Book 1:The Damphyr Protector...

By DestinyAngel123

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Just an average teenager living threw one hell of a life but with my uncle by my side I have nothing to lose... More

Chapter 1:Bathory Middle
Chapter 2: Walking To The Party With Vlad and Henry
Chapter 3: Isaiah
Chapter 4: A Forgotten Family Member
Chapter 5:The Lies Of My Past
Chapter 6: Dinner With The Vampire
Chapter 7: Death Upon Louis
Chapter 8: Wicked's Destiny
Chapter 9: The Vampire's First True Love
Chapter 10: The Slave To The Vampire And The Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 11: Starting Today I Am Now The Damphyr's Protector And The New Enemy
Chapter 12: The Slayers
Chapter 13: My Secret Crush
Chapter 14: D'ablo
Chapter 15: The Slayers Headquarters
Chapter 16: An Enemy? Or Love?
Chapter 17: The Prince And The Pauper
Chapter 18: V+W Forever?
Chapter 19: Meeting The Prince And Queen Emily
Chapter 20: A Meeting With Vampires
Chapter 21: Trapped In The Vampire Jaws
Quick News 2
Chapter 23: Torn Apart
Chapter 24: Vampires vs Me?
Chapter 25:A Summer Day Ending
Book 2 IS OUT!

Chapter 22: A Forbidden Love

71 6 2
By DestinyAngel123

Em looked down at me with a dissplease look and slowly walk twords me, "Thank you for coming, I thought I would have to drag you to come here...but you just made it more easier...," she said with a low tone, she nodded to one of the men as he left, I started to get worried for some reason. I knew not to trust her like Otis said, but at this point I don't have no chnaces of getting out of this. Within minutes the came back with two people that were tied up and there heads with covered with a black sack bags, I raise my brow in quiestion and stared at Em, "What is this?," I asked her, all she did was grined at me, "uncover them...," she said to the men, they nodded and quickly took off the sacks from there heads, when I look my jaw dropped to the fall as my trembling knees shake and fell to the ground as well with tears falling from my face, it was grandfather and Enrico, they were both burtaly beating to death and had swollen up faces with rags tied around there mouth that almost made me throw up, "WHY?! WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!!!," I yelled at Em, all she did was chuckled at me as she started to walk around me, "well they wouldn't tell me where you were so I had no used but to put them in 'punishment' till they spill there guts...but there is no need for that anymore....maybe...," she said, "Maybe? W-What do you mean by that?," I asked her. She then stopped walking in front of me and spoke once more, "I need you to brake up with Vlad....if u do ill leave your little family alone....but if not....well...," she looked over at the men with a grin, I follow her eyes and saw the man holding stakes in there deadly hands aiming at at her only family members backs, without thinking, I screamed out, " OK OK I'LL DO IT JUST PLEASE STOP!!!!," my heart immediately stop, and the world around me froze, my tears soon formed into a puddle on the ground that couldn't dripping from my face, I knew I had to do the right thing. "Splendid.....let them go....," the men took off the rag from there mouth and unties the rope around them, I soon rushes over to them giving them the biggest hug I could ever do, they both hug back but weren't able to talk since they were too weak. I didn't care.....I was too happy to see them alive....., "But I will warn you girl....if I found out you two are still'll be next...," and then she left without another word, D'Ablo and the other vampires left up in the building, all I could do was comfort them as I think what was I going to do and how I was going to tell Vlad this.....Vlad.......I'm so sorry...

Soon after half of the weak Enrico and grandfather were healed, it was amazing how fast a vampire can heal...but as for me and grandfather we never talk for awhile.....every time I try to communicate with him he avoids me, it would make me cry sometime, Enrico would try to cheer me up but it wouldn't really help at all....I know he means well but...after what happen to us things just...change to the better to worse.....

