The Last Paladin of Highmoore...

By JABullen

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"When the heart of malice beats again and the one who has fallen enacts her unholy vengeance, the Forsaken sh... More

The Legends of Valoria - The Last Paladin of Highmoore: Enhanced
Chapter 2 & 3
Chapter 4 & 5
Chapter 6 & 7
Chapter 8 & 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 & 12
Chapters 13, 14 & 15
Chapter 16, 17 & 18
Chapters 19, 20 & 21
Chapters 22, 23 & 24
Chapters 25, 26 & 27
Chapter 28, 29 & 30
Chapters 31, 32, 33 & 34
Chapters 38, 39, 40, special thanks and excerpt

Chapters 35, 36 & 37

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By JABullen

Chapter 35 – The Final Trial

"Ah, welcome back young Alec. I had not expected you back so soon, yet it does always seem to fly closer to the end." Alec looked around the memory of Highmoore until his eyes met Seraphina's.

"What seems to fly?"

"Time, young paladin. No matter how old, how much, or how little, time seems irrelevant until we near the end, and by then, we always seem to possess none. I sense that you have returned with a troubled heart and a lack of time young Alec. What is it that troubles you?"

"I must complete my training, so that I may go and rescue the woman I love." Seraphina smiled as she walked with Alec towards the second door.

"Ah yes, love. I have experienced such a thing many a time during my prolonged existence."

"Do you mean before you died?"

"Yes, and yet no. When I was alive, I knew love for my father and my mother. I knew love for my homeland and love for my people, yet, I never knew the love of another as I did until after I died."

"What happened?" Seraphina smiled again with her bright radiant smile.

"Ah, that was many years ago by your recollection. I was giving trial to a young, bold paladin. At first, I was unsure of the feeling I felt, yet, as I continued to spend time with the man, the feeling intensified until I was sure of what it was that I felt."

"What ever happened to the man?"

"Ah well, I have not seen him in over a decade and a half by your calendar. However, our love was an impossibility. It was with a heavy heart that we terminated the connection."

"But what happened to the man?"

"I never saw him again. Now Alec, let us focus instead on the matter at hand, your trial." Alec continued to walk with Seraphina when they reached the second door. "Alec, I sense that you are not yet ready for this trial. How about you spend some time within the library and center yourself? I am sure that Highmoore has made more available to you since your last visit." Alec nodded and, opening the first door, walked within and took the path straight ahead, which led to the library. As he entered, he noticed that more lights were now lit so that he could nearly see to the end of the room on the opposite side.

Alec sat down at the desk where he had studied before and read the writing on the side of the first scroll that sat before him.

"Lady Seraphina, the divine paladin." Alec unrolled the scroll and seeing the concealment seal at the top corner of the page pressed his thumb against it commanding the contents within to reveal themselves. The scroll began to bleed out words and letters before Alec's eyes and he began to read of the story of Seraphina.

"Before the paladin Sidonis rose to the heavens to be with his beloved goddess, she gifted him with a daughter. It has never been determined that Seraphina was indeed the daughter of Aneira or not though this was the legend that we were told as we began recording the history of the famous founder of Highmoore.

Through all of the myths and legends, what we have confirmed, is that the Lady Seraphina was indeed a Divine and a Paladin, following in her father's footsteps. We do know that she was indeed the daughter of the legendary Sidonis and that she died at the tender age of thirty. She was a priestess of the Aneiran high order and died mysteriously while on holy pilgrimage in Valascaa.

She left behind no kin, though many who knew her and the people she sheltered when Highmoore was erected all referred to her as their beloved queen." Alec read further down and saw that the history continued on with her political contributions detailing Highmooria turning into a republic. Alec quickly skimmed to the bottom of the scroll and resealed its contents. He turned towards another scroll and read its title.

"The final death of the Daemon knights," Alec unraveled the scroll and was surprised to find that, when he touched the rune, the information within made itself available to him.

"The Daemon knights are an order of elite evil knights which exist with the sole purpose of serving Daemon in order to help in his eternal battle against Aneira. It is said that the strength of a Daemon knight surpasses that of any living man and that their bodies are assembled using the souls of their victims, though none have been seen since the death of their leader Abaddon.

Over two hundred years ago, Abaddon commanded a mighty army of Forsaken with which he threatened to seize control of all Valoria. He had at his side five disciples, many of whom fell in battle against the early Sidonian paladins. After Sidonis' death and subsequent ascension to the high heavens, his fight was carried on atop the shoulders of his daughter Seraphina. She led her armies into the Scar, where she plunged her sword deep into the heart of the enemy, killing many of the Daemon knights.

Sometime later, near the end of her life, Seraphina encountered Callisto, one of the last Daemon knights and killed him in battle. It has never been confirmed what happened to their leader Abaddon. Yet, it is the consensus of many historians of the era that he died in battle and his remains were never found." Alec suddenly found himself intrigued by the lady and resealing the scroll rose to his feet and left the library.

Returning to the balcony where Seraphina resided, Alec asked the question which had begun to plague his mind.

"Lady Seraphina, how is it that you died? I know you said that you died in battle, yet you never said how. The scrolls in the library seemed to be even less conclusive." Seraphina drew up a deep breath as she prepared to answer Alec's question.

"As I said, I was killed in battle."

"Yes, but how and by whom?"

"I lost my life in battle while fighting the Daemon knight Abaddon."

"But the scrolls in the library say that Abaddon died long before that." Seraphina shook her head before answering.

"To this day, Abaddon lives on. I was unable to overcome him when he fought. I was betrayed, you see, by the leader of my order. She lured me to the grand cathedral in the guise of performing a sacred ritual during the lunar eclipse. During such an event, Aneira's powers are at their weakest and Daemon's at their greatest. She told me that it was important in warding off the evil of Daemon. It was not until after I arrived that I sensed Abaddon's presence within and, by then, it was too late for me escape."

"Did you not possess the skill to defeat him?" Seraphina smiled.

"The skill yes, though I had not my father's prized sword. The one you bear now as your own. Without the weapon to slay evil, Abaddon proved invincible to me. He came at me with his monstrous steeds, the manticore. Outmatched, betrayed and without the only weapon in known existence that could slay him, I had no choice. I prayed to my benevolent mother Aneira to grant me the strength to seal away his soul away within that very same eclipse. To this day I know not what he intended to do with me during the event, though I suppose that it had something to do with stealing my soul as his powers are strongest during the eclipse." Alec had to think for a moment in an attempt to absorb what Seraphina had just told him.

