The Only Thing That Matters

By rachael_l_wood

362K 9.1K 947

Isbell Murphy had her whole life planned out with her college boyfriend, Blake Williamson. But when she wakes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
AMAZON IDEA (unedited)

Chapter 9

11.9K 373 7
By rachael_l_wood

 I watched as my mother rose from her seat and made her way to the phone in the kitchen. I felt the breath catch in my throat as she made her journey. I didn’t realize that I was gripping Kayden’s hand when she made a whimpering noise from beside me. I quickly glanced over and kissed Kayden’s hand apologetically. Anthony glanced over at me, eyebrows raised as I hadn’t told him the whole conversation I had earlier.

 The rest of my family, however, were preoccupied with their food to notice my hesitation. My father had asked me how the whole Blake situation was going and me, being hypnotized by the phone ringing, didn’t even reply. Anthony, nevertheless, took up my silence and answered me. I gave him a sympathetic smile. He placed his hand on my knee and gave me a reassuring squeeze, even though I could see in his eyes that he didn’t understand why he was comforting me in the first place.

 It seemed like ages before my mother retreated back to the table. No one seemed notice her entrance except me. I frantically searched my mother’s face for any answers that would lead me to understand whatever conversation my mother had with whoever was on the phone.

 “Are you okay, Isbell?” my mother asked noticing the hard stare I was giving my mother. I shook my head slightly, getting myself out of the trance I had placed myself in. She looked at me with concern and I gave her a smile back.

 “Yeah, I’m fine. Just have a lot on my mind,” I replied. I quickly picked up the fork that laid next to my plate and took my first bite of the tuna casserole. Though I was forcing myself to eat, I couldn’t help but feel anxious about the phone call. I needed to know what was said and who had said it. It could only be about the whole court scenario.

 “So, Anthony, I never got fully introduced the last time you were here. Madison never really gave him time to talk to me,” my mother exclaimed. Before I could answer, Anthony cut in.

 “I’m so sorry, Mrs. Murphy. I apologize. My name is Anthony Cox. I work at Briarcliff EMC as a surgeon,” he stated. I saw my mother’s face morph into acceptance and her face curled up into a smile.

 “A surgeon? So you must make a butt-load of money?” she asked. I glanced over at Anthony as a smile formed on his face. His brown eyes shined as she mentioned this. He had always loved talking about how much money he made a year.


 “Yes I do, Mrs. Murphy. I make enough to cover expenses and a little extra, extra on the side,” he beamed.

 “So you’re taking care of my daughter then?” my father butted in. I laughed slightly at his question. Even though I was twenty-three years old, my father still made sure the man I was with was treating me right, especially after the whole Blake incident.

 “Of course, sir,” he answered.

 “Good to hear it, lad,” he claimed before digging another bite of his tuna casserole.

 It was silent for the next few minutes, which surprised me. It was never quiet at the Murphy household. Ever.

 Kayden was preoccupied with her food. Mona and Karen had finished and were both just sitting at the table, zoned off into their own little worlds. Anthony was stuffing his face and my mother was slowly eating. As I watched her, I could tell something was up. She seemed to glance around the table nervously. I wondered if it had anything to do with the phone call.

* * * * *

 I had just settled Kayden down on the guest bed when my sister came through the door. She placed a blanket she had fetched from the hallway closet over my daughter, tucking the corners underneath her body, slowly as to make sure she didn’t wake her. I smiled at my daughter, though she couldn’t see me, and placed a kiss on her forehead. My sister did the same before we retreated from the room and into the hallway. Mona pulled the door shut and looked at me.

 I could see a glint of something in her eyes. She looked relieved and almost happy that I had come to visit. Needless to say, it was only twice in four months, but I guess it’s better than once in two years.

 “Thank you for coming, Isbell. I know that we don’t get along very well, but it means a lot to mom,” she whispered. I smiled at my sister,

 “It means a lot to Kayden,” I replied. I didn’t want to say that was the only reason I came over because Mona was actually being nice to me for a change. I decided leaving it at that would keep whatever fire that was blazing inside contained. Mona looked at me and pulled me into a hug, catching me off guard. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around her not knowing how to react.

 “I’m so sorry, Isbell,” Mona whimpered. I wouldn’t have known she was crying if I hadn’t felt a tear roll onto my neck from her cheek. I glanced down and pulled her face away, looking into her eyes. I could see apologies displayed within them. I felt my heart sink at them before I pulled her into a hug myself. Doing so lifted whatever weight I had on my shoulders off.

