Addicted To You | I

By SantanasUrbanNovels

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Your The Best Drug I've Ever Had & I Cant Help That I'm Addicted To You More



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By SantanasUrbanNovels

The past is always meant to be the past , Don't bring it into the future thinking things will change because something's will always remain the same

| Miko Harmony Larue |
January 12,2015
4:15 PM

Miko examined her nails with approval considering she didn't let no one touch her nails but her or Bella but Mia got her hands and feet looking just right . " Thank you for coming we really needed this " Miko says while handing them the money " No girl thank you " Mia says " You tip big as fuck ! I see why Bella always come when you call " " Vice Versa cause Miko be having my hands feet eyebrows and lashes on a thousand percent every time " Bella says giving Miko her props " Alright babes I'll see you soon " Miko says as Bella waved bye to her

" Now put me up on this tea I been missin " Zyla says excitedly " So the married nigga Ho-La has been fuckin showed up at my house with the contractor I hired all because my brother gotta know everybody and they mama " " I don't get it like why get married if you still doing single shit " Zyla said rolling her eyes " This is why I'm still rocking wit my virginity cause I can't find a nigga I trust to give it too " Miko says truthfully " Bitch I only fucked three niggas and outta them three I'm still only fuckin Jaheim ass cause it's way tooooo many diseases going around " Zyla said

" Ex-fuckin-actly ! " Miko said throwing her hands in the air " But tell me about that husky voice ass nigga that's fixing up your salon " Zyla said putting her hands under chin " Ain't nothing to tell really except that he's a handsome successful black man " " Who you wouldn't mind tasting your juices every now and again " Zyla added " Girl it's only one nigga who ate this pussy and I don't even speak his name cause he always manage to pop his ass up wherever I'm at " Miko rolled her eyes at the thought of him .

" Don't he got a girl ?" Zyla asks " They got together an hour after he ate my pussy " Miko laughs " The nigga didn't even wash his mouth out " " I seen that on snap and I laughed my ass off cause she was like babe your breath smell like strawberries " Zyla mimicked her " Sorry boo that was cum but I ain't talked to him since and I blocked his number because I refuse to have him believing that I ruined his relationship just cause he can't stay away from me " Miko said in annoyed tone " That's cause he sprung on you boo " Zyla said smirking

" Nigga ain't neva fucked ya but would sell the devil his soul for ya " " That's why his ass has been blocked for 3 months now " " I need yo clout " Zyla laughed " You can have the shit " Miko laughed with her " You tryna go get some more weed ?" Zyla asks " Yea it's been a while since I done blowed down and after all this stress over these last few months I need it " " Aight let me slip some shoes on and we'll head out to the hood " Zyla smiled

Over these last few months Miko had her feelings played with and no one knew about it , the man she thought she could trust didn't believe in her dreams but supported the next woman and it pissed her off because she valued their friendship before anything but he didn't so she lost all contact with him and hadn't spoke on him until now . Sighing heavily she ran her fingers through hair wondering where could she be going wrong , she has looks and smarts but because she wasn't bussin it wide open niggas didn't really rock with her for long and all she wanted was for a man to appreciate a Black Queen when he gets her.

" You ready ?" Zyla asks , snapping her out her thoughts " Yea " she smiles weakly " We gotta go to the hood luckily it's not that much snow over there " Zyla said " I'm glad the snow is melting cause a bitch hate being cold " Miko laughed " Ima get me a big nigga next winter cause Jaheim ass too damn small " Zyla says rolling her eyes " but that's yo boo though " Miko added " I need a man Mik (Meek ) and if he don't step up and let me know what it is I'll find me someone who is ready for a relationship " she said annoyed " Girl y'all been kicking it for 4 years I would have been let him go after year two " Miko said truthfully

" See this is why I missed you bruh ! You always keep it a G wit me no matter what " Zyla said pulling off " I promise Ima be a better friend Z " she said feeling bad " Aww girl we grown we both got lives so I'm not trippin " Zyla said " Now cheer up and tell me what we doing for your 21st birthday " Miko sighs " I forgot that's coming up " " We gone celebrate right this year cause I'm planning it " " I really don't wanna do shit besides the salon won't be done before then and that's my main focus " Miko sighed

