Kim Namjoon | #BottomNamjoon

Af namjoonhaven

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For Bottom Namjoon Lovers Latest Published Chapter: How Do You Give A Blowjob? Mere

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How Do You Give A Blowjob?

"I Do"

9.9K 293 250
Af namjoonhaven


• Vmon •
• Soft •
• Fluff •
• Tease •


Taehyung was nervous.

Palms sweating. His sudden urges to rub the back of his neck, and fix up his tie even though it was already well placed around his collar to begin with. His raising heart was practically all he could hear through his ears just echoing each time it thumped inside his chest.

His body would pace around the small room he was in. The whole place being a complete Greek like theme with its porcelain walls and pretty paintings hung up on them - vivid figures on the portraits of humans with bird like wings and swords hanging around their hips seeming as though they were going through war with other mythical creatures that looked inhumane. The gold vases with different sorts of white flowers and bright green leaves sticking out in various areas of the room looked pleasing to the eye. The room's whole being was as though it was mixed with the nature outside which was equally jaw dropping since the view out from the window of the room he was currently in was the beautiful well trimmed garden.

His body shifted towards the windows direction, his eyes gazing out through the clear glass. Seeing the way many well dressed people gathered outside that garden, clearly enjoying themselves as they chat into small groups and say hello to one another as they pass by. All the men outside had simple black tuxes, some a lot more striking then others by different accessories or clothing material. The ladies having pretty dresses of all lengths and colors. Both genders either having glasses of sparkling water or champagne in their hands - smiles spread from ear to ear, and loud chattering that could be heard through the window he was looking out from.

Not everyone was wearing pretty gowns or tuxes, there were other people with blazer uniforms with either silver trays giving away glass drinks or busy preparing the circle tables with white sheets and decorating them by placing vases of the flowers he and Namjoon both loved.


There it was again, the anxiety built up inside of him once again the same way his blood rushed through his veins. For some reason it was so hard for him to breathe and focus clearly over his surroundings, everything becoming like a haze. He closed his eyes, turned on his heels, then had his back towards the window as his legs stride over to the large body length mirror hanging on one of the walls beside a makeup table with products that were used on his skin earlier before.

He tried to steady his breathing by putting his hand over his chest as he looked at his reflection through the mirror. He gained a bit of confidence in himself when he looked down on his lean figure perfectly well fitted in a black tux with a pretty white rose pin clipped onto his chest. Only reason why his body was acting up in this sort of way towards the thought of Namjoon, his Namjoon was because,

Today is their wedding day.

They've been together for a while, three years to be exact and on the third year Taehyung actually built up the courage to propose to Namjoon.

That day when he wanted to propose he wanted to make it magical enough in a way for the both of them. He knew that... Namjoon really loved the night sky. It's not an everyday thing for a person who lives in a city to see the twinkling lights above due to the bright lights of the streets and usually Namjoon would fix that problem by driving up to the farthest hill away from it all. Dimly playing music from the ratio while he sat himself on top of the front of his car with his legs crossed and leaning back against his palms just gazing up the navy blue night with the moon in the corner of his vision.

He knew that's what Namjoon would do in many occasions when he feels like he has nothing better to do, so what better in taking his significant other to the beach where the waves would crash beneath their exposed feet and the wind had a more fresh air into it. Taehyung could remember the way Namjoon's pretty lips formed a warm grin towards the clear ocean then up towards the sky. He could pin point the exact moment when Namjoon's irises looked at the stars and they would start to shimmer the same exact way. It was a breathtaking site that knocked the wind out of him for a brief moment, he couldn't even stop the smile slowly creeping up his face when ever Namjoon looked away. The other was so beautiful during silent night where his voice was the only thing he could hear and he'll admit he wasn't complaining.

He laughed at himself at the moment when his heart was racing the same way it was right now, palms also sweaty and doubt completely sinking in. During that time he wondered when was the perfect time to even pull out the ring and kneel onto one leg before his lover. He tried so hard to say at least one word to come out of his voice but nothing. All he could let out was inaudible broken slurs that made no sense that Namjoon was starting to worry about his mental state.

