Here Be Dragons (Completed)

De NikoleKnight

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"Here be dragons" A phrase meaning dangerous or unexplored territories, frequently used in the 1700s and earl... Mai multe

Volume 1: I


5K 370 45
De NikoleKnight

The sound of voices echoing through the haunted house basement ended the strange and almost intimate moment between us, and I breathed a sigh of relief as Owen backed away from me, leaving me still trembling on the floor. My fingers shook as I ran them through my hair and I wiped my face again with my hands, hoping I didn't look as wrecked as I felt. The voices grew louder and soon enough several bodies appeared around a corner.

Gabriel was limping forwards, a look of furious determination on his pale face, as Luke propped him up on his injured side. His pant leg was ripped open revealing the small wound that I'd made with the steak knife, though it was cleaned and stapled together with precision. Maybe Sean really was a doctor after all?

Behind Luke and Gabriel strode Nathan and Kota, both looking disheveled and wary as they attempted to slow Gabriel down. Surely, it wasn't healthy for him to be on his leg right now and Kota seemed to agree with my unspoken thought as he nagged at Gabriel to stop walking so fast. Of course, Gabriel ignored him, his crystal eyes zeroing in on me as I tried to erase the evidence of my breakdown. His eyes narrowed before turning to Owen, anger flashing in the depths. 

"Owen, Goddamn it! What did you do?" He bellowed and I involuntarily flinched at the unexpected contempt I heard. I was expecting him to be angry with me, not Owen, so to see his furious glare directed at the suit clad figure at my side was mystifying to say the least. 

Owen pulled out his handkerchief and proceeded to clean his glasses, though there was no real need seeing as they were already spotless. I wondered briefly whether he was stalling or if it was perhaps a nervous tick, something he felt compelled to do when he was uncomfortable or unsure, but I wasn't able to muse over the question for long as Luke hurried to my side. He moved so quickly that I stumbled back a step in shocked fear, expecting an attack. Instead of violence, I was met with gentleness as he cupped my face with his slender hands and scanned over my face with worry clouding his chocolate eyes.

"Why was she crying?" He asked no one in particular, and I winced at the look of absolute sorrow that crashed over his face. I should have shoved him away or stepped back to break the contact he'd established, but the shakiness from my meltdown was still working its way through my body and the warmth of his skin against mine was surprisingly comforting. "Don't cry, Sugar." He cooed as his thumbs caressed the soft skin beneath my eyes, wiping away the remaining moisture from my tears and his tenderness made my already wretched heart twist in pain as it struggled to process the emotions rolling through me.

"Gabriel, you shouldn't be on that leg, you'll only aggravate your injury." Owen's cool and collected voice echoed against the bare cement walls and Luke turned back to the others standing around us, his hands dropping from my face though they didn't leave my body for a moment. His fingers trailed down my neck and over my shoulders before sliding down the length of my arms and ending their trip by grasping my cold, clammy hands in his. Part of me wanted to jerk away from the almost loving touch, but the broken little girl that still lived somewhere inside me basked in the affection. Touch had never brought anything but pain before, but this was so different and she loved every second of it.

Gabriel made a rude noise in response to Owen's concern and shifted his weight, only to wince and slap a hand on Nathan's muscled shoulder to keep himself balanced as he attempted to stay standing without hurting his injured leg more. I felt a sliver of guilt wiggle its way into my chest at the clear pain and discomfort that showed on his face and though I tried to stomp it down, it burrowed deep and nested immovable. 

"I'll aggravate your face in a minute!" He growled as his voice grew impossibly louder, his hands waving around frantically. "I told you, I didn't want you ruining her, and now look! She's cowering against Luke for Christ's sake!" 

Everyone glanced at me and I immediately yanked myself away from Luke, making the little girl inside me cry out in misery at the separation. My creature growled at her to keep her quiet and my brain hurt from the many voices warring for dominance in my head. I told them all to shut up and crossed my arms over my chest, curling into myself in an attempt to fight off the chill that seeped into my skin.

Owen cleared his throat, his grey eyes flashing silver for a moment, before redirecting his attention back on Gabriel. "She tried to escape, attempting to harm several of your brothers during her flight, and she succeeded in stabbing you. Do you really expect me to allow such behavior?" He deadpanned and the purse in Gabriel's lips portrayed he didn't appreciate the condescension he heard. "There are consequences and she must be punished for her blatant disrespect and violent actions."

