed alarming, since he hardly laughed at all. Sam tried to help pull Jon out of his shock. "Jon... Jon, this is no joke. Please listen to what your brother saw in his visions". He looked at Sam as his laugh began to fade. "Visions? Are you saying this nonsense is based on some visions? I am sorry, but I do not have time for this".

"You have to believe me. I know who your parents are". Jon's laugh was gone completely. "We all know who his father was. Jon is our brother and the son of Eddard Stark" Sansa added. "At this point, I do not care who my mother is anymore. We have far more complicated problems to attend to. Ned Stark's blood runs through my veins and that is all I need to know".

Bran insisted on finishing what he started "You do have Stark blood running through your veins, this much is true... but Ned Stark was not your father". Jon kept quiet, exposing a sudden interest in what Bran was saying. "Jon, you are Lyanna Stark's son..." ...but Lyanna Stark did not marry Robbert Baratheon. "Father's sister? Are you saying that all my life I have been living a lie?" The white wolf started walking in circles as if he was surrounded by hunters. "Jon, you have to understand. Father took you in as his own because he needed to protect you". I cannot believe this... "Protect me from what?!" He is a Targaryen bastard... "From the realm, Jon. From Robert Baratheon. From the North. From everyone... your real name is Aegon Targaryen. Your father was Rhaegar Targaryen".

"Even if you are correct, he is not the legitimate heir. Rhaegar Targaryen was married to Elia Martell. His real name would be Aegon Sand if he was born where Lyanna Stark was found dead". Tyrion added, trying to have a clear understanding. Sam entered the conversation once more. "During my time at the Citadel, I found the marriage annulment of Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell. He married once more, but this time with Lyanna Stark. Robert's Rebellion was based on a lie. He did not kidnap her, they escaped together and Aegon Targaryen is their son and heir". If this is true, Jon has a better claim than Daenerys... Jon sat down on his bed shaking with his face against his fists, tight as ever. Arya sat down beside Jon trying to approach him when Daenerys broke the silence.

"Since when did you arrange all this? How could you?" She walked over next to where Jon was sitting, her body full of rage. What are you doing, Daenerys? "I gave you everything you asked for, I risked my life for you, Viserion died for you! How could you be so cruel?!" Arya could not let her continue to torment her brother in his state. "Could you just shut your mouth?! This is not his fault!"

Sansa asked Sam and Bran one last time "Are you sure this is true? Is there evidence to support his claim?" Bran nodded "I really wish I could say otherwise, but Jon is a Targaryen and the legitimate heir to the iron throne".

Tyrion went over to were Daenerys was standing and tried to restrain her from making this situation any worse. "Daenerys, he did not know." He tried to grab her hand, but she jerked it off as soon as he touched her. "What are you talking about? Of course, he knew! They all had this plot fixed since the moment Jon arrived at Dragonstone! Look at this spectacle and how well it is playing out, but I will not fall for this Jon Snow...I gave you the North back, I trusted you and you betray me like this. You are not the blood of my blood, you are just the bastard of Ned Stark and you will not take away what belongs to me!"

Jon exploded and stood up in front of her, his face as red as blood. "I do not want that fucking chair! I never wanted any of this! You can have every damn throne you want, just leave me alone. Maybe what they say about you is true, maybe you are a conqueror that only cares about taking everything for your own wealth!" Daenerys did not let him continue, as she struck his face with a slap that resonated all over the room. This cannot be happening...

Jon did not move his face and it was very visible how he was trying to contain his rage. Arya stood up from Jon's bed as she unsheathed the Catspaw Dagger she had used to kill Littlefinger, her eyes looking straight at Daenerys. Tyrion could do nothing but get in his queen's way. As Jon noticed Tyrion's movement, he grabbed Arya just in time before she attacked them. "Arya, what is wrong with you?!" Sansa said as she also went over to restrain her sister. "I dare you to hit him again, dragon girl!" she continued threatening Daenerys. "My queen, we need to leave now." Tyrion said as he grabbed her and started walking towards the door. "Touch me and my dragons will burn you alive!" As Daenerys said this, Jon yelled with a demanding and somewhat scared voice "Daenerys, get out of this room now!" Tyrion kept pulling her as they left. He could hear her heavy breath on their way to the eastern tower. They reached the room and he locked the door on their way in. He did not realize until now he was also out of breath. "Daenerys, what did you just do?"


Confusion, fear, gasping for air, Tyrion's anxious eyes staring at her. "He wants to take everything away from me" she said as she reached for a chair to sit on. "What have you done?" Tyrion continued to ask her the same question. "I have done nothing but defend myself! That wild girl was threatening me with a dagger and he did nothing!" She could have killed me. "What did you want him to do? To kill his own sis... cousin? Why did you have to slap him? We could have solved this another way, but you have just complicated everything" Tyrion said while walking towards her. "I could not let him continue to insult me..." Tyrion sat on the seat in front of her "But you insulted him first... and as if that was not enough, you also struck the face of the king in the north. You would have burned any man who dared to touch you, you have said so yourself... Thank the gods Jon does not share the same thoughts as you" Why is he defending him so much? Tyrion's face relaxed as if trying to remain calm when he looked at her.

"My queen, you must forgive me... but you are mistaken. Jon just found out he is not even Ned Stark's son, he found out he is a Targaryen, he found out he is in love with her aunt..." Tyrion believes them? "I took you in as my hand because I thought you were smarter than most. How can you fall for this nonsense?" He laughed nervously as he cleared his throat. "I know you have previous experience with betrayals, but that is exactly why you must understand he is not lying. Have you noticed how much he enjoys ruling over others? Because I have not. He is a great king, but he just wants to protect his people. Do you honestly think he could protect them all the way from King's Landing?"

The confusion started to hit Daenerys again. She started to understand Jon's point of view and she also understood the horrible mistake she had made a few moments ago. She could not contain her tears as she snapped out of her tantrum and realized how bad she had treated Jon when he needed her support instead of her anger. I am so sorry, Jon... Tyrion tried to comfort her by placing a hand on her shoulder and spoke after some time. "We can still fix this. You can try to talk to him and... he is a good man. I do not think he will be unforgiving, especially with you". As he said those words she stood up heading towards the door. "My queen, wait... You have to give him time and it is not safe for you to go over there right now. We must give him some space to recover". She understood Tyrion's concern, but it still hurt that she would have to live a few days with this torment on her mind. I only hope it is not too late for him to forgive me...

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