K.S.S. Story

By Mircaal

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The triplets go to school, and see a guy. He isn't normal. And then, The guy turns out to be something. Macy... More

Kayla,Sierra and Samantha's Story
Chapter 2 : Unexpected
Chapter 3 : This morning
Chapter 5 : Sierra and Roshon
Chapter 6 : Dakota
Chapter 7 : Practice makes Perfect
Chapter 8 : They are fully trained
Chapter 9 : Back home
Chapter 10 : A Tragety and a Victory
Chapter 11 : The best Idea
Chapter 12 : Happily Ever After

Chapter 4 : The return

181 5 2
By Mircaal

Hey! Yeah you! Like my last chapter? Kinda boring but oh well. BTW! I do not own twilight. I only own Kayla,Sierra and Sam. Also Macy Roshon and Amy. Plus there Grandparents.



I'm 20, she's 16. How could this work? No. It couldn't work! It will never work! Because she's about to be a full vampire in 2 years and I am terrified, of vampires. And they haven't had human blood. I hope they are not looking forward to drinking it anytime soon. Sierra is very beautiful. So is Sam. But why do I starngly feel like I like Kayla? No. It's all in your head Roshon. All in your head. I nodded and people were staring at me as if I were talking to myself in my head. BECAUSE I WAS! I asked for a ride home but they said no. And then drove off. So I went into the woods and just flashed myslef into my room. All my stuff was dirty, ripped and broken. Who did this? Why? How did they get into my room? WHAT THE HECK DUDE! I bet it was the girls. Nope. They always go home. Plus they don't know where I live.. Sam does though. Maybe it was them then. 

" AMY! " I yelled. She came bursting into my room like it was her's and seen why I called her.

" I didn't do it.. " She mumbled. It wasn't her. She wasn't smiling or anything. She was shocked.

" Who did this!? " I asked.

" Me! " Oh NO! Macy!? Why me! I thought. She came into my window and sat on my bed.

" Why though? The Cullens are nice people! I will not hurt them! " I yelled at her. She had black hair and wore a white leather jacket with a black tank top on. Her leggings were very tight. Like she couldn't fit them.

" I gave you one task Roshon! And you can't even do that!  " Her eyes turned black. I put my hand to her face which made her body stiffen for 10 minutes. But I had to keep my hand there. 

" Look, when you came to my house 10 years ago, I told you no because I am not a killer. If anything I am not that. I will not work for you, and I will not beware of you. Because Macy, I've known you for some time now. And I know for a fact, you will not, I repeat NOT hurt me. So get that threw you cold brain! " I screamed at her. I had Amy keep her stiff and I ran her outside and threw her out into the woods. 

" Okay. Let her run. " I whispered to Amy. She put her hand down. 

" This isn't over. " Macy said as she got off the ground to run. I then knew that it wasn't. She would come for me. Maybe today or tomorrow.. either way, I'll be ready.


The day went by faster then I thought. Roshon didn't ride with us. But he asked. My head was tired so I told Sierra to drive. I had nothing else to do so I just let my mind wander. Seth talked to dad about marrying me. I over heard them lastnight speaking, 


" So when do you plan on doing this? " Dad asked. 

" When she graduates. Do you feel okay with it? " Seth asked.

" If it makes her happy. Then yeah. Knock yourself out. " Dad laughed.

" Good. I thought you'd end up killing me for asking or something. You know how over-protective you are. " Seth laughed. 

" Go to bed Seth. " Dad wasn't laughing anymore.

" Alright pops. " Seth squealed. 


When we got home the Greats and Grands were there. 3 times in a row! Impressive!. They never came around this much. Someone was near. Coming this way or something. But I just left it alone. I thought it was maybe Roshon and Amy. Sierra gave me the keys and we walked in. 

" Finally you guys are here. I was going to turn 1,00 by the time you got here! " Emmett said. 

" What's going on? " I asked sitting next to Seth. 

" Macy has returned. She stopped by Roshon's house and they had a little chat. No one got hurt so calm down Sierra. " Alice said. She used her queen voice. She was serious. 

" Macy told Roshon to kill us. But he didn't. " Sam said.

" We know. But at the time we didn't know who Roshon is. So we waited for him. He never came, so we gave up on waiting. " Grandpa explained. Alice ran to the door and opened it. 

