Stupid For You || Geoff Wigin...

By parx_bois23

11.5K 257 75

Book 1!! Chloe, just your average 20 year old from New York, moves to California with her best friend Jenna... More

Nose bleeds
Over it
Quick Moves
Lisa's Day
Harvest Fest...
Miss kiss
Ring II
Tight hugs
Bands and Drugs

I love you's

194 5 0
By parx_bois23

"Wake up we're here". Jack said kissing my cheek

I curled up hiding myself and rubbed my eyes. I grabbed my phone to see it was 10 pm I forgot that there would be a time delay. I grabbed my bag and my phone and started to move slowly off the plane.
Jack took my bag and helped me into the car. I scrolled through my phone to see multiple missed calls and texts from people I didn't want to see, my dad and my brother.

Chris🙃- call me now...

Chris🙃- Chloe I have some explaining to do

Out of anger a called him and put the phone to my ear

"What the fuck do you want". I said.

"I'm sorry". He said softly

"I don't give two shits if you're sorry Christopher, you lied to me, you called me useless, you kicked our own mother out of her house... you... you fucked every thing up, you said I wasn't your sister anymore you hurt me". I said

"I wasn't being serious". He said

"Whatever, get rid of my number if you need something from me don't expect anything back, Mom is living with me cause she's homeless, probably hungry, and only has the Jeep". I said

The boys started to come into the car and lowered there voices as they saw me on the phone.

"Don't contact me, Don't contact my friends, don't follow me on any social media, I'm fucking done with you". I said

"Whatever, fucking whore, can't take apologies".

"Oh, I'm the whore, I'm that bitchy twin sister that has the perfect twin brother and he doesn't do anything wrong right, doesn't fake family deaths, doesn't call girls useless, news flash Christopher you're a dick, who doesn't care about anything or any one but his self, good bye". I said hanging up.

I brought my earbuds out and my laptop and rested my head on Jacks shoulder.

"Who was that?"  Jack asked

"No one important to me". I mumbled.

I plugged my earbuds into my phone and played Drive in by Pierce The Veil.

"They are joining us on tour to the U.K". Jack said pulling my ear bud out

"I love them". I said

Jack kissed my lips as I weakly kissed him back.

"Oh baby". He said holding my hands.

"Now now Jack". I said

He stayed silent and kissed my head.


"Okay, here's your key, be up at 10 we're going to a festival, jack has a DJ thing to do at night tomorrow, next day we have interviews, then we perform then we go to another festival we leave the next morning to California, you and Jack leave to Baltimore". Rian explained.

"Alright good night". I said throwing the key on the desk.

"Can we talk about who you were on the phone with in the car, do I have to beat a kid up?"  He laughed

"It was my brother, we are not seeing eye to eye right now." I Said plugging my chargers in.

Jack grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. "I'm sorry, today has been kind of shitty". I laughed

"It's fine, don't be". He said.

"I love you, just incase you forgot". I said pushing him onto the bed.

"How could I forget."  He laughed

I placed my lips on his and smiled.

"Ah fuck". Jack moaned.

"Shhh". I giggled.

I threw my sweatshirt on the ground and looked at him smiling at me. Something about this moment felt real. Jack slipped his shirt off and kissed my neck biting and leaving marks on me. He pulled my zipper from the back down as I stepped out my clothing.

"Fuck Chloe". Jack said spinning me around.

I slipped out of Jack and laid down on the bed. I wrapped my legs around his waist and brought my hands to his face.

"Hey Jack we got invited to a party- OH SHIT". Zach yelled.

"Learn how to fucking knock."  I Said pushing Jack off me.

"What the hell happened?"  Rian said.

"Jesus Christ". I said pulling my underwear up.
"Note to self have sex when friends are away."  I laughed

"Well we'll be out, have fun you two". Rian said.

"I'm sorry". Jack said.

"It's alright don't worry". I said giving him a hug.

"Are you sure you wanna do this". He said.

"I've been waiting for while, but you've been out". I said unclipping my bra.

I kissed him again running my fingers through his hair pulling every so often.
Jack was a pleaser he knew how to get around me he knew my soft spots, where I bruise easily, jack cared used with care, he didn't brake me "he's the one". I kept saying in my head. So what if there was a big gap in our age, nothing was going to stop me, I loved him he loved me.

I stoped him disconnecting our lips.
"Are you okay?, did I do something wrong?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"No, No of course not you have done anything wrong". I said putting my hand on his cheek.


"Hey, are you dressed, management is here". Alex said knocking on the door

"Babe wake up, the boys are at the door". I mumbled.