"I believe we have wasted enough time, Alec. You have come here to complete your next trial, the trial of heart."

"I have Lady Seraphina, what must I do?" Seraphina guided Alec again towards the second door.

"Within, the strength of your heart shall be tested. You shall be faced with a great number of disturbing things that shall test every last ounce of your being. Travel through the room to its opposite door and you will have succeeded. Leave before your trial is complete and you would have failed and will never be allowed to wield the Sidonis sword without risk of losing your life." Alec nodded his head as turned the knob on the door.

"Be warned Alec, things will be presented to you that are both disturbing yet true. You may find answers to your most terrifying questions, which you hoped remained unanswered, yet you must prevail should you hope to become the true heir of Sidonis. Clear your mind of these things Alec and your trial may prove less troublesome." Alec opened the door and walked within. He searched about the room and across from him, hung a portrait. Alec examined the portrait and recognized the blonde woman with the devil's eyes staring back at him.

"Lady Seraphina, what is her picture doing here?" Seraphina sighed aggressively, and for the first time Alec sensed anger seething from the nymph.

"I wish that I could remove her portrait, but alas this room was birthed from my memory and I was unable to tear it down before my death. This is the portrait of the head of my order, Lady Angelica." Alec was too stunned for words. His mind raced with panic as he contemplated the impossibility of the situation.

"What is the matter young paladin? Do you know of this woman?"

"She just took the one I love from me. She is still very much in charge of the Aneiran high order. How is such a thing possible?" Seraphina thought for a moment before answering.

"I am unsure, though it is possible that, if she is indeed working with the Forsaken, it is possible that Daemon has prolonged her life as Aneira has mine." Alec's continued to panic ever more greatly, trying to determine what he would do.

"My Lady Seraphina, I must apologize, but I must be away."

"I am sorry sir Alec, if you leave here now, you will have failed your trial." Alec's heart raced so hard, it threatened to burst from his very chest.

"I have no choice. Talia is in danger and I have to save her." Alec raced past Seraphina and dove head first into the pool. The world around him began to spin away as he heard Seraphina call to him.

"Then, I am afraid you shall never possess the strength needed to fulfill your mission."

Chapter 36 – The Oath

Alec's eyes opened wide and he was back within the cathedral shrine. Quickly, Alec rose to his feet and ran for the exit. As he bolted through the building, he contacted Oz using their link.

"Where are Zelus and Eliza?" He asked Oz. Oz responded with feelings that reminded Alec of home.

"Alright then, are Zelus and Eliza at Eliza's house?" Alec swore he could hear Oz chirp in answer to him.

"Thanks Oz. I am on my way." Alec continued to run at his insane frenzied pace until he reached Eliza's house. Gently rapping on the door, he waited for it to open and he saw a pair of eyes looking at him from the window before they came to answer the door. The door swung open and it was Kristiana who answered.

"Come in quickly, Alec." She ushered Alec inside and after looking around outside closed the door behind him.

"Welcome Alec, I am afraid after that commotion yesterday we have been under high alert as of sorts." Alec thought to himself for a moment and realized what she must be referring to.

"Are you in trouble with the high council?" Kristiana smiled as she walked across the room and took a seat.

"Of sorts, they are most displeased with me as of the moment yet they will not act upon their displeasure as, lawfully, that woman had no claim to you. They merely wish that I had acted less rashly."

"If you had I might be dead right now."

"That is why I am unconcerned. Now, what is it that you need? Eliza and Zelus are in the other room speaking with your young friend Tear."

"I did come here to talk to them. I am sorry that I got you into trouble." Kristiana laughed at Alec as if his response were unreasonably comical.

"Dear, if I had not been in trouble for your sake, I am certain that I would have surely found something. You can go on ahead dear. They are just in the other room." She waved her hand towards the hallway and Alec bowed his head to her as he walked past. He entered the next room where sat Eliza, Zelus and Tear who was sleeping soundly on the couch.

"Hey," Alec whispered to get their attention without waking the little one. At first, they did not respond, but upon a second calling their heads poked up. Alec motioned for them to join him in the hallway and they both rose to their feet to do so.

"Alec, what is it? Are you not supposed to be at your trial?" Eliza asked.

"I went to it, but when I was there I learned something terrible. We need to go and speak with Marec." Eliza and Zelus looked at one another uneasily.

"Alright, fine, he is in the barracks, it isn't too late yet, we should still be able to visit him." The three of them walked back towards the greeting room, where Kristiana still sat waiting.

"Mother, we need to go and speak with Uncle Marec. Would you like for us to tell father anything while we are there?" Her mother shook her head as she rubbed the corners of her eyes.

"No dear, do not worry, just be safe and be watchful of anyone following you."

"We will mother." The three of them exited the house and looked around to make sure that no one was watching them. They did not breathe a word to one another as they hastily moved through the streets towards the barracks. Alec opened the door and they all entered within. As they walked inside, they came across a guard who sat with his back up against wall.

"Ah, why hello Eliza. Are you here to see your father?"

"Not just yet, Keagen I have actually come to speak with my uncle. The man who was moved in here earlier today." Keagen thought for a moment then turned back to them.

"I know just the man, alright come this way. You will not be able to visit for long, we were just getting ready to close up for the night."

"Thank you Keagen." Eliza spoke as the man rattled his keychain and, finding the right one, unlocked the door beside him allowing them entrance. The trio walked down the long corridor passing various cells, some containing prisoners though many were still empty. The three made it to the end of the hall and saw Marec sitting on the bed of his cell waiting.

"Marec!" The three called excitedly, Eliza's being the exception as she started with "uncle." Marec looked up to them and smiled.

"What are you three doing here?"

"Marec, I have to speak with you and I thought I would save time by speaking with Eliza and Zelus at the same time."

"Did you already go to your trial?"

"I did."

"And have you completed Seraphina's final test?" Alec did not answer and quickly deviated the conversation.

"Marec, while I was undergoing my trial, I came across some information, some very old information, and I believe that Talia is in grave danger." Zelus, Eliza and Marec all looked back and forth to one another and then looked back to Alec.

