Saviour In Between Two Differ...

By Chrisrockinzz

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Yunna , was born without a family. She was dumped in trash when she was a baby and soon adopted by a old lady... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16 ( lemon : part one )
not an update
Chapter 17 (Lemon : Part two )
Chapter 18 The corporal's assistant
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 4

521 15 8
By Chrisrockinzz

Farlan shot upwards, he readied his blade by his sides and slashed them. Isabel and I took place to kill the titans. 4 more... *slash* ...3 more... *slash *...2 more... *slash *...1 more to go...

"Let's do this together! " Farlan yelled and we headed towards the only Titan. As Farlan moved to the front trying to slashed his nape, the Titan jerked away. How he... He isn't any other normal titan ! The Titan had red wide eyes and a grin formed at his face . 

"You moron, I'll get you! " Isabel shouted to the Titan and dashed to him using 3DMG.

"No Isabel " Farlan and I quickly made our way to Isabel stopping her. The Titan soon reacted quickly and ran to her.

"Isabel !" Both of us yelled in unison. The Titan opened his mouth ready for his fiest. That moment I knew it was too late to stop her from the Titan.


"NOOOOO!! " Farlan yelled angrily, he dashed towards the Titan so did I . We tried to kill him but he kept dodging away from us.

"Hiyaaahh! " I made my way to his face and slashed him on his forehead. But the cut wasn't deep enough. The Titan got angry, he raised his hands and punched us. I dodged quickly but Farlan... He never make it.

"Farlan! " He got punched from the Titan as he doesn't have time to dodge away the punch. He flew away from us and now I have to deal with him alone. I turned to the beast and glared at him saying,

"You beast, I'll kill you now! " the Titan looked at me grinning as I zipped to his back, aiming for his nape. He threw his kick on me and I flew away to the forest. My back hitted hard on the tree, I tried to stay awake but everything seemed blurry. I slowly fell on the ground and went unconscious.

<< Levi pov >>

I rode faster, shit we passed by each other. The mist wasn't cleared yet , it was difficult for me to see what's in front. Until my horse accidentally fell on the ground and I was landed on the ground with him. Tchh... I pushed myself up, opening my eyes from closing. I was shocked at the next moment. Isabel... Her head was layed right in front of me. Isabel... No.... Isabel!!! 

I looked to another direction to see another Titan was enjoying his dinner. Wait that body... Farlan?!! The Titan turned to me and split out Farlan's half body towards the ground. My eyes widened,no....

As the mist came in between our direction, I quickly moved away and zipped silently to him.

*slash* *slash*

The Titan screamed in pain as I slashed him. I kept on slashing every part of his body , I felt anger, tired, broken hearted. I believed my strength that I was able to kill him. So what ? They won't be back alive. I slashed him while yelling and screamed in pain, the pain inside me... I never felt this way. I killed him until he was left pieces on the ground. I zipped down and kneeled on the floor. I couldn't stand nor speak. All I could do is silently crying.

---Time skips ---

"You knew this, but you still stick on the stupid plan. Now I lost my family, this is all because of you Erwin! I fuckin kill you now!!! " I yelled in front of him. I didn't bother that he was my superior or not, I just knew I was going to kill him. But Michael stop me from approaching him. I dropped myself on the ground again. I sobbed and sobbed, I never cried in front of anyone before.. In my whole life..

"Don't, you will regret. It will be the best if you move forward before you blame yourself from your decision. I expected you to come with us Levi. " Commander Erwin turned his heels and walked away from me. Michael did as well. I was surprised from what he said to me. I looked up and stared at his back figure.. He was right. From today onwards, I will follow you now Erwin Smith.

<< Yunna pov >>

I woke up from something shaking me. I opened my eyes to see I was placed in a carriage. Urrggh...I tried to move but I felt something prevent me from moving on my hands.

"You're awake " The voice, is familiar.. Levi?! 

"Levi? You're alive ! I'm so h-" before I could even complete my sentence, he snapped in.

"I trusted you, Yunna. But you left them die over there. You shouldnt be sleeping. " my eyes widened as he mentioned the word 'sleeping'.

"No! I was.. "

He didn't even want me to explain the situation. "Enough Yunna. You were said to be executed. Talk to Mr. Z while you are send to the court. Save your breath. I don't have a family or a friend like you " He rode away from my carriage after he finished his sentence.

My eyes began to form tears , sliding down my cheeks. What happen? Why me... I lost Farlan and Isabel, now I lost my lover, Levi. Mom?.. Help me.. What should I do now... How am I going to save myself..?

---time skips---

"Miss Yunna. Is it true that you slept in the middle of the forest? " the old man asked. He must be the one who punished us as a criminer.

"No... I didn't sleep"

"But everyone in your team said they found you asleep in the forest. What is your excuse? "

"No I didn't, I really didn't have my sleep. I was kicked away from the titan and I fell unconscious! " my voice got higher as I tried defending myself.

"Silent! " The old man yelled to me. I did as he said. He didn't even listen what I told him. But even I did, none of them will believe me.

"You have no right to argue or yell in front of me. Now you have made two mistake today. Guards, send her out and tied her. Tomorrow she will be executed. "

"No please... I was innocent I swear! I was telling you the truth. Trust me! " I looked at him but he flinched. I turned my head to meet Levi's gaze but he just stared agrily at me.

"You broke the trust. " that was his last words. Everyone turned away from me and they started to leave the court. From that moment, I knew what I did wasn't helping anymore. I lose everyone, I lose trust. I lose everything. Why?! Tell me why? What I did... Why do I have to born in the cruel world?.

The guards sent me out and tied me up on a big wooden pole. The wind blowing to my direction and I was shivering from coldness. My tears still running down my cheeks. No one here with me and I was left alone outside. Tomorrow is my day to leave this place. I hate myself. I hate them. I hate everyone here. Hatred was built inside me. I was too exhausted from everything. The last thing I remembered before closing my eyes, I could see a light appeared surrounding me. I smiled and went unconscious again.

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