Saviour In Between Two Differ...

By Chrisrockinzz

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Yunna , was born without a family. She was dumped in trash when she was a baby and soon adopted by a old lady... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16 ( lemon : part one )
not an update
Chapter 17 (Lemon : Part two )
Chapter 18 The corporal's assistant
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 6

563 13 14
By Chrisrockinzz

It's been a year I have been staying in Shinobi world. I learnt a lot, fighting skills, survival skills... I even know every of the taijutsu or ninjutsu. I started to have understand about my own chakra and my own skills. Not to mention, I was a pretty fast learner. People might take years to learn one jutsu, and take times to improve them. But for me, it took like days to improve them and kept on levelled up.

I was currently walking alone to the city of Konoha. It was tiring after a long training. I decided to buy a drink for refreshment. I simply walked into a shop and bought one cold drink for myself.

"Yunnnnnaaaaa!!!!  " Naruto yelled somewhere out there. I face palmed myself and pinched my crook of my nose. I shook my head regretting coming down to the city. Fuck myself...

I walked outside to see that idiot running down to me.

"What do you want Naruto " I murmured not looking at him. I continued walking back to my house, in the other hand I was enjoying drinking my soda. I didn't look back to see Naruto because I knew he will followed me all the way to my house.

"Let's have ramen together, I'm starving now Dattebayo!  " He pouted.

"No " I flinched at his words. Damn I remembered what happened after meeting him as a new friend.


"Yunna, you should try ramen! It was the tastiest food here in Konoha."
I sat beside him. Instead Kakashi left me here alone, he said he had one important thing to deal with.

"Err.. I guess that is okay.. " I laughed nervously while scratching my back.

"Damn it, I can't finish them Naruto. " I had finished five bowls of ramen. But he still asking for more.

"You give up already? I'm not done yet ya know. How bout two more special ramen ~ " he made an evil laugh.

"Noo!!!! "

"I would like to order two more special ramen sir. "

"Naruto!!!!  "

"I think three more would be just fine, right Yunna?"

"You gonna be so dead Naruto! "


---end flashback---

"Come on Yunna ~ you know ramen is the best taste here!" Naruto still teasing me.

"Naruto, I have something to deal with. I have to get prepared for the next mission tomorrow. " I walked faster and quicken my pace.

"Alright, but we'll have ramen together some day again. I'm going now, bye Yunna " he waved to me.

"Alright, bye " I waved back at him again. I continued walking back to my house. Uurrghh tomorrow mission..gotta go pack some stuff for tomorrow.

I opened the door as I entered and closed it behind me. Kakashi isn't home yet . I put my drink on top of the table and left to my room. I took out my bagpack and packed the stuff I needed for the mission.

"Hmmm, I think I need to take extra kunais " I whispered my own and opened my drawer. Hmmm where have I left them? I searched all my drawers but none of them was found. Perhaps I should buy them later.

<< Zetsu pov >>

"Are you sure the girl lives in Konoha?" Madara asked in monotone.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure of it. She has the only strange chakra in her body. She also quite good in every jutsu. " I told him.

"Good, since she has unlimited chakra, it would work on my plan. Bring her here tonight, I want her alive. " Madara ordered and I nodded.

"Sasori, Itachi "

Both of them came to me.

"Leader sama said you both will head to Konoha for a mission. He needs you to bring the person back alive. Make sure she isn't harm in any way. "

<< Yunna pov >>

Kakashi came back from Tsunade's building. He dropped himself on the coach and rested his body.

"How's the meeting? Kakashi.. " I walked and sat beside him.

"Pretty exhausted. " He closed his eyes and rested his head on my shoulder. It wasn't about boyfriend or girlfriend thingy. It just we were close to be as a friend and we both trusted each other.

I chuckled, I gently poke his head.

"It is your job after all. She trusted you ya know. "

He slid his mask away and stood up. I blinked in confusion.

"I'm going to take a bath. Are you going anywhere later? "

"Ya, I'm gonna buy some stuff for tomorrow. " I turned away. I kinda don't like leaving this time. I'm just too lazy to do anything. He shook his head while chuckling.