"Alec, we cannot go after Talia. I know that you want to but we mustn't go after her." Eliza was the first to speak. Alec stood in shock as one after the other both Zelus and Marec agreed with Eliza and attempted to convince Alec that he should leave Talia and forget about her.

"Alec, I know this is hard and I know that you love Talia, but what she is doing is for the betterment of all Valoria." Marec spoke his piece. Alec shook his head angrily with his rebuttal.

"No, you do not get it. Talia is in great danger. If I do not go after her she could..."

"Die? Let me guess, you were going to say that she could die. Alec, Talia's mission was and still is to become the vessel of Aneira's restoration. She was born with the sole purpose of dying." Marec spoke, anger growing in his voice. Alec looked at his instructor startled.

"You mean you knew that she was going to die?"

"Of course I did, Alec. When Talia was a small child, it was discovered that she possessed the gift of Aneira's sight. Within the high Aneiran order, it is written that should one who possesses the power of sight return to Aneira and give of herself during the time of the lunar eclipse that Aneira's power shall wash down upon her and revitalize the land. What Talia is doing, she has prepared for her entire life. If you go and try to stop her, you will have destroyed everything that she has worked for her entire life." Alec could feel himself growing angrier, his fists tightened into hard balls.

"You mean to tell me that you knew of this all along? Not only did you do nothing, but you went along with it. What is wrong with you? Do you think it is alright for someone to make Talia live that way?" Eliza tried to calm the situation.

"Alec, this is what Talia wants. She is doing this so that others might live, in a world free of the Forsaken." Alec snapped his head angrily towards Eliza.

"Did you know?" Eliza had not even managed to speak her answer and already the tears began to pour from her eyes. Zelus walked to Eliza's side and placed his hand on her shoulders, comforting her.

"We all did, Alec." Alec could feel the turmoil within him growing to near explosive heights. He wanted to lash out and strike somebody, yet he knew he needed their help in order to accomplish his mission.

"You all lied to me? You all watched me fall in love with her and lied to me, knowing we would have to say goodbye and that she would have to go to her death alone?" He spoke, his tone ripe with the hurt of his friends' betrayal.

"Alec when you say it like that." Zelus started.

"It would not matter how I said it!" Alec raged as he grabbed ahold of Zelus' collar and pinned him to the bars of Marec's cell. "It would still be wrong." Eliza placed her hand on Alec's shoulder and he shrugged her off letting Zelus go in the process. He walked away and began pacing, his heart racing, despair filling his being. His eyes met Marec's, and he could feel the anger swell within him.

"And you, so called Paladin of Aneira. How can you bear that mantle, and feel anything other than shame?"

"Alec, that is uncalled for." Eliza started.

"Are we not the defenders of Aneira's flock? What good are we, if all we can do, is sacrifice others, lay down and die, when we are told. You are a disgrace of a paladin. This is not the way of the savior, as the Lady Seraphina and Sidonis dreamed."

"Alec please try to understand..." Marec attempted to calm Alec.

"It is all of you who do not understand! What I learned today when I was in my trials, your big secret you all kept from me. You have all done nothing but sentence Talia to death by the hands of the Forsaken."

"That is most preposterous Alec! I know that you are upset with us but lying about it will not help matters." Marec was now the one growing angry.

"Me, the liar? Now, you of all people, are the one placing the blame, Marec? You remember your life's mission, the one that you fulfilled to the letter, at the cost of a young woman's life? Angelica, the woman that came here today, she was the same Angelica who two hundred years ago betrayed the Lady Seraphina. I know because I asked her. She told me that Angelica betrayed her to the Daemon knight Abaddon, who attempted to consume her soul, she told me that..." Alec paused for a moment. The other three were growing intrigued by his story.

"She told you what Alec?" Alec had placed the final piece together, he now knew of Angelica's grand deception.

"She is going to use Talia's blood to bring Abaddon back! Do you not see? We have to go stop them!" To Alec it seemed as though the others still needed a final push. Without thinking, Alec took his hunting knife from its sheath and tore it through the flesh on his hand.

"Alec what are you doing?"

"I, Alec Dante of Highmoore, swear upon my life and immortal soul, that as a Paladin of Valoria, I will save the Priestess Talia and bring about an end to her eternal sadness." He finished the ritual before anyone had the chance to stop him. His blood began to glow and a deafening stroke of thunder bellowed outside confirming that his oath, had been accepted by the goddess. Eliza began to cry, though, through the tears, Alec could see nothing but anger beyond her eyes.

"You ass!" She screamed as she punched Alec in his face, knocking him onto the ground. "How can you go about and trap us like this?" She continued to yell various other curses as she stormed away. Alec dabbed his lip and, seeing that it was indeed bleeding, quickly mended the wound and turned to Marec.

"I swear Marec, upon my honor that I am telling you the truth. Lady Seraphina herself confirmed what I am telling you." Marec stroked his beard before gazing upon Zelus.

"Sir Zelus." Zelus snapped to attention as he was called.

"Yes sir!" Alec made an odd expression at Zelus' response.

"Zelus, I need you to run after Eliza and try and convince her and Talic of what Alec has just told us. We will most certainly need their help in rousing a force strong enough to attack the citadel." Zelus acted shocked, yet Alec knew that he too was eager to strike back at them for what they did to Remora and for seizing Talia.

"It shall be done sir Marec." Zelus spoke as he sprinted from the barracks. Alec looked to his instructor.

"What shall you have me do?" Marec continued to stroke his beard in contemplation.

"Have you any friends within the knights that would follow you to the death even if it went against their orders?" Alec thought for a moment and realized that indeed he did.

"Yes, Dominic and Nilus would follow me, to the ends of the earth if they thought the cause was just. Shall I go and speak with them?"

"Not just yet, first there is something that I need you to do for me."

"Name it and it shall be done."

"I need you to prepare for battle and also to gather my things. Have at least two horses ready in case we need to make a quick getaway." Alec leaned in and whispered to Marec.

"Are you suggesting that I may need to break you out of here?" Marec looked down either side of the hallway and nodded his head slowly.

"The high order's influence is quite strong here. You will have a very difficult time convincing the council I am afraid."

"Then why even bother asking the council's permission to begin with? Let's go now and attack, catching them off guard."

