Flights (Jack and Jack)

By annaa_peake

224K 5.5K 2.3K

Jack Gilinsky didn't know what he was feeling, neither did Jack Johnson, but along the way they realised with... More

Flights (Jack and Jack)
Let me explain
Jacks announcement
Moment of silence
Going home
Its over
At the pool
Nash and Hayes
Camerons choice
The beach
The bad news
Smut Smut Smutty Smut Smut (theres some smut in this chapter)
Cam's answer
Naughty Cameron
Jack and Jack's date
A lot of talking
Cash date
Little bit of drama
Beach for the last time
I dont know what to call this part
Journey to Magcon
Camerons bruises
Sorry if you get feels
Camerons crying
Name this part for me
Hospital trip and awkward hotel conversation
Nash's reasoning
The long way home
Camerons come to stay
Messages and the final goodbye
The Park
Where Jack went
Inappropriate smut
JJ's in control
Gilinsky is going out
Jack G's helping out
Water Park with the Janoskians
The Funeral (Part 1)
The funeral (Part 2)

Best friends

10K 219 271
By annaa_peake

Jack J's POV

I was getting changed in the bathroom. I felt awkward being naked, I really don't like my body. All the other guys are toned and have six packs and stuff and I have nothing, nothing at all. Even Hayes has a better body than me and he's 13! I put my bottoms on first then dried my hair in the towel. I had no shirt. Great. I hung the towel over one of my shoulders and went out into the bedroom. Jack was laying on his bed texting, probably texting the girl he likes. He looked at me and smiled. He looked at my bare chest, it felt awkward. He pointed over to the chair in the corner where my shirt was. I quickly put it on before sitting down on the bed next to Jack.

'You ok? You've been really quiet today bro.' He said to me

'Yeah. I'm sure I'll be fine in the morning.'

'Aww. Come snuggle with me and we can watch TV for a bit.' He put one of his arms out to the side and opened it so I could rest my head in the crook of his neck. I did and he wrapped his arm around me. We was still texting on his phone when the TV was on. It started to annoy me.

'Can you stop that.'

'Stop what?' He asked

'Stop texting while we're watching TV.'

'Ok.' He set his phone down on the table beside his bed and put his other hand face down on the bed. The hand around me pushed my tighter into him, then his arm wrapped around me a little more.

'I can't believe how long we've been friends for.' He said to me.

'I know, it's crazy.'

'I would never swap you for anyone else you know? I love you bro.'

'Love you too.' I swear I could've seen him blush a little. He picked up the remote to the. TV and started changing channels. Then he was full on channel surfing.

'Keep it on one channel for at least a minute bro.' I said to him.

'I know what's on. It's not hard.' He finally stopped on a comedy channel that was playing a repeat of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Nash must be watching this too, poor Cameron.

'Really? Friends?'

'Im watching friends with my best friend, seems logical right?'

'Right,' I respond.

We were still cuddled up an hour later when Carter and Matt came bursting through our door.

'Hey guys, wanna come to the beach.'

'Why would we go to the beach now?' I asked.

'Cuz we can see the moon reflecting on the sea bro.' Carter said.

'Nah, I'm ok.'

'So Johnson's out, what about you Gilinsky?'

'Umm, I'm gonna stay here with Jack.'

'Suit yourselves.' They said as they left,shutting our door behind them. Jack moved so I was no longer in his arms, it felt right being in his arms. Probably because he's so close to me. He went into the bathroom and I could hear the shower being turned on, I looked to see if he had taken any clothes in, he hadn't. What was he going to do? Come out starkers?