"You look unhappy with it. " he said.

"Yeah.. I'm too lazy to do anything. " I rolled my eyes, twisting my lip.

"You sure have grown up " he said with a smirk applied on his face. I glared at him, sending daggers to him.

He chose to ignore me and walked to his room for a bath. I just sat there, having my day dream until I sensed something outside.

I was ready in any minute. But I just wanted to fool the person. I could sense someone was behind me, I took my chance to activate my sharingan. Then I quickly jumped out from my seat and turned to my back.

"Hmm.. Sharingan. " the male said. I stared at the figure in front of me. He had the same eye with me, sharingan. Not to mention, I recognised his face,

"Uchiha Itachi " I muttered. I wasn't afraid of him, not even hatred. I just surprise to see him in person again.  There was another person behind him as well. He had red hair and somehow looked like my age.

"She's quite a girl than I expected. Do you agree, Itachi? " the boy asked him. Itachi only nodded.

"Who are you? And why do you want from me" I asked. I crossed my arms on my chest waiting for an answer.

"I'm Sasori. We are here to ask you to come with us. "

"Why will I do that? "

"Our leader wants you to meet him" Itachi continued as he answer my question.

"If I refuse? "

"Then we have no choice but to make you ." Saosori cracked his knuckles as if telling me that he was ready in any minute now. But I was too lazy to do anything.

"Fine, I'll go with you. I'm not afraid or anything. I just feel lazy and tired of all of this. " I said , deactivated my sharingan and walked to them.

"I didn't know that you are able to use Sharingan since you are not an Uchiha. " Itachi murmured while deactivated his sharingan as well.

"Well why don't we move now? Before I regretted on my decision. "

Both of the male shook their head . "Fine, let's move " Itachi muttered.

---time skips---

"Are we there yet? " I was too frustrated of walking. Damn now could feel that I was more exhausted because of the walking.

"A long way to go. Don't complain." Clearly showing that Sasori wasn't liking me at all. I guess I could just transport you all with me.

"Just tell me what is your organization"

"Akatsuki " Itachi replied. He was so cold as ever. I rolled my eyes and stopped them. They both looked confused.

"I'll bring you all there. " I turned on my rinnegan and transported them to the Akatsuki before they could even speak for the next minute. It was like 1 second from there to the Akatsuki main gate.

"Did you just do that? " Itachi surprised while asking me. Sasori surprised more.

"Yeah. I told you I'm tired. You expect me to walk so long until here? " I said and turned away from them leaving them dumbfolded.

"Hey how can I get in there? " I snapped in which made them realized their doings.

"Follow me " Sasori said . I tailed behind the two guys as we entered. The doors.. I mean... The gates automatically opened. We walked inside and I saw a few of the members were having their chit chat. They all went silent when they saw me.

"Who is she? " one of them asked.

"Hey bitch what's your name? " another snapped in.

"Yunna " I said in normal tone. I wish I can have my sleep now...

"I see you have come. But too early than I expected " a voice came from the shadows, apparently the voice made me shivered down to my spine.

"She transported us. " Itachi told him.

The man slowly appeared from the shadow and walked to us. He was wearing an orange mask. I eagerly wished that I could see his face behind the mask any minute now.

"Yunna is your name right? " The orange mask man asked.

I nodded in agreement and said,
"Yes.. "

"Good. Come with me " The orange mask turned away expecting me to follow him. He brought me to an unknown room and starting to ask me a lot of questions. Tired... Sleep...

"I am pleased to hear which clan are you from " The man stood facing me in this dark room.

"I don't have clan...I came from another world. "

"That's interesting. I heard that you have unlimited chakra built inside you. What skills do you have? "

"Any skills. "

"You mean you know every of the jutsu? "

I nodded as well. But one thing I haven't told anyone until now was that I could revive a person back alive. No one ever knows this secret, including Kakashi. If I told anyone about this, I seriously will be in danger.