" I didn't have a need to kill you that's why I never came. I knew who you guys were. I just acted like I didn't. But to be honest, I didn't know you guys were vampires. " Roshon and Amy said as they walked in. The door made a loud echo go threw the house as it closed. 

" Good, because with your fear, you would be shaking by the time you go into the house. " Jasper laughed. " Want me to calm you down? " He added.

" Sure. I would say something mean but I can't, She will pain me or burn me. " He smiled as he looked at mom. 

" Or grab a rock and throw it at you. " Mom added. She was happy now. Not so angry. 

" Macy came to the house, she's-- " Alice cut Amy off.

" I know. I seen it. Nice job, I thought you'd be scared or something. " Alice said.

" No, me and Macy used to go to school. She hated everything. After her sister died. " Roshon said. 

" Yeah, her sister was a pain. " Grandpa laughed. 

" So irritating. Always tried to kill me. You know your alive because of me! " Grandma laughed.

" Yeah, if you would have never cut you wrist, I wouldn't be here. " Grandpa smiled.

" Sounds like you guys have some interesting stories. " Roshon smiled. 

" Eh, they all have to do with danger,love stuff like that. You kids don't know what love is. " Great Grandpa Carlise said. We all looked at him. 

" You should know, you've been alive what, 3,000 years! " Rosalie laughed. Everyone laughed.

" What's so funny? " Macy saids walking down stairs. Then I noticed how queit Alice and Grandpa got before she did. I should've noticed earlier. 

" Why so quiet? " She asked.

" Why are you here? " Rosalie asked. Her face was like, hard and cold. 

" You killed my whole family. Why do you think I'm here!? " She snarled. 

" Nobody invited you so you need to go. " Mom insisted. 

" I don't follow you. " She hissed.

" Don't make me make you. " Sierra said quietly.

" How will you do that. Little one? " Macy asked as she put her hands on her knees to get down to Sierra's height. Macy walked right out of the house. 

" Ahhh! " Macy growled. I wondered why she growled, who hit her.. Then I noticed mom was angry. 

" Ah Ah Ah Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! " Macy screamed. 

" Do not disrespect me. " Mom said. " I could end you right here. " She added. Macy got up and I noticed someone new coming out from the woods. It was a boy. He had a chain on that made him look fierce. His hair, dirty blonde with black spots. He looked like some kind of Goth. This must be Dakota. When Macy got up, Dakota pointed his finger towards mom and mom got thrown across the yard. Dad caught her. Mom burned Dakota's fingers.  

" Think your so smart. " Dakota whispered. He then picked mom up again and threw her far into the woods. Sierra stopped him just as mom flew in the air, she moved his head back to the position mom was in and mom came back. 

" Don't throw her. Show some respect Sir! " Sierra hissed. 

" You little bone mover. " Dakota snarled. He whispered something and Sierra started running everywhere.

" Shield. " Grandpa whispered. Sierra stopped running. And Dakota's finger's were back. How the? What the? Then I gasped as I noticed a very dangerous person, that was indestructible was standing only 10 feet away from me. He was a witch and a vampire.

" Are you scared Kayla? " He asked laughing. 

" Why would I be? " I asked. 

" I can read minds. " He smiled an evil smile. He reminded me of that man from the Volturi, mom used to tell us how if things went bad then she wouldn't have us. ARO! Yes, Aro. 

" I am nothing like him, way worse. " Dakota said. 

" You are very talented. " Grandpa said. 

" And he's all mine. " Macy said kissing him. Ugh! 

" Leave. Now. " Alice snarled as she turned walking away from the mess that was behind her. Dakota launched a fireball at her head and mom caught it with water. 

" Stop. There is no need for this. If this startes it will not end to good. " Alice smirked. 

" And how are you so sure? " He asked. 

" That's for me to know and you to find out. " Alice said as she continued to walk away. 

" Oh she's married, so good luck with that. " Grandpa said. Jasper turned his head and let out a low growl.

" I like the way she walks. " Dakota whispered looking at Alice. She turned around, ran up to him and slapp him. 

" You must get the disrespect from her. I told you, if this starts you will not be walking out of this alive. Neither will you so stop smiling. " She said to the both of them, then ran back into the house witht the others. 

" How does she know? " Dakota stomped his foot. 


Wow. I wonder how it feels to be half witch half vampire. Fun?