Luke stiffened beside me and Gabriel scowled, but Kota seemed almost relieved by Owen's words, his rigid posture relaxing slightly as his sharp green eyes studied those around him from behind his glasses. Nathan looked conflicted as his eyes flitted between the rest of us, returning again and again to me. One of his arms was half wrapped around Gabriel to keep him standing while the other rested at his side, his hand coiling into a tight fist and then relaxing before repeating. 

"She said she was sorry." Gabriel barked and confusion swirled through me as I remembered that I indeed, mumbled an apology while I sunk the knife into his flesh. Huh, weird? "And if anyone should be punishing her, it's me! I'm the one she fucking stabbed!"

Owen looked ready to argue, the sharpness of his features darkening as his earlier frustration came back full force, but Nathan spoke first. "He's right, Owen. He sustained the worse injuries, her debt is owed to him." 

Kota made a disgruntled noise as his fingers tapped against his thigh and Owen clenched his teeth with an audible click. Luke reached out for me, almost unconsciously, but I refused to let him touch me again. My obvious retreat from him made his lips thin in displeasure as an irritated hurt flashed in his eyes. I wanted to seek protection, if not from him then perhaps Gabriel, but the uncertainty of the situation made my fear and wariness heighten. I wasn't quite sure who would protect me at this point, but I did know I wanted nothing to do with Owen. We had shared something, something intimate and terrifying, but I had no doubt that he would separate himself from that moment in order to punish me severely. 

"Yeah, she's still mine and I'll deal with her." Gabriel's skin continued to pale and I glanced down at his leg to see that it had started oozing blood between the staples that now held his skin together. 

Kota coughed in disbelief. "She'll kill you before you can try. You're no in place to protect yourself from her, let alone discipline her properly." 

"Gabriel," Owen cut off his obviously displeased retort, "You can barely stand and she''ll exploit your weakness the first chance she gets. Are you really willing to risk the safety of your brothers?"

That statement made him pause, his mouth opening to argue but having no words with which to do so. His blue eyes met mine and I saw the warring emotions. He wanted to protect me, wanted to keep me, but the thought of me hurting any more of the men who lived here was torture. I saw the surrender in his eyes and any hope I had of making it out of this unscathed were dashed against the rocks. His shoulders slumped and he leaned against Nathan as the fight left him. He was giving me up and now I was royaly screwed. 

"Family first." Nathan murmured softly, holding Gabriel's weight with one arm while his other hand cupped his friend's neck in a comforting hold. Their embrace coupled with Nathan's words was almost precious and my eyes stung with the desire to cry again, and I cursed Owen and his closet from hell for ripping apart the careful control that I'd spent the last several years constructing. 

Owen wrapped his hand around my upper arm tightly, though his grasp was much gentler than it had been when he'd first dragged me down the stairs by my hair, and I didn't want to think too closely over why he'd be sparing me extra pain. Either he wanted to lure me into a false sense of security or he was warming up to me the same way that several of the others had. I couldn't decide whether that would be a good thing or not. Somehow, their acceptance and affection towards me seemed much more dangerous than their aggression and I worked to rebuild the walls that surrounded my withered heart. 

I felt pressure on my arm as Owen made to lead me away, but the sound of Luke's soft spoken words stopped our momentum. "We could play a game." 

I glanced around, not understanding the hidden meaning in Luke's words. The others did and I watched Gabriel's posture straighten and his eyes light up with hope and excitement. How could a game help my current situation? 

"A game night?" Kota asked as he checked in with Owen, having a silent eye conversation. 

Owen angled his head as he contemplated the idea. "I don't know whether she would be too keen on playing one of our games." He said, his grey eyes scanning my face before turning back to Luke. "What did you have in mind, Lucian?"

Luke looked startled as everyone focused on him and he tucked a long blond lock of hair behind his ear before shoving his hands into his pockets. "Well, we could let her play-"

"You want to give her a weapon?" Nathan interrupted in disbelief.

Gabriel snorted and Luke rolled his eyes. "No, I just mean let her play with us." His dark eyes fell on my face and the sudden intensity was a little overwhelming. "I think she would be good at our games."

"And how would that solve anything?" Kota crossed his arms over his chest and the polo shirt he was wearing stretched over his biceps in a rather distracting manner.