Later that day I was in my room laying on my bed crying to myself until I heard a knock on my door, the door slowly open and it turns out to be Enrico once again. I didn't say anything, I stared at the wall still tears running down my face, "....Wicked.....I'm sorry about what happen ago....I understand of u had to do what u needed too....but it doesn't mean my own son would hate his own granddaughter.....he said placing his hand on my shoulder as he sat on my bed next to me, "...Did I really do the right thing Enrico?.....Did I really?....," I just don't know anymore, they guy I had a crash for over a year now....was now going to not be part of my life anymore.....Em might be his great grandmother but she has no right to do this! "...Honestly little one I can't answer that for you....even I don't know much about the prophecy of the protector or it's master....but....I can tell you this......look through your heart...and make the choice which best fits you....think what must be right....and soon....a good may become of it...," his words of wisdom flow through my ear, it made me relax a bit but not as much. "Thank you grandfather....that really helped a lot," I smiled up at him, he smiles back as he place a kiss on my head, "Anything for my great granddaughter....I would anything to make you smile....," he said in a fatherly tone, it made me felt a lot better than before, so I say up a and hugged him tightly as he strokes my head, I'm glad I wasn't alone in the world of my own.....though....I was still worried about my future from here on out...

At the end of the week me and grandfather were back home, it felt good to be back, but....what I have to do now....wasn't so good at all...apparently Vlad was still in Russia for his. Training and said he can't talk to me for awhile or come back, so I understand since it'll give me plenty of time to think how can I put this brake up into words without braking his heart. I told grandfather I was going out to the park, as always he stayed silent, it then made my heartache with sadness, I looked down then started to leave towards the entrance but I was soon stopped with arms around me, I jumped and looked up to see grandfathers worried face, I was surprise but happy at the same time, he still cared all this time...., "...Be safe...," he said as he kiss my head and went on with him business, I nodded and left, after what we've been through I was just happy to know he still didn't hate me for the choice I made. I walked down to the park where me and Vlad hang out, it was peaceful and quiet, made me eager to see Vlad right now.....but I was soon stopped by a scent....a vampire scent....I slowly turned around and out of all odds I saw Prince Isaiah dressed in black along with a black hoodie, the only thing your could see what his white pale face, looking at him.....made me boil....I can tell my eyes glowed with anger, ".....Wick....," he said my name, "What do you want?...Haven't you made my life worse as it is?..," I spit out to him, he went silent for a minute and began to speak, "I'm sorry....I only did this to protect you...," "Protect me?! So you thought telling Lady Em to hurt my family and threaten me to brake up with Vlad cause to protect me?!!! That's bull!!!," I yelled, "Look Wick, you don't understand about the prophecy, your not suppose to be in love with him! It will brake the balance of vampire kind!," he screamed back, "oh! So I can be a yours?! Is that it?! So you can have your princess back?!," he went silent, with the speed of light he ended up close in front of me and grabbed me lifting me up by a inch since he was really taller than me, "!!! H-Hey!!! Put me down!!!," I tried to move around to reach for my wand but within seconds I felt something against my lips pressing against them hard, I froze suddenly not moving as I watch him kissing me, the thing was I didn't kiss back...I couldn't...I felt a tear roll down my cheek as he saw it, he then slowly pulled away putting me down gently, "....Why?....Why don't you love me?," he asked with cold tears falling from his eyes, it was the first time I saw him cried. "Why?...Cause I don't have that feeling for you....what I have for Vlad....and now matter what I can never change my feelings for you....I....I will never love you......," I said somewhat coldly, his face turn grim, I slowly step back and turned away, ".....just go away've cause enough problems as it is now....," I said to him. After a long minute of silents, I felt his cold breath against my eat, "I'll never give up on you Wicked....NEVER....," I jumped and turned around quickly and saw that he vanish, I looked around for him but he was nowhere in site, his words frighten me...but I couldn't let him get away with my life...I gave out a hump and continue walking and forgot all about him, though...his words lingers through my mind as I watch the skylight turned to darkness.

