Addicted To You | I

By SantanasUrbanNovels

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Your The Best Drug I've Ever Had & I Cant Help That I'm Addicted To You More



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By SantanasUrbanNovels

Life is all about chances and opportunities, but it's up to you if you want too take them or not

| Omniscient |
January 14 , 2015
5:45 AM

Miko walked through the salon doors to be met with Angelo ; who had no shirt on at the moment , her eyes roamed his body as she watched the sweat drip down his muscles and onto the floor , the way his chocolate skin glistened had her mind swirling and her pearl aching , she bit her lip wondering how good his hands would feel against her body . Angelo turned around wiping the sweat from his forehead not paying attention to Miko until he heard her mutter damn , he looked at her and chuckled causing her to break out of the trance she was in.

"Morning Angelo " She says clearly embarrassed "Morning Ms. lady " he replies " how are you ?" She asks " I'm doing fine and yourself ?" Yes you are fine she thought " I'm doing good " she smiles " That's good but if you excuse Ima finish up here before the rest of the knuckle heads come in " he says taking a sip of his water " Alright I'll just be in my office if you need me " she smiles weakly

Miko sat at her desk with her head in her hands " What is going on with me " She didn't know what her deal was but after smoking herself into a coma yesterday she agreed not to smoke for a while , she had sent Ezekiel a text going off on him as well as Lola , they had both played a part in fuckin with her mind and that didn't sit well with her , once she woke up and seen what she did Miko hid the rest of the weed and called her brother over to talk since going to her parents was definitely out considering it was 12 at night and she knew at that time they were either sleep or fuckin .

They had spent a few hours talking about everything she was feeling from her toxic friendship to her even more fucked up situation with Ezekiel, her brother knew about Lola being a snake and had told her many times to stop fucking with the girl but as far as her relationship with Ezekiel , he had no clue that they were on that type of level and the fact the hurt his baby sis pissed him off so he gave her the best advice possible .

" Boss up on them sis and do you like you been doing cause once you blow up they gone wish they had you and by then it's gone be way too late for them to come back and be there for you "

His words stuck to her and she promised him that she would live by it until she died , she refuses to let them back in especially when she can make room for people who actually fuck with her . Miko took her headphones out her purse and plugged them into her phone , turning Pandora on she turned on her favorite station .

The Quiet Storm

12:30 PM

Angelo talked amongst his crew as they worked and it was all fun and games until Zach opened up about his fiancé cheating on him . " I'm sorry man real shit certain people ain't meant to be in relationships " Angelo says " That's why my ass single " Eric added " No yo ass single because you a hoe " Derek says laughing " That too " Angelo says  laughing " Fuck y'all " he said clearly offended " no need to be in ya feelings play boy cause it's the truth and you know it " Frank said

" That don't mean put me on blast about the shit " he defends " you opened that can of worms ya self but we gone change the subject before I have to rock yo shit cause you like to throw people business out there when you done thrown your own out there and got checked on it now get back to work since you wanna act like a child " Angelo says in a tone" man I'm going on my lunch break " Eric said in annoyed tone which pissed Angelo off " nah take yo ass home we got this, go handle ya attitude and when you come back tomorrow that shit betta be gone "

Eric didn't protest , he grabbed his tools and left . " you need to fire him man " Zach said " I'm with him on that boss " Derek said shaking his head " he bad for business " " This his last time tryna get buck because he got called on his shit this not my business so I won't let that hood nigga come outta me but just know he don't got no more chances . "

" y'all hear that ? " Zach asks " Nah turn the music down " Angelo said , shutting the music off they overheard Miko in her office singing , Angelo opened the door to see her zoned off into the song

I just touched down , touched down
Quarter after two ,( flight 102)
I know it's late ,( real late)
But I'm calling you, (calling you )
Tryna figure if I , (I )
Can , ( Can )
Come , (come )
See, ( see)
You , Can I come see you
I know your sleep , ( your sleep )
But your on my mind ( my mind )
And I'm wide awake ,(awake )
And I wanna stop by , ( come on over )
So can you get up and get out of the bed
Cause I wanna see you
And I've been wondering

Miko turned around to see the guys staring at her but that didn't stop her from singing , she continued singing as she grabbed Zach by the hand and serenaded him

So tell me what the deal
Your not that far
I just got my bags
And I'm headed to the car
Say yes or no cause I'm on the road
( um wait a minute my battery low..... lemme aight )
Baby I wanna come see you
Said I really wanna come see
Don't you worry about a thing
I'm just wanting to hold you
Embrace you , I want to
Look at you and tell you
How much I love you
I want you , I need , I miss you

She laughed at how red Zach became while she sung to him , once she finished they applauded her " I didn't mean to sing so loud " she said laughing " it's fine now we have something to tease my boy about now " Frank said laughing " I got it on video too " Derek said "are you okay Zach ? " She asks

" I just need my face to go back white and I'll be fine you just made the rest of my day thank you " he says smiling " your welcome vanilla ice " she says laughing " you got a nice ass voice too " Angelo complimented " Thank you " she smiles " Aight fellas let's get back to work so we can take our lunch break soon "

| Angelo Isiah Valentine |
9:30 PM

Angelo had made his way home after a good day at work well all besides Eric's little outburst things were good today . He had stayed a little later then everyone so he could work some more and if everything goes right he would be finished by the beginning of may instead of the end like he promised.

Looking at his phone he had a few texts from the women he would call when he needed his dick wet but he wasn't feeling it especially if he pursues Miko he didn't want them coming back to bite him in the ass , he went through the messages and chuckled

Latin Seduction
Papi we miss you
Read @ 9:32 PM

Chocolate Thunder
When can I taste you again
Read @ 9:32 Pm

Deep Throat
I need you baby
Read @ 9:33 PM

He didn't bother reading the rest of the messages , he went through and blocked along with deleted every memory he had of them , there was no point in keeping them since none of them screamed Future Wife to him so he didn't bother committing to them.

Turning the shower on he stripped out of his clothes and stood in front of the mirror with all of his glory hanging out " I need more tattoos " he said looking at the bare cross on his chest . He grabbed his beat pill off the counter and turned it on , syncing it to his phone he hit shuffle on his music and set his phone down , hopping in the shower .

I Can x Nas played through and he began bobbing his head along to the dope ass classic , the water hit his skin causing him to let out a sigh of relief, his muscles ached terriblely after a few days of work but he knew there was more to come from this so he needed to make an appointment with his cousin so she could work the kinks out his back since he refuses to wear a back brace . After he washed up he sat under the water a few more seconds before exiting the shower.

He sat on the edge of the bed in nothing but his boxers while he scrolled through Instagram to see if anything interesting had happened but from what he was seeing things were still boring as usual , Aaliyah's Are You That Somebody played and he automatically thought of Miko , if he didn't take this chance then he never would , sucking up his nervousness he texted her

I know this might be a lu'l forward and you might not mix business with pleasure but would it be too much if I asked you out for a cup of coffee ?
Sent @ 10:15 PM

V O T E | C O M M E N T

For those of you who are reading Addicted To You and want to continue to reading the rest of the chapters , they are officially uploaded on Dreame .. the link is below and for those of you who have already finished it I would really appreciate if you guys can go support me on there as well if possible ♥️

I had to remove majority of the content since I'm under a paid contract 😩♥️

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