"Give me a second." He said.

"Here". Jack said handing me my bra and his shirt.

He put his jeans on as I looked for my spandex in my suitcase. I sat on the dresser with my phone as Jack kissed me "Good morning baby". He said.

"Come in". Jack said

"Good morning". Rian said

"Morning". I said

A man wearing all black walked in behind them and closed the door.

"Who's that?" I said pointing to the tall man.

"The names Jessie Lester". He replied

I let that name run in my head as something finally popped in my head. "fucking way". I said.

"Chloe Hill right?" Jessie asked

"No Justin and I called the wedding off, but we're still good friends". I said

"C. Jones this is fantastic finding you after all these years." He said

"I think they know each other". Zach said

"No way dumb ass". Alex said.

"I graduated a few years before Jones did and every year during homecoming we were class officers." Jessie said

"You and Cameron make it happen?" I Said

"Yeah, wedding in 2 weeks she's in California making sure everything is in order." He said.

"Hey I'll be in California, and I never got a invite". I laughed.

"I still have your number so I'll shoot you a text". He smiled

"Good". I laughed

"Okay so my name is Jessie, I'm your body guard for the next few days from 10 am to 10 pm. If you have questions, ask, have a problem I'll take of it, I've been told that you can only meet fans outside the venue, don't crowd surf don't throw things into the crowd, here's your passes. And we can go any time". Jessie said

"I have to shower, so I'll be a while." I Said opening my suitcase.
"We'll let you be, we'll wait for you don't worry". Alex said walking out.

All the boys walked out as Jack walked towards me.
"What are you wearing today?" I asked

"Black". He said sitting on the floor with me

"Should've known." I laughed.

"Okay ripped jeans, blink-182 or mesh top". I said

"How about this all time low shirt you hid from me". He said taking the rose shirt out.

"Stop going through my shit, I didn't want you to see that, I didn't want you to think I was some crazy obsessed fan". I said.

"Know what I think you are, I think you are the hottest fucking fan out there, I could care less if you're wearing a shirt of ours, as long as I know that shirt can come off easily I'm okay with that". He smirked.

"Blink it is". I laughed.

"Fine". He said pulling out a cropped shirt.

"Not that one, I don't wear crops a lot." I Said

"Why not?" He asked

"Because I JUST DONT". I yelled.

"i'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you". I said covering my face.

Jack pulled my leg causing me to slide towards him. "Look at me". He said.
"You can yell, hit, cuss me out, what ever you need to let out your anger." He said.

"Fuck your voice is so calming". I said climbing onto his lap.

He kissed my cheek and rubbed my back. "I didn't mean to upset you". He said.

"It's fine, it's a long story I don't wanna tell yet". I said.


"My god you take longer then me". I said

"Hey hair take time missy". Jack yelled back.

I looked at my phone and went to my Snapchat and looked at the filters. Jack finally came out the bathroom and came towards me. I took a video of him making funny faces. "I'm mad at you". I said jack looked at me in confusion. "Jesus, you can't take sarcasm either". I said sticking my tongue at him. He rested his tongue on mine and kissed him.

Jack took my phone and added it to my story.

"You look good". Jack said.

"You look good too". I smiled.

"Okay I have to finish my eyes then I'll be ready".

"And you were screaming at me". Jack laughed.

Jack pulled his phone out and put it towards me.

"What's on your mind?" He asked

"You". I smiled

"You're adorable". I said.

"I am?" I Said softly

He kissed my lips and nipped my nose.

"Alright we had our fun I'll be done in like 3 minuets". I said standing up.

Jack left me be as he went back to the bathroom to fix his hair.


"Okay, Ready princess". I said opening the door.

"I'm the princess huh?" He laughed.

Jack pulled me over for a mirror picture as I soon realized he was taking a video.

"Fucking prick". I laughed

Jack grabbed my butt as I stoped.
"Don't make me kick your dick in". I said biting his lip.

"Yup, she's a keeper". He laughed.

He posted it to his snap story and put his phone in his pocket.

I tucked my blink-182 shirt in the front and grabbed my phone.

"Jesus what took you so long". Alex said

"Princess over here had to get his hair to perfection, and wouldn't let go of me when I had to shower."  I laughed

"You wouldn't let me in". He laughed.

"Yes jack I know I didn't let you in, cause then it would have taken us longer to 'put our clothes on'" I laughed

"I hate when you're right". Jack said.

"I love it". I said.

"I love you". He said putting his arm around my neck.