"It would be suicide. First off we have just finished traveling across country and back in a relatively quick fashion. We are all exhausted and would not stand a chance against the temple knights, let alone however many Forsaken. No, it would be best that we take a day to rest, gather our strength and forces and ride out tomorrow."

"Talia may not have that long. It will take us nearly an entire day just to get there."

"Be calm Alec, I am sorry and ashamed to admit that I did know of the ritual you speak of. Granted, I thought that it was in the name of Aneira's light returning to Valoria, but, I do know that whatever this ritual is, it must be performed during the lunar eclipse, which will not occur for two days." Alec hated to admit to it, but he knew that Marec was right. They would do Talia no good if they showed up to battle already half dead. Alec punched the wall in anger and then looked again to Marec.

"I will have our things ready. Once I am finished, I shall speak with Dominic and Nilus."

"Very well, I shall see you in the morning." Alec nodded his head and walking back down the hall he had come down, said goodnight to Keagen and went outside. The night air was cool, wet it filled his lungs with a salty calm as he marched with purpose towards the stables. He reached the stables where he had left his things and found that they were not where he left them.

"Looking for something young Paladin?" Alec whipped around to see the Lion staring at him.

"You know exactly what I am doing here." Alec spoke. The Lion nodded his head.

"Aye, and just so you know, it must be the most foolish thing that you have ever attempted. Were you one of my knights, I would order you to stay here."

"Were I one of your knights?" Alec was curious to know where Talic the Lion was heading with this.

"Precisely, were you one of my knights, I would order you to stay behind. I would order you not to check the hay bale near your horse for the keys to Marec's cell and I would further advise you not to send one of my men to speak with the eastern garrison, which is out on patrol in that area. Were you one of my knights, it would be my duty to inform you of your folly and to not assure you that I would lend you my full support were I not bound by the council. I would also strongly advise you do not check the second key on that ring while exploring the armory. You will probably not find yours and Marec's things already prepared for you."

"Thank you, commander."

"I have no idea what you are talking about. I was merely informing you of what I would tell one of my knights. You may sleep at our house tonight. Oz is already waiting for you outside of the gates. I believe that he will meet you at your destination. I have had the blacksmith busy since you arrived yesterday." The Lion walked away and vanished into the night. Alec walked over to the bale of hay near his horse and sifted through it. Sure enough their rested a key ring with two keys on it. Alec carefully slid the keys into his pocket as he strolled over to the tavern where he was sure to run into Dominic and Nilus.

Alec pressed the door open and entered the tavern, where the usual aromatic assault of fine food and drink filled his nostrils. Alec took a few steps inside and saw his friends Dominic and Nilus already seated next to Zelus in the middle of an intense conversation. Zelus noticed Alec and flagged him down to join them. Alec obliged and pulled up a chair next to Zelus.

"Gentlemen," Alec said casually as he sat down and looked to his friends. Dominic was the first to speak his piece.

"So you need us to march into battle, against the high order? I hope you know that is just a little insane." Alec nodded his head and carried on.

"I am sure Zelus has told you what I figured out is going on did he not?" Dominic leaned back as Nilus looked to grow uneasy.

"He did."

"Then you know that we have no choice but to do this."

"It would most certainly seem that way." They sat together for a moment as if trying to find some better way to save Talia. Nilus spoke up.

"Alec, do you love this girl?" Alec smiled as he answered with a nod.

"I do."

"And you would be willing to do anything for this girl."

"I already swore the blood oath to show it." He said as he lifted his left hand, revealing the mark he had made earlier. Everyone else at the table leaned in to examine the mark.

"Well, I suppose that settles it. Alec, tomorrow I ride with you." Dominic however did not look as eager about the trip as Nilus did. Nilus sensed this and began questioning his brother. "Come on Dom, what say you?" Dominic continued to sit in quiet contemplation as everyone's eyes began to bore into him.

"I require some time to think, alright? You leave tomorrow so, if I plan to leave with you then, I will be there when you leave." He rose from the table and walked outside the tavern, disappearing into the night. Nilus looked back at Alec with a furrowed look on his face.

"I will talk to him."

"Let him make this decision for himself. We cannot make him help us. I understand that Dominic is deeply religious and that this is going to be hard on him."

"Well, Alec, Zelus, I want you two to know that I will fight with you."

"Thank you Nilus, we ride out tomorrow morning. The eclipse will not begin until the following night." Nilus nodded his head and rose from his chair to leave. "We will save you priestess, my friend." He spoke clapping Alec on the shoulder as he made his way outside. Alec stood from the table along with Zelus and they both locked their hands as if shaking at eye level.

"Do not go dying on me tomorrow. I still have to kick your butt and prove to everyone that I am the best."

"Likewise Zelus, without you, who else would I beat up?" The two rivals smiled at one another as they left and marched off to get some rest for the morning ride. Alec neared Eliza's house and carefully rapped on the door. Kristiana opened the door and beckoned for Alec to come inside.

Alec arose the following morning before dawn, to two dire wolves nipping at his hands and Eliza shaking him.

"Alec, you need to wake up." Alec sat up and opened his eyes.

"Is it time already?"

"I am afraid plans have changed. The council convened late last night and they have ordered that the gates be sealed. They refuse to send the knights. If we do not go now, we will be trapped inside as well." Alec quickly rose from his bed and gathered his things attempting to navigate around the bounding wolves.

"Alright, go collect Zelus, Dominic and Nilus, I will go and grab Oz and Marec."

"Oz is already waiting for us. Father saw to it that everything we need is with him." Alec looked to his right to see the sleeping Tear lying on a small sofa. She was resting so peacefully that Alec could not find it within himself to wake her. If he did, she would likely insist on joining them anyway and he already doubted that they would all return from this battle.

"She will understand Alec. As long as we bring Talia back, she will forgive us. Baldur, Aurick, will you keep Tear company, while we are gone?" Both pups let out a gentle bark. Alec nodded his head as he finished tying his boots. As he rose to leave, he watched the puppies jump up on the couch next to Tear, curl up and snuggle into her.

"Alright it is time." He and Eliza both made their way outside.

"I am heading for Marec first. If I took both horses, it would rouse too much attention."

"Good idea, I will meet you right at the gate to the noble's quarter." Alec nodded and spirited away toward the barracks. Alec ran through the darkened streets until he reached the barracks. Alec noticed that none of the torches were lit. He turned his back and saw that again none of the torches were lit.

