Mission Reboot

By LoneNyxsis

386 28 6

Ahh, Earth the wonderful planet where all stories begin,...... well most stories anyway. Some even start in t... More

Claims, Disclaimes, and Dedication
Intoduction: Galaxy Rule(s)
Chapter 1: The Envelope
Chapter 2: Mission Paused
Chapter 3: Objective?
Objective 1: When and Where
Objective 2: How and Home
Objective 3: Past To Future
Objective 4: The List
Objective 5: Reborn Flames
Objective 7: Tick, Tick, Boom
Objective 8: The History Books
Objective 9: Suits and Dresses
The End

Objective 6: Surprise!!

15 1 0
By LoneNyxsis

I looked at the line of photos and picked the last one with a small smile, and a few moments later I was walking out being properly introduced to agent Storm Symmerson one of few top ranking G.I.L agents in the galaxy. He looked so serious as the commander in charge gave him the update, that I was now his new partner. Storm showed me to my room and I glanced around walking in.

There was a bed in the corner a desk across from it and a closet on the opposite wall. I walked over to the chest that sat at the end of the bed and I opened it finding a list of things I could get in the store when it opened free of charge.

"So Agent Storm ready to start working tomorrow?" I asked looking at him a hand on my hip and a small smile."

"Ms. Zaylon, not to be rude but I'd rather work alone and I'm already on a case so if you can't wait then find someone else who will." He had an edge to his voice that sounded annoyed and the facial expressions said the same. I just shook my head lightly.

"I don't mind waiting another day I've already waited over three hundred years, what's one more." I didn't let it get to me that I couldn't work on mine, but it was worth it seeing as it only annoyed him more before he put his fingers to the bridge of his nose, collecting himself and leaving without another word. I moved to the dresser and saw shorts and a shirt and I change into them going to sleep.


I woke to the sound of someone knocking at my door. I got out of bed got dressed in my cloths from the night before and quickly grabbed the card walking out to greet Storm, who still looked annoyed about last night. We went over to the elevate and after last night I learned that the G.I.L I was at wasn't just any HQ it was the main one. It's multi-story build didn't just hold the main office it also stored it's own mall for their agents, a living quarters, and then the intergalactic trading room and interrogation cells and the higher ranking stuff.

The elevator dinging implying we reached the floor and stepped out. I grinned from ear to ear, Storm however was the complete opposite with a mopping frown and a gloomy aura. He followed me to the first store I grabbed a few thing here and a few things there off racks, but stopped seeing a wall of backpacks, I didn't think I could grin any bigger but I did and I picked out a few of the same one and two of the same of another. It only took a half hour and we were out and I was carrying my bags to the next store, stopping when Storm got out of sight. I turned and looked at him with a light shake of my head. "You know you didn't have to come along I don't need a babysitter."

"I came because after this we need to get going." He crossing his arms not looking amused. I rolled my eyes and continued on till I was at the next store by some more cloths and shoes and accessories, then to the next for some books and weapons. After an hour and a half I was back at my room putting my bags on my bed and walking back out I took my one of my new weapons with me letting him lead the way.


The quietness was unbearable so I looked around the cruise car and then the file of papers wedged between the center console and the seat. Taking them out slowly so he doesn't notice I opened it up and started looking at it's contents. As I read I hadn't realized I had gone into detective mode and was spreading the papers out so I could connect the pieces.

"What are you doing with that?!" He questioned in alarm slamming on the brakes he quickly gathered the papers, and took them putting it in the other side of his seat so I couldn't get to them again.

I huffed slightly giving him a narrowed eye glare, but I quickly gathered myself and gave a soft smile. "Well I was just looking and I realized something but I didn't have time to confirm it before you took it." I gave a shrug setting back in my seat before resuming. "But I'll just keep what I did find to myself since you want to be a big boy and figure it out all on your own." I had looked forward out the car. I couldn't see him but I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my head, before I heard his head hit the steering wheel and a sign of anger and frustration escape him.

I heard him grumble under his breath before he tossed the folder back into my lap, I smiled slightly and opened it back out starting to read the contents of it again. In some ways it reminded me of the case I was on but what confirmed it was the way the bodies found. I putting the file down and pulled on the steering wheel making him pull off, he slammed on the brakes and we bother jerked forward his coffee going into the floor at his feet.