" No. His thoughts say the transformation almost killed him. Unless you want to die then okay. " Edward smiled. When we all settled back into the house, we had losts of stuff to worry about. 

" Sam, profile. " Alice said. She was so nice. 

" Dakota Flimming. Dirty blonde hair,6,4, just turned 24. He has a crazy little back round here, he has a mother, but can't find her. Her name is Freda Flimming. His brothers and sister ran away from him because he used to rape his sister and abuse his brothers. He dropped out of school. When he found out that he was witch, at the age of 13 he ran away from home and found his dad. Killed him. No reason though. Okay this is when he found Macy. He was walking home from the 15th bank he robbed and found Macy. She told him to follow her and he did. She took him to the apartment she was staying at and bit him. He almost died. But on his last few peices of air he did a spell for him to stay alive. " She said. I have never seen her in action. EVER. It was awesome. It's like--. 

" She knew everything I get it. " Edward said.

" What was he thinking? " Sierra asked.

" The way Sam just said all that, like she knew it from the top of her head. " Edward explained. Sam gave me the ' Because I did know all of that. ' kind of look.

" Weakness? " Alice asked.

" He just wants his mom back. " Sam frowned. 

" Awww! His cold heart is still working! " Renesmee laughed.

" He's in love with you Alice. " Edward sighed.

" Maybe if we find his mom we can stop him from killing people. " I sugguested.

" What about Victoria? " Rosalie asked. Her face is always so serious. 

" You get used to it. " Edward whispered. He is my favorite. Him and Alice. Such a great team!

" Jacob, why couldn't you phase? " Edward asked Sierra's dad. Hm, so that's what he looks like. Sam looks EXACTLY like him. Really. 

" He stopped me some how. Like he held it back from me. " Jacob said. Should I call him Jake? I like Jake. 

" Give it a shot then. " Edward whsipered again. That was annoying. Really it was. It's like he knew everything I am about to say before I say it. 

" So Jake how do you turn into a wolf? Do you have to be angry? " I asked him. He looked at me as if we were friends. Then smiled. 

" Dude, that's gotta get some getting used to. I'm not used to being around people I just met. I'm not used to people I just met calling me Jake. But to answer your question, I used to have to be pretty worked up to phase but now I can do it whenever. " He laughed. I like Jake, he's cool. 

" Oh. Makes since. " I said. ' So can I call her Nessie then? ' I asked Edward. He shook his head no. 

" Alice, any new visions lately? " Carlise asked. Dr. Carlise. He's been around some time now. As I sat there in my chair my true self started to show. My hair turned half brown half blonde. I grew taller as I sat there. And I felt my eyes turn green. Same thing happened to Amy. Her blonde hair came in and it got longer. She got taller and everyone looked at us. 

" Are you guys okay? " The big buff guy asked us. What was his name? Emmett yeah, Emmett.

" After 12 hours the spell fades away. And we look normal. " Amy explained. She knew way more about this witch thing then I did. I can't lie, she is beautiful. Her blonde hair went down to her waist and she had deep dimples. Guys used to say Hello to her but I gave them the ' I am her boyfriend. ' look.  And they backed off. Edward burst out laughing. 

" Roshon you are over protective! " He laughed. 

" What, people used to want to get with my little sister, so I gave them the ' I am her boyfriend.' look.  And they backed off. " I smiled.

" Your such a weiirdo! " Amy laughed with the others. 

" Is it my fault that your like the only family I have left? " I asked laughing with them. 

" No, it's just why the ' I am her boyfriend ' look? Why not ' I'm her BROTHER ' look? " She giggles.

" Because the boyfriend look is way more cool. " I chuckled. This is way off topic. 

" Whatever, back to Alice and the visions. " Amy smiled.

" Dakota is planning on killing you guys and Macy taking me and running. So yeah. " She frowned.

" That won't happen. " Jasper snarled. NOW HE IS OVER PROTECTIVE!

" Oh hush. " Edward chuckled. 

" Okay, I want this meeting to be over so I can we all agree that Dakota and Macy will not get anywhere close to ruining this family AGREED? " Alice said.

" Agreed. " Everyone said. 

" So, how does it feel to be around a bunch of vampires? Scared!? " Edward laughed. 

" It's not that bad. It's nice, that you guys won't kill me. " I said biting my lip. The lip bite made me look kind of gay. But it all good.

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