"Thank you." He spoke to no one knowing that, though the Lion could not order a march on the citadel, he did not have to make sure that his knights did their jobs to the letter. Alec opened the door and walked inside. Alec saw that Keagen was still sitting at his post and smiled as he saw Alec enter. He reached out his arms and stretched out his entire body.

"Awww!" He yawned as he continued to stretch and rose from his chair. "I wonder where the other guard is? My watch was over a while ago. Oh well, guess I will just leave these here for whoever takes over. The next watch should be here in five minutes." He walked away towards the other side of the room. Alec hastily reached for the keys and unlocking the first door, threw the keys aside and proceeded into the cellblock. Half way down the row, he saw Marec eagerly awaiting his visit.

"Marec, it is time."

"I know, I was informed only moments ago." Alec began to fumble with the key ring and found the one that he needed. He shoved the key into the lock and turned it. The lock clicked and Alec quickly opened the cell door.

"Hurry Marec, we do not have much time." Marec and Alec bolted for the door. "Thanks." Alec yelled as he flung the keys to Keagen who was sitting by the other side.

"Keep them, you have one more door and I need to go hide in the cell." He laughed as he closed the locked gate behind him and walked towards Marec's cell. Alec turned to the gate to the armory and, using the remaining key on his ring, unlocked it. Alec pressed the cage door open and ran inside where his and Marec's things sat waiting for them.

"Here, Marec." Alec called as he threw Marec's pack to him. Marec likewise threw Alec his pack and called back to him.

"Alec, there is some armor here. You could probably use the upgrade." Alec turned and saw sets upon sets of battle armor. Alec quickly began to throw off his ragged clothes and pulled a suit of armor from the rack complete with chainmail, gauntlets, greaves, helmet and pauldrons.

"We need to make haste, Alec. You can put all of those things on once we are at a safe distance." Alec nodded and began to run towards the door. As they made it outside, they could see over the castle walls that light was beginning to pour out from the horizon. They had nearly run out of time. Alec and Marec sprinted across town towards the gate leading to the market district. They had nearly made it when they heard someone screaming.

"The prisoner has escaped! Sound the alarm, close the gates!" Alec could see as the watch began to arouse and the gates began to close.

"Too late!" Alec smiled as he and Marec blew through them with plenty of time to spare. Eliza sat there impatiently waiting for the two of them, the reins of two extra horses in her hand.

"Let's go, let's go." She yelled, and quickly they threw their things into the saddlebags and, mounting their horses, were off. They raced towards the gates to the outer wall and ducked their heads in case there was trouble. Alec rolled his head to the side looking up towards the wall and saw a group of archers looming in overhead.

"Everyone look out!" Alec cried as he saw the archers loose their bowstrings. Alec quickly cast his projectile ward, watching as Marec did the same. The arrows bounced off their wards stopping in midair.

The stream of arrows continued to rain upon them as they made it through the last gate, closed behind them. They rode on passed the gates at full speed hoping to be a safe distance from the capital shortly. As they rode out, Alec looked to his ragtag band. There were only three of them and he could sense that Oz was going to meet them ahead to the southeast. Alec diverted course towards the direction, in which he felt him. They rode for hours and it was nearing close to late afternoon before he had a chance to think.

He began to contemplate his method for attack but he knew that the odds of them succeeding were slim to none at best.

"What is the plan?" Eliza rode next to him yelling over the sounds of the horses' hooves.

"Oz is up ahead. We go there first, that should put us a safe distance from the capital. He is on high ground so, if indeed the council sends someone after us, we should see them coming.

"Also, if I know my brother and your mother, the knights will be stalled significantly." Marec added to the battle planning as they continued to ride with blazing intensity. They all agreed that for now the best course of action would be to regroup, count their numbers and then decide what course of action they should take. They continued to ride in the direction which Alec led until they came to the top of a large hill, where sat Oz waiting for them.

"Oz! Talk about a new look!" Eliza exclaimed as Oz ran up to them, wearing a full set of gleaming battle gear.

"This is what the Lion was talking about. He said that he had taken steps." Alec examined his companion carefully. He was adorned in griffin oriented breastplate, helmet and leg guards. His beak had been reinforced by steel, though his claws, which were already exceptionally deadly, had been left alone.

"Are you ready for a fight?" Alec asked as he stroked Oz's back in the places that were not covered. The griffin cooed merrily, and Alec could sense a juvenile eagerness within him. "Are you still going to be able to fly?" He eyed the griffin's armor suspiciously and, as if offended, Oz cooed bitterly before proving with a few practice flaps that he could indeed lift himself off from the ground. Alec threw his hands up in front of himself to declare that he was wrong and Oz snorted in triumph. Eliza turned toward Alec, reminding him of the urgency of the matter.

"What is our next move, Alec?" Alec looked over the top of the hill to the citadel that lay out in the distance. It was rested behind a high wall, defended by several watchtowers, which he imagined would have several guards stationed at each. Beyond the walls toward the north side of the citadel lay a large wooded area that would offer them some cover from archers yet, with only three fighters and a lion hawk, he did not know what chance they stood. He scratched his head and turned towards the three allies he had mustered.

"We wait here for now. We need to know where our allies are, if any. This mission will be suicide with only four." Eliza and Marec both dismounted their horses and began to unload their things.

"Eliza, can you keep a lookout to make sure that no one from the capital has followed us? Everyone on our side will buy as much time as possible, but that does not mean that they will not come." He began to unload his pack, pulling out a block of cheese and throwing chunks of it to Marec, Eliza and Oz. Alec took a piece for himself as Marec approached Eliza.

"Eliza, might I borrow your bow and quiver?" Eliza looked to her bow and quiver lovingly and reluctantly handed them over. Marec, in turn, looked to Alec and handed them to him.

"Alec, I think now would be an excellent time for you to practice your inscriptions." Alec reached into his back pouch and pulled out his focus crystal.

"What would you have me inscribe?" He asked. Marec smiled to Alec as he began to unload various different weapons and pieces of armor.

"We are going to need every advantage we can muster. Alec, I want for you to use your rune magic to level the playing field. If you do this today, by tomorrow's battle your energy will have already recovered. I am afraid mine would take a couple of days. I am still worn from our duel." Alec's head twitched to the side at the thought. The weariness he had felt from their fight had left his body days ago, yet Marec, a master paladin, was still recuperating after nearly a week."