Jack G's POV

I jumped in the shower because being cuddled up to Jack was causing me issues down below if you get what I mean. Thankfully Matt and Carter came in. I would have been in an awkward situation if they hadn't. The thing about Jack is, when my hormones started to change and stuff and I had my phase of thinking I was gay, he was the boy I found attractive, the guy I wanted to be gay. He never had a phase. I don't think I've ever quite got over my phase. I still want him to be gay so I can be with him. I want to be with this girl too though, Amanda, she's great. I hopped out the shower after sorting out my issues and I grabbed my towel from on the rail. I wrapped it around my waist and went out into the bedroom. I saw Jack curled up on his bed asleep, bless, he must be tired. I bent down and kissed him on the forehead while he was sleeping. I grabbed the firsts pair of sweats and boxers and out them on. I decided to pay Shawn a little visit. I knew he wouldn't go to the beach with the others. I knocked on his hotel room door, only then did I realise I was not wearing a shirt.

'Jack, hey. What's with the no shirt thing?'

'I forgot to put one on.'

'Right, ok. Come in.'

I went in and Shawn sat cross legged on his bed. I did the same but on Taylor's bed.

'So why are you here Jack.'

'I need advice.'

'Go on.'

'Well I did what you said, you know about pulling away, and well. I realised that when I touch him I feel this surge of electricity rush through me and it's an amazing feeling.'


'So what do I do?'

'Well, you don't do anything at the minute. As far as we all know, Jack is straight.'

'Oh come on, Nash and Cameron are "straight" but we've seen how they are with each other. They're worse than Jack and I.'

'I agree, but that's just the nature of their friendship. If they have feelings for each other then I'm sure we will find out later in time. But they haven't got a fifteen year friendship behind them like you and Jack. I'm certain you just have a crush on Jack, you'll get over it soon, I promise.'

'Shawn it's been only a crush for five years.'

'You've met Amanda now though.'

'Yeah...' I blushed when he said her name.

'See, you blushed when I said her name, you do nothing when I say Jack.'

'That May have something to do with the fact I'm called Jack.'

'Oh yeah. Haha.'

'Have you ever thought you were gay Shawn.'

'At times, when I first met Taylor I thought I fancied him, I probably do, but I'm scared to admit it to myself. I mean, there's nothing wrong with being bisexual or gay, I just don't know if I could think of myself being that way.'

'Yeah, so Taylor?'

'If I was gay for any of you guys, it'd be Taylor hands down.'

'Glad to hear it.'

'Anything else you want to talk about?'

'Errm, no. Not unless you have any pasta, I really fancy some pasta.'

'No sorry, I don't carry pasta around with me.'

'Oh, you're alright then mate. I'll err, see you in the morning.'

I left Shawn and Taylor's room shutting the door behind me. I walked quietly back into my room, careful as to not wake Jack. He looked so perfect when he was sleeping. I started thinking of some song lyrics as I looked at him. I quickly got my phone off the table beside my bed and made notes of the lines I was singing to myself.

If you saw what I saw baby

You'd never see yourself the same

You look at one with the world

But I'm still battling myself

Myself, myself, woah

I put my phone back on the table and grabbed the first t shirt I could find and curled up in my bed, watching Jack's chest rise and fall as he slept peacefully in the bed next to mine. Oh how I wish he was mine.

Shawn's POV

When I talk to Jack about his feelings it always brings to light how I feel. I trust Jack with my life I really do, and I do see why he likes Jack Johnson, he's cute, he looks young, he's funny and he can rap. Can't beat a guy who can rap, unless it's me singing. I was getting ready to go to bed when Taylor text me.

Why not come beach bro?

Tired mate

I'm tired too but being out here's waking me up. Aaron and Hayes have fallen in a hole and Nash and Cameron are shirtless and frolicking in the sea.

Sounds like a lot of fun

It is. It's weird not having you here tho bro.

Cheers mate, I love ya man

Luv u too bro

--end of conversation--

I fancied Taylor Caniff from the moment I met him. His face was perfect, his voice was perfect, everything was perfect, except from him being straight, that's annoying. I won't admit I am gay to myself or to other people because I would get treated differently and if I keep it to myself I will be treated how I normally do. I don't see why people have to discriminate over who people fall I'm love with, it's stupid. It was really cold in our hotel room and I realised that all my hoodies were in Aaron and Hayes' room. I grabbed one of Taylor's hoodies and jumped into bed, his hoodie smelt of him. It was rather comforting.