"What the hell!" It was more a statement that I just confirmed I was crazy and he looked at me his face whiter then normal. "You better have a damn good reason for this." He gave me a look and that's when I lifted the file to him a huge smile on my face.

"I know what's happening, this is like my case before I, quote on quote, disappeared." He looked at me puzzled a moment but more intently this time interested in what I had to say. I turned my seat and pulled out the papers of things that hadn't been found with a cause. "The bodies here looking at peace and cold but now signs of decay or almost plastic looking, they've been soul ripped form the body." I said stumbling over my words with a smile on my face as I tried to get it all out at once.

"Okay first of all how do you now this, second what, and third, start over." He said as he put the car in park and I felt it slowly rest on the empty night road. And he leaned back against the door looking at me to start over.

"Three hundred years ago I started a case similar to this one. This scientist had been experimenting with some of the animals on the planet, he would try to find a way to extract the soul of the animals and place it into an object without harming the soul or where it can escape back to it's roots. When his fellow co-workers found out they stripped him of his title and fired him and after a while it was quiet, but what we hadn't realized was animals had been missing having decided to continue his work. Then he upgraded and soon it was people missing and we found bodies every few months. When it turned into every few days that's when they put me in action and I had to figure it out." I heard my heart pound in my chest as I caught my breath before continuing. "Our cases is the same one." I waited for him to say something anything for that matter. But he said nothing as he put the car in drive, it lifted up and we went down the road and I tried to figure out what I had said wrong for him not to understand.

We had only drove a minute or so when he parked next to a open all night cafe and got out. I watched him a moment before he opened his door again. "You coming Ms. Zaylon?"

"Just call me Olympia!" I said as I got up and out of the car with the file in my backpack and sling it on closing the door as I head over to the cafe with Storm. When I walked into the cafe I realized that it had round tables on most of the floor with a counter with a person behind it and above them was a half open floor with computers, a light brown railing and a printer resting quietly with soft buzzing. I followed him over to table in a dark corner and took a seat. I sat arms length for him and put my bag on the table.

He ordered a cup of coffee and waited for the barista to leave out of ear shot before he spoke to me. "Is there a way for you to get the old file you had?" I think a moment unsure and ask Phoenixx I heard her menally sign telling me to walk over to the printer. I walk upstairs and looked for some kind of port before she took over. Luckily we didn't change but she did turn our finger into a fitting port and she made a copy of everything we had on the old case I had stored in my memory and the photos on my old flashdrive as well as the ones I hadn't gotten a time to look at. She finished up turning our fingers back to normal and let me back in the seat. I took the papers and walked back down setting them on the table next to the new file. He took a few of the papers and looked them over matching them together and making notes on a note pad.

We went through all of it over the next few hours the only sound being Storm as he sipped on his coffee and let out a long sign as he was at a road block. I had let my head fall on my crossed arms letting my eyes close as I tried to rack my brain for an answer, the soft ting of the door bell telling me someone or ones were coming in. I lifted my head and took another look at the papers finding some labeled manual. Many were over the models that were once on planet Alpha but I soon found the one I was stuck in and that's when it hit me. I snatched papers left and right and out of hands and placed them from mine on top and his under what was similar to the bodies found, even the animals.

"Look Storm, what happened back then he messed up and when he ripped the soul away the body would melt away that is untill be perfected it. But this time the body looks more frozen, the extraction method they use is different. I have a theroy but we need to find more evidence before I can be sure." He looked over my work nodding slightly then getting up to get more coffee. I looked up feeling eyes burn into the back of my head. As I glanced around I put the files back into my bag and saw the three people that had entered the cafe, two sat together like a couple while the other sat at a computer that looked down at my table a camera sitting beside it. I left the backpack on the table walking over to Storm giving him a slight sign we were being watched, in return he gave me a smile and tipped the barista.

We were just about to turn to leave when the three stood up the one by the computer took the camera and jumped down landing on the table with my bag and grabbed a hold on it, the other two standing up one have a short sword and the female unraveled a whip. She gave it a crack and it lite up in blueish white Sparks giving off a burning smell. I let out a growl the guy with the camera tossed it to the floor and it stuck like a magnet unfolding itself into a flat disk it gave off to beeps before a time was displayed on it.

Well, shit. I thought to myself as I looked from my bag to the bomb, and to make matters worse it was almost daybreak, which meant I couldn't just worry about the bag I had to think of Storm too.

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