"Is it typical for my energy to recover so rapidly?"

"Not in the least, but then again, you never were what I would classify as a typical student. Being young, yes, your energy should regenerate quickly, yet the only ones I have encountered that recover as quickly as you are Miss Talia and your friend Zelus, though his case is not nearly as extreme."

"Wait, Zelus can use runes?" Marec shook his head as if the question were obvious.

"No, but runes are not the only type of magic that has been granted to the people of Valoria. Perhaps, in a previous life, an ancestor of his possessed one of these other forms. I must admit like you, he is a unique student. Though, I do not suppose that his talents shall lie with the paladin paradigm. I feel that his talents may yet reveal themselves. I fear their nature may be more brutal, primal even."

"How much of his potential have you helped him to unlock?" Marec shrugged his shoulders.

"That is quite the quandary, much the same as with you, I cannot nearly tell how much potential he has to compare to. Tis impossible to compare the size of a droplet of water, against the depths of the ocean, when one does not know how deep the ocean goes." Alec contemplated his teacher's words, imagining the endless potential that he and Zelus possessed. Turning back to the task at hand, Alec sat with his focus crystal and the various objects that Marec was lying before him.

"What would you have me inscribe?" Marec began to relay his ideas to Alec, who began to inscribe the first of many items. The task required hours of work and concentration. Alec could feel sweat pouring from his brow. Oz looked on eagerly as he began to inscribe the griffet's new armor. Alec set aside the last of Oz's pieces of armor and looked up to Marec, exhausted.

"I am afraid that you are not yet quite done. We have company." Alec looked up and, though he knew that his legs would quake beneath should he stand, he could not help but smile at the people marching up the hill, which turned out to be Zelus and Nilus.

"It is about time you all decided to show up." He tried to push himself off the ground and felt his legs give way. He looked down at his helplessly lifeless legs and with a broad drunkard's smile look up to his arriving friends. "Is it going to be alright if I greet you guys later?" He continued to smile up at them as Marec looked upon him.

"I am sorry to ask this Alec, but do you think that you possess the strength for a few more inscriptions?" Alec looked around him. He had inscribed a full quiver of arrows, Eliza's bow, Oz's armor, his long sword, halberd and a handful of small gems that he found in his pack, which he inscribed with healing runes.

"Sure, why not, what do you need done now?" He spoke awkwardly as if intoxicated. Marec smiled as he placed his hand on Alec's shoulder.

"Get some rest. We have a Divine to save tomorrow. A proud mission for any paladin, be he a master or initiate." Alec did not need to be told twice he closed his eyes and fell onto his side, sound asleep. Pulling a blanket and bedroll from amongst his things, Eliza covered Alec and placed his head atop the rolled mat. Confident that her friend would rest peacefully, Eliza turned to Marec and Zelus.

"So what are our odds?" She asked. Marec shook his head as he thought.

"Not good but the six of us may still stand a fighting chance, if Aneira wills it." Eliza turned towards Nilus.

"Dominic could not make it?" Nilus smiled.

"He will be late, but he will be here. He rode out first thing yesterday morning to the second garrison out to the north. They will follow him."

"What is the strategy?" Eliza asked. It was Marec, who answered.

"Tomorrow, we split into two teams. Alec, Zelus and I shall slip inside. Once we are in, spread out and wait for the commotion to start. Once that happens, the attention will be drawn inside. Zelus shall have an entrance ready for you. Sneak in back and secure an escape route for us. Alec, Talia and myself, will all be counting on you. When Dominic and the others arrive, have them reinforce us. The shorter this battle, the better."

"Alright then, what do we do now?"

"You all wait for morning, Zelus, you come with me. There is one thing you and I must do first." Zelus walked away with Marec, while the others gathered their things and attempted to get some rest for the battle tomorrow.

Alec awoke abruptly the following morning before dawn with Marec shaking him gently. Alec opened his eyes and stared at the paladin.

"Is it time?"

"Soon, but first we have to move toward the tree line at the bottom of the hill." He pointed slightly further to the north and Alec saw the forest that ran alongside the cathedral. Alec searched about and saw that only he and Marec remained.

"Where is everyone?"

"They are waiting for us. You were so tired that we didn't dare disturb you. Oz stayed here last night watching over you while the rest of us set up camp below and discussed a strategy." Alec was appalled that he missed out on the before battle war council.

"Do not worry. I will fill you in on the way, though I fear that your part and mine are going to be the most dangerous of any." Alec rose and pounded his fist into his opposite hand.

"I would not dream of having it any other way." He spoke confidently as he realized that it felt as though his energy had completely returned to him. "You were right sir Marec, I do feel completely revitalized even after all of those items I inscribed."

"Good, I was counting on such a thing. Now, if you please, rise. We need to make haste so that we can be ready for the soldiers." Alec and Marec made their way downhill where they joined the others who were waiting within the concealment of the trees.

Chapter 37 – The Assault

"Are you familiar with the rune of kindle?" Marec asked his student. Alec nodded his head in response.

"Yes, I happened upon it while I was studying in the library of Highmoore." He knew that Marec longed to return to his home as much Alec. He felt a small amount of guilt for pointing out that he had seen it as it was during its days of glory but now was not the time to hold any information back.

"Alright, good. Last night, Zelus and I dug several deep pits and filled them building a large collection of bonfires, which contain a fair amount of dried kindling. We are going to light the bonfires and fan the flames so that smoke begins to spew over the tops of the trees. Thinking that they have a forest fire on their hands, a small garrison of knights shall be sent out to deal with it. That is when you, Zelus and I assume their identities and return inside with the rest. From there, Zelus will sneak within the temple and arrange a route for the others to join us inside after they are done drawing out the enemy. Is this clear so far?"

Everyone nodded their heads and Alec looked toward the cathedral. Whatever it took, he knew that they needed to move quickly once inside. He looked up to the morning sky and already he could see the moon rising to strike the sun. He estimated they had until early evening to rescue Talia.

"When do we begin?" Marec traced Alec's vision back towards the moon. A desperate light twinkled in Marec's eyes and Alec knew that he was secretly praying for more time.

"Do we have an update on Dominic and his reinforcements?" Nilus shook his head reluctantly.