 “I’m sorry too,” I whispered, letting the tears roll down my cheek. In that moment, I knew we were fine.

* * * * *

 “Come on, bug. Eat your food,” I said desperately. We were sitting in the kitchen, waiting for Kayden’s bus to arrive, as I frantically tried to force food into her stomach. From past experiences, if Kayden wasn’t fed, she’d get sick and be sent home. Lord knows I didn’t need that today.

 I had a job interview that make or break me. It was the only place that would allow someone like me with the backgrounds that I had. I was due in the manager’s office in twenty minutes. The bus arrived in five and I had fifteen to get there. It takes ten minutes without the traffic, that also made me hysterical.

 “No,” she stated. I could see the stubbornness displayed on her face. I sighed, looking into the deep, blue eyes and gave her a look that I meant business.

 “Kayden, mommy doesn’t have time for this, this morning. Please, just eat your waffles,” I insisted, stabbing one of the pieces with the fork I had given her and lifting up the waffle to her mouth. She shook her head, practically getting syrup in her golden locks. I slammed the fork back on the table and looked deep into her eyes.

 “Fine. You can go hungry. Get your backpack and come with me to stand and wait for your bus,” I demanded, standing up from the table. Kayden followed close behind, slumping whenever I looked in her direction. I placed the backpack on her shoulders and made my way out the door. I waited for Kayden to pass so I could lock it behind her.

 As soon as I turned my back, the bus pulled up and Kayden made a mad dash to it, not wanting to be anywhere near me at the present time. I sighed, waving at the bus driver before piling into my vehicle. I look into the mirror of my sun visor, taking a deep breath to steady my nerves before pulling out of the driveway and to my destination.

 I arrived two minutes before I was due. I took another deep breath before retracting from my car. I slowly made my way for the door and took in my surroundings, hoping that I would be seeing them everyday.

 The building was set in the middle of town. There were trees surrounding the place and the sun shined brightly above. The sound of everyday, city life permeated the air. The building was two stories and it was built with nicely done bricks. On the door, the words “Laura’s Financing” were glued on.

  Another deep breath and I walked through the door. The sound of phones ringing and fingers typing swiftly on the keyboard were heard. I glanced around looking for someone who could tell me where I was to go. I was met by a red-haired woman, with green eyes and rosy cheeks. She smiled as she approached me, holding an armful of paperwork.

 “May I help you?” she asked cheerfully. I smiled and glanced around the room before landing back on her.

 “Yes, um, I’m looking for Laura Addison,” I answered. The red-headed woman smiled and nodded her head once. She pointed in the direction of the back of the building.

 “Back there and to the left,” she said. I thanked her and made my way to the back. I felt my heartbeat start to rise as I made my way. All the accountants in the building glanced over at me making me feel more anxious than before.

 I turned left and I could see Laura through the glass window. She looked as if she were talking to somebody but I couldn’t see who. The conversation looked intense, however, and I found myself beginning to think today was not the right day to be talking to her about the job. Yet, she was the one who set up this appointment.

 The door opened and a woman, dressed in sweats and her blonde hair tied back, came out carrying Kayden’s friend, Abbi. I smiled as they walked by, giving a sly wave to Abbi. I took a deep breath taking the initiative to walk through the door.

 Laura glanced up and smiled as she saw me. She motioned for me to sit and I did, shutting the door in the process. I steadied my breathing as Laura finished writing down whatever she was writing. When she was done, she sat up and folded her hands across her desk. She looked me in the eyes, a smile across her face.

 “Isbell, it is so good to see you again,” she said. I smiled back, feeling a little relieved that she didn’t seem so edgy like she had looked a minute ago.

“You too, Laura,” I stated. I pushed a piece of hair behind my ear as I slowly continued to take breaths.

 “So, I have to ask you a few questions before I can have you on my team, if that’s okay?” she asked, pulling out her desk drawer. She pulled out a stack of papers and flung them on her desk before pushing the drawer closed. She opened the stack of papers and sifted through, finding what I assumed to be the papers that I was to fill out.

 “Sure,” I answered, catching the high-pitched tone. I winced hoping she didn’t hear me. I didn’t want to sound nervous during my interview. It was one thing to look it, but sound it and act it were two totally different things. Laura glanced up, handing me the stack of papers that she had just sifted through and handed me a pen.

“First off, how do you plan to promote our company’s status? What are you willing to put forth?”

 I took a deep breath and thought of an answer. Truth be told, I didn’t know anything about accounting, but I needed the money. Laura had offered to give me the job, despite all that was going on in my life. I had to give her something at least.

