Fight for You

Par Mcostell0

266 36 2

Edward Harvey, son of English business magnate William Harvey has the business world at his feet. Set to take... Plus

| One |
| Two |
| Three |
| Four |
| Five |
| Six |
| Seven |
| Eight |
| Ten |
| Eleven |
| Twelve |
| Thirteen |
| Fourteen |
| Fifteen |
| Sixteen |
| Seventeen |
| Eighteen |
| Nineteen |
| Twenty |
| Twenty One |

| Nine |

7 2 0
Par Mcostell0


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Hi Whitney,

Do you think it's unusual that complete strangers can understand each other so wholly?
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I don't think it to be unusual. Everyone began as a stranger.
Plus, if we never take a chance to understand why we connect, we may never find it again.
The risk isn't worth it.
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You rationalise it all so easily.

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Oh heck no, it's still crazy!
BUT crazy isn't always a bad thing.
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I know very little about you though if I'm honest.
Tell me something about you...
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Somethings... I'm English, 26 years old. I live in London currently. I work for a family company and I handle a lot of their various contracts and my job has me working for many of the different divisions of the business.
I live a typical bachelor lifestyle. I paint and sketch in my spare time but I work a lot more than most people.
I've travelled a lot but I much prefer being at home.
I don't really know what else. It isn't easy describing myself without it sounding like a sales pitch.
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How about I make it easier and simply ask you the things I want to know?
You can tell me to back off if anything makes you feel uncomfortable.

I didn't expect you to be male though. No offence. I just haven't known a man to be able to express or convey emotions the way you do.
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Ouch, no offence? Some taken.
Go ahead, ask away. I'll tell you if you start to sound like the CIA.
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Well lets start with your family. Do you have a large or small family?
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Small family. I'm the youngest of two children, I have an older sister.
And then my mother and father. They all live close by. I spend quite a bit of time with them all. We're very close.
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That's lovely, you're lucky to have them and for them to be in such close proximity is wonderful.
How long have you been painting and sketching?
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For as long as I can remember, I've always been interested in art and creating things. My parents are both very creative and I seem to have inherited their artistic tendencies.
That doesn't mean that any of my early work is any good. Most of it is rubbish really, but it's fascinating to look back and see how my art has changed throughout the years.
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What made you want to share your work online?
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My mother encouraged me to do it actually.
I don't share the creative side of myself with anyone that isn't family. It's actually a closely guarded secret that I keep. She didn't understand why I would keep it all hidden and suggested sharing it online anonymously. She said it was unique and I should let someone share her admiration for it.
I'm glad she pushed me into it though.
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Why do you want to be anonymous?
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That's a very good question. It isn't because I'm ashamed of being an artist. Not at all. I'm immensely proud of what I create.
I stay anonymous because I want to keep some part of me private. My art is a true reflection of things that I feel or have felt and experienced. As much as I want to give people the opportunity to see my work and evoke some form of emotion in them, much like it did for you, I still don't want anyone to see me face to face and feel like they know everything about me.
You're different though Whitney. You're the only one who personally identified with the women in the paintings.
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Do you believe in fate, destiny?
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Of course. I strongly believe each and every person has a purpose that they are unaware of, a predetermined path if you will.
Do you believe we are fated to one another?
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Perhaps. I feel that we are destined to find each other on a certain level but it's too soon to understand what that level is.
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Please excuse me if you find this rather forward of me but, I'd like to keep in contact with you.
Would that be okay?
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That would be fine. I'd like that very much.
I don't want to give you the wrong impression, so I must tell you that I'm in a very committed, long-term relationship.
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My intentions are not of that nature at all! I apologise if it has come across that way. I really enjoy that you connect and relate to my work. I find you very intriguing and I'd appreciate your input on my future work. As I've explained, I don't have any friends that know about this side of me. It would be nice to have one that I can share this with. I respect you greatly, I'd never make an advance on you like that Whitney.
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Thank you. I'm not any good at giving the right signals or even reading those from others and I'd hate for you to get the wrong idea or attempt at anything more than a friendship.
Yes, I agree. It's lovely to be able to share a common interest such as art.
Do you have Facebook? We can add each other.
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I'm not quite ready to add you on Facebook. Like I said, my friends don't know about my art and I'd really like to keep it that way - for now anyway. I hope you understand.
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Of course. Here is my email -
That will be easier than using the blog address. I'm excited to have a new friend!
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