"He said that he would be here, that is all I know." Alec paced impatiently running his left hand through his hair threatening to tear it out.

"We do not have time to wait! If we do not go in there, Talia will be dead." Alec leaned against a nearby tree and looked toward the citadel. Marec also began to pace impatiently as he made his decision.

"Alec is right. Under normal circumstances, I would advise caution and wait it out. However, in this case, haste is our only option." Marec walked forward and looked at the first bonfire. Marec cut his hand open.

"I, Marec Kaldur, solemnly swear to rescue the priestess Talia Degracia or die trying." A stroke of lightning, followed by a blast of thunder, sounding off, far in the distance. Marec and Alec both looked at the scars on their hands. They knew that if they failed and Talia died then they would die as well.

"I have one more rune to teach you, Alec." Alec looked to his teacher.

"I am ready." Marec held out his finger and drew a four sided diamond body an arm's length in height and a forearm's in width. Next Marec proceeded to draw a picture of a cloak within its center.

"This is the rune of concealment. It is a rune that is best inscribed to a piece of equipment as it takes too long to draw to be of much use in a bind. You will have need of this rune in order for us to sneak up on our enemies." Alec began to trace out the rune. Marec waved both hands in front of him to stop him.

"There will be no need for that. First, you must possess the blueprint. The armor of one of the temple knights. You must envision what you wish to appear as and then channel the rune." Marec reached into his pouch and pulled from it a stone.

"I have not left any energy within it but, once everything begins, channel this rune and you shall be concealed." Alec accepted the gift.

"Thank you Marec."

"Are you ready for battle?" Alec turned around and looked down to the first of the bonfires, which were covered in small branches ripe with greenery.

Alec began to draw out his rune. First, he drew an oval then within its center marked crisscross lines with three upward pointing arrows resting above it. As he finished the rune a blue light resonated from its perfectly traced lines and the tips of Alec's fingers lit with up with little flames.

"Are you ready to get this started?" Alec's smile showed that the psychosis was indeed sinking in. Marec drew out his own rune and looked back towards everyone else.

"Get into position, things are about to get loud." Alec and Marec both turned in separate directions and began to throw flames into the bonfires. They ran back, their preliminary work completed and hid back in the trees. Everyone stood back and watched as smoke rose high into the air. Alec drew out the force rune propelling the smoke even higher. They waited for several heart-clenching moments when, suddenly, they could hear the sound of the citadel gates opening followed by the sounds of armored men marching. They listened intently to the sounds of the armored men, the smokescreen had grown too thick for the eyes to see.

"Hurry, this way, I can see the smoke funneling out from here." Alec heard one guard yell and by the sounds of the clinking. He guessed that there were three more following. Alec looked over to Marec who nodded his head. Alec waited for the last guard to run by and he struck him mercilessly in the head, Marec striking the one next to him.

"What was that?" The man in the lead yelled from further down the path. Marec and Alec quickly cast their runes of concealment and turned to answer.

"The new kid fell down." Alec quickly took his opportunity to remove the young man's armor and place it to the side for Zelus. Quickly, he tied the body to a rope Eliza dropped from a tree and tugged on it, giving Eliza the signal to pull the body up into the air. Alec began to pick himself off from the ground as if he had fallen. Marec tied off his guard and they watched as he was sucked away through the cloud of smoke.

"I am sorry sir, it will not happen again." Alec brushed off his armor as he fell in line behind Marec.

"Never mind that right now, we need to put out these fires!" The lead temple knight began to throw water atop the fire nearest to him as Alec, Marec and everyone else approached and one by one began to systematically knock out the knights, tie them up, and anchor their limp bodies high up in the trees. As Marec and Alec approached the last of the guards, one of them turned and noticed that their numbers had been diminished to but a small few.

"It is an ambush! Quickly, fall back!" The man screamed as Nilus, Eliza, and Zelus tackled them to the ground and with Oz's help, dragged them further into the woods. Next, Marec turned to Zelus as he wrestled to remove his own armor and replace with that of the guard Alec had knocked unconscious. Zelus, having finished equipping himself, turned to Marec.

"What is next?" He asked. Marec turned toward Eliza and walked up to her.

"Alright Eliza, now we are going to need some of the non-enchanted arrows." Eliza pulled five normal arrows from her quiver and handed them over, all the while looking over her uncle very cautiously as he was now wearing the guise of a temple knight to her eyes.

"Are you ready?" Marec asked Alec who nodded his head. Marec first took Alec's arm and wedged an arrow into the shoulder joint. Alec flinched feeling the pinch as the arrowhead was forced through the arm joint. He then found that he could no longer properly lower his right arm as Marec went on to his waist and lodged a second arrow there. Next, Marec turned to Zelus and lodged three separate arrows into his armor, one into the left leg, left armpit and into his back.

"Alright Alec, get on Zelus' right side so that you can use your arm to hold his weight. We will have to make this look convincing. Zelus, you will be playing the role of the body in this act." Zelus nodded his head as he stood and allowed Alec and Marec to begin dragging him behind them. They all looked back to Eliza and Nilus, who nodded their heads, placed their fingers to their lips and saluted, silently wishing each other luck as they went about their separate missions.

"Ahhh! Help, beast men!" Marec yelled as loudly as he could, hoping to attract the attention of more temple knights. To this end he was successful as men began to pour out onto the road, weapons drawn. Alec shouldered Zelus' weight while attempting to make his own wounds seem believable. The leader of the group of temple knights came up to them.

"What happened?" Marec did his best to act frantic as they accidently dropped Zelus.

"There was an ambush. We went to clear the fires and it was a trap. There are beast men in the forest. There were too many of them. We got separated from the others and these two were wounded."

"Get these two inside. Get them medical attention immediately. We will be back shortly." Marec nodded his head as he and Alec picked Zelus' limp body off from the ground and dragged Zelus the rest of the way into the citadel. Once inside they looked around. It appeared as though their plan had succeeded. There was not a single guard in sight. They had all gone out to fight the beast men. Marec and Alec let go of Zelus. Zelus looked up at them as he quickly began to remove the arrows from his armor.

"Alright, get out of here and stay out of sight. There are likely more guards around here somewhere and we do not want you to be caught." Zelus nodded and ran off trying to be cautious. Alec, having removed the arrows in his armor, helped Marec as each grabbed a door and began to push it closed. They grunted and groaned but, between the two abnormally strong men, they managed to press it closed.