Taylor's POV

'So guys we've all seen the tweet whether we've shown it to each other or not. So the question is, was he?' I asked the guys down at the beach.

'I spent most of my time with JJ and he seemed pretty fine, he wasn't watching Jack really.' Matt said.

'Yeah and I was with Matt and him, he was normal. Well, as close to normal as he and Jack and get. He wouldn't look at Jack in that way.' Carter replied.

'I don't know and I'm not really that bothered.' Aaron said.

'I'll second that.' From Hayes. 'We should really get going. It's getting late.' Hayes said and he was right, it was 23:45. It was so dark we couldn't even see where Cameron and Nash were, which meant they couldn't see where we were.

'Don't worry about them, Cameron will look after Nash.'

'Its not Cameron I was worried about,' Hayes said.

'What do you mean by that?' I asked him

'It doesn't matter. Now let's get back.'

We walked back to the hotel quite noisily, we were so gonna get shouted at in the morning. I went back into my room and found Shawn asleep in one of my hoodies. He looked so cute. I stroked his head lightly with two of my fingers before jumping into my own bed.

Cameron's POV

It was so dark. Me and Nash were still in the sea and neither of us had our phones with us, we had left them in the hotel cuz we knew we'd go in the sea. I couldn't see Nash around then suddenly I was forced up out of the water. When I looked down between my legs, I saw that Nash had got me on his shoulders.

'What are you doing Nash?'

'Just you wait and see Cam.' I was then flung backwards into the shallow water on my back. I tried to get myself up but Nash had both hands pinned either side of my head.

'Your eyes look so different in the dark.' I told him

'You look completely different in the dark.'

'Thats because you can't see any of my flaws.'

'What flaws?'

'Well, look at me, I'm not good looking I have spots, I'm not very tall.' The next thing I knew was that Nash was tracing my stomach with his finger. It gave me pleasurable chills.

'Cam, whatever you think of yourself just remember I think you're perfect. In every way.' He kissed me on the forehead. 'Now come on, I'm gonna get a cold if I stay out here any longer.'

He pulled me up off of the sand and we walked back to our hotel. We were walking side by side and sometimes his hand would brush past mine, giving me the chills all over again. What is this feeling?

---skip to morning---

Jack J's POV

I woke up and turned over in my bed to see Jack watching me.

'Have you been sat like that for long?' I asked him in my groggy morning voice.

'About five minutes, I love your morning voice.' Is he attempting to flirt with me.

'It's not as hot as yours though bro.' I saw his cheeks turn slightly red. It was cute. Jack what are you saying you don't find him cute!

'We've got a day off today, do you wanna do something?' He asked me,

'Could we just walk around a bit, go downtown or visit the mall. I need new clothes. And I'm on to borrowing your underwear again.'

'Sure that sounds great.' He gave me a wide grin and hopped out of bed. He had one of my t.shirts on, must have been the first thing he grabbed last night. Almost as quick as I saw him wearing it, he had taken it off and was standing at the end of my bed completely shirtless. I watched him, he was looking out the hotel window.

'Do you like what you see bro?' Shit, he'd seen me.

'Err, I, umm, you, err.' I couldn't form a sentence and that made him laugh. He came and squatted down beside me on the floor so his head was in line with mine, I bed wriggled so I was closer to him.

'Do you think I'm that sexy?' He rolled out. I got to admit the way he said it is very sexy.

'Maybe.' I replied in the same tone, what am I doing.

We were looking straight into each other's eyes. He had perfect eyes. Shut up Jack.

'Your eyes are perfect too bro.' He said to me, I must have said something about his eyes out loud. He moved so he was slightly closer to me again, there was about a centimetre between our noses and an inch between our lips. My eyes averted to his lips and his eyes did the same. He tilted his head towards me and I did the same. Our lips were so close, I was about to kiss him when the hotel room door burst open and Jack stood up quickly. Well that killed the moment.

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