Baby Blues

De livmadly

31.4K 1.2K 154

Bridget Della Mathews is on her way to becoming a preschool teacher though her mother has never been for the... Mais

1. Cold floors and Blurry skies
2. Best Friend...
3. Cute Boys and Baby blues
4. Not my type
6. A Library Visit
7. Date
8. First Kiss
9. Butterflies and Going Steady
10. Movies and Silly pagers
11. Advice and views
12. Friends
13. Sleep Over
14. First Time
15. After
16. Hair
17. Sweet and a Tease
18. Personal Pillow
19. The Brunch
20. Going out
21. Apologies
22. Home sweet Home
23. Thanksgiving
24. Misunderstandings
25. Something Off
26. Holidays
27. Mad or Mad not
28. Birthday Surprise (Part 1)
28. Unwrapping thy gift (Part 2)
29. Meh
30. Family Matters
31. Leroy
32. The Talk
33. Me and You
34. Me and You Too

5. The drama queen

1.2K 48 4
De livmadly

I woke up the next morning with the suns' rays sipping through the spaces in the blinds. I smiled and turned on my other side, my eyes were closed but I felt like someone was looking at me. I opened them and found Hannah kneeling on the floor with a huge smile on her face. I screamed because I didn't expect to see her there

"Morning, how are we today?" she said still smiling

"I'm fine thank you, now go away I'm still mad at you" I turned to face the other side and she jumped on me "Gosh....Hannah...get off"

She put her arms around me and squeezed "I'm sorry"

"Ok ok fine, I forgive you....though I'm still mad at get off" I may have pushed her a little too hard because she screamed and landed on the floor with a thud "Oh my gosh, are you hurt?" I quickly got up a little worried that I had hurt her

"Nope, I'm fine"

"Well too bad" I frowned not showing my relief "You owe me breakfast"

"Well that can be arranged..."

"In bed" I smiled

"Are you serious, you're not the queen and I'm sure as hell not your boyfriend"

"For the whole weekend" I added

"No ways"

"Fine three days"

"What" she exclaimed

"I could keep adding"

"Fine" she frowned "The weekend and that's it"

I smiled cheekily, I didn't push my luck because I knew that was as good as it was going to get. She went out to prepare breakfast and I didn't want to eat before bathing so I went and took a quick shower. I was drying my hair when she walked in. I smiled and my mouth watered when I smelt the food.

"Scrambled eggs with toast and a cup of coffee"

"Yey...thanks" I sat down on the bed and dug in

"When did I pass out by the way and how did you manage to get me to the car all by yourself"

"You passed out just after leaving the house and someone helped me carry you to the car"

"I'm sorry" she sighed "I don't know what happened, I just kept drinking and I think some of the punch had like too much alcohol in it"

"You think....You almost broke my back yesterday when you fell on me" I exaggerated "You were lucky baby blue was there to help out, curse him and his amazing eyes"

"Baby blue?" she asked looking puzzled

"Yeah, the irritating guy from the library"

"Why did you name him that?" she laughed

"Because he has baby blue's like they can see right into your's creepy"

"You don't happen to like him do you?"

"No I do not" I said stuffing my mouth full of toast and eggs "besides I'm not his type"

"How do you know that?"

"Because he said it....enough about baby blue" I cut her off before she could say anything else "what are we going to do for the day?"

We agreed to just sit in doors watching series and eating. That is how we spent the entire day by the way, later that night when we were lying down on her bed Hannah told me why she had taken that much alcohol

"You remember the guy I told you about"

"The one who likes touching your hair"

"Yes" she laughed "turns out he has a girlfriend and he was with her at the party and when I asked him why he had shown interest in me even though he already had a girlfriend, do you know what he told me...." she took a deep breath "he told me it was just fun"


"Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed getting up "you're so right"

"Don't be such a drama queen" I laughed "he didn't deserve you anyways. Just thank God that I never met him"

"We are definitely going to church tomorrow"

"Yeah, when was the last time we went, I'm pretty sure our moms would freak out if they knew"

We laughed and continued to chat till we fell asleep.


We got up early the next morning and managed to get to church just before the priest went in. I liked the service and I even told myself to go more often though that never really worked out, I just ended up feeling lazy. Sunday on my part is the laziest day of the week and it comes just before Monday so not really a huge fan. Hannah left for some group study thing she had to attend that afternoon and I remained home alone. The girl was very serious about getting good grades.

We go to different schools so we chose an apartment that was on neutral ground. Our schools weren't that far apart which was a good thing, we have been friends since pre-school so our parents basically know each other, they are actually good friends. We insisted on going to the same schools though there was a time when we were separated in junior high school but we later on insisted on going to the same schools. She made more friends than I did, I could say that she was basically more outgoing and social than I was.

I studied till she came back then we ate and went to bed.


I woke up the next morning and went for lectures. I left my first lecture with an assignment which was due by the end of the week, I hated it when they did that. After my second lecture I decided to go and sit under a tree outside, the last place I wanted to be was the library because of him.

I was on my way out when I heard my name and I immediately recognised his voice......lord why

I kept on walking pretending as if I hadn't heard him. He called my name again and I quickened my pace. I was almost reaching the door when he cut me off

"Are you ignoring me?"

"What do you think?" I frowned

I seriously didn't know what this guys' problem was

"I see that you're still mad about the party. How is your friend by the way?"

"Well it's not like you apologised or anything but I am definitely not mad and my friend is fine. If there is nothing else I have some reading to do" I tried to walk past him but he blocked my way.

I was definitely mad but telling him that would mean that I was actually hurt by what he had said....which I wasn't by the way because that would mean that I actually cared about what he thought of me......which I didn't because that would mean that I actually like him.....which I don't

"Don't you mean study?"

"No I mean read"

I tried to walk past him but he just blocked my way again and held out his hands

"Hear me out ok.....I know what I said at the party was....well I was being a jerk but I was telling the truth when I said that you aren't my type...." I don't know why but that kind of stung "but I do like you" he quickly added flattering me

"You also told your friend he could have a go at me if he wanted"

"That's because I knew that you would say no" he smirked

"Excuse me" I said furrowing my eyebrows

"Well it is are in the habit of saying no when given the option"

I kept quiet knowing that he had a point

"Go out with me" he said out of the blue....get it out of the blue

He looked a little nervous, wait was he nervous because he was asking me out on a date...wait I wasn't sure if he meant a date

"As in on a date" I asked for clarification

"Yes" gosh he even looked more nervous than he did before, I had no idea what he was playing at so I decided to say no but first......

"What makes you think I won't say no now....seeing as I've been given the option"

"The fact that you're asking me that question means that you are actually thinking about saying yes....right" he smirked

Wait's definitely a no...

I opened my mouth to do just that but no words came out...what the hell is wrong with me? Just say no....I opened my mouth again but I still didn't say anything. I looked at him and he was looking at me expectantly, I bit my bottom lip not knowing what to say.... just say no.

I turned on my heel and went the opposite direction with my heart racing "well library it is then"

Hey babes.....
Another chapter...yey....though I'm not really feeling it.....😕😕
I might upload another one tomorrow....

Thing is the story has less than 10 views....most probably all from my sister😂😂😂....but I keep writing these authors notes just in case someone happens to magically find themselves here.....

So how was the chapter?
What do you think is going to happen next?

Please feel free to comment and if you liked the chapter please hit that little star at the bottom of your screen #vote.....

Until next you....xoxo😘😘😘

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