"Hmm I see now. If you don't mind, I would ask you to join us The Akatsuki. "

"If I don't? "

"You will."

I gulped on the answer. Why would he so confirm that I will join the Akatsuki? Man.. he's must be not easy guy.

"Fine. Since I had already left my home, I'll join you all as an Akatsuki member. By the way, can I ask one question? " I felt a little embarrassed to ask this, but I just want to know who is he.

"that will be? "

"Ermm.. What is your name? And why are you hiding yourself from the mask? "

I couldn't see any of his reactions. I mentally hate that mask which was covering his face.

"Madara. Uchiha Madara. "

My eyes widen when he mentioned the name. I had heard a lot of stories about how the war and the shinobi world has created. This guy here wasn't normal at all..he was insane! That is why he was so comfortable asking me to join the organization.

"I knew you would ask me silly question. That is why I told you that you WILL join the Akatsuki. "

I mentally almost slapped myself. I was hooked.

"If you have nothing else, you can leave now. Konan will introduce you to the others. " he said.

I walked away from the room, my status will be stated as a criminal in the Bingo book. The people in Konoha surely lose their trust on me, that I have betrayed the clan. bad luck again isn't it? I wish I wasn't born at the first place.

"You are back. I'm Konan..come, I'll take you to the others since you are our new member now. "

The woman said with a smile. She was beautiful in every way, somehow my instinct told me that she will be nice as a sister to me. She took out her hand and I grabbed hers. Then, she brought me to the living room where the others will be there having their meeting .

"Today on, she is our new member of the Akatsuki. Please treat her nicely. Now come and introduce yourself to her. " Konan informed them, standing in the middle of the round circle.

"I'm Pein. " the orange haired guy said, which he was standing beside Konan now. His face was full of piercings. Well that was cool... His ears, his nose, his mouth.. They are all pierced.

"Nice piercing you have here. Awesome!!! " I grinned.

"Kakuzu. "

Okay, this guy was much like a freak. I couldn't describe how he looks but he covered his lower face with cloth. And his eyes was a bit scarier. I laughed nervously. I wasn't sure how to speak with him though.

"Hahaha hii... "

"I'm Hidan. Don't think you are a newbie then I will treat you nicely bitch. If you made me in trouble I'll fucking kill you understand me?!"

Hidan, my first impression about him ruined. The words came out from his mouth wasn't all good things. More like curse. I rolled my eyes and landed on a yellow haired guy next to him.

"I'm.. Deidara, un " His face slightly flushed. I wasn't sure why he did that but I just gave him a friendly smile.
"Nice to meet you " .

"You know me already" Sosaori said.

Then, my eyes moved next to a shark head..I was frozen. Well there's a lot of freaks around here in the Akatsuki.

"I'm Kisame. Kid, I know I looked weird but please stop staring at me. "

I shrugged, I took out one hand showing him a sign of hand shake. He grabbed my hand instantly and shook gently. He smiled to me which made me feel comfortable. He isn't that bad at all.. Compared to Hidan, he will be nicer.

I slowly looked to the another person. I knew who is he but I just smiled. He showed no expressions but in his eyes I could tell that he was a nice guy.

"You're Itachi. " I said. He closed his a while and simply nodded.

"Hey dude, seems like you are much popular than I thought. " Kisame elbowed him, Itachi showed no sign of expression.. Just the same old boring face he given.

"And we're Zetsu. " the last member introduced himself. He was in two split colour. Half of it black and another half will be white.

"And how can I call for one colour? " I blinked.

"You call me black zetsu " the black said.

"White zetsu " Another one told.

"Since you are new. I should tell you that one member will have another one as a partner. They all have their partners already. Zetsu is not really a member but he just helping me out. But you will be my partner starting on today. " Madara appeared behind me and put one hand on top of my hair. I blushed at a sudden action, chill.. Yunna chill...

"I understand.. "

"Good. " he patted my head and left to his office.

"I think I should go as well.. I'm tired guys. And it was nice to meet you all. Guess I'll see you tomorrow. "

"I show you your room then" Konan said. I nodded.

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