"Alright now!" Marec yelled as he and Alec both grabbed and set the massive wooden beam that would serve to keep the guards locked outside. Alec patted his hand on the door.

"Be safe, everyone. You are on your own now." Alec turned to Marec. "Where to next?" Marec turned and pointed to the tallest building Alec had ever seen. Alec traced his eyes up the side of the marble colored building, until the skyline, and the reflection of sunlight cut off his vision.

"Miss Talia will be up there in the Goddess's Spire. That is where the ritual will be performed."

"Are you certain?"

"Aye, that was where it was to be performed before I knew what it was." Marec bore a painfully solemn expression.

"We will have time for blame and regret later, first we have to save Talia."

"You are right. Let us away." The two men ran in the direction of the tower being sure to duck around corners and to stay out of sight of the numerous guards still on patrol within the cathedral's walls. Marec, who had taken the lead, shot his hand up in the air to halt Alec.

"What is it?" Alec whispered.

"There are a large number of Forsaken up ahead."

"Forsaken here?" Alec spoke and then thought for a moment afterward.

"So it is true then, Angelica was from the beginning, working for the Forsaken." Marec shook his head despairingly but instead Alec turned to anger.

"And Aneira's shield shall fall to the hands of the sentinels' betrayer." Alec considered the final line of the fragmented prophecy that Triam had imparted upon him back in Remora.

"Marec...Triam's prophecy. Angelica plans to kill Talia. Talia is Aneira's shield, which means that Angelica is the one who betrayed Highmoore." Marec's head snapped back towards Alec.

"How can you be certain?"

"When I was with the Lady Seraphina, she told me that she had been betrayed by the same Angelica who has betrayed you and Talia. Angelica was working with the Forsaken then and she was there when Highmoore fell. Did you not say that someone from within the tower of Highmoore must have allowed the Forsaken access?" Marec clenched his fist angrily. Alec could hear the bones popping from the strain.

"I believe that you are right Alec, we must end this today. We must claim vengeance for what she has done." Marec turned to face the Forsaken then ducked around the corner as he saw a vision of horror standing over the high balcony. Marec quickly pressed Alec backwards, pinning him to the wall.

"What is it?" Marec placed his finger to his lips signaling Alec to be quiet. Marec stood frozen in fear as he continued holding Alec in place. They heard the sounds of battle emanating from outside the walls. Alec knew that Dominic must have arrived with reinforcements but then he heard the sound a little bit differently a second time, as if closer within the walls.

"Zelus is in trouble!" Alec jerked sideways but Marec pressed against him and shook his head.

"He will have to manage on his own. We must save Talia." Alec nodded his head. He listened some more as he could hear the Forsaken clattering about. He and Marec stayed back in the shadows to remain unseen by the many Forsaken that were beginning to swarm. They sat and waited for them to pass but, instead, Alec heard the one voice that terrified him most.

"DO NOT GO AFTER THE USELESS KNIGHT. HE IS THE DIVERSION. THE PALADINS ARE HERE WITH THE SWORD OF THE ENEMY!" Alec could never forget such a booming powerful voice. He turned back to Marec who nodded, fear and fatigue pouring from his eyes. Alec remembered the power that the Daemon knight's voice carried and gripped the hilt of the Sidonis sword tightly, the final thing that would stand between he and Talia was Belias.

"What do we do?" Alec asked of Marec. The senior paladin scratched at his beard as he watched the sky already nearing evening. He turned and looked again to the lightly clad Forsaken troops then turned confidently to Alec.

"We must not allow Sir Zelus' sacrifice to go to waste. We shall save our priestess."

"I was growing tired of hiding anyway," said Alec. They both rose to their feet and dispelled their runes of concealment. Marec drew his weapons as did Alec.

"Hrraaaaahhh!" They both cried out as they ran to meet their enemy head on and to lash out at them with the fury of rabid beasts. Alec cleaved through a Forsaken adversary and it turned to dust beneath his blade. He and Marec slew several more as they ran into the courtyard where Belias still stood watching.

"ARCHERS! FIRE!!!" The Forsaken bowmen drew back their bowstrings and let fly a massive plague of arrows. Alec focused on his projectile ward as did Marec and they repelled the waves of arrows as they ran for the doorway to the spire. Arrows rained down upon them from all directions and without dropping their shields, they possessed no definitive way of defending themselves.

"Aahh!" He yelled. Alec could see the doors right in front of him. He was only a few steps away from them when two arrows penetrated through his back exiting from his right hip and left shoulder. He stumbled the last few steps but managed to keep himself firm enough to ward off the remaining arrows. More arrows began to strike his shield as Marec forced open the doors and dragged him inside. As Marec slammed the door behind them, Alec snapped both arrows in half and began to brace himself to remove them.

"Hurry Alec, they will soon be at the door." Alec took in a deep breath and wrenched the arrow in his hip free.

"Aahhh!" He hollered as the shaft of the arrow tore free. He reached for the second still in his shoulder. He closed his eyes and, again, took a deep breath.

"Aaahhhh!!!" He cried again as Marec tore the shaft from his shoulder while he prepared. Alec shot back a combination look of aggravation and gratitude as he focused on his shield and accessed the mending rune. He gritted his teeth as he felt the flesh sewing itself together.

Alec then rose to his feet and drew out the force rune, facing the walls. He turned his head towards Marec and smiled a daring smile. Marec turned from the door and looked to the opposite wall and also drew out the rune.

"Hyaaah!" They both cried out as they forced their hands through the center of the runes causing the walls to explode. Alec and Marec ran out of the way, as rubble from the floor above began crashing down around them.

"Are you worried about them getting through the door now?" Marec smiled and looked at Alec.

"The fight ahead shall be the most difficult yet. I think now is the time to prove that you are Sidonis' heir." Marec told Alec and Alec hesitated, realizing that he never told Marec how he had failed his final trial. Alec sheathed his sword and took in a deep breath as he pulled the Sidonis sword from its sheath. The blade hummed in his hand and he could feel the immense amount of power flowing out of him and into the blade. The first wave of Forsaken appeared atop the staircase leading higher into the spire.

"Hyyaaaah!" Alec andMarec cried out as Alec brought down the very power of Aneira upon his foes.    

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