Days later I arrive at Vlad's doorstep, I knocked and soon the door open with a happy friendly face that I couldn't forget, "Wick!," Vlad open the screen door and hugged me as if we haven't seen each other in years, I hugged back not wanting to let go, I've missed him so much, " had no idea how much I've missed you...," I said with tears rolling down my face, "I've miss you too....? Hey don't cry...," he gently pulls away wiping away my tears, "there....," he smiled and slowly kisses me with his ice cold lips, I smiled and kisses back wrapping my arms around his neck. I could feel his arms around me as well, when your like don't want this to end...I didn't want this to end...., after a minute or two we slowly separated and held each other hands, but soon when we did...Vlad's expression changed and looked somewhat worried, "Are you ok?..Did something happen?...," he asked, I raise a eyebrow in question, "W-What do you mean?...," I stuttered, "....Your eyes...there telling a different story..," I knew I couldn't hide it, I couldn't bear to say it too him....but I have to. "Vlad.....your think we can talk?...," Vlad slowly nodded and allow me inside, my stomach turned into nots making me really uneasy, I then felt tears rush my face as I slowly face towards Vlad once more with a heavy expression of worry.

"A brake up?....Wick....T-Tell me your joking...," he said as tears rushes down her face, I couldn't bear to look up at him, all I could do was not speak, "Wick...I know you don't mean it...," he said with anger, "Vlad....I do....I don't love you anymore....," I said to him, "That's a lie!," ,"what else do you want me to say?!," ," Wicked that's not what your eyes are telling me!!!...," I froze. People said you can telling if someone is lying by looking at there expression through the eyes, and it was true. I knew I couldn't hide it but I had no choice but to make it look serious and real as I possibly as I can, I sighed and held his hands firmly "Vlad....I do like you, I really do...but....I...I-I don't love you like that....I thinks it's best if we...if we stayed as friends before....," I said to him, ,"Friends?....No.....No no Wick your the only one for me I can't just let you go.....," I sighed and let go, "Vlad....You have too...I'm bit doing this cause I was threaten or anything but....I'm doing this because I think it's what right....especially for my future....besides you got could date her, I mean you had a crush on her since forever...just...go for her..... ," my heart sunk as I said the words right out of my mouth, as for Vlad...he was pain. "Vlad....I'm sorry.....I really a-?!," I was stopped by his cold lips again, I really wanted to kiss him back but I couldn't...if I did he would know I didn't mean any of this, he then pulled away still confuse, I just put on a pokerface to show the kiss was nothing...., "....I should go.....Vlad....I had a great time with you....but...maybe you deserve more than....just me.....," I manage to put a small smile and kiss his cheek, "Goodbye Vlad...," I said and slowly get up and left his house without another word, once I was outside I could hear his cries from inside, I could help but let out a few tears of mine as well, I let out a deep sigh and walks back to my home crying in pain.

After Spring Brake ended, we were soon back in school, I was at my locker getting my things until I heard a loud shrill voice down the halls, "Yes yes!!! I'll to Vlad!," that voice, I knew it too well and hated it so much, looked down the hall and saw Meredith kissing Vlad as he kisses back, I guess he made his choice....I hope he is happy with it as I am with mine...though...I felt heart broken about it, near the end of the day I was about to head home until I bumped into Meredith, when she looked up at me she smiled, "Wicked hi! I've heard what happen with you and Vlad...he must have took the brake up very hard," she said as if she didn't care, "...Y-yeah....," I said in a low tone, "though I have to say thank you for that...if u haven't broken up with him I would have never gotten a chance to date him....oh well I'll see you around Wicked....," she leaves and walks on her way in the school, I starts to crying but very quietly, I can't go back now ok this decision...I then walk home alone trying to stop crying, but with every step I take as I walk home the more tears falls down, I notice people watching me was I walk by them, I was torn apart...I then ran as fast and hard as I can, when I arrive home grandfather was there and saw me bursting into tears, I then quickly hug him letting out my cry and suffering out as he hold me close for comfort, we sat on the sofa but didn't talk due to my crying, I couldn't stop...all he did though, was stroke my and hugged me tightly until I soon fell asleep in his warm arms.

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