A Sucky Night (SebaCiel)

By girlfriendalmighty

126K 3.6K 2.9K

Sebastian was at a bar, a GAY bar, where he meets the love of his life. But of course, with love comes compli... More

A Sucky Night (SebaCiel)
Mine and Only Mine
Scared of Losing You
I Will Never Leave Your Side
Nothing Can Separate Us Nothing
You Saved Me...
We're Over
You WHAT?!
Well, Fuck Me
Birthday Boy
The Beginning (Chapter 1, Remastered)


5K 183 143
By girlfriendalmighty


 Italics is the character's thoughts and bold/ bold and italics means that the character(s) is on the phone. Surprisingly, I have nothing else to say except…..READ!


Disclaimer: I do NOT own Kuroshitsuji, nor will I ever! It belongs to the lovely Yana Toboso!

Sebastian froze. What had he done? He just broke up with the person he loved the most. "Hey Sebastian, do yo-"

"Claude, go away!"


"Claude, go the fuck away before I fucking murder you!"

"Okay! Geez! Calm down! I'm going!"

Claude walked away, leaving Sebastian standing all alone in the cold December air. "This is why I didn't tell you! Because I was afraid this would happen!" Sebastian repeated what Ciel said over and over again in his head.

He was afraid this would happen?! So he doesn't trust me, or rather, he didn't! But…..he said he loved me! Was he lying?! I don't care! I don't care anymore! I don't care if that piece of shit burns in hell!

Sebastian winced at that thought. Why did those words affect him? His little kitten, burning in hell, no, wait! Ciel wasn't his anymore. Did he really not care about Ciel anymore? No, he was just hurt! Hurt that Ciel didn't trust him enough to tell him about that.

God damn it, Ciel! Why do you have to be so damn sexy! NO, NO, NO! I'm suppose to be mad at you, not thinking about….how hot that body of yours is. Oh and those lips. DEAR GOD!

Sebastian was pissed, not only at Ciel, but at himself too. It was late, and he was tired. His only solution was to sleep his problems away. However, that didn't work. He couldn't even close his eyes. His mind was filled with Ciel and their last conversation together.

Ciel started running and couldn't stop.

He lied to me! He told me nothing could separate us now, and look what just happened! And I thought I could trust him! Why does this always happen to me?!"

He suddenly stopped and realized he was lost. He knew he was a few miles away from Sebastian's place, but he didn't really know exactly where he was. He needed someone to comfort him. Someone, but who? It was usually Sebastian, but that's not going to happen. ALOIS! The young male pulled out his cell phone and dialed his best friend's number. He couldn't help but let out a choked sob.

H-Hello? Ciel?

A-Alois, you need to come get me, now!

But Ciiiieeeelllll! I'm *ahem* busy!

Alois! I'm lost and I don't know where I am! I know I'm near Sebastian's place, a few miles away. Ciel let out another choked sob.

Why don't you call hi-?! Then it hit him. Did he….


OH MY GOD! I'm going to fuck that guy up the next time I see him! Ciel, stay right where you are! I'll be right there!

Wait! Alois!


Promise me you won't hurt him!

Oh, I won't hurt him, just his pretty little face!


But Ciel, he hurt you!

Alois, if you lay one fucking finger on him, I'll chop your dick off!

Just one scratch…..


Alright, alright!

Ciel hung up. Well, that was comforting, he thought.

"S-Sebastian! Sebastian! No! I'm sorry! WAIT!"

Ciel's eyes shot open. It was just a dream. No, not a dream, a nightmare. He tried closing his eyes again but he would only picture Sebastian, his love. Ciel hadn't eaten in what seemed like forever. It was 3 in the morning and he was starving but he didn't want to eat. He was too mad at himself because he didn't tell Sebastian earlier. He felt tears burning in the corner of his eyes.

He laid back down on the lonely mattress and he quietly whispered 4 words that were barely audible:

"I love you, Sebastian."

He had decided that he wasn't ready to face Sebastian again so he wasn't going to pick up his stuff. Well, not today at least.

Why isn't he here yet? Probably busy. But who the fuck cares? Not me!

Sebastian didn't sleep all night. He was to busy thinking of Ciel. Ciel. He was confused and angry and tried to work everything out in his head. It was 4 in the afternoon and Sebastian was surprised when Ciel hadn't shown up.