"Send her through the maze." Nathan added as Luke and Gabriel stiffened. Apparently, that wasn't what they had in mind. "Whoever wins decides her punishment."

Gabriel frowned deeply. "I can barely walk and you want me chasing her through a fucking maze? That's bullshit!" 

"It's either that, or allow me to punish her now." Owen said and Gabriel screwed his face in concentration as he deliberated. The hallway was quiet as he considered the option and I was left to watch each of them in turn. Kota and Nathan seemed acceptable with the arrangement while Luke looked more worried then he had when he'd first suggested a game. Owen was blank faced as normal as he scrutinized Gabriel. 

Gabriel blew out a breath. "Fine! Give me two weeks." 

"Three days." Owen countered.

"What?" Gabriel gaped. "I can't heal in three fucking days! I would be at a sore disadvantage and that's totally unfair! I need at least ten days."

Owen mulled this over. "One week. Your 'disadvantage' will be your penalty and punishment for allowing your pet to escape and harm several of your brothers." 

"Like that's the first time Sean's gotten kneed in the fucking sack." Gabriel grumbled while a hysterical giggle escaped Luke's throat. "I'm the only one who got seriously hurt, so no one should even have a shot at her except me!"

"Be that as it may..." Owen made to straighten his tie, only to be distracted by the severely shortened fabric. He huffed in indignation as he removed the half tie and tucked it into his pocket, and I couldn't stop my snort of laughter. His eyes flashed to mine and I crooked an eyebrow at him unabashedly and I could see the fight it took for him not to roll his eyes at me. "Be that as it may, she owes restitution to several of us. I happened to like that tie." He tacked on, his voice dipping down in displeasure and I stuck my tongue out childishly making Luke giggle again, shooting me a wink. 

"Okay so winner takes all, I assume?" Kota clarified and Owen nodded, glancing at Gabriel as if he expected another argument.

Gabriel nodded slowly in defeat. "Fine. Family game night in one week...winner takes all." His teeth clenched like he wasn't particularly happy over this outcome, but I assumed that it meant I wasn't about to be thrown into the closet of doom so I would take what I could get. 

"What if I win?" I interjected, bringing five pairs of surprised and confused eyes to my face. I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to look intimidating.

Kota chuckled darkly. "I'm sorry, what?"

"You said that winner takes all, and it is a game. So what if I win?" I leveled my stare on Owen, knowing instinctively that the final say would come from him. "You have everyone else playing a game for my fate, but you won't allow me to throw my name into the ring? How is that fair?"

"She's got a point." Luke pointed out and Nathan threw him a dirty look. "Let her play with us. I bet she'll be amazing." 

Nathan and Kota voiced immediate dissent over this but Owen held up his hand to silence them. He studied my face for a moment before stepping up to me, invading my personal space and making me want to back away. He didn't touch me, but I eyed him warily, unsure what to expect from him.

"If you win," He stated slowly, "You receive your freedom."

Numerous shocked gasps sounded around me and my jaw dropped at the offer. I narrowed my eyes in disbelief. "You'd never let me leave." He shrugged like he couldn't be bothered by my lack of confidence in his words. "You're saying that if I win, I walk away. You won't stop me or kill me. I'm home free?"

Owen nodded and hope exploded in my chest. "But..." He said, and I knew it was too good to be true, "If you lose, you'll be ours. No more fighting, escaping, stabbing..." He raised an eyebrow and I gulped. "You will submit."

"How do I know you'll keep your word?" I asked, pondering his words and the implications. 

Kota countered, his brows furrowed in doubt. "How do we know you'll keep yours?"

I didn't really have any other options at this point and at least this gave me the chance at escaping. I didn't actually believe they'd let me walk away but I had to try. If they didn't let me go, then I'd just continue fighting and I'd make their lives a living hell. But on the off chance they were men of their word, then I should at least take the offer. It probably wouldn't come around again. It at least insured me one more week of living and I could use the time to gain myself favor and hopefully create a back up plan of escape, should I need one.

Owen held his hand out to me, his silver eyes holding my green ones with a challenge in his gaze. He didn't expect me to win whatever game they were planning next week, and the thought of proving him wrong was enough to tip the corners of my lips into a sly grin. I slipped my smaller hand into Owen's, grasping his firmly as I made the deal that would either deliver or damn me. They wanted to play games? Then we'd play games, though I really should warn them...I cheat.

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