 “Well, Laura, I have a strong hold on my future and what I plan on doing. And with that, I can take my success and plant it into your company and help promote it in a way that makes us more successful. I can use my ability to bring this company to its upmost potential,” I answered. I swallowed hard, hoping that that was good enough for her. I didn’t know anything about what I was saying. I was just saying something to make me sound good.

 “How much are you willing to put in?” she asked. I couldn’t tell from her face what she was thinking. I mean, sure, our kids played together. Sure, we had known each other from a while back. However, that didn’t mean I was dead set on getting this job. She knew I knew nothing about accounting, yet she promised she’d train me and get me on my feet. Yet, I did need to sound somewhat intelligent for her to sign the papers and say it’s done.

 “One hundred and fifty percent,” I answered truthfully. This was all for my daughter and I. If Anthony and I moved things along, that would be a bonus. Right now, nevertheless, my priority is on my daughter, to give her everything she needs. She was my world.

 “Well, Isbell, I’m glad to inform you that you’ve got the job. All we need to do is run a few tests and have you fill out this paperwork and your good to go. See you Monday,” she stated.

 I felt my heart soar. I could her church bells in my head going off, angels playing their trumpets. I got up and thanked her before grabbing the doorknob and pulling it open.

 I stepped outside and breathed a sigh of relief. I was in the game. I was able to give Kayden all she deserved with this job. I was someone she could look up to.

* * * * *

 “Isbell, you need to make sure you have everything dead set for next week,” Ryan’s voice came through the phone. I was greeted with a “hello” or “good afternoon.” No, instead I was greeted with “you better have your act together because the day is coming fast.”

 I sighed and stirred the rice I was currently cooking. I glanced at the stove and checked to see how much time I had before the chicken was going to be ready.

 I currently had the phone placed between my shoulder and my ear as I frantically stirred the rice, hoping it didn’t burn. I could hear Ryan shuffle some papers on the other end of the line before coughing and bringing the phone back close to his mouth.

 “I’ve got all the paperwork done. I making sure this case is more solid than it already is. Blake and Teresa have been going at it, finding every possible detail they possibly can to make sure you look bad. You have to be prepared, Isbell. It’s fucking serious,” he stated.

 I sighed once more, realizing how close the court date was. Next week. I would only have Kayden for one more week definitely. After that, it was up to the judge. But surely they’d see that Blake is unable to take care of a child. He was on the road all the time, for Christ’s sake. He didn’t deserve to take her. I was willing to give him visitation rights if he was willing to do so. But being the stubborn ass he is, he is more willing to spend money, that he knows I don’t have, to pay for a lawyer and see who gets Kayden full time. It pissed me off.

 “I understand, Ryan. I do,” I replied. I continued to stir the rice that was starting to soften. I switched the phone to the other ear, turning off the stove and moving the pot to a cold burner. I grabbed the phone, keeping it pressed to my ear, and leaned against the counter. I looked out the kitchen window, wondering when Blake would be back with Kayden. I had allowed him visitation today, hoping it would ease things up a bit. Maybe if he saw how willing I was, then he’d be more lenient in court.

 “Isbell, you must truly understand the magnitude of this situation. Teresa and Blake, they have a strong case. A case that could blow me and two towns over out of the water. We have to make sure that we have everything, and I mean everything in order. Do you understand?” his stern voice came through the line. I nodded, though he couldn’t see me, pressing my hand against my forehead, hoping to calm the headache that was starting to appear.

 “Yes,” I answered, the stress apparent in my voice.

 “Good. I’ll see you tomorrow, then,” he stated.

 “Goodbye,” I said before ending the call. I placed the phone on the counter and sighed. I shook all the thoughts out of my head before grabbing the spoon and stirring the rice once more. The timer went off and I grabbed a pot holder. I pulled out the chicken and placed it on the stove, ready for my daughter to arrive.

 As soon as I sat down at the table, I heard a car pull up. I jumped up from the seat and walked over to the window. Kayden poured out of Blake’s car and jumped up and down. She looked extremely happy. Blake followed in suit, appearing around the corner, a smile placed across his face. I felt anger well up inside of me. I knew that I had given him this day with her, but he looked smitten. Too smitten if you asked me.

 Kayden grabbed his hand and pulled him to the door. I felt my heart sink at how close my daughter was growing to this monster. It sickened me. I loved my daughter and I didn’t want to see her get hurt. I knew that that was what Blake was capable of.