Then it was as though his body reacted on its own and kneeled onto one leg, clearly reminiscing the way Namjoon was taken off guard, one leg stepping back while eyes were shaken up - glistening as they did so. When he pulled out the small velvet box, the other's expression quickly shifted into shock, completely in disbelief and told his mind it wasn't what he was probably thinking and that he shouldn't look into every little action. Yet, Namjoon's mental self internally shrieked when the small box's lid was lifted open slowly to reveal a diamond ring that Taehyung searched high and low for because every other ring wasn't as unique as the one he had then.

"Namjoon, I've been with you for so long... and I was telling myself every time that one day you'll leave me but you didn't. You're so good to me i thought it was all a dream but it was really real. You're the only person I have had my eyes set on forever and when you said yes to me you have no idea how unstable I was and desperate to put you first. I want to feel that same way again like that will you. Marry. Me?"

Namjoon didn't say anything at the time and Taehyung thought he screwed up somehow, when his gaze shifted up at Namjoon however, something inside him haywires. His lover's eyes were more glossed then ever, because tears were bottled up in his eyes. Once his lids blinked for a second every single tear fell one by one leaving thin trails down his puffy cheeks. Taehyung's eyes drifted to Namjoon's quivering lips, then down towards his trembling hands. He panicked at the vulnerable site before him, how frail he was at the given moment and all he wanted to do was stand tall and embrace his lover tenderly. Though, the opposite occurred. The lid of the box snapped shut with the ring still tucked inside as Namjoon's body surged down towards Taehyung, snuggly letting his face get close to Taehyung's neck while his arms were wrapped around his shoulders tightly. He could near the way Namjoon's sobs muffled against his shoulder. Then time froze when the words of his lover cracked out in between heavy whimpers,

"I-I, Yes! Yes, y-yes, yes~"

Now look where he was now, practically trying to calm down his emotion meltdown and not break a sweat around his face and feel suffocating in his attire. He didn't want to have his fingers run through his styled hair that he had the urge to do or grip tightly onto the bow tie around his neck, it would wrinkle in his grasp if he did. As if he wanted to scream he couldn't because he jumped up with a yelp when the door swung open with the handle bashing against the wall,

"The Hyungs are here!" Was what he heard from a familiar voice that stepped through the room with a broad smile and odd laughter in all it's glory with a maroon colored suit and dressed black shoes.

"Jin..." Taehyung mumbled out, "guys." He relieving sigh escaping his lips. For some reason the site of the others all in one right before him settled down the nerves inside him because the group truly had a comforting aura built around them. Being together again like this like before brought back memories when they were BTS - the biggest k-pop group that everyone admired. He missed those times but he also didn't, the way his life is without worrying about flashing cameras and tight schedules and just having a decent hangout with friends and living with the love of his life under the same roof was something he would never give up on.

"Look at you," Jimin's high pitched voice piped up as his fist gently punched against the grooms shoulder, "all dressed up for the big day." His childish laugh never changed from before.

"You're the one wearing the black, huh?" Yoongi toons in with his back leaning the nearest wall beside the mirror Taehyung was looking through seconds ago, "I never would of thought I'd see the day Namjoon was the bride in the relationship."

"Why wouldn't you? If I married him he would be the bride too, wearing a cute white dress and vail-" Jin spoke cheerfully before he slowing down his words after seeing the dagger-like stare Taehyung was giving him. The older through his hands up in the air in defeat, eyebrows creasing as his body stepped back, trying to fall behind Jungkook as cover, "I mean, I would never picture wanting to marry Namjoon, h-he's all yours..."

Taehyung heaved a sigh through his nose at the clear lie but let it pass him for the day and continued on what to respond to the second oldest, "he's pretty... white suits him so well and I always wanted to see him with a vail on him actually so..."

"Ah, I remember when I placed a vail on Namjoon years back," Jimin brought up as his most of his weight shifted to one leg and hand rested on his hip, "that's when I fake-married him and everyone went crazy during the fan-sign, y'know fans even questioned when they would be invited to our wedding and-"

"Jimin." Jungkook warned rather loudly with his hand on the other's shoulder who briefly shut himself up at the cold blank stared Taehyung gave off with a clicking tongue.