'That lying...ugh! He said he was going to pick up his stuff today!" Sebastian was pissed, but deep down a part of him worried. He worried about Ciel and if he was okay. He still loved Ciel but he didn't want to succumb to that thought. He was pissed at him and he wanted to stay that way.

Wait...why do I care if he comes or not? I don't!

Sebastian just kept lying to himself. He went through his closet and looked for a clean shirt. He noticed that one of his shirts was missing.

He must've grabbed it when he followed me...whatever.

"Look, kitten, stop acting like a bitch and grow up!" Alois listened as he heard the crying get louder.

"That's what he use to call me!"

"A bitch? Okay that guy is messed up!"

"No you idiot! He use to call me kitten!" Alois mentally kicked himself for using that nickname. He never had before, so why now?

"Why don't get over him like that Alex guy?"

"I can't get over him because it's not so easy to get over a break up over night! Plus I love him! I hate to admit it but I'm head over heals for that guy!"

"Then why did you guys break up?!"

"Because he found out..."

"About Alex?" Ciel was growing very impatient. His best friend was the definition of an idiot!

"About my old job!"

"Ooooooh! Well did you tell him why you had that job?"

"No, he wouldn't let me explain."

"Well it's his fault."

"But you don't understand Alois! I love him. I love him so much that it hurts! I should've told him earlier!"

"Look, did you call me so you can act like a bitch and mope around? I don't have time for this! I have someone coming over! Can you call tomorrow?!"

"Okay then."

"Not all of us are allowed to sit around all day and do nothing."

"Goodbye Alois!"

Ciel hung up not bothering to hear what his friend had to say and sat there looking at completely nothing. His mind was blank and in a few seconds, he was thinking of Sebastian. Oh how he missed those lips and that body. Ciel let out a moan just thinking about Sebastian. Ciel craved him. He needed to feel those lip against his own. He needed to feel those long arms wrap around him and embrace him. He needed Sebastian, but he couldn't have him.

Day two and he's still not fucking here! I hope he's alright...wait, WHAT! Why the hell do I care if he's okay or not? We fucking broke up. It's over Michaelis! We're done!

Sebastian had woken up to a very empty bed. He was lying there hugging a pillow. He had gotten so use to waking up with his arms around Ciel that he couldn't stop. He was a little worried about Ciel. It was the second day after their break up and Ciel still hadn't shown up to get his stuff. It was unlike Ciel. Usually he would've been there at daybreak, but he didn't show up. Not yesterday and not today. Sebastian was wondering if Ciel had gotten sick or something of the sort. By now he could tell that his feelings for Ciel had not vanished, they were still there. Every time he would try to think about something else other than Ciel, he would clear his mind. However, his mind would only stay clear for a couple of seconds then he would think of Ciel again and he would hate himself for it.


"Sebastian. Sebby, baby, no, no, NO! DONT LEAVE ME!"

Ciel woke up screaming from another nightmare. His nightmares were some what similar, he would be walking in a forest and Sebastian would be walking with him. The raven-haired man would lean down, give Ciel a peck on the lips, and whisper in his ear, 'you should've told me earlier.' He would let go of Ciel's hand, walking away from him and slowly start to disappear, leaving him all alone in the dark forest. Ciel would start screaming and screaming for his lover, well ex-lover, to come back, but it was no use and he would wake up.

"Sebby" he whispered inaudibly.

He was weaker than he had ever been. He hadn't eaten in 2 1/2 days and he was starving, but refused to eat or drink anything. The day he came back to his apartment he had only gotten out of bed to go use the restroom or bathe.

He stepped out of his bed and decided that he would at least go sit on the couch and watch TV for a while. He could barely stand; therefore he had to hold on to anything in his way so he could keep his balance. He had gotten to about 10 feet away from the couch when his knees suddenly gave in. He fell to the floor and was too weak to get up. He then suddenly saw the light slipping away from him. Everything went black.

The last thing Ciel saw before plunging into a pit of darkness was his lovers face. He was so handsome and flawless...and perfect.

He would never want to be with someone like me. I'm broken now.

He was too weak and dehydrated. And he was gone.


Hope you enjoyed! You know what to do…follow, favorite, and review! Just know that I read every single one of your awesome reviews! The SebaCiel one-shots will be up soon! I am still working on them, so be patient! Writing is not as easy as it seems! Anyhoo, till next time, BYE MY KITTENS! ^3^

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