 Pretty soon, there was a knock on the door. I walked from the window and to the door, opening it and being greeted by a five year old’s hug. I laughed as I picked her up and she gave me the strongest squeeze she could. She looked at me, her blue eyes shining like never before. She wore a green popsicle stained mouth and her hair was knotted in places I wondered how she even knotted it.

 “Mommy, daddy said that we could go to the zoo tomorrow,” she said excitedly. I took a sharp breath in and gave her a stiff smile. She looked at me with anticipation, waiting for me to add on to it.

 “Did he, bug?” I asked not too happy that he promised my daughter something that we hadn’t discussed. I set my daughter down and told her to go inside. She walked inside, hesitantly, sensing the tension in the air. It was almost so thick, you could cut it with a pair of scissors.

 I glared at Blake as Kayden skipped inside. He looked at me with a “confused” face and a smug smile. I wanted to rip him one right then and there. However, the maturity in me kept me standing there, holding back everything I wanted to do to him.

 “Isbell, why do you seem so angry? I just promised your daughter a day to the zoo,” he smirked. I felt the anger boiling inside of me. Any minute, I would overflow and the outcome would not be pretty. Blake noticed the build up and he chuckled.

 “That’s not a problem, is it?” he asked. He was so calm I could puke.

 “Yes, it is a problem. You cannot just go and promise my daughter something we haven’t even talked about. We agreed to comply and deliver. Not decide and demand. You, Blake Willaimson, have gone behind my back and promised my daughter a day that’s not even yours,” I screamed. Still that smirk was planted on his face. I wanted to go over there and rip it off of him. However, that would give him the reaction he wanted, although me screaming at him wasn’t much better.

 “I promised my daughter a day. I am allowed rights,” he argued. His blonde hair flew in the wind and it almost made me miss the old days. College, parties, baseball games. Almost.

 “Dammit, I know you are allowed rights. But she is my daughter. My control. My rights as her mother. You, however, are only allowed the rights that I give you,” I stated. I was so close to boiling over, I almost wanted him to be around to get burned.

 “For now,” he laughed.

 I couldn’t help it. I screamed.

 I screamed so loud I’m surprised the neighbors didn’t come out or call the police. I screamed so loud, Blake had to cover his ears. It took all I had in me not to pounce up to him and beat the shit out of him. He had pushed my buttons too far.

 “You say that. Ryan has a pretty damn good case built up and we are going to rip you to shreds,” I spat, making my way to the door. I was about to open it, when Blake’s voice, low and aggressive made chills go up and down my spine.

 “Yes, but I also know your deepest, darkest secret Isbell. And you ever so decide to bring any of this up in court, I’ll use it against you.”

 With that, I stormed into the house, slamming the door in his face. I ran into the kitchen to find Kayden, sitting patiently at the table. I swiftly made my way to the table and grabbed Kayden in my arms. I hugged her as tightly as I could, not letting her go.

 “Mommy, I can’t breathe,” she gasped. I felt myself lightened up at her innocent, little voice and let go slightly. I pulled her around to face me. Her blue eyes searching mine curiously. I ran my hand through her blonde ringlets. I felt tears well up in my eyes and Kayden leaned into me. I felt her lips press against my cheek before she leaned her head into my shoulder. I almost cried on the spot.

 “I love you, mommy,” she whispered.

 That did it.

 I cried. I held my daughter and I cried. She didn’t know why. She thought she had done something to make her cry and that made me cry even harder. It’s one thing to cry alone, but to show your weakness in front of your daughter? That was something totally different.

 I pulled her into a hug once more and she accepted. She always knew what to do when I was in pain. She just sat there quietly and held me. I kissed her cheek and pulled her away to look her in the eyes. She looked a little concerned before I kissed her forehead.

 “Kayden, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I love you more than the world, more than anyone could ever say,” I whispered, wiping the tears from my cheek. She helped, running her thumb over a tear that escaped. She smiled at me.

 “I love you too, mommy. More than the moon from the sky,”

Hello lovelies. Just a reminder, in order to get an early update, you must keep the votes coming in. 30 votes for an early update and your going to want it. The next chapter involves (dun-dun-dun) court! You are going to want what happens next.

 If I can get 30 votes, the update will be next Monday. If not, it will be sometime late next week. Keep the votes coming in and I'd love to hear from you guys. Comment and vote!

 However, because you have been so gracious to read the book, I'm throwing in a teaser for the next chapter.


TEASER: Court day has arrived. The judge rules in someone's favor. Things don't go the way they are planned. Your favorite character might be leaving...

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