We made it to the front of the hotel to see Jessie by a limousine. "Alright we are about 10 minuets late but we can work it out". Jessie said opening the door.
The boys all looked at me as i got into the car. "Hey this takes time, I forget things sometimes after I sleep."

They laughed at me as I flipped them all off. I went to my Snapchat to see dozens of people took screenshots of my story. I went to my insagram to post a photo I took today and noticed something different.

"No way". I said

"What's wrong".

"I'm verified". I laughed.

"How many followers do you have". Zach asked

"344K". I said.

"Welcome to the club". Jack said kissing my cheek.


We got out the limo as I could instantly hear fans screaming and yelling.

"HOLY SHIT ITS CHLOE". A girl yelled.

I smiled as jack led me through the crowd of people. Once we made it inside I slipped my lanyard around my neck and started walking around.

"Okay Chloe you're going to come with me till the boys are done with there interview just stand behind the camera." Jessie said

"I don't care if I get asked about anymore, I love you I'll be right across from you". I smiled.

"I love you". He said kissing my lips.

Jessie lead me where I could stand at and stood next to me.

"Alright and we are here with All Time Low Welcome back guys, hows it been". The interviewer asked

"It's been a eventful year, let our album out in June, got off tour with some amazing people, now we're back at iheart radio". Alex said.

"Now you guys perform tomorrow at the village, can we get a set list?"

"Its a surprise". Zach said

"Oh man, well we took a poll on Twitter of what game your fans wanted to see you play and they picked never have I ever".

I picked the paddles up they said never or have on opposite side

"Oh darling I don't even see you there, come play with us, I'm Sandy". She said.
I stepped over the cords and handed the paddles out jack took my hand pulling me closer to him.

"Alright, have I ever spent more then 45 minuets in the bathroom, that means like hair, pimples you don't want people to see, not physically using the bathroom". Sandy laughed.

I flipped mine to have as the other buys flipped there's to never.

I turned Jacks over to have and smiled at him.
"Jack what's your story?" Sandy asked
"Chloe thinks I put to much time in for my hair". He laughed.

"Well you do". I laughed.

"Next, never have I ever seen the same band more then 2 times in a row".

My paddle stayed at have

"Chloe what band darling".

"I saw the 1975 3 times in May when I was home in New York"

"Big fan?"

"I spent over $150 to see them in two different venues, I love them so much". I laughed.

"Alright well thank you boys and Chloe for joining us, good luck tomorrow and have fun today."

"Thank you for having us". Rian said

"Cut". The man said.

"Chloe do you mind if I have a small word with you". Sandy smiled.

"I'll wait right here". Jack said

"So, id like to offer you a deal, I'm a record producer and I think you have an amazing voice we can work with and people would like to see an ep from you, take my card and think about it". She said.

"I'm sorry, I don't really see a future with singing, I like my small covers I do, but thank you". I smiled.

"Alright, have a nice day". She smiled.

I walked back over to jack who was waiting for me like he said.

"What was that for?" He asked

"She was a Music producer, I didn't want it". I said

"You have a good job as of now, I don't know you sing honestly". He said.

"People think I should get back into singing but I gave up kinda". I said

"Do you know how to play guitar?" He asked.

"Yeah I think so, it's been a while".

"Well when we get to the hotel I'll give you my acoustic and you can show me". He said

"Alright Fine". I smiled.

"Hurry up love birds, crystal Room". Zach said.

"Hop on". Jack said

"Jack if you fucking drop me i'll drop your ass". I said

I pulled my pants up and jumped onto Jack back.

"You should eat more, you seem to light for your age". Jack said.

"Jack I'm 21 like 5'4 dating a 6'2 29 year old, I had problems growing up so I'm afraid that if I eat to much I'll hate myself again, that's why I'm never hungry". I said.

"Oh baby girl, I'm sorry". He said.
"I'd still love you and be by you". He said.

"Fuck I'm lucky". I said in his ear.

"Do you want to go with me tonight?" He asked


"Life is beautiful festival, they asked me to DJ".

"I'll pass". I said

"Alright, are you sure?" He asked

"Yea, I'm pretty tired as of now". I said.


"Jack let me go you're going to be late". I laughed

"I love you, I'll see you in like an hour". He said.

I kissed him one last time as Zach helped me out the car.

"Thank you". I said

"I've never seen that man so happy before". Rian said.

"I love him". I said taking a seat on a bench.