" Live a little mama I get that you focused but you need to have some fun every now and again " Zyla spoke with honesty lacing her voice , Miko nodded " I'll try " " That's all I'm asking for " she smiled " Pull over to sams right quick I want a pickled egg " Miko said " Oooo that sound fire right get me one " she said parking " Aight "

" How can I help you ?" " Yes can I get two pickled eggs and a pack of trident gum " Miko said " $4 " Miko gave her a 5 dollar bill " Here you go " " Keep the change " Miko said walking off , it been a while since she had a pickled egg " Here" she said handing Zyla the bag " Thank you !" She squealed " Aight lets go so we can hurry and get back " Zyla said pulling off

Treat Me Like Somebody began playing through out the car and Miko listened to every word she was singing, she had never heard of this song until now and she was digging it " Who sings this ?" She asks " Tink " Zyla says " Ima put you up on a whole lot of good artists when we get back " Miko phone dinged indicating she had a text , looking at text she didn't know who number it was

Can we talk ?

Who dis?

Read @ 5:30 PM

Miko sighed heavily, he had changed his number and now she had to block this one too , Zyla noticed her mood change and turned the music down " What's wrong ?" She asks " Ezekiel texted me I knew we shouldn't have spoken on him " " Damn sis well what he say ? " she asks causing Miko to roll her eyes " Can we talk like nigga fuck you !" " We gone talk about this once I get the ganja cause I can tell this needs to be a conversation where you high and won't cry " Zyla says

" Most definitely " Miko agreed " We here ima be right back " Zyla said " Bitch I'm coming too the fuck " Miko said mushing her head " I gotta see who you buying from " " I don't see why cause the only time you smoke is with me when we have girlfriends time so get the fuck " Zyla said laughing " It's finna be a stressful few months so Ima smoke as much as I can " Miko admitted " Well when I'm not at work I'll come smoke with ya "

Zyla walked in and Miko followed right behind her " Where's Ice at ? " She asks " In the back who asking ?" The nigga with the hoodie asks " Rose " " Second door on the left but lu'l mama gotta stay right here " Miko laughed " Ima walk my happy ass in the back wit her and ain't no one gone stop me " " She my people so she good " Zyla says vouching for Miko but she didn't care she officially had a mug on her face " Aight " was all he said " you don't got to mug me " " Stop speaking to me my nigga you don't know me and I don't give a fuck to know you so this conversation is done wit "

" Baby gotta mouth piece I haven't had a women talk to me like that since well never I'm X " he says taking off his hoodie but Miko remained quiet " Come on girl " Zyla says laughing , she knew how Miko could get if you rubbed her the wrong way and X just so happened to do that " You good ?" She asks , Miko didn't respond at this point she was ready to go , between Ezekiel texting her and X's rudeness she just wasn't in a talking mood , Zyla opened the door and there stood Ice and the one person she didn't wanna talk too " I'm going back to the car " Miko says turning around and leaving " WAIT !" Ezekiel called out but she ignored him and kept walking

She opened the car door for it to be immediately shut closed " Go away " she says sighing " So you blocked my number again ? Why ? " Ezekiel asks " Ain't it obvious why I mean you did up and leave me the night I planned on giving myself to you correction you ate my pussy and dipped while I used the bathroom " " I'm sorry " he says , Miko turned around and chuckled " Keep that bullshit ass sorry bruh " He tried caressing her cheek but she pushed him back " Don't touch me fuck boy don't you got a girl you can touch go touch her and leave me alone "

" Is that what you want ?" He asks " I want you to leave me the fuck alone I been good wit out you and I plan to keep it that way I mean I opened up to you about shit no one knew and you shitted on me for a bitch who threw you the pussy on the first night ! Who was there when ya pops died huh I took care of you when I had the flu ! I told you my dreams and you laughed in my face but yet believed in the next bitches dream ! you repaid me by cuffing the bitch so excuse me if I don't fuck with you no more cause you and you alone did this now get the fuck out my face !" Miko snaps at him with tears coming down her cheek , he began to speak but instead he walked off he knew he would never have the chance to love her again he had messed up and there was no fixing it .

V O T E | C O M M E N T

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