"Sorry.." he peeped, hands clasping together behind his back with his head hanging low.

"He is pretty." Yoongi's admitted with a held back smile, "I saw him today and... wow." Taehyung could tell in Yoongi's voice how breathless it become and it just made his heart race at the thought of what Namjoon could be looking like right now.

"You did? H-how'd he look?" There was a look of hope and plea in his eyes that wanted Yoongi's to describe every little detail so that he could vision on.

"You know the groom can't know what the bride looks like." Yoongi's smirks at the younger who's eyes droop not having a single bit of info.

"You're lucky Taehyung, for having Namjoon to yourself..." The younger's eyes shot at Hoseok who held a certain smile that was indescribable.

"What do you mean?" It felt as though Hoseok had some other meaning behind his words that he couldn't catch up on and all the other did was smile brightly seconds later and wrap his arm around the Taehyung's shoulder, "I'm saying lucky to getting married, Silly~"

"O-oh" a ghosting laughing escaped Taehyung's lips as the two bursted out together.

"Sure we came here to see you, but there's also another reason why we came." Jungkook then interrupted the two with a serious gaze.

Suddenly both hands landed on either side of Taehyung's shoulders once Hoseok unwrapped himself from the groom with a thin lipped expression that went unnoticed. Jungkook look straight into Taehyung's dark eyes and so did the other - anticipating curiously on what was coming from the youngest.

"We wanted to come to say that, take care of our leader, of our Namjoon." Right, Namjoon was the leader back then, someone Taehyung looked up to deeply whenever his articulate voice spoke in English or when he would do something amazing or adorable that his heart would burst out of its ribcage. It's funny, now it seems like in their relationship he's the one leading Namjoon and wanting him to stick beside him at all times like a koala - guessing the roles changed since.

With determination strung in his words, "I've planned to do so. To make him happy." Jungkook looked at him with a satisfying grin then in seconds he crumbled into a weeping mess when he took ahold of Taehyung with a strong so grip the other wanted to gasp for air.

"Everything's going so fast!" Jungkook cried out with a sniffle and a croaking voice.

"Oh come on, you big baby, start crying when they actually say their vows." Seokjin scoffed as his eyes rolled and his mouth made a tsk sound.

"Oh also another thing," Jungkook pulled away while wiping away the glossy tears from his eyes, "we have to take you out to the garden, everything with be starting soon - the groom always arrives first." He explained and Taehyung straightened himself up. Tilting his head to the mirror once more and 'fixes' his tie once again like before.

He didn't know how it happened but time passed by rather quickly and here he was now. In front of many people all sitting in rows of decorated seats before him, chattering softly wondering when Namjoon would appear in all his glory.

He was waiting impatiently as well, his eyes wondering around aimlessly, trying to find a way to calm himself in the process. A wild thought courses through his mind that he once seen in a movie, what if Namjoon ran away from his wedding and went with a different man? Why'd he think that to begin with, something so negative made his body tense up in fear but he tried his hardest not to believe it to be true- he knew Namjoon wasn't that kind of person to begin with.

Namjoon was too sweet, too kind. Too kind for his own good. Always putting everyone else first then himself and Taehyung repeated in his mind that Namjoon would never cause his heart to shatter - he believed in that.

The running thoughts came to a halt when he snapped his gaze towards Yoongi. Sitting on a polished white piano stool with his finger's gracefully playing the keys in front of him in a slow manner. It wasn't the song that Yoongi rehearsed however, the wedding march. It was a song much slower that set off something inside him that made his eyes widen with a small hint of glint in them.

Taehyung was at loss for words and Yoongi fluttered his eyes open, looking straight at the groom with a tender smile plastered on his gaze. Then the older shifted his eyes away and nodded his head towards Jin who was beside him sitting on his own stool with the base of a cello in one hand and the other holding a bow. Once the oldest took notice of his cue he closed his eyes and played the large instrument with ease - fingers pressing against different strings in swift motions, completely in sink with second oldest.

"A Thousand Years..." Taehyung mumbled out. As he muttered out those words everyone began to stand on their feet with their backs facing the groom and their attention fully towards the double doors of the building where Namjoon would flourish out.

A small creak of one of the doors were heard and a small head popped out in the process. That small head with the prettiest of round eyes, pale skin and brunette colored braided hair belonged to a little girl from Namjoon's side of the family. The daughter of Namjoon's sister.

The little girl held a small basket of flower pedals in one hand, looking wearily around the large crowd waiting formally for the bride. As the little girl gulped down and made her first step forward the pretty Violet dress swayed each time she trotted and scattered flower pedals onto the floor.

Taehyung's breath hitched when both the doors were held open wide revealing the love of his life dressed in all white from head to toe. Both Namjoon's hands held a Bouchet of flowers with his slim fingers wrapped around the stems, and his peach colored hair was adorned with a thin floral designed white vail that covered the front of his face. Beside Namjoon was Hoseok, there arms linked together. Hoseok's gaze peering over the other with a fond expression he didn't mean to display.

As the two walked down the isle in the same pace the instrumental music was playing in the background Hoseok leaned in close to Namjoon's ear with a reassuring toned whisper, "you're beautiful, Namjoon."

No one could tell behind that vail that Namjoon's cheeks were turning into a soft shade of pink. The bride whispered back for only Hoseok to hear, "you-you really think so?"

"Of course," Hoseok replied with a sigh through his nose, "Taehyung's a very lucky man to have you."

"Thank you." Was all Namjoon let out with a voice so pure and genuine it made Hoseok's body relax with ease. "I love you, Hoseok." It took the other one aback for a second but his expression eased into a small smile, of course Namjoon meant it in a friendly way, just like its always meant to me.

"I love you too, Namjoon."

The two finally reached up to where Taehyung stood with his eyes just ready to burst into tears - Namjoon didn't realize it but Taehyung kepting biting back the scream he was holding in, trying his hardest not to go overboard with his excitement.

Hoseok untangled their arms and held Namjoon's left hand tightly one last time before handing Namjoon over to Taehyung. Who eagerly took ahold of Namjoon's slender fingers into his - lacing them together as if they were made for one another.

Hoseok momentarily stepped back and stood beside the bride with his hands behind his back - a tender smirk appearing on his lips slowly with eyes staring longingly down Namjoon's frame.


Moments later when Taehyung's hesitant hands took ahold of the ends of Namjoon's vail Jin stopped moving the bow against the strings for Yoongi to play solo. Slowly lifting the vail up halfway over Namjoon's face and the groom's whole body started to feel warmth run through his veins.

Ever so slowly Jin and Yoongi played as dimly in his ears in the background with a soothing tempo it matched a lullaby. The same moment he uncovered off the vail from Namjoon's face Taehyung breathed out shakily and a single tear fell down his cheeks. Alarming to Namjoon he unlaced his hands from Taehyung's and let his thumb swipe away the falling trail - his eyes widened in concern, "Tae?"

"Mr Groom, are you alright?" The priest in between the two placed a hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

He brushed it off and bowed his head slightly at the priest, "I'm fine it's just..." his words trailed off when he took another good glance at Namjoon's soft features fitting well with the vail on his head, "I'm truly happy." He finally let those words out and Namjoon's lips formed a small smile - trying so hard to cover his face from the overflowing embarrassment of his flushed cheeks.

The priest looked at the two with admiration and straightened up his posture, holding the book in one hand while the other adjusted his specs. The instruments died down in the background and many sat themselves down in their seats once more waiting eagerly for the vows to commence.

Namjoon's parents held onto one another by holding each other's hands, his mother already in brink of tears. Namjoon's sister sat beside their mother with her hand rubbing up and down her back with a comforting touch. Taehyung's parents had their shoulders touching and arms tangled with one another, his mother laying her head on his father's head as did the other - broad smiles reaching from ear to ear.

Jimin and Jungkook sat close to one another with many other friends of theirs that were invited to the ceremony. Friends like some of the members from Got7 or Vixx. All four girls from Blackpink practically clasping to each others hands, squeezing tightly just waiting for the two to kiss. Jackson and Jimin had their phones out recording every single bit of detail. Zico kept himself strong by crossing his arms against his chest, trying so hard not to let a single drop of water come out from his eye sockets - like a father would when he's seeing his daughter go to prom with a man. All the members from Gfriend were sat aligned in their seats whispering to one another and probably passing each other tissues. Their managers and even Bang PD-Nim showed up to the ceremony, calmly gazing at the two soon to be married couple with fatherly eyes.

It was a great feeling knowing all your closest friends and loving family members gathered together on an important day. Also nerve racking because they were all watching with anticipation.

"Do you Kim Namjoon," the priest commenced, "take Kim Taehyung as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do you part?"

"I do."

The priest nodded and shifted to Taehyung, "Do you Kim Taehyung take Kim Namjoon to be your lawfully wedded-"

"I do!" He responded a bit took quickly. It caused his cheeks to redden like a tomato at the realization of what he did. The crowd seated held back their individual chuckled, Namjoon breathed through his nose and rolled his eyes playfully - also turning his gaze away from Taehyung's scrunching up his face with a bright smile. You could hear clearly that Yoongi stumbled on the keys of his piano unwillingly and Jin's squeaky like laughter behind his cupped hand.

The priest blinked a few times and let it slide for the two, not thinking to much of it and passed it as Taehyung being an 'eager fellow.'

"Kim Namjoon, Kim Taehyung, you will both honor and love one another as spouses for the rest of your lives?" He questioned and the two nodded accordingly. The priest smiles at that and gestures for the woman holding a small pillow with rings set neatly on the soft surface. Both Namjoon and Taehyung took ahold of each others rings - Taehyung slipped Namjoon's ring on for him while the other did the same, giving each other glances with wide smiles.

"If anyone here is against this ceremony speak now or forever hold your piece." Everyone stayed silent,

Hoseok bit down on his bottom lip.

"Then it's safe to say that, Kim Taehyung." The groom perked up and looked as though he was a puppy with a wagging tail. "You may now kiss, the 'bride'."

It didn't take Taehyung a single thought about cupping Namjoon's smooth squishy cheeks in each palm and lean in close - passionately placing a deep kiss onto Namjoon's soft lips that he wanted to crave deeply. Namjoon laughed in between the kiss as one hand set on the other's chest and the other holding the bouquet of flowers away enough from the right space between them so they wouldn't ruin.

A huge uproar of screams, shouts and cheers erupted in the gardens, many clapping their hands rather harshly and whistling could be heard from various places of the standing, joyful crowd.

It was a wonderful moment, and Taehyung really does hope that Namjoon and him would last,

Till death do them part.


This last minute story was inspired by these sets of pictures that I found on twitter

Namjoon is so pretty in white and he was holding a single flower, obviously I had an idea of a wedding one shot.

Can you pin point the small angst in it(?)
Hint: Hoseok

Anyways I didn't feel like having a smut added into this one, but I hope the person who requested VMon is pleased with the outcome.

I wonder if the next one shot I'll make for another user will have smut but for now this one was all revolved around a pure atmosphere.

If you liked it thank you and for the people that comment thank you also it always motivates me to write more for everyone.

Like for example these comments and small messages always put a smile to my face

It's so cute!

& PLEASE READ THIS PART: I've noticed a lot of people on here have been feeling down and going through many hardships irl and I just want to say, never give up. It's such a cliche thing to say but it's needed to be said. Of course many things won't turn out the way you hoped it be and I know there are many people who think that nothing will get better, please know that - for the ones who are going through hardship

Everything will get better,

You'll get through and you'll come out stronger.

And for the people who are stressed out in school it's amazing how much dedication your are putting in your studies, don't let homework affect you so much to the point it will built up stress in your system. You are doing amazing! And I know you guys will go far in life/our future.

Stay healthy, eat well, sleep soundly, stay on time and I promise all your hard work will play off in the end. My light encouragement isn't enough for many people because I don't have a single clue on how it feels to be in a pressured/stressed state of mind but I hope it's enough to place a smile on your face!



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