"At least you treat him better then Andie did". Alex said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"She would always mind fuck him and made moves on Zach or Rian, my marriage almost ended because of her" Alex said

"Sounds like a real bitch". I said

"When I found out jack wanted to marry her I like tried to stop him and it kind of worked, she canceled dinner on him and fucked another guy, he was drinking uncontrollably, we thought he was going to die, you came along both heart broken and now you're both happy". Rian said

"Finding our Geoff 'cheated on me' with his ex made me feel like I wasn't good enough, when I was 18 I thought I had my life planned out I'd marry my boyfriend of 6 years and have a kid, I got pregnant had a miscarriage, we both agreed that life's better with out each other i buried my ring with her ashes, I don't have the strength to visit her". I said covering my face
"I'm going to go, I'll see you in the morning". I said running towards the elevator.

"Chloe, shit!" Alex yelled

I leaned against the side as my cold tears ran down my face. I ran to our hotel room and stuck the card in the slot.

"Chloe, we can talk, we don't want you to cry". Zach said

I got in the room and locked the door.

"Go away". I said softly.

"Someone call Jack". Alex said

The boys didn't do anything wrong they wanted to help me but I don't want help, I'm just in the way of them, now Jack has to cancel his plans to help me.

Jacks pov

"This is possibly the first time ever there hasn't been traffic". I laughed.

"Hey Who's That girl that's been hanging out with you guys, groupie?" Max giggled

"No man, that's Chloe, fucking love her more then alcohol". I laughed.

My phone buzzed to see it was multiple mix text and calls

"Hey turn the music down a bit". I asked.

I called Zach back and waited for him to answer

"Hey miss me already". I laughed

"Chloe, she just ran off into your room crying and won't open the door".


"Okay I'm coming". I said hanging up

"Shit shit shit shit". I said

"Hey what's wrong man". Max said

"No idea I need to get to the hotel though, something isn't right with Chloe". I said

"Hey I'm sure she's alright buddy". He said

"Tell them that something important came up that I had to take care of". I said opening the door

"You really Love her". He said

"I'd fucking run to another state to find her." I said slamming the door.

I went to the front desk and rang the bell.
"Hi I'm in a hurry so can I just order room service here".

The lady nodded her head as I looked at the list

"Alright I need a bowl of French onion soup, a bottle of wine, fries, and warm towels, 2nd floor room 5B it's for Jack Barakat I'll pay upstairs thank you". I said running up the stairs.

I saw the boy all standing by the door as I jogged over

"Chloe, baby girl let me in, I need to make sure you're alright". I said

The only sound I could hear from her was her sobs and her quiet voice talking to herself

"Baby, talk to me". I said

"I'm scared". She mumbled

"I am too, just open the door... Chloe please". I cried out.

"Chloe I will sleep outside if I have to, listen to me I fucking love you, I have your favorite food coming up wine, and hot towels, I just want it's make sure you're alright". I said

A blue card slid underneath the door frame as I realized it was the key

I stood up and slid the key in

"Babygirl". I said picking her up.
"Talk to me".

"I don't want any memory's of her anymore, I can't do it, I just can't". She said pounding her fist on my chest.

"I know it's hard but we gotta try and move on, and I'll help you with that". I said

She kissed me lightly and I set her back down on the ground.

"Go shower and I'll get your good and everything." I Said

"thank you". She said

I took my shirt off and handed it to her. "You're Welcome". I said

I walkover to the boys and ran my fingers through my hair. "You're a good man Jack". Rian said tapping my shoulder.

"Thanks for calling, I don't know what would have happened if you didn't".  I said running my fingers through my hair.

"She loves you Jack she's in a triangle... loves you has feelings for Geoff still, I can tell". Alex said

"Yeah I know but I'm not gonna let that change anything". I said

"Jack come here". Chloe yelled.

"Night buddy, tell us what's going on today morning". Zach said

Chloe's pov

"What's up Babygirl". He said walking into the bathroom.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I made you cancel something because of the way I acted, I'm so so sorry". I cried.

"Chloe Jones, you have nothing to be sorry about, did the boy say something that made you mad?"

"No, they were talking about how I make you happy, and how you were going to marry Andie, I thought of Justin and... and Emma". I said shutting the water off.

"Well you do make me happy, and I hope I make you happy". He said.

"You make me the happiest". I said stepping out the shower.

"Hand me a towel Jack" I said squeezing the water out my hair.

"Ye- Yeah". He stuttered.

"You you should trim your beard". I said kissing his lips.

"I'll do that in Baltimore". Jack said kissing me back.

"Have I ever told you, you have the most relaxing voice ever". I said biting my lip.

"Go put something on so we can watch American dad". Jack said

"How'd you know I loved American dad?" I laughed

"Lucky guess". He said


Way longer then I